90 Day Fiance Season 8 Episode 19 Tell All Part 2 (April 18, 2021) Full Episode HD

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Eustina Mandigo: Hezel you did wrong to allow another woman in your life How can u live both man and woman🤪🤪🤪🤪

Mike G: Hazel looks like a STRAIT FREAK!!!

Sarina Henley: Andrew was disgusting the entire time. He got upset when she got detained and had hesitations on traveling to another country alone. The fact no one is defending amira and immediately taking his side when his and his family’s attitudes towards the situation was disgusting

guccilady1017: Tarik is my least favorite ugh. He lives in a cheap ass va beach townhome with a whole daughter to raise and he thinks he needs two women. He needs to shave what’s left of his hair. Stop the trash rap sessions and grow up. Ew

Christina Beck: Hazel is a lesbian. Tarik is her meal ticket and intro to her new lifestyle. Many just say they’re bi as a first step. Tarik not only got her to the US where it’s more acceptable, he was also acceptable to her parents.

Nompumelelo Ndawonde: I don’t understand why they brought Sarah on to “clear the air”, there is no married woman who would admit to sleeping with another man the night before her wedding. Even if it was true, she would not admit it, obviously this would ruin her own marriage. Ridiculous 🙄

jodia Johanna s: "youre not friends" - Natalie. Natalie has 0 friends and is abusive to Mike. Literally nothing Natalie could say will be vaid.

ISA: See how the producers ALWAYS try to make the foreigners be the villains? Y’all ain’t seen the texts ? Shawn too is an awful host, why didn’t she get in the amira situation deeper

Madame Defarge: Mexico be like: ✋🏼🛑 Mexicans at the US border be like: 🤲🏼💃🏼🚣🏼‍♂️🚸

Sincerity: Tariq seems to act like the Host , asking questions, till it’s his turn, he looks like a narcissist, manipulating a younger woman, hazel wants a girlfriend for next 3years she needs to get thru this marriage

Zanina Cebuana: Im from the philippines in having a guy friends even if we are in a relationship or married we dont took that in wrong way,maybe because we feel secured and theres no insecurities at all,each individual have different point of views, personality, and character.

Zanina Cebuana: Hazel still want a gf even shes married already, shes still want someone to add in there married but she cant handle inseciurity and jealousy wow!!! And tarik want someone else also in there married life another wow!!! Hazel said i dont trust them but they married,i dont judge but this people are sick and confused what they really want and what really makes them happy they are not contented at all and it will getting worse at they end.

Maha mohsen: I don't think Hazel wants a relationship with women and Tariq pressured her to do that and she accepted that at the beginning so she won't go back to Philippine, but then she figured out that Tariq being more into the other woman which might led to the fact her going back to Philippine.

K. K.: Amira's detention story makes zero sense. The only explanation could be that she has an Egyptian passport and not a French one and that Egypt was on some kind of Covid travel ban list in Mexico. Something must have been wrong with her passport/paperwork.

Mabel Fuentes: I’ve been in a very toxic relationship, and let me tell you... sometimes just by talking to that person and they way they flip the guilt is so scary and crazy. The words they can use to make you feel like crap.

Q Maree: Tarik, Hazel, Minty..GET OUT OF THE ENTANGLEMETN

Nang Nuon: I don't believe Natalie. She lives for drama.

Q Maree: I've read so many comments from women on facebook about Amira....they really don;t believe her at all. That's crazy. I dont understand those facebook KAREN lol

Q Maree: Yall have to remember it's MEXICO. Now I love mexico, but It's not like what these USA and Europe people are thinking. And she's half Egyptian, not very eurocentric looking, they could assume many things about her. I'm so sorry she had to go through that.

Christian R: Amira only wants to go to the USA. She didn’t make it with Andrew and now she got another us guy

Q Maree: I was not interested into any of these couples this season...boring and staged

aa: Rebecca is talking way too much, like she wants attention on herself seems like.

Joy Duggar: I guess my guy friends are in love with me and am in love with them lol 😂 Not true a man and a woman can be really close friends but both people need boundaries jus like in all relationships.

