Elisabeth Moss Teases Season 4 of The Handmaid's Tale | The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

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Helix Moore: Shes so pretty.

Albert Mars: Fuck this cultist

T R: Scientology check 💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼

James Longstaff: This scene is so great on a lot of levels because of the complicated relationship between Aunt Lydia and the handmaids and their character development.

Serene Queen: Oh my god I cannot wait another second - I have MISSED THIS SHOW SO MUCH!!! ❤️

AmaruDuarteOfficial: She is so talented... jesus

Hannah Welch: Does anybody know how many episodes come out on the 28th? Or is it the whole season?

Glenn Davey: Scientologists are like lizard people living among us wearing people skins...

Shanta Akins: I’m ready 😩

Katie & Jonas Moe: Can you please help me out with me on zoom because you have BTS and everything

Imperfectly Perkins: May the Lord Open.

Darth Shuaidar: Wait she’s a Scientologist?

Maddy Z: 3:09 you’re welcome

Alan Andrade: I'm very excited

Sudarrat Brooke: 1:15 💋Best adult contact site💘👇 Click Here 》》 hotgirls.to 《《 Leurs états de santé respectifs les empêchent de s'approcher trop près l'un de l'autre. 在整個人類歷史上,強者, 富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市~sae和鄉村中的弱者,無力防守和貧窮成員。 然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其𝔻𝕅𝔸融入不斷發展的人類社會。 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。 他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木)來調味食物煮的時候 1619198318

Marnie Holdsworth Green: 6:35 me too, Jimmy, me too 😂😂

Jazzie Denise: I’ve been waiting for this season for TWO YEARS

Rita Atakishiyev: Amazing acting! One of my favorite show. Love Elisabeth Moss💕

Aiman Gul: This show is a masterpiece! Can't wait 🥺💕 Elizabeth Moss is a treasure. :")

Connie Custer: Blessed be the 🍓

bemygetaway: I’m barely holding it together

Samantha Louise: Omg i got chills when she did that I don't think I have ever been this excited for a show in my whole life

Jack Moore: Can't believe she continues to be platformed on these talkshows whilst upholding an abusive cult without being questioned at all

semimalovatic: When you already know its going to be good 🙂🙂

semimalovatic: I want season 5 already 😂😂

Navyl Fyrmnsyh: 0:31

AlexanderMccarthey87: A lot of directors won't use the techniques Handmaid's Tale uses, because they're too difficult. She mastered them. That face expression thing was all her.

Melli B: Blessed be the fruit loops

Geoffrey Feinberg: Good actress.

Gui Porto: Radiohead in the new season! Wow!

Ryan McMullen: Blessed be the fruit loops.

Gabriela Card: What ? Omfg I can’t wait till next week .


Justine Ingersoll: I can’t wait!

Yhenifer G. Diaz: they DID NOT have to tease us like that, OH MY GOD....Aunt Lydia ain't ready for the smoke!

Melanie: Let’s burn it all gilead 🔥🔥🔥🔥👊👊

Irlanda Reynosa: Mi serie favorita

J Tooley: The show scares me a bit

Titus McCarthy: STFU JIMMY

Misty Plum: I've never watched this show and don't plan to. It just seems creepy. The movie sure was.

B Rod76: When Jimmy broke character in SNL you could tell he found true humor in what he was doing. He made me want to pursue a career in comedy and I owe a lot to him. Nowadays it just feels like he is forced to laugh.

Randy Angel: Woah nice twins 😅

Justin Danko: Ask her about Xenu. Bleh.

Amber LaMascus: Can’t wait! Great show! I feel the political agenda already 😂

agøstina cueva: Props to hulu for coming out with a new season in the middle of the apocalypse

Ivan Rodriguez: Love Elisabeth but this guy is so annoying.

Rebecca Whiting: The Radiohead song! Can't wait for this season.

Harry Clarke: Blessed day everyone

missychelle33: I cannot wait for her to take out auntie

Mary Willson: That clip was why I watch Handmaid’s Tale. No dialogue, but what a conversation!

Mary Willson: Next week I get my second vaccine shot and Handmaid’s S4 starts. Life is definitely looking up.

Sanskar Wagley: She’s a Scientologist though

Alyssa Inose: the clip shown here is beyond exhilarating I’m so excited for the new season!!

