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Ryan Campbell: Nah Nep, this wasn't just typical "Nep being a downer." 15 players per league sucks for all the reasons you mentioned

J Cardenas: Nepenthez.... think a bit before speaking. I think there is little content in your words. If less items are in packs, that doesnt change the chances in red picks because i am assuming it is all linked to probability. Hence if you had in FIFA 20 a 90% chance of low tier reds and that meant 20 items (out of 23) then you have a higher variety of low tier red picks last year that you will do this year keeping the same 90% for the 15 items in packs. That's it. No need to "PACO" anyone...

Reece Car tunes: And there also could be tones of SBC’S

Scott: "15 items in packs" what if the other 4 are SBCs ahhh yes

Anne Kamminga: You need to learn to count Neppo😂 There where 20 players per league in fifa 20

Jack Ellis: I would be absolutely mind blown if they only release 15 for major leagues, part of me is hoping that they’re only releasing 15 for minor leagues and since community/most consistent isn’t restricted to the brackets of major league they haven’t done it in that way

Christopher Awad: Nep is a melon it says in packs excluding sbcs and objectives

m0nte1ro: I'm so tired of watching Nep's videos, it's always complaining, complaining, complaining... It's like a man in who's been doing the same job for 20 years and is tired asf.

Caleb You: do you think pukki will get one (norwich fan haha)

Reiss HD: tbf fifa just shit rigged anyways all im doing saving up luis figo nd stop playing

Dale O: Slap a dead eye on him and you have a very serviceable CAM

Haroyme Kikeh: 15 in packs. The rest are objectives and SBCs............................

TheNoobFarm: FAX

Taylor W1: .. or will be two teams , eventually ?!! .. like is used to be lately in fifa

Daniel Perry: Not quite sure how you come to the conclusion that red picks won't be better. If they select the top 15 players, as opposed to the top 20-23. You are getting a better chance of getting a better player. You will have the best 15, so your chances increase of getting one of those cards. As there are 5-8 less cards. Cant really knock it until we see the promo itself. They could be super juiced cards. I'd rather have 15 really good cards, than 20-23 okay ones.

Will Tennant: Vote Mclaren

Bibek Karki: Too much ad

Cloudy with a chance of UFO's: EA are the Super league of the gaming community 👎🏻 poor from electronic arts 😔

Billy Mcneilly: Nep meet me in boscombe for fistycuffs at dawn 😂😜

Jasper Rowell: It just eliminates some of the lower rates and cheaper ones that are still actually good cards. This will make it harder for people on a limited budget

Lee Batchelor: What’s really bad is the EFL is 3 leagues, so splitting 15 players between 3 leagues.

Randolph Morgan: Isn’t it better to have a reduced team of 15? I get that the overall chance of hitting the special card may be reduced but wouldn’t the chance of it being a higher rated card once you actually hit one be increased since there are less lower rated special cards available? Or am I being an idiot? Genuine question lol Edit: I get his point that it limits the chance to create unique teams and agree with that!

Zack D: Surely more players in packs is only good news for EA? More cards means there's more reason to open packs. Only thing I can think is that there are so many ways of stacking packs that can be obtained without spending money that EA want to reduce the chance of getting good stuff from free packs and force people to try their luck with Fifa points???

Preston Genet: I’m fine with 15 in packs. That means more sbcs and objectives

E. Reys: Who cares how Many playes it'll be its team of the season

MatthewGaskell9: For me as a Carlisle fan In league two having only 15 is very annoying because because we will now probably miss out on one of our players who should have been in. Hopefully there’s 1 objective and an sbc everyday to make its 23 but again ea change something that is completely fine to benefit them

EZAblinG: They haven't been doing gk specials cards this year so there's 4 players down from last year's squads, it says 15 players in packs, so that + SBC and objectives will to make it to a starting 11 & a bench

The WJH: 23 man squad: one sbc per day + one objective player for the week would equal 23 players

The WJH: It says 15 in packs, hopefully referring to the fact that the rest will be in sbcs or objectives

Long Live Fidel: Pointless video, why bother uploading this nonsense?

ItsSwifty: 300th comment

OhStan: Nep to 2 Mil

Hidden J: Wat if it’s 15 for efl & 15 CTOTS

Yordan Pivkov: This company man always finds a way to fuck it up. From 23 to 15, idk if that comes to laziness or just pure hate towards the people who play their game. Really disappointing once again from this company 🤦‍♂️

Stay Calm: They’ll have the 23 man squad for the main leagues

John Da Silva-Soares: As football fans let's take a stand against EA as well during this Team of the Year. If you buy packs or FIFA points you're only compounding their monopoly, we need to force them to make the game better by hitting them where it hurts- football doesn't need to be about money. Football should be for the fans and this includes gaming too 🙂

Alex Nichols: They've sure made some weird desicions this winter refresh, no this. I don't get it

Mike Fingers: Fewer means “not as many.” We use fewer with countable nouns like cookies. Cookie Monster was told to eat fewer cookies. Less means “not as much.” We use less with uncountable nouns like milk.

Matthew Burridge: 3:15, 21 and not 23 man squad as u said

Dane: The problem with only 15 players is that player picks, upgrade packs, and league packs aren’t as effective

Mo Al-Tamimi: Nep, that's 15 in packs and the remaining would be via SBC's / objectives.... logically

matty ingham: My prediction is 15 in packs, one objective player and a daily sbc for a week to make up 23 players.