I.M Melody: AMIRA is a mess.

Ruby Rae: Anita so fake

Zoey Martinez: Thanks but no thanks. My ears are bleeding 😭😭

Cathy Gibson: Mike big clown andrew big clown tarik clown its clown town

Savage Queen: I don't like Andrew at all but i have some questions abou Amira...who called Amira's parents then if she didn't had her phone? there is no way that nobody gave her any kind of paperwork after she was released from the jail. and she is talking about Andrew manipulating her but not letting him to tell his side of a story was kinda manipulating too. also,it took her long time to start dating? how long? few months? she is shady AF,imo

Joy Duggar: It’s always the “nice guys” that you have to be careful with because they all start out that way, but that’s never the ending. That’s why am almost 31 and single because dated guys like Andrew in my late teens and my twenties.

TK Koslowski: Minty is soooooooo much prettier then Hazel half eyebrows.

TK Koslowski: Damn Amira missed having a wonderful life with Andrew! Just think she could work at the daycare with screaming kids, vomiting, poopy diapers, snotty noses, then go home to Andrew screaming at her for being so ungrateful! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Lulu Interrupted: Noone gives a flying fuck how Jovi feels

Maria Garcia-Barth: Andrew doesn’t deserve a chance he just wants camera time. Amira dumped Andrew he needs to move on doesn’t he remember his vacation in Mexico while she was detained GTFOH with I need closure

A Z: Omg why people can't understand that she's traumatised, and terrified of him stop. He might seem like a "nice good" but that doesn't mean anything. Abuse relationships aren't always involved physical violence. If someone is not comfortable of the presence of somebody stop forcing them, u wouldn't know their whole history.

Char Blinn: If she is so uncomfortable then she should sign off until he is done his side and she can have hers! He should not have to leave. And....! Ms. Rebecca has NO place telling anyone anything from her opinion! Catfish! Liar! Bossy! STFU!

Anna Rosanelli: Amira was caught in a lie...all Andrew did was call people to see where she's was what he could do we saw that on camera he called to try and get her out and again she was caught in a lie by saying Andrew didn't message her while she was in detention then said a little messages...I straight up believe the show hired her scammed Andrew I'm sure others got the vibes she was never going to show ...it's like they hired her and the whole detention was an act or a political agenda .......plus she has not shown any texts by Andrew I see right through her Andrew should sue for defamation of character.....go watch his story on his social media and go watch Stefani's side cause she was not on the tell all see what she had to say .....they paid her to act .....Andrew has to live with people bashing him and labeling him abusive to women and that's not ok these TV shows go to far .....what about Andrew's mental health....they can't do that to people and expect them to live with a terrible false label and the abuse on social media one of these days someone is going to be suicidal then the show will be cancel if I was Andrew I would recommend getting an lie detector test to clear ur name ......Amira is toxic and will throw anyone under the bus for success....oh she found a new true love ....shocker he's from the US more TV time she wants.....watch she will be back on 90 days spoiler alert

Anna Rosanelli: I don't trust or believe Mike poor Natalie I feel really bad for her Mike's face tho the whole time... He keeps her in the toxic relationship by repeating the they are going to work on things....and poor Andrew I don't believe Amira at all period she's playing the victim card but she's bad at it for sure....poor Andrew he's laid back and nice no one was screaming at her

melissa maloney: Andrew trying to control the tell all...his way or the Highway, buh-byeee...don't let the door hit ya!

Alice Lio: Something wrong with her if Tariq not enough for her. They shouldn't got married

Alice Lio: Hazel confused.. she likes female but she don't like who Tariq like

Alice Lio: Hazel jealous of the Thai girl.. she's beautiful.. and she knew Tariq like Thai woman

Aliza Epstein: Amira is a liar. She didn't want Andrew there so she could spin her own narrative as a victim. She didnt get on plane and obv told immigration what her plans were

Lalala123: Wtf Jovi. Him not “believing” her being detained because he’s never been detained before. DUDE YOU’RE A WHITE AMERICAN.