Haley Lloyd: How many times have the tried to kill that aunt lol

Haley Lloyd: I’m so excited for handmaids season four!

Vishita: The number of times June gets away with what she does is astounding

m t: I want to love Elisabeth but then i remember scientology... 🥴

JeRon Washington: Elisabeth, I just started watching Season 2, when I catch up, I'll be watching

Mariana: I LOVE her

03 AI: Her acting is always great in all movies and shows.

theBellIsTolling: scientology. same as kirstie ally and tom cruise and laura prepon...blech

meme GOD: gotta love that 480p camera 😂😂😂

the bent-neck lady: I feel like I’ve been waiting for this season like 100 years and now when It’s coming out in 1 week I think I’m not ready for that yet, mentally

sms84: Waiting for the day a reporter or host has the actual courage to confront her about the evils of Scientology.

Amy Moquin: OMG!!! I'm so excited I'm practically in tears. June goes for Aunt Lydia, I actually screamed. 😲😍🤗🥳👍BLESSED BE THE BADASS,!!!!

Sarah Pelletier: The Video is really good and great

Maddie Jung: Fuck this scientologist :)

Leneta Faccinelli: Elizabeth Moss is just great in this show. She is such a wonderful actress. So believable as June. You can feel the pain and anguish the same way her character does. Her and Claire Danes are two of my favorite actresses in a drama series. I really hated it when Homeland came to an end😢

Vitória Carvalho: thats my baby

S: The book sequel is amaaazing, for anyone who is a fan of the series, listen to the sequel audiobook, they have the actress who plays Aunt Lydia as the narrator. 👌

Subarna Mohanty: Peggy!!!

Mark Dillon: June on a rampage cant wait! Aunt Lydia...hopefully karma is on the way :)

Starlah Mutiny: Scientologists realllyyy dont need to supported like this...


Emily Walsh: Love Jimmy’s reaction! Can’t wait for S4!

Josh Thomson: Scientologist...

Stefania D'Ettorre: 😍😍🤩🤩

Jenny H: Cant wait handmaids tale return

A PORTEE DE PLUME Sophie: Thom York used to Say that "Street Spirit (fade out) IS a song without any Hope, so i am not surprised This Radiohead's beautiful and sad song IS in Handmaid's tale.. it does match perfectly 🙏🙏💖💯

lumberjackjo: Holysheepshitbatman

T Bonvie: Oh no!!! you can’t do that to us June!!!

vokasi mid: One of few moments that Jimmy is actually excited for a guest

Kosm _: I crush on her so hard

Elisabeth Moss Clips: THAT clip OMG, like we knew it would happen because of the trailer but that build up... Lizzie got so much great material for her debut

Cesia Barrera: Omg!!!!!!! Finally!!!!!!! Yes!!!!!! tase the shit out of her 🤣🤣🤣🤣

زهراء عباس عيسى عزيز: I think now life treats me just like aunt Lydia treats those maids 😂💔

Dmitry Donskoy: 🤢

wow wut: shes is so good in her role on The Handmaid's Tale, because she's already in the Scientology cult.

Jan Haggard: I cannot wait to see season 4🎊🎉🎊🎊 it seems like it's been year's. I think I will get season 3 just to catch up. Love the show MS. Moss

Meghan Helmich: When I think about how long I've been waiting for Season 4, I feel like the old lady in Titanic meme. It's been 84 years... 👁👄👁

Dimple Brave: Sheesh you’re not doing her a favor with that thumbnail!

Krish Narsinghani: Saying it. One of the best actors in the game.

Edward H: What a amazing actress

BaiAnNa2014 Twitter: BTW, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO HER MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH II, 95 years young ❤💜💙💚💛🌷

Juveriya Rockzz: Woow wooow Who else is excited for season 4? 👇

Jay Jones: Beautiful and charming as ever

BaiAnNa2014 Twitter: Bill Murray is so uniquely funny. Groundhog's Day was such a funny movie, truly artistically crested. Not fashioned as "what are people laughing about these days". Instead, he and the creators boldly express, " I know I'm funny and you'll laugh" 😀😀😀😀😀😀💚💛💚💛💚💛

Eddy Starceski U: I’m excited

Madison Waycaster: YES JUNE! TAZE AUNT LYDIA!

Lori Diggs: Yay, season 4! Finally!!!!!

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