The last of House Stark - Game of Thrones (Season 8 Episode 6) 8x06

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ET_2_0_1_0_2_5_ Tazrean Rifty: I would have accepted everything out of my love for GoT but seeing Sansa on the throne as queen and Bran as king god I changed my mind.

Dylan Pace: I’m pretty sure the main reason for the wildlings to go south of the wall in the beginning was to get better lands and easier living conditions. So it doesn’t make sense that they would willingly go back north.

Dobrin Dobrev: okey at 1st tiem i watch it it was shit ending , now u can say that jon is the true king cuz ppl folow him not cuz of heritage or some low ,they folow him cuz they belive in him and he ispire even if jon dosent want to be king or folowed the end gatthering ppl beeing at his side at the end the flower is symbol for hope and spring , spring for new future to the kingdoms and ppl but ja is meh they cound just put more episode for the finale season

Stamps Family: Most garage ending ever!

AKHIL: Yy they ruined 7&8.... We Will wait again we will erase total 7&8 please make them again we will wait ❤️💯

Akash Mitra: *REMAKE SEASON 7 & 8*

Joe Garcia: Has any one wonder why the wolf 🐺 has black spots on his body fir

HUMANISTAN: I don't know why I hate Sansa

Dratom: when did this happen? did i miss something? i thought bran became king o.O

Loki: One of the most expensive shows with an awful script and lots of untalented actors. Next time use the money wisely.

Dt0x75: With Sansa as the head of house Stark, the Stark house dies after her, Jon could be heir to both, yet he goes north... This episode I think is the end of House Stark.... There are no Starks left in the north after this.

M B: Is it me or did Jon go through so much bullshit already fought so much, only to get the short end of the stick? Like come on his family controlled westeros at this point, they could have pardoned him.

денис кораблев: cool

Jon Carter: Jon never wanted the throne and that's why he would have made such a great king

skowollon84: after the bs that is season 7 and 8 the starks ending is an actual statisfying one

Moderne Passion: Magnifique et à la fois fin de merde cette série avait encore tellement de choses à raconter tellement d'histoires à finir une série qui dure depuis 10 ans elle est d'une telle qualité à tous les niveaux pourquoi ils la terminent aussi mal et la jette à la poubelle alors alors qu'il y a encore plein de choses non fini tellement de potentiel elle est installé et très aimé une fin rageant et incompréhensible la fin est une grande déception

Mr Gentleman James: As comic book guy once said in the Simpsons “worst ending ever!”

BSILE: Why is the wall perfect ?? The night king destroyed it

anthony vaughn: Excellent series sorry to see it end 😥☮️

Ben Holland: John literally just ended up at the beginning but knows that he is a targaeryn

SKAR: After watching it. I'll wait for the book. Thanks

Malbino Mahigad: Sad ending for King Aegon Targaryen :(

Macan6666 6666: judul film nya apa bos

034bloodas: They didn’t even bother to get what Weirwood leaves look like correct on Sansas dress.

Cricket Classics: I didn't get why there was still nights watch protect against what danger ..😂

Michael Froger: Wait, didn't the dragon wipe out the wall?

Aamir Sohail: I wished Rickon Would`ve Survived

Kelly Antle: just really annoying in that the Night King's Dragon Destroyed castle Black and the wall earlier.

Alientcp: You forgot to add Brand, he is also part of the Starks

ronald eslabra: B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G —L—o—V—e—S—e—X—————۞———————————— 》》 𝙊𝙣𝙡𝙮 𝘼𝙙𝙪𝙡𝙩 《《 !❤️ 在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味食物煮的時候 1617226524

Mihira Gayathri: Arya , sansa, theon and sandor were the only ppl who's character arcs were properly completed

tom Lucero: Well she got what she always wanted .to be Queen if anyone remember the beginning of this story

Steven Hsu: I found I actually like this ending. :) Sansa is finally the queen of her own people. Arya keeps her freedom to explore the world. And Jon, after all the wars and deaths, he can finally leave all those houses and kingdom shits, and actually starting a life at peace in the true north, where he truly belongs(this feel like a great retirement plan for a legend ! ) I really do like this ending but s8 is still shit. So I guess the problems with the last season is the pace or the storytelling part. It just happened so fast. Everything is rushing to a conclusion like hell 😒 The ending alone is perfect if you just ignore s8

FunkyMonkey: 4:54 John: "FML"

Areeb Shiraz: Ramin Djawadi what a mastermind

David Yin: The final sense always makes me well out.

David Yin: He saved the Westro and the rest of the world. But he can't stay...

Leonard BRAZIL: It’s funny to think that by the end off season 8 ghost is 7 years old if dire wolves have the same lifespan as normal wolves it won’t be to much longer till he dies

Jakob Parsons: The only ending that would've saved this trash of a season. *Sansa, Ayra, Bran watch as the Unsullied and Dothraki sail off into the sunset. Never to return. * Ayra "aannndd they're gone." Sansa "right. So Jon is free now agreed?" Ayra. Bran. "Agreed." Sansa "ok so let's re-do this whole new king thing yeah? Bran you really don't want to be king right?" Bran "nah fam I was just stepping up to make us look good in front of the unsullied. I want my wormwood tree." Ayra "cool. So Jon will be king?" Sansa "yeah thats cool. I got too many bad memories here and the North wants to be free. So I'll go lead them. Let Jon show these people what a good king is. Ayra you go do your faceless thing wherever you want." Ayra "yeah sounds good let's go find Jon and Tyrion and re-do this shit now that those pains are gone." Or some shit like that.

Omar Braddy: I love when Jon warmly welcomed by the freefolk and the night's watch.

mokreem: WAIT, Wait, wait, how are we just going to ignore the most successful Stark of them all, Bran The Broken, King of The Realm & Lord of The Six Kingdoms???

Simi Dhaliwal: GoT fell victim to the class HBO move, ending good series in the worst way possible; The Sopranos, The Wire, etc. Overall, the North should have remained a part of the 7 kingdoms. Having Sansa as the "Queen in the North" is ridiculous. GoT had 7 superb seasons, the last season was rushed and disappointed on all fronts. Cersei and Jamie's fate was ridiculous, the way it ended for Varys was dumb. Ahh... season 8 still disappoints after 2x years. Hopefully, House of Dragons, Robert's Rebellion, and The Children will be better series.

Prachi Routray: Just can't forget this show😢

C B: I hate Sansa being Queen of the North, you have a Stark on the iron throne, arguably the only way you can have peace in the kingdoms and you still go "oh but I want to be a Queen still so can I just rule as my own kingdom?"....Like what???

J Phillips: I guess Jon Snow really is King Crow now. Huh.

kha led: miss those days ... this scene make me deppresed

IYAPPAN A: Wow super 👌👏

Christopher Dixon: I forgot how good this show is...

Heike Elsner: The fucking hoe in the north!!!!!!

Sam Lewis: A dragon raised by wolves 🐺 🐲

EXOL Igot7: Jon is a Stark in my heart.His personality, his nature, his looks, his beliefs take more of a Stark than a Targaryen.In my opinion, he's Ned Stark 2.0

Anand Upadhyaya: Jon Snow will always be a stark

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