I Played SEASON 9 EARLY But 3v3 Might Not Be For Everyone....

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Prisoners Of War Records: i would prefer if apex gun sounds were actually like this. maybe then i'd hear them

RemnantOfThePast: @10:22 Ragg Tagg going full Mojo Jojo there.

TimT1987: In fairness, you were playing early access content creators and pros. Probably had the hardest experience possible.

Denis Laver: I mean rag tag was playing against pros and top end YouTuber In the arena no?

Alphastar007: I don't think you should judge the difficulty just from the early access. The people invited definitely don't represent the bronze-gold community that are going to be trying it out.

The Tech Kid: I’m tired of pretending ragg taggs thumbnails are amazing.

Richard: Just like Trials of Osiris its going to be very competitive. None of you should have any illusions that it's going to be easy.

Esme: This was first video I’ve ever seen of you and I’m glad it was . The commentary was so perfect it was so funny 😭

Lord 37: At the beginning i thought it was just csgo for apex but then i realized its valorant for apex


brennen lee: I would definitely like to hear more commentary of game play in the future.

THE-LUCKY-ONE- 1: One of your best works man fkin hilarious 👌🏼

Mario Jad: Funny voiceover but I really prefer the actual casual conv that happened. And about arenas, I think you are forgetting that all the players that played where great player so pubs should be easier than your experience

Samuel Alkire: If it's season 9 release game play why is the mf armor Gen game mode still active. Stupid game mode

Acul 2002: This video makes me want to Play Apex, but I can't because the matchmaking doesn't start and it just says "Party not ready". I hope they will patch this in the new updates because at this moment playing is impossible. I don't know if I'm the only one, but it's pretty annoying to not be playing such a great game for bugs I can't understand.

silsilsilly: Your voice over in the last part sounds like a football commentator :D

silsilsilly: They should use more average players for the playtesting :) I bet most of them are pro aim :)

Tactical Journeyman: Excellent commentary!!! Lol

fool gek: So arena is basically CS:GO or Valorant

Richard Ruiz: Ggs! I actually really enjoyed the commentary!

MidnightBarberGaming: cant be any harder then a BR with a mass of sound issues and a constant 3rd party issue also. The BR itself is beyond annoying for most players these days as i dont care who you are theres so so so many sound bugs and now ppl flying with horizon and valk. it aint a br game anymore its practically a star wars flight sim. i love respawn for trying new things like this 3v3 but yeah fix your god damn aeful audio first.

yo yo: If you played early y is there no footage of you, seems pretty fishy

Marvin Ditt: hey Ragg ever thought about becoming an auctioneer? With that high speed commentary you surely could ;)

Wouter Vandenhove: You really have talent making just funny video’s man

Tarsis Isterval: Good video.

CERIOUS: 6:24 wait so a new hop up?

Kyle Khan: Honestly I'm really looking forward to this arena mood, before apex came out I played siege alot , and I still do and in a weird way arena sort of reminds me of siege , you get a set load out that you choose and can't be changed much, you get a set character with abilities and you go for a number of rounds just your two teams and to me it looks like you're gonna have to be more tactical and thunk about your positioning and when and where you push, which is similar to how I used to play siege , so this is probably gonna be alot of fun for me and my friends who still play siege but also love apex

Joe Morrison: So glad I stopped playing due to the political bullshit! This game looks like ass more and more everday. The new COD.

Sivad Davis: I feel like I’m the only one that doesn’t care about arena mode

SystemCrasher113 dlp: Raggtagg Sounds just like the Canon Ball Pirate mini game in Zelda Wind Waker! LoL 😂 pewpewpew! Powpowpow!

Martin Bahier: Prime sound effects, 10/10 would listen again (already did) :D

SystemCrasher113 dlp: You are right.... It's set up like csgo and the like. Not for players....... For High Sweat Competition Streamers.

Stylish Steamy: Oh it is for everyone trust me

SteashEdits: I was really hoping for a respawn game mode where I can get more practice in with gunskill

James R: Eww Eva with a sight

albert kirsten: Thank you, your commentary and sound effects had me in stitches

James R: Why tank hammer points when quick draw is actually useless

Michael Casimer: What awesome.

dablakmark8: so what you saying is i should rather just not play arena cause i am a casual player,If you suck what does that make me,My kd is like 1.18

Woflyyy: Can you forget to record your audio more often, the commentary was something else! Had me crying lol

NeonXXP: Wait what, Hammer Point is out? WTF

Nekrozz4: Rag Tagg loves the bow? Watched him for so long he's now became a villain.

NeonXXP: I'm really worried that this arena malarkey is to the detriment to the core game. Season 9 is giving us one new POI but arena gets two brand new maps? Why aren't ALL arena maps not integrated with the BR maps? I don't like Valorant or CSGO so why does Apex BR have to be punished?

