Special Season 2 | Official Trailer | Netflix

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Josh DR: This trialed made me so happy ! I’m so excited for this !!!!

Justin Paul: Finally I been waiting for season 2 for like 2 years

rodrigo donoso peralta: I hope episodes last more than 15 min each. I watched season 1 like in an hour

Thirsty 4more: I see why y'all spread aids.

D S: Gross.

Francisco Valles: 💟

F. Mirador de Creatividad: What is the name of the song in the trailer? ❤️😲

Jemish Sataki: Waiting waiting ❤️

Christian Luna: I love this show! Cant wait for season 2!

Miguel Angel Alvarez Agudo: Very good serie

Thomas Nicholls: YAS!

Scribe13: Why's everything gotta have some gaiety lately?

Rod Taylor: Too bad this is going to be the last season. Hope another streamer picks it up.

Reviewer Review: What is the song @1:02 thanks!!

Chris: Really hope they make each episode > 20 mins.

Lino 2: netflix nova filme ryu sakura casal apaixonado desenhos💖💖😀

Natalia Mbenzi: Looks interesting

Capgungoesbang: me, my mom and my sister binge watched the first season in one night, excited for this new season :)

oxyjeon koo: who else has cerebral palsy let’s be friends! as a bisexual black woman who loves bts lol i love how real and honest this show is! hurry up may 20th i cannot wait!!!!

Berry Wills: People will be kicking themselves in few weeks if they miss the opportunity to buy and invest in bitcoin

Quadir Dow: I'm so glad they expanded the series beyond just one person. Can't wait!

Clare Palmer: season two PLEASE

Anıl Çalışkan: I am looking forward to watch the second season of this series. The incidents and the feelings are so deep and real you know

Kristie Edwards: I love this show!


OLIVER CHADLEY!: Ryan needs to do more seasons of his show

Bane 052: Lucifer trailer when?

Dammy: I cant wait!!!

Keith Redacted: HOLY CRAP! I thought this was cancelled. Good for them.

Ania: I can't wait!!

Ana Vitória ROSA tiengo: music trailer ?????? ❓❓❓❔❔❔🎵🎶

Garrett Carr: Netflix

YouAreRetarded: Does anyone know the song that starts playing at around 1:00?

Queenofwheels: I like when people tell me good job for doing stuff. Yeah, I am doing normal stuff, but it is harder being disabled.

Scott Mena: Really enjoyed the first season. NOW THE WAIT IS OVER!!! YAY RYAN!!! Excited to see where everyone's paths will take them.

Jon B.: I am SO EXCITED for this!!!

Float earth: *"why be normal when you can be Special"*

Naman S: Thanks YouTube for recommending this trailer today because of which I finished season 1 and now I can’t wait for season 2. This show is magic, especially because of the Ryan-Kim friendship ❤️

Emily Brown: As a bisexual college student with Cerebral Palsy, this is the only thing getting me through finals. May 20th can't come soon enough.

Jill Sarah G: yayayay

zellpenguin: i am genuinely happy there is a second season and I am so looking forward to watching it!

fiddlesticks: Yay it’s coming back

fuckitschris !: Thank you the show is just so special to me as someone of the LGBT community and with Cipi thank you. Your work is groundbreaking to someone like me and the cast is tremendously wonderful!

Johana Duh: Dude, all my favorite shows are finally coming back

King Mob: Yes!! Can't wait for this :-) While I am bummed to hear that this is the final season, I am thrilled that they are going to be longer episodes.

Tyson DS: I loved season 1 so much and hoped for a second season. So happy it's going to happen 😍

Darbey Martin: I’m really looking forward to this season.

Rhonan Scowcroft: It’s back!!!

Andrew PS: Guacala ....

Jessie Albright: 💋✋ red herring ANYTHING?!

Jessie Albright: 💋✋ muscule soreness strain postural related things

Augustin Guy Paulin: So emotional,i'm in love with this serie.

Vanessa Crooks: Getting a new season os Special AND Master of None for my birthday??? yay!!!!!

Shall I Stream It?: I’ll be watching!

Billy L'Amour: I can’t wait!!!!

Barry Allen: Leviticus 2013

Eoin Burke: I'm already tearing up from the trailer, I love this show

frank b: ouiiiii....

Angel _: I’ve got to watch this show! Now I have something to binge😊

Nayyab Mughal: another sjw woke crap.

Gustavo Genu: Finally! I’m ready to another session of laughing/crying hysterically 🥰🥰🥰

72tubedmiaz: Best show on tv or streaming!

Shivendra Yadav: I can't believe how happy I am❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Karissa Marcano: Netflix hear me out.....bring back the society 😀😀

Page394 Potter: Yes yes yes yes yes

Jeff Conser: Looks good but the lack of Augustus Prew is noticeable.

Duncan Self: 😬

Adrian Nuno: Couldn't ask for a better show to come out with a new season on my birthday, May 20th. :)

Mauro Gonzalez: I’ve been waiting for this!!! Took you a while Netflix, but thaaaaaankz! :)

TheGrandSkii: 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Can't wait!

not even river: omggggg yasssss

SuperClapProductions: Im glad its coming back but i also scrolled past this ad 3 times before remembering i actually do want to watch it

Mando N.: Yessss!

Brin Londo: I adore this show

Renata Celidonio: Aaaaaah this show is AMAZING, love it! thanks for s02, netflix! Can't wait.

emberchord: Aaaawww finally!

Marississimo: I’m so excited! Samantha is HILARIOUS!!! 😂💀

Lolade Sadiq: Omg it’s been a while

vegan feminist: Yaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟

Noah Stannings: As a gay Indian guy, I know it fits in lmao💀

Zander Crowley: As a disabled trans gay guy this show was supposed to be my representation. But I still feel totally alone, worthless and like I’ll never see myself and my life on screen

Canal Do Amaral: OMG I LOVEEEED

Sweet Priyanka Chopra: Most amazing video evr

Sydney Wright: I cannot wait yay

Wigadama: The person who is reading this comment, I wish you great success, health, love, and happiness! 😍😍

Monica Joling: Loved the first season Happy Season 2 is happening ❤️

Its Braxtonmg: I’ve never seen the first season! Time to binge!

Joshua Gommers: In love with this show🥰

Raul Del Rey: I don't like the fact he's gonna be involved with someone who already has a boyfriend... I personally do not like that but let's see how it plays out

Charlie.: He has to stop falling for guys who have a boyfriend

Halil Karakaşoğlu: FİNALLY

the loud star kirby: When will the loud house movie be on Netflix....?

Pich Chea: Huh?! These actors look so normal. I'm more focus on the story than staring at the actors. (Look less Hollywood's people and more everyday people) The story look nice and have normal daily life on the silver screen. Have a nice day.

Allen Trice: It can't be serious about this but the first season! What's up with the second season?!

Ojashvi Singh: Hey netflix you're the reason im still alive

DarkVader: 37 dislikes for a story about a guy with CP trying to make his way through lonely life of being disabled and stigmatized and a woman fighting against the world to not judge her curves as a person who is non white... I'm convinced now the world is crap...

Ojashvi Singh: Hey netflix, love you :)

Concetta Russo: patiently waiting for the trailer of Lucifer 5b 🥲

iNory: Where's the Lucifer trailer ?

Brian Elizalde: FINALLY

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