Top 10 Movie Serial Killers Based On Real Life People

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Кликните на изображение чтобы обновить код, если он неразборчив Fore more Horror, check out our playlist!: Which of these stories do you find the most chilling? What horror video would you like us to take a stab at next?

Katherine Knapp: UH, ALL OF THEM!!!! 😨😨😨😨😨😨

Gutembergue Lucas Vila Nova: I love seria killers.

Tyger20: "Ed Gein served as the inspiration for many fictional serial killers". But ironically is technically not a serial killer himself.

alexbunjiboy: I just realized lots of killers I hear are from or killed in California

cristian 1274: Peter Kūrten ("the vampire from Dūsseldorf") in Germany, in the '20s inspired the classic "M" starred by Peter Lorre

The Original Captain Trips: Top 10 Movie Serial Killers Loosely Based On Real Life People better title

Angela Silvi: I don't know who is the most scariest person I don't want to left alone with! Either Patrick Baitman or Hannil The Cannibal!? I could have a conversation with both of them, but then again I don't want to be eaten or cut up into pieces!

Tyler Mcbean: Leatherface will never be number 1

Jake Roberts: ed gein was apparently a real sicko

XMissMannyMonsterX: BTK was Kansas, not Kentucky.

Peter Krom: U very beautiful nice smile

Benaissa Leila: I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti .

Random Sog: 1:25 BTK was active in Kansas not Kentucky.

Benton Hitt: Rader killed in Kansas, not Kentucky...

Kyle Boulanger: I always thought Hannibal Lecter was based on Jeffrey Dahmer since he ate his victims' flesh.

Justin Cameron: Hi.

TheOnlyFelix: BTK was active in Kansas, not Kentucky.

GiancarloFXBBTx.: BTK was in Kansas not Kentucky.

Elizabeth Brandon: Ed Gein is only known to have killed two people- not nearly as many as most of the other serial killers on this list. The thing that makes people so fascinated by him is the other sick stuff he did- robbing graves, cutting up bodies, and using parts of human corpses to furnish his home.

Kameron Wolff: Btk was not in Kentucky.. He lived in wichita ks.. Does watch mojo ever do research or do they just half ass everything?

korey miller: Dennis raider lived in Kansas not Kentucky

Blender Study: Thank you for the update, WatchMojo..!! Knowing that the movies were based on true events, it feels like some of the movies I have watched were actually horror movies..!! 😱

Luke Johnston: The only good thing eddie gein did in his life was to give us Norman bates, leatherface and buffalo bill. Unfortunately that was at the expense of two women and a few corpses.

John Tobias: Francis Dollarhyde (The Red Dragon/Tooth Fairy) was also apparently based on BTK, as was confirmed by Harris. No matter how loosely the adaptation was with BTK also considering no one knew who he was, i think should be an honorable mention.

Wil Adams: Get off the PC shit. Ted Bundy did not kill 'people' he killed WOMEN. For you to use the pronoun 'people' you are misleading your audience into believing that Bundy killed men as well. He did not. It is more accurate to use the word 'women' otherwise you are FAKE NEWS.

Pablo Rodriguez Cortes: what about pennywise? inspired by John Wayne Gacy and also buffalo bill have a touch of Bundy now make a top about the real serial killers

Adam Jenks: I’ve always suspected the Patrick Bateman character was loosely based on Theodore Robert Bundy.

Leigh Hellinger: Dennis Rader was active in Kansas not Kentucky. I know Bc I’m from KY.

LL S: The Stepfather was inspired by John List.

Trami Nguyen: I love these horror movies!

Rene Luke: I would have liked to see more of Andrew Robinson's chilling scenes in Dirty Harry. His portrayal as the Zodiac Killer was so good that it left him typecast as psychotic killers for years to come until he became Garak in Deep Space 9.

Lily Rose: I love Christian Bale

Ashleigh Stratmann: There was a survivor from the backpack murders too. He returned to Australia from UK to testify in Ivan's trial and make sure Ivan got a guilty verdict. Took a lot of courage.

RemyLeBeau: Ted Bundy was ugly as sin why do people keep saying he was handsome??

Adam Dyer: Yall forgot to mention that hannibal was also connected to Ted Bundy's for inspiration.

Turbo Fast: Serial killer Richard Ramirez aka the night stalker killed 15 people in los angels in 1985

Christopher Weeden: I was not prepared to this lady's face

Dante Grim: “House of a thousand corpses and its sequel Leatherface from the Texas Chainsaw massacre” Haha...noooo

Diana Wolf: Copycat

Kayla Drummond: This goes to show that some slasher movies are based on real life in some way shape or form. I guess truth is stranger than fiction

Zeeshan Baloch: First time got to see the face behind the voice ... and really not disappointed 😁 Rebecca: why hide all this time

Kazi nadbir alam Adit: My Paternal grandmother died. It would mean a lot to me and my family if you pray for her soul.

crAZNimal: whao martin sheen , thought he was charlie sheen or emilio.. they look so alike

Tyler Stewart: If you’re saying that Otis Driftwood from the Rob Zombie Trilogy is based off a real person than he should easily be taking a top spot here

Faceless TricksterX: worse one for me might not be about serial killer but is much worse and that's the murder of junko furuta(movie concrete) even after her death was disgusting acts

Sol Ascencio: Btk did all his work in Wichita Kansas not Kentucky

John Roy Shannon: i dont know if this counts but there was a movie based on a true story where a rapist would lure girls and then kill in his shack i forgot what the movie was called and he was sentenced life in prison around the 70s

Cadillac Deville: Some of these I didn't even see ...

Wanda Ivanova: I Though The Winter Soldier Was A Real Serial Killer

Cody Wolf: You might want to fact check your info. BTK was serial killer in Kansas and not Kentucky.

Blah Blahs: All these spoilers:/ damn

shtupurgnamakit: I heard Ed Geins' Mother's room was completely spotless. Everywhere else had bone and skin furniture, a female flesh suit and a belt made of nipples. He also asked for a piece of apple pie with chedder cheese and then he would confess. WTF man.

Pranay Kumar: Monster of Charlize Theron based on Aileen Wuornos a serial killer

Christoffer Orrmalm Utsi: Thank you WatchMojo for including Leatherface from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, the list wouldn't be complete without that choice!

Zee Vids: I am sure I am not the only one who reached this channel by Tom Holland.....

Ronald Marcano: So much for bad publicity.

Sam Kresil: I always thought Christian Bale based his take of Patrick Bateman on that of Tom Cruise since his appearance on the David Letterman show because of his "very intense friendliness with nothing behind the eyes," So he very likely based his performance on that of