Salah Naeem: Nooo hammerpoints😔

Roger Krishnan: I feel you saw how powerful you had become, with fear of exiting the gutter, you chose to throw... 💔

Joe Bradbury: The bad luck with the door knock who was the person who annoyed you

Liam Mitchell: Love the voice over your hilarious, do more like this please :) Well done on applying what the coach taught ya. Great job! Shame about that door, hope it was some good food being delivered or something :P

Twisted Gamer: 0:27 titan battery's?

Davidl12892: I absolutely loved that commentary please do more rag tagg love from a fellow Scottsman ❤️

Paul Kidd: Lol love you mate 🤣

Richard M: Ragg I know you carried the glorious horde through countless wars...... Would this be similar to the wow arenas? Edit: strategy wise?

Chris Totten: I recently started playing again, and your coaching video was handy. Also the sound effects were great

vijay diels: Sweaty ttv mode, hope they keep the normal BR too am loving it with armor regen,

Will Price: Best yet!

Devonn Florance: You’d better have a good reason that you answered that door 😭

The misanthrope: We need more commentaries like that

TheTombless: Commentary like this is the best.

ENM: Imagine editing the subtitles for this XD

TikTik Boom: I know i wont be playing it cause i dont like CS:GO and other copycat games... unless theres specific loots behind it. It's going to be sweatier than the actual BR.

TTV apexerror88: And now you smurf the whole time so what's happened bored to get a good player?


afk jmpmstr: Rag Tagg use the rock

Wacy Abdullah Patwary: Loved that thumbnail

Xender XIII: 🤣🤣🤣 the commentery was so fast i thought i was in an auction hahaha you definitely improved since the coach!! Nice plays love your content my boy! Scottish for ever

niedzwiec000: I cried about how you commented it.🤣🤣🤣

Slayer of heresy: Why when I look at valkyrie’s tactical I immediately think of the salvo core

MrElMoody: i hate that these "streamer" guys get to play early bEcAusE tHeiR imPOrtAnt

Raiden: Well i gave up on 3 VS 3 when i saw the upgrade is a 2 times on a mastiff... Eugh

Wacy Abdullah Patwary: Rag please and i request with puppy dog eyes please make your videos like this with a commentary

ipwn youtwo: what the actual ?

Jordanian_3avage: im good at arena already

Vishal Punjabi: Amazing commentary..

Edgar Lopez: Needs more sound effects and more cowbell

Will X: You are a legend amd that coach was good

Achim Rares: We need more commentary like this

TwistedGale: The best rag tag videos are the ones with the Viking style story commentary

Space Biscuit05: Imagine if you got 3rd partied in the arena mode (god forbid)

RagingRainbow: Real question is, who was at the door.. and did you kick them in the nuts for essentially losing you the game?

Alexandru Baican: Quake 3 Arena is back! :D

Chris Chance: Do you use ALC settings

Tony P: Mate just found your channel today, liked and subscribed. Fun to watch :) I really appreciate your uploads to show your journey - we're not all as good as the pro's! But we can get better! BTW My mum is from Glasgow, I have lived in South London all my life except the last few years now I am in Australia. Is your accent from near Aberdeen? Peace

Noble Abraham: meanwhile csgo and cod players be lke: first time?

Abdaon Eden: the commentary was hilarious :D made my day

Bryan Bernheisel: I did the only thing I could do... WEEEEEE! Then I jumped out the window... Ptthhhh!

Hannah B: You should do this type of commentary every vid its alot better 😂😂😂😂 Very professional

Paul Stanley: So funny

Ave-Rage Gamer: Lol. Loved every second of this video.

ItsAMeAGogio: So what are the red weapons?

Zecharias Thibodeau: love the commentary

TrickZz 420: Stupid clickbait

Oliver Masters: 'I might be as useful as overwatch 2 release date' That hurt

Khaan Khaidav: If valk’s new skin w/the helmet is only purchasable then it’s like spitting on all the faces of titanfall fans.

Arnold Domschitz: RT, you know who gets the invite to these early game test events: pros and content creators. What you experienced in the Arena is definitely not the average enemy team composition you will get in a public lobby. The content was awesome as always though! :)

Gaylord Lol: Really excited for the matchmaking to (hopefully) function for once

Casey Richardson: Don't think she won't be good in rank maybe in the lower ranks because fly fly shoot shoot

D C: I mean Valkyrie sounds fun not op but cool I would put her in a or b She’s well balanced

Hammond's Angels: Hey,awesome video once again,I see you have improved quite a lot!Gongratulations! I loved your narrative and your humorous way of saying things really makes me and many laugh....also...I feel your pain,trying to relax and play and everyone needs u in the house

LightningMan212 XD: 17:22😂😂😂 lmao

__Im OverPowered__: he is deffo getting a new suscriber just because of the commentating skills.. I laughed my ass off right there

perlen: I lowkey hope you lose the audio next time because that voice-over is AMAZING.

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