Torte Casa: Oh gosh... what’s a mess

Erika First: A abuser wants to still abuse. When he didn't get his way he left

Dodo Cando: Terrible editing

E M: watching this is like tripping on acid, the scenes are off, the audio is off...its all really terrible

A P: I don’t understand why it is so hard for Andrew to respect Amira’s boundaries. She does not want to see his face. Just have him watch behind the scenes, and make counterpoints afterwards if she is really lying.

Robinson Dixon: Amira looked better before the lips

ida maya: He doesn't even have to be dramaticly leave the studio.. I have zero interest to know about his love story

E M: why does the audio suck so damn bad...Its like listening through a tin can.

Aleena Wright: Why send gifts to a whole family of the guy you broke up with.?. I wouldn't know what to say either..

fabrication: Jovi can fuck off saying he’s upset cos he can’t hear Andrews side of the story. It’s literally none of your business why do you care? Trying to guilt trip her into doing something she doesn’t want to do when she’s clearly scared and shaken.

zaibasmakvynasismylife: Tarik low key wants minty in his life forever and he will not ever cut her off

Pamela evm: I think there's more to the story with a mirror they really didn't tell us much of their story. TLC has to know what really went on with them they have a ton of footage.

Yoko Jos: Loooooo Natalie 😭

Michelle Kahn: Tarik. And minty are going to end up together .

Michelle Kahn: I agree with zied not normal hahah ! Hazel and Tarik won’t last I’m calling it

Christina C.: I am so glad my boyfriend is friends with my guy best friend because that drama with Mike and Natalie is STUPID. Then Julia and Yara saying they don't want their men having female friends solidified it. I hate people thinking that opposite genitals just automatically come in contact because that is NOT the case. My best friend and I have been friends for 7 years. We have gotten drunk and high together, cried together, travelled together, and have NEVER kissed or had sex. He is like my brother; I would kill and die for him. I am eternally grateful for the trust between my bf, best friend and me. We all love and trust each other and I couldn't be luckier.

Marilyn Young: amira have a notification bc she was on the site too 😂 , she’s just a gold digger and user.

Raven Sánchez: Since Natalie called Mike "Low class" I believe Sara 😂 and also, why is everyone pressuring Amira to see Andrew?? Did they all watch the season? And see how Andrew exited the stage feeling he was intitled to see Amira? Respect Amira for once 😂

Michelle Kahn: Tarik sounds dumb educate us . You have two girlfriends he gets the best of both worlds . Hazel can’t handle open relationship so I don’t see this going week for them . Andrew and Abira should talk he doesn’t have to be on screen but you can’t have a conversation but you moved on real quick . It’s not ok she can talk about him but the guy can’t respond stupid it’s a tell all she’s in a another county like the hell . I like Brandon and his wife and jovi and his wife . Everyone else trash

Sunnie Tharp: I really wish Shaun had followed up with Mike after Natalie cut him off & answered for him

oliviamarrion32: it pisses me off how they're standing up for andrew, if he cared about getting his side of the story in he wouldn't have left! That is his fault completely!

Angel Face: Natalie is smiling as she says she didn't say it...God she is such a crazy mean loose cannon. She's be a crazy mother

C Z: Why on EARTH is Minty still in Tarik/Hazel's life? She needs to GTFO!!!! Tarik, STOP!

Carolyn Modica Torres: We sqw the texts he sent her- they are emotionally manipulative. We saw the aay he acted in Mexico. We saw the way hevtried to butter her dad up, " good morning sir, that's a great shirt", or something like that so phoney. And the rest of this cast had the nerve to question if she just wanted a k-1 visa. They didn't like it when THER motives were questioned. I believe Amira and I feel she was grilled.

Angel Face: Hazel is like 12....so immature and acts so conservative. Yet she's married with a kid and only wants a gf....they are both crazy.

Sara Maroufian: Amira is not a good actress

female hobbit with hairy feet: Since when is it okay to FORCE your ex to speak to you? And this cast... Just being little therapists over here as if their relationships or their behaviour is perfect. Amira made her choice not to see Andrew and her decision should be respected. Andrew made his choice to leave in a huff and his decision should be respected too. But in no way should anyone be forced to speak to a man or woman they don't want to speak to.