BATMAN: 15 kits no players cause ea..

Mark Wilson: With all this super league bs we’ve had to deal with and club owners getting ridiculed for the sheer greed of it. Look at these rats. All we ever get off them is less and less and they do nothing for the community, ever. Vile company ran by vile people

Dxj19: 15 in packs and 1 sbc every day like fur birthday would make it 22 players that’s not so bad

Rafael Ramirez: Saka

Leon: It says in packs. There will most likely be more SBCs and objectives. I don't think theres any need for overreacting. See how it mentions "In packs" it doesn't say "15 players per league".

Jason Gervacio: They did this cause of the icon sbcs lol they don’t want us craft them so easily. Smh

Stewart Gofford: EA just give nothing back and even less than that this year...!

zblogger9: Simply EA reducing the chance of packing players. Less players less chance of packing. Like when they split promos over two weeks in smaller batches. Harder to pack so enticing players to open packs. EA psychology. This company is run as badly as the ESL consortium.

Noel Poole: 1 sbc per day maybe

MrElite _003: With 15 though it leaves less room for the bad cards

Jack Smith: I think 15 would be better tbf for player picks and guaranteed packs cause I think they’d just cut out the stinkers which would be a big W

Momen Ahmed: I would rather less players as the pack weight would make it easier to get better olayet in player picke

Chuck Norris SoS: NEP; why complain about only 15 items, the other 8 your not getting would be terrible cards that are not getting in your main squad anyway. SO by reducing the number means you actually have more chance of getting a useable player . you are not understanding the FACT you ARE more likely to get a useable one as 16 of the worst ones are not there

-Luko: I genuinely think they try to make the game terrible

John O'Sullivan: Maybe there will be 15 players for the lower leagues and still 23 for the main leagues

Michael Kebede: Ok

Johnny Sins: D d d d d s d d digneeeeeeee

James: EA will ruin the only good promo left, why do they always ruin promos now


Ricky Oconnor: Dye your beard too.

Morgan Ambrose: i don’t understand the thought process behind having 15 players was

Lamien Visser: Nep? You’re 100% right on this one

Koolkidzownly *ronsfeld*: BYE BYE ESL!! LETS GO BOYS!

Harkzz 0: They killing fifa

Leonard Wrzesinski: I haven’t been playing FIFA for the last year and since then I haven’t been let down everyday at 6pm 😂

Double Standards: 15 items doesn't mean 15 players

Karim Shehadeh: Bro doesn’t the less the players mean the better the red picks in WL

bahaa al-din hussam: it is better like that

futfades: only 15 🥲 no mount??

Joe Silveira: Well if you get a sbc every day and 1 objective that would be 23 players

JDR MTB: Legend 👍👌💪

Luca The king: Boys i have no ammo, the more likes the more ammo ( -_・)᠊ᡃ່࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ╦╤── (SUPER LEAGUE )

George Sampson: Hopefully we get an SBC each day, that's the only way this makes sense

Lukas Van de Cauter: NDL is over!!!!

Diego Redondo: “For me personally”

Taylor Easley: “In packs”

Theo VIP: Why does this company not care about their customers? Its like the super league clubs' owners.

Tyler: the loading screen says 15 items "IN PACKS" - there's still going to be the same number as normal but I think the rest will be SBCs and objective players!


Liamd474: Harvey Elliot better get one

Maxyrondo: Maybe this is because they're releasing both the EFL and community at the same time? Even still 15 players for the whole of the EFL leagues is so disrespectful

JJCactus0602: Me just seeing the image of the video Brain: Voicebox, you may die Voicebox: well f#ck Me: YEEESSSSSSS!!! Voicebox: 😔😖😵💀

Jonathan Pinnock: So if I point out that this man literally opened the teams and still says there were 23 players when it wasnt 23, does that make me negative?? Then he proceeds to EMPHASIZE 8 LESS PLAYERS when it wasnt even 23 in packs, am I now negative? Or is it when I say someone cant be this stupid that makes me negative? 🤣🤣🤣 oh my days get it together

Martin The singer: 15 players in packs... One SBC each day for a week and one objective player =23players 🤷‍♂️

Dimitar Hristov: They do this only for one reason! To control more market!

William Pretell: That sucks

GFEAST: Neps a gingy now

Jojo Kersie: ❤️Chelsea❤️manchester city❤️ Fans are football

sultan ahmed: 72 clubs 15 players that is a player for just shy of 4 clubs that is ridiculous especially when teams like norwich and watford could get 2 to 3 each

Aadil Mohmed: Nep moving like 2014 sheamus

Samuel Aguiar: Nenphetez, they will not put the 6 teams that will go to Superliga. So, the content will be short, but will have only "fresh" and new players.

GFEAST: It’s as if ea is purposefully being complete idiots and pushing us away

Cathal71: this FIFA is unquestionably the worst one to date

BlizzZD: The thing is if they cut out 8 completely unusable cards then I’ve got no problem with only 15 cards in packs, especially if the pack weight is the same (which it unfortunately just won’t be)

Vicente Carvalho: Bruno was World class last season but because he played in Liga Nos half a season he didn’t get one

Praveen Nair: Why cant EA legally call them items and not players or cards?

Stuart Hendry: Hopefully it's 15 players,couple of objectives and and 5days of sbc players similar to fut bday

Renaat Corthouts: This just sucks, even if it are a lot of sbc's, this is litterally stupid

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