Answering Your Questions About Apex Legends Legacy & Arenas Mode! (Season 9 Playtest Impressions)

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The Gaming Merchant: Quick note that some details like the specific costs of things in arenas may be wrong, just tried to remember everything off the top of my head, thanks for watching!

Tarantula Lada: did you say heirlooms in care package's?

Dino Beast Plays: This is nothing to do with apex but in TitanFall2 in viper boss fight do you fight Valkyrie cause that is sus how when she starts flying with titan in the stories form the outlands it looks like the same place so is there a chance that could be true?

Mad Destroyer: Great EA making us buy our ability’s now these in game purchases are getting out of hand smh

Prismeta: any news on a rampart buff?

Dio: I wanna see a wave based survival mode similar to cod zombies


Elias Bennett-Miller: what about worlds edge in pubs like duos and trios

suma latha: Bro can we still play pubs and ranked

Jak Daxter: So triple take and 30-30 will no longer be able to take 2-4x scope is what you're saying? That kinda sucks.

Xav Char: I have a question, will fill and no fill be available on arena mode?

Geogranticus: Who was your main before season 6?

bicraveur tactics: No rampart buff for season 9 ?

A Mad Hatter: So is Crypto pretty much useless then in arenas if he can't buy his drone? His passive & his ult require his drone to work, so is playing Crypto basically playing on hard mode then?

Loot GodDamn: I'm imagining bow with only one arrow challenge

Chertograad: I've been saving up all of TGM's Cheerios he's been giving to us. Now all I need is some milk. Remember guys: One cheerio at the end of each clip.

Kikar Corona: Wait so are heirlooms their own weapon in arenas???

Archangel: Is the bocek bow a care package weapon

Archangel: Can the bocek bow be found outside of arena? Like ground loot in pubs

Bruh Monkey: Season 9 is going to be the biggest craziest season yet. I physically cannot wait any longer

Jason Pack: You said Valkyrie had 3 passives and only mentioned 2 (VTOL, Dive scan) and STILL DIDN'T ANSWER IT D:<

Ethan Huntley: We need a new trick/gadget character like mirage or caustic

Eliot Ako: Wouldn't gibby be op?

Gaming3120: I want another defence legend..

MAX Ramírez Arce: Is loba gonna get a buff in her bracelet? And what? Love your videos

Rio_: are there 3 pass legendaries?

Buka: For anyone who doesn't know, the Ashe teaser badge will be the arena win streak badge. Anyone who didn't complete the teaser will have a basic version of the win streak badgr

Relatable Randy: I wonder how valkaryies tacticle will work indoors

KingZ: Thanks for answering my question :)

gknakka: What are the care package weapons is the peacekeeper back

Brayton Chetty: I really hope invalid token no marker is fixed 😢

Jack Stray Year 7: Your movement is underrated

Michael Abulude: Do the emotes affect your hitbox?

corrosion1 YT: First YouTuber not afraid to show himself losing while explaining new updates

Haniyo: 2:02 this question cant be real, did u really asked if arena is optional to play? no, you are forced to play that mode until you die srry buddy

Forsaken-Revenj: What kind of amo will the bocek bow use and are the rumors about a lmg with light amo coming to apex?

mustafa saeedi: can you protect yourself with knockdown shild while lifeline revive you???

dmdz: I don't understand people asking if Arenas is optional. What, you think they built the battle royale for two years and are just gonna completely scrap it?

Spartan 1337: apparently water got him was caught cheating

Tearz_Light: Is wraith getting her naruto run back?? Please see this

Yukon50k: We better get custom arena matches I want to fight my friends

Yukon50k: Am I the only one who did not think Horizon was OP I never played her but fought against her and had no troubles taking her down.

SyBlox: people: "get good" TGM: *picks up sniper* dont mind if i do

Kian Zinzell: And another one... bro, new Arena damage badge?! Bro please tell me we get a cool new damage badge to gawk at

Budi Kurniawan: Is Deadeye's Tempo basicly the Sentinel Rapid fire glitch turned into hop up?

DemonTime: I am really asking my self about the Damage badges or the 20 kill badge. Are they going to buff Wraiths Tactical, I feel like I’m just smelling my finger and then dying every time I go to use it

Lovensa Rivano: 3:57 ➡️ ⤵️ B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L's —L—o—V—e—S—e-X———❤️😘 ..👍 !💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候 1619615724

Tim Toast: Nooooo is it true the king’s canyon is leaving?

Beppe Deguara: How are they changing the triple take?

Splatoon 3 YES: valkyrie Passive I heard some people talk about you can only go up or can you only go one direction or move around freely

Super Freiza: Adaptive environment is coming ?

your dad: Day 1 of asking TGM to make a podcast

Itzmelupft: Tbh in all of the zylbrad or Zeus or gaming merchant videos that have like “this legend is op”, it’s not the legend it’s them

Player Ī: So is wraiths instant phase coming back in season 9? And what is valk’s passive?

Moritz Sauer: Nahhh.. theyre not gonna rob me of my scout 4-8 and now my 2-4

jordanwar monkey: I want to know if there is going to still be battle royal

Dharmik Vachhiyat: I like fuse but people say fuse is trash Is fuse good in arenas

Fattness17: How high is valkyrie's vtol

Johny Bauer: Merchant I love you but PLEASE ENOUGH WITH THE SUGGESTIONS

Johny Bauer: For a game based on movement there really isn't a lot of movement legends. That guy complaining should go play warzone

PikleMan: Merchant love your videos btw. Keep up the great work! Anyways, Is bloodhound getting a nerf next season? He is my main and I hope if he does get a nerf it wont be to bad.

The One: How much material will we start with

XxReaperxX: valorant players coming to arena hehehe

TK Jones: Arenas looks fun but i was hoping for a more casual mode like COD tdm so i don't have to sweat all the time

Drift Wuud: thanks, mate

Cattalyst !: the real question is that is there a ranked for arenas??

juicy leemon: Honestly I was expecting like a 170 headshot with the bow But reduced to 120 with the hop up that makes it faster

juicy leemon: If the devotion is the Bp weapon is it getting a buff like a built in turbocharger?

FullCitris: Isnt crypto awful in areanas im still gonna play but f

Master Yoda: Hey Merchant! I got a question, Is rampart getting a Buff/rework in Season 9 update?

Forsaken gordon Slays: Yo merchant wats wrong you were only getting snipers lol

0-Bricks-Left: I would’ve done this for valk: Passive: hover, hover in the air when ads’ing Tactical: vtol, fly up in the air and hover there for awhile Ultimate: flight core, just like titanfall but nerfed, a sound que like the ultimate from viper in the campaign. It would’ve been much better and closer to northstar now she’s just another legend not the daughter of viper...

Laz: So they nerfing the fucking ark star something that takes skill but not the spitfire fml

Laz: Wow I was having such a good day till I hear the spitfire didn’t get a nerf :((( nice video tho x

sTr_ SHAAD: A quick question in arena how many stim u can buy for octane? i need to know that

Alex Hndr: Alternate title: *TGM answers Season 9 questions while flexing his Rampart skills*

The Emperor: 9:27 So the bow in actually a weaker version of the sentinel?

ICETR3Y: WHY CANT THEY HAVE WORLDS EDGE AND OLYMPUS ONLY??? When i tell you i am TIRED of king’s canyon.....

ʚfloraliiɞ: Has Loba got a buff?

Wardy Wards: Why do so many people not know that arenas is a separate mode

Chetan Ss: I thought valk will be op but she will be balanced

riverscarf: Sorry but is caustic usable yet

Angryh939: Wait so no sniper optics for triple take, and on top of that no 2-4x, wow even if it was still floor loot, I would never have the choice between it and a hemlock. Also rip to scouts due to no 2-4x

Deviant Pictures Films: Background gameplay is sick! What gaming chair do you use?

Ethan the actual pleb: Is the pk being nerfed at all?

Justin Yacob: Do you think Valk will be actually good? (Like meta lvl of good) or will she just be "spicy fuse"?

HyprrPain115: one question. so you told us that there will be arena specific badges and trackers. is the banner system the same (like when you go into a match and it will show you and your teammates banners)? If so do you get two banners now one for arena one for br. if not can you just mix arena tracker and badges with normal ones. sorry for saying badges and trackers so much.

rishab chopra: Is octane nerfed???(please say no)

MRVNs-FinestHour: Sheesh bro the movement in the clips is more hype than legacy!


Салам Малас: FUSE BUFF IDEA. Make frag grenades start their fuse in his hand. Think of it like it's a Loose Cannon from TF2. As soon as you press the grenade button it will start the fuse in his hand, and as soon as you release it, you will throw grenade like normal, except it will detonate sooner, depending on how long you held it. For it not to be overly oppressive, make it so Fuse could inflict self damage. You can't use your weapons while you're at it, so it's totally fair. But skilled people will be able to use it many creative ways, I'm sure. My reasons for this are simple: Because he throws nades further than other legends, doing things like airstriking people with frags is impossible: nades explode before reaching the ground. This makes frags the most useless grenade type for him. As for the thermites, I think it would be cool to make him able to stick it to a person like arc-stars, but with a twist. Insta melting a person is too strong, so what if they leave off a burning trail for their teammates and themselves to step in? The trail behind a person will stop forming as soon as one walks a certain distance (sort of like rolling on the ground to extinguish yourself) and the flames will linger on his path for a short while. I'm talking 3-4 seconds max. Reasons: Because he throws nades way too far, it's harder to make a good use of his thermites. Generally they can be used to block of certain doors and ways for enemies to push through, but overthowing grenades into a wall is way too common for Fuse. I wanted something more interesting done with thermites that would balance out that negative feeling of missing it completely or hitting a person directly and doing 0 damage with it. Hey, if you could only spread this idea out there if you liked it, I would greatly appreciate it.

Nick_vs2: So the bow its 3030 with hop up? Wow

Michael Ballard: is the pk coming back or no and if so is it getting nerfed?

TruLITTLEcousin: Will there be tournaments in the arena mode so u can win money?

ATL_PHYSICS: Nobody ask peacekeeper?

Just1: So when is valk getting her first buff?

Saiglizzy: You fried that horizon 🤣

Dequarius Walker: Wait the triple take is in the marksman class?

BifrostNiji SaMi: Thank you for these answers! A question for the next video: Any buffs/nerfs for Revenant?

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