Overwatch League 2021 Season | May Melee Qualifiers | Week 2 Day 1 — East

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Kells G: Nyxl有人vibing

La Cai: 1:50:54 HZS Coach was like ya guys never learn... and left the game!

Brad: 18:05 Casting on point.

Jim Hobson: Vikki really not the one

J. S. Ominsky: Gz carpe 10k

yinkin: RIP NYXL

RigzoTV: Dear Vikki, it is okay to be the alpha when casting with Jaws. But please don't interrupt Achilios. His casting is way more professional.

Toasty: Vikki is great!! Loved the desk this stream

Justin Guajardo: Where is Wolf?

Alex McLean: This new caster girl ain’t it. Get lemon kiwi!

Hiddenbunny: all resources to keep Jimmu alive, recipe for winz

Abigail Duerksen: Seominsoo deserves better!! Play him always he's incredible! And Guxue tbh like???? But also like wowow really fun games. So happy to be in the CHENGDU ZONE!!!

Richard Phillips-Ludwig Wellington IV: Jjonak fell off hard

Kim N: Flora was good tbh

Kap1E 24: Bianca looked horrible ggs

Sebastián Noboa: T A K I Y A K I

Darwin felipez: Desde tan temprano?

alex m: SPOILERS ... 2 full holds on NYXL, yikes hope they can pull it together

DEJESUS: Chengdu are an extremely deadly team.

Das-Apfel: 1:31:36 that voicecrack lol

Spencer Steele: Imagine being in NA and everyones preparing for rush, and then you go up against the Hunters running pharah ball chaos.

thatguyukno41: Is the video not working for anyone else?

Exigency: Chengdu Hunters v New York Excelsior: 13:38 Hangzhou Spark v Philadelphia Fusion: 1:24:05

turtle_man_bob: Why does it say streamed 2 weeks ago? These games were today

Krystal Haug: Jinmu Best Pharah in OWL

Daniel Baker: Chengdu going to 3-0 everything

Ralph Oscar Antolin: Been holding on to Chengdu stocks since season 2 and now they're going to the moon

Pozikk: What is the score?

shimona: whats the song that plays in the beginning

TaTa Garfield: Welcome to the Chengdu's Zone.

Krystal Haug: Chengdu 3-0 Philly tomorrow.

Gewoon Wout: Do they pin comments here?

Sos: Chengdu op

Oscar Crowther: Dang

TomiPlays: R.i.p. new york excelsior today

Trevor Nolte: Stream ended prematurely?

Anon Anon: Plays seominsoo on first map, wins, subs out seominsoo for 3 maps, loses.

Crys: 🖤🧡🖤🧡

Kevin Roche: This just wont load on android

Dino Pants: Real good games

Gewoon Wout: Hi

Ekza: Hunters are looking scary...

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