Tyrone Simon: Nutty ass Natalie...😂

sabisabs: I believe Natalie. Mike's friend is lying, I do read ppl body language , I analyse it for work purposes and I can say she is full of bs

jermi Peoples: Every Foreigner in that room is here for a Visa😅 It's no coincidence that they choose Americans ✌️ Tariq is trying to justify why him and his Hazel are freaks😅😅😅 Boy Bye👎

F33ZA O: Ziyed perked up and stayed perked up when Amira came on with that corset 😆 Julia is so annoying with her immature ignorant comments. Shes married to a 5yr old mama's boy for fks sake

Amanda Rinaldi: Its entertaining watching this pack of dopey wackos assess and declare their thoughts on other peoples relationships

Tejon 1: Amira straight bull- she didn't want to bang andrew and she knew that was inevitable

Tyrone Simon: Andrew didn't get Amira locked up, but he's gotta take the blame. She gets to sit there like an innocent victim. I'm not buying it, especially since she's afraid to face him. How are you this afraid of someone you never met in person?

Janelle 09: Natalie shouldn't have said that BUT that Sarah chick is out of line and knew damn well it would most likely be a problem. She clearly enjoys making another jealous. Gross 😝 All of these couples are a lost cause in their own ways but its so addicting to watch lol

Simona Muslioska: omg julia just shut up

Traci Foster: Thank you so much. I wanted to see

Janelle 09: Sooo Andrew is trash for being back on a dating site yet she gets laughs and claps for already being in love with another American 🙈🤣

Janelle 09: Amira is ridiculous. Their narrative is upsetting. We SAW Andrew calling daily trying to figure out where she was and what was going on.. yet only her side is told. Not surprised she's securing a new partner in America 🤪

kim Mc Padden: The friend to Mike said " Bye babe, and he answers nite babe, she did that to annoy Natalie and him saying nite babe to friend, no wonder Natalie jumping ha

Angel Heart: Rebecca is making me cringe on this one and why is zied laughing about Amira having a bf from the states your there yourself dude, so was her ex from Morocco France is beautiful,

Cash Notax: Natalie is so annoying and childish. How embarrassing 🙈

kim Mc Padden: All amira said was true, we saw all, the cast have not cause their under contract not to view the season till it's over

N S: Wtf is Andrews problem wanting to force Amira into talking, and Natalie lost all my respect by pushing Amira to try to talk to the abuser. He is an ahole

Typhany Pearce: I believe Sarah 100%

kary Karina: You did it fucking liar Natalie

Kimora Oeung: Do you guys not see that Andrew has emotionally abuse Amira?!

Robyn Marie: Out of all the tell all’s this one sucked

Lindsey McDaniel: Andrew seems like a piece of work ... but I feel like Amira is full of shit. Some things she said do not add up at all with the “he sent no texts or messages” when she was detained and then backtracked and said “well he sent some” and she knew his ass was on that dating site cause she was back on that dating site. Also, already in love again with another American? Mmm hmmm ... Jovi saw it too. She didn’t want Andrew there, not cause she was scared he might yell at here (gtfo), she wanted people to hear only her side.

option hotdog & meowkshake: Jovi sat there low key jealous of tarik

Tia-Kay Commay: Hazel and her husband should go on seeking sister wife.....they boring 😴

kathrine knight: That was weird when zied said "America" then laughed

RCA Scott: She doesn’t want to talk to u why can’t u accept how she feels for once instead of yourself

IsReal Broome: Natile and Mike yes Natalie is wired but at the same time Mike was wrong for stopping the ceremony on the same day not cool

Miriam Rasho: Wow.. I cant belive that they are sitting there and critizing Amira. She is a victim of psychological abuse. If they watch the episodes that will se how badly treated she was. And everyone deserves to find a new love!

IsReal Broome: I think that tarij is like any other man who would be happy with two women but for real I believe that terik is just trying to save face because his girl is to worried about finding a woman not cool don't believe the hype

IsReal Broome: Hazel is weid terk need a woman that wants just him

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