First Look: New Season of Unexpected!

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Jake Otonali: I honestly just think that some girls know nothing of ovulation. You can factually only get pregnant when you ovulate. That’s when your ovaries produce an egg ready for fertilization. Your fertile window is really only 12-24 hours but sperm can live up to 5 days in stable conditions. What’s so hard about not having unprotected sex in the few days leading up to your ovulation? The consistency of teen pregnancy is honestly baffling. Like, do these kids just not understand their health classes or how the reproductive system works? They should know about both male and female reproduction systems. Are the parents not being specific enough? Obviously you should practice safe sex until you’re ready but are these kids just disregarding everything? It’s so weird. And Lily, seriously? 2 baby daddies before 21? I think Lily just wants kids. It happened once and it didn’t take long for it to happen again.

Faith sauter1503: I’d do this show in a heartbeat. I’m 19 weeks pregnant but I live in Minnesota

Chey: So is hailey not coming back for this season ?

Sylvia D B: "One day she was just 10 weeks pregnant". Yes, that's exactly how it happens....SUDDENLY! 🤣

Jason Paige: And this is why we need sex Ed before puberty I learned more about sex from doing it and watching it than school ever did for me and I would have never done it if I knew exactly what could have happened I was almost a dad at 14 I don’t want Sex Ed to fail any one else like it did me


Sunflowergirl 01: The one girl cannot even pronounce "ovulate" and she's having a child 😳

Multebær: ... This is horrible trash.

Aaliyah Allen-Sellers: History repeats itself unfortunately, half these moms were probably teen moms themselves and now their daughters will go through the same journey. The cycle shall continue......

Marjories Vlogs: YASS I miss this show

J B: Another season of “why I hope to god I never have a daughter”

Angellena: Bruh i needed Hailey to come back 😩

Flo Rida: What is obvious is that many teenagers seem to lack basic sex ed, whose fault is that ? No I won’t blame the schools, it’s the parents fault !!! When your daughter can’t even pronounce the word ovulate, she probably also has no idea what it means. When you can be tricked into getting pregnant by a boy who looks as dumb as a post, there’s a problem. All those parents who look like they are pissed off that their kids got pregnant/got somebody pregnant, maybe if you had taken the time to explain to them what sex is, how you can get pregnant and how to NOT get pregnant, you wouldn’t be in that boat.

Kylee Mink: I have been waiting for a new season for so long.

Lynn Lines: This season is gonna be goood

Dalaina Villarreal: I’m do glad Lily is back

Kate Parker: it’s honestly sad these girls are 15 & 16. that’s so young

Kelsey Jo: It was the 'boys ovulate too' how stupid can yiu actually be

Suzie Lechuga: I missed the showww

GamerGirl 07: Ayo my sis on there 😂

Joeys Father: These people are burden on taxpayers. They really need to cut off food stamps and cash aids for these low life mouth breathers. 😤

Chad Mower: How stupid is the one girl to believe that boys “ogulate”. Didn’t her parents or school teach her anything? I’m going to make a prediction about her: she was home schooled and her parents never covered sex ed

Sophia Silva: Lilly always said that she wants more babies, even if she lived at that time with her parents, and her father said only if she left their house. I think she started dating someone else just to get pregnant and return to TLC just like McKayla

Taylor Dawn: I CANT WAIT TO WATCH!!!!

Shreya Das: Yay for the baby who'll grow up and watch this!

Emily Kirch: 0:58

destiny m.: aden is definitely a jerk lol

Honesty Rose: Lily gives me “trapping” vibes really bad

Anne Yonomos: Lilly is 19 & on her second baby daddy already. Yikes.

Fly&Thrive: In 2020 some young teens go to college to receive an higher education to make a career and something out their lives. While there few years younger counterparts grew up watching TeenMom - TeenMomAlmost 30 are now living their dreams of being teens moms! Like Liky looked happy to have a 2 1/2 or 3 year old and be pregnant again!!

Fly&Thrive: I was like that Lily gurl looks real familiar

farah _02: why did I read new seasons of unprotected 😂

Dania Hernandez: Omg it’s lily from season 1!!

ashleyxo: yay I missed tyra

Keawna Hettinger: that one couple that lied about ovulating is way to dumb to be parents this young.

Niahxf: I’m 15 and my biggest worry is passing Spanish 3😭 I can’t imagine having a baby

Allah is my lord: To anyone reading this, may the lord protect you and your family from such calamity! 😣

Liz Mowrey: And this is what happens when sex ed sucks in your country

Tanea Bree: Okay, lily has good taste. But if my daughter got pregnant again ...I’d fight her lmao

LaTavia Washington: The girl with the is wrong with her 🤦🏾‍♀️And that Mom dead ass wrong for kicking her child AND grandchild out on the streets .

Kayy Love: Why Is he looking up ovulation?

Britney Furtado: Ahhh so excited when I had my daughter at 17 this show first came out and I have been watching since now I’m having my twin girls at 20 and it’s coming back !! 💕

Ashley Taylor: when does this come on.?

actuary33: this is america...glorifying kids getting knocked up. Noone taught this generation shit. No wonder their so irresponsible. What a waste....humanity did have a good run lol

Kawaii Jewel: Lily’s pregnant again? Didn’t she learn the first time! And it’s with a different dude to

Valerie LunaVic: "She kicked herself out by being sexually active" no ma'm ur just a terrible mother

moll.: why do we still make shows like this

Toren O'Leary: Why am I so excited for S4

Spongebobs Dad: I love these!!!!

carebear09 White: Oh noooo

Cassie_ Playz: I can’t wait I love the show

Raya Curiel: 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈 ridiculous show

Simon&Sonja: "It's kinda fun.. To take the risk. And not use protection"!?!?!?!?

Liz Goddard: These kids are so immature

Kayla Brown: Am I the only one disturbed with these teen pregnancy shows...?

Jada Sims: I don't watch Unexpected cause' I hate drama. Also I'm against teen pregnancy, and I wouldn't raise my grandchild. But I'd never kick my daughter out for being pregnant. That was kinda CUNTY of Liliana! I would tell her gfy and you're never gonna see my baby! Cause' you can't kick me out and expect to see my child. Fr I'd get a restraining order if I had to.

Paige Wenglikowski: Myrkas mom is terrible for saying that baby is going to ruin her life every baby is a miracle and that’s going to be her grandchild she is a terrible mother! 😤

Alicia Thomas: Young women are very immature, just used birth control or condoms their boyfriends probably cheating on them in whole pregnancy it's not cute at all my boyfriend and I are waiting to have kids when we are financially stable someday we used condoms

Summer Nights: This is horrendeous

shylovesCb: Love this show teen mom could never

Hannah Marie: When does this start

sky silenced2.0: I needa see this shit

Addison Parks: I’ve always wanted a new season of this

im tierd: i reached the point where people younger than me are having kids omg

Candy Cane: Is no one really noticing? That's stealthing. A form a sexual assault. And he is proud of that? The fact that he found this funny is absolutely disgusting. It's bad that he lied, but it's really bad that she believed him.

Yayaa Htx: I'm happy to see Tyra again

Sophia Escarcega: The parents should’ve teach their kids about safe sex around their early teens. Both girls and boys

Jill G: fun fact i saw lilly and her bf filming one day

Laila _Arial: McKayla was dead wrong, her and her family treated caelan like shit. Matthew and hailey #2 was absolutely trash. Max dont even get me started. Diego was a good kid just needed a personality check. The rest of the moms were pretty ok. Anthony and the other dads weren't as bad

Challie Rayne: Ogulate? Oh sweetie...

Josie Ward: Between wet noodles and ogulating I can’t y’all! 🤯 can’t wait for this dumpster fire 🔥

Adriana Navarrete: Anyone know when it’s coming on? So I can be ready

Kassidi Brown: and also the mom who is gonna kick her daughter out i guess makes since upset too young , to be pregant but idk a bit much but also understandble

Kassidi Brown: she 15??? hes 17?? idk might not last long once he turns 18 i ----

Simbelmyne 444: Here we go again! Babies having babies! Age old story! You'd think in 2020 you'd have plenty of access to condoms!

Taylor: Being a 33 year old grandma is a nightmare. Nightmare

Ryan Carter: Corporate: "We need you to look at this tv show trailer and this train wreck montage." Me: "It's the same video."

Venla Lehtinen: I swear I'm not an aggressive person but Aden seems very punchable just from the couple of seconds.

myrka hernandez: Ayeee she FHA’s my name lmaoo

Lexi Hubbard: I love Tyra so glad she’s back. That boy who said it “fun” to take the risk of not using protection and then lied to the girl about men “ogulating” like Jesus Christ dude it’s ovulate. Also that girl is old enough she should know how her body works at this point as well as how pregnancy happens you have to ovulate to be pregnant and men can’t be pregnant. It’s basic human anatomy like come on.

Caite Cakess: I can’t believe that grandma just said the baby is coming to ruin her daughter’s life ... wtf

Maribel Ocaranza: can appreciate that they try and get new girls every season whereas like teen mom still has the same ladies that are super successful now and it’s unrealistic

Kaitlyn Lester: And this is why it’s important to teach in schools about the way the body works and the importances of safe sex instead of teaching abstinence. 🥴

Angela Carini: Oggulate? This has to be scripted.. Shame on you TLC.....

Lauren Schenck: I can’t wait! So excited for this new season!

Kathryn Merenda: Juicy

Makayla Likens: omg LILY THE OG AND TYRA

Hannah Mills: This is like dejavu with Lilli 😂

Taylor Bowman: So glad Lily’s back!

Keely H: Praying for Aden and Jenna’s baby, gonna be tough having a lying, garbage father and a gullible, uneducated mother 😭

Nicole Gonzales: I am excited on the girls that returned but disappointed that more girls from pervious seasons aren’t returning.

Stephen Dyson: Jesus Ethan is 16 !? Looks like he could be my uncle

Lana Bolling-Rinker: I’m laughing so can someone really be this- I’m not going to say it 😂😂😂

Hope Burress: First off it’s not the baby’s fault so how they hell would it come to ruin her life ?!!

Yikes: Yay

Gavin Production: Man Hispanic mothers don't play they be kicking there pregnant daughters out the house for being sexually actively damn... good thing I have a black mother!!! And I'm a boy!!! Lol 😂😂😂

Celina J: Is that Lily from season 1???

Nancy González: Lilly's back she was on the 1st season of unexpected 😁

Nancy González: When's the premier of unexpected? It didn't showed up at the end

Name: 15. .

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