Lucifer Season 5 Part 2 Trailer - Lucifer Becomes God Netflix Breakdown and Easter Eggs

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Emergency Awesome: Here's my new Lucifer Season 5 Part 2 Trailer and Easter Eggs. Let me know if you want him to come back during the Justice League Dark HBO Series! Here's my new Marvel Shang Chi Trailer video too!

H. K: Whens the release date?

Robert Pena: Its deeply unlikely but i would love a Constantine cameo even if its as brief as Lucifers in Crisis.

KB4 Zod: Wish Matt Ryan would have been given more of a fair shake at the role than he got. He did such a great job.

WorldofPossible: I find it interesting about the part about dad jokes. I wonder if it wasn’t just a reference to luckier being God but that Chloe may be pregnant with lucifer’s kid.

P&R Productions: I think it's so cool that since I was 10 I've been watching the flash arrow and Lucifer not realizing that they are all connected and then justice league also being connected ontop of that. It's just cool to realize that I've liked all these show and they are connected in some crazy wayy

Mohammed Ahmed: I would love to see Chloe in a white dress sitting on a throne above heaven with lucifer as the god and goddess of all creation

リナと兄のchannel: Yesssss Constantine ❤

Guy Puglia: They might follow the comics and maybe Ella gets to be Elaine and Basically becomes God so Lucifer can be with Chloe.

The Short Yautja: Gods just like my dad

Steve Fong: What if that was god plan all along to retire

Philliph: Nanno : daddy I want on the show please

Skyteus: Constantine pls

DragonFae16: You can have all the theoretical knowledge in the universe, but still suck at using that knowledge.

Alexandru Cosug: You used "omnipotent" when you meant omniscient (all knowing) and then you used it again towards the end when you meant omnipresent (is everywhere at the same time)

Dank Starscream: 10:50 Pff, Darkseid cameo.

Dank Starscream: 10:22 I really hope it's the comic book ONLY.

Dank Starscream: 9:30 Hmmm...

Dank Starscream: 5:50 True, yea. I noticed that similarity too.

Dank Starscream: 4:25 Lol

Nathan Shaw: i honestly think chloe will be pregnant, after all why would lucifer be practicing dad jokes

Annatar: I straight up won't watch JLD if Matt Ryan isn't Constantine.

David Kartwright: Oh Lord (Stank face) this show is still on? So if he knocks up the lady detective, will they give birth to the antichrist? Because that could be cool.. Name ideas anyone?

AN OLD DEVIL: I think charlie would became God......

Emily Orter: This is gonna be so awesome.

Oliver Cleaver: Linda will be god

Alastor: Me sees Constantine , must press

Lucas Cramer: If its not Matt Ryan we riot

Jesse Becker: Why are we not talking about amenadiel becoming god, as Lucifer winning the battle, and him giving it to the amenadiel?

Makwana Gulab: 😈 is 🔙


Larry Thompson: God is testing. His Questions are aimed at testing their truthfulness. It is always about the lesson...

Andre Anderson: Lucifer crossover

JP Corteza: Doctor Linda lang malakas! HAHAHA

Alex Scho’s Vlogs: there's a season 6 after this right

Deborah Grey: I think Lucifer gets Chloe pregnant in this season. Notice how he keeps the words vague when he tells his dad about fixing their relationship so he can have "a relationship". Also the bit about practicing "dad jokes".

FEELOH: Lucifer will never be God

Serjohn: i cant believe this shit went for so long

Just Some Guy without a Mustache: Constantine is one of my favorite characters in DC, would love to see them join in

Frank Daemon: Now that you've made a video about this series, now I have to go and watch it! Keep up the good work.

Jorge Carbajal: I’m so excited to watch new episodes of Lucifer later this month. Also, I feel that Matt Ryan should continue to play Constantine because he is perfect in the role.

Rick Karrer: Matt Ryan is the only Constantine.

Christoper Brandon: he sounds like Morgan freeman and why and or how? this is awesome thou!

Golden Angel15: If he does become god what will happen to the DC multipverve will lucifer interfere if the hole DC multipverve is in danger

kokujinstyle: they've done this in the Lucifer graphic novel

TheRyno95: Soo I saw the flaming sword, but last we saw it was when Lucifer gave his mom a new universe to rule and tossed the pieces in with her. But if the sword is back and completed again, could that possibly mean that Lucifers mom is coming back too?

tashi Anti: I love justice league dark and I am hyped yessss

BlxxkStxx: I wish Emergency Awesome compared his review to the the Lucifer comics

Metroum: Comes out on my birthday! I’m hyped

Lowkey Loki: So basically, michael becomes lucifer, lucifer becomes god, lucifer sees how it's not easy being god and how he was a pain in the ass being the rebellious one and leading an army. God teaches him a lesson and everything goes back to normal. Cool.

Storybored: Matt is such a good john

D COSBY: Whenever God a true character he never knows all.

Unknown gaming: Is that the Allstate guy?

Michael M: I can't wait

antonio beljr: They need to bring Matt Ryan’s Constantine for Justice league Dark👏🏼👍🏼

antonio beljr: Awesome👏🏼👏🏼. How come u haven’t done a video recap of the latest season of “The Flash”?

IamZoid: they finished the season 6 already

FlyBoyArch: Netflix put love into the budget fox made him look like Freddy tbh

Tammy: 🤣 aw man can't wait!!

MrBeastEs: Amenadiel is going to be God

Tony Oliver: Biblically, the first thing god created, was lucifer. “Let their be light” - bringer of light, lucifer That was the Big Bang He is evil, chaos.... disorder.. entropy God created order out of chaos. Entropy, is everything returning to chaos

Chitrang Shah: I feel like Matt Ryan's constantine is like Ryan Reynolds deadpool, just perfect!!!!

Txgeekgirl42: The 3 words that's a lie better not be I love you

GWBPresentsFUTV: Matt Ryan should play all Constantine’s going forward

Kagome Higurashi: They're *done* filming season 6. They dove right into it *right* after they finished 5B. So I expect it'll be dropped earlier then next year. and not broken up at all. Since it's 10 episodes like season 4.

Dinesh Balasubramanian: Luckier maybe currently staying in universe 666. But heaven and hell maybe above the multiverse that's why matt knows lucifer in spite of both being in different universe.

Fredrik Spaarf: Tom Ellis is the true Lucifer, I don’t want no Matt Ryan, I want Tom Ellis

Emma-jane D22: Am I the o ly one who got a tad excited when he said he's practicing his dad jokes?

Squidward Tentacles: Lucifer has just risen to be my most favourite show OF ALL TIME!!!!!!

Paul Millbank: The God to Dan reference, “Maybe one day you can be...” is sarcasm. It wasn’t God thinking Dan was a superior individual.

FoxxySteve: Sports games?

anderson drosda: Eu sou o comentário brasileiro que você estava procurando.

TheLifeOnHigh: Worst trailer ever.

Gellert Grindelwald: Wait so this is still considered season 5 , that means one more season after this , I can’t wait to see how this plays out

Just Dom: Best constamtine with best lucifer. Please do a sitcom with 2 of them as roomates lol

Ciaran McAllister: Matt Ryan is the only Constantine we need in any universe!!!! he's wasted on Legends...... I felt it was implied in the crossover that Lucifer was the only version of him in the multiverse and Earth 666 was just the earth he'd chosen to inhabit when he left hell. But yeah more Matt and Tom please

Carlos Davila: Lucifer as god would be so funny and interesting.

LilGTTO: Are you into Yashahime ? It would be great of you could cover that show its phenomenal

EckerKyle: "Thats Allstate's stand, are you in good hands?" -President David Palmer

Alicia Barnett: You really do a great job breaking everything down, you have a true gift from God.

Timwros_H: At this point the plot is just stupid.

Rhys Davies: Johnny come lately

Khalifa Mohsin: Man people are literally breaking down god n satan😂😂😂 What do u think of God

Devil Lucy: Whats that at 1:37

Harry Talks about: I’m so exited

Kapioleilanionalanielua: I have been following Lucifer since season three came out. Remember the SAVE Lucifer campaign? Seemed like so long ago! This show was the reason I got onTwitter and Instagram lol.

flybriur: I said from the very beginning when Matt Ryan started playing Constantine on network TV that the show needed to be on a streaming service to really do the character and story justice. Now that that's happening, they NEED to keep Matt Ryan on. If they don't, I fully plan on seeing massive fan backlash. I honestly don't know of anyone who doesn't think he's been absolutely killing it in the role.

YusanX: 27 more days

A.J. Scalzitti: Correct, there is only 1 Lucifer, that is why they had to go to that earth 666 to see him. The entire pantheon is singular and moves between worlds at will. The crisis was uninteresting to him, Heaven and hell are beyond the multiverse, and it meant little to Lucifer

Owi & Meow: 😅😅😅god retired!! I just can't stop laughing, but it is only movie and I will enjoy it.

Janet Graham-Russell: Matt Ryan is such a good Constantine. Totally kicked Keanu's version into touch.

kikiwest2001: One thing about Chloe is that she has to be the worst cop ever. Girl can’t even solve a case without Lucifer

testerpt5: one of the 3 human characters will be the new God, wouldn't be surprised if it was the doctor. she is the mother of an half angel, she tries to understand and does her best to help Lucifer

Charlotte Chaplin: Nobody: Lucifer: I'm gonna make my own heaven! With Black Jack... And hookers! Michael: Oh, God. Lucifer: Yes?

alfred cheng: No one beats Tom Ellis' Lucifer and Matt Ryan's Constantine they play the characters too well

Arya Mizrahi: I genuinely hate this show

The Norwegian T-rex: Supernatural connects to dc Dc connects to Lucifer S Lucifer vs Lucifer

Kaztiel Chalmers: Who else remembers tom elis playing cenred in merlin back 2010

Ishmael kalokoh: The scene is good but I have a problem of god retiring,god should be eternal and Lucifer no matter what should be the king of damnation,that why he was created for to be a deceiver and let agony gluttony and ego over drive human in a way that their will be more soul in helll

L O N G: My take: Lucifer will become God after season 5. But, he finds out it's not what he thought it to be and wants to be with Chloe. Since all series it's been they get together but something keeps them apart. And then Amenadil will become God, Maze will rule over Hell with Eve, and Lucifer gives up his powers to FINALLY be with Chloe.

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