Destiny 2 Season of the Hunt

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Lord Dracoliche: Some how people are already level 115 or higher in the season pass when the season has only been out for less than a week how tf is that possible?

the illmusick: I say disable pvp 😏

Nephilim FTO: The game is changing, stasis is the beginning... that’s my hope anyways. Stasis feels very different than any previous class and I hope it stays strong.

Familyman617 !: I play crucible just as much as I play pve. I'm still rotating through all the subclasses and performing fairly well regardless of what I use in pvp. Stasis is fine, its a sudden change to pvp, but like any other time in Destiny's pvp history people learn to adjust at some point. For instance the cold snap grenade, all you have to do is jump to avoid being frozen. You can outrun the warlock super by hugging walls and corners. You can still outplay a stasis subclass with the movement ability of a dawnblade. The new hunter helmet makes you friggin disappear. Destiny needs these kinds of changes in my opinion. I understand everyone's experiences are different in pvp. I can only speak for mine and I'm having a blast right now.

Alan Heads: I hope this Season activities get better, I'll be waiting for a review or first impressions from you, always good to see your videos, very entertaining content.

vale bonfi: I don't like to be a doomer but the seasonal content loop doesn't look good. Seasonal activities are here to stay but they are just glorified HVT patrols...I was hoping for a Prismatic Recaster with more reissued weapons but I guess even that is too much for Bungie...

Patpuc: this is exactly what the darkness wants, as much as stasis is annoying, start using it, embrace the darkness, give in to the temptation, look inwards, control your power and let it grow... but seriously bungie needs to have a look as it

Tavaris Hooks: The last time I had this much fun in pvp was when they first gave us special weapons back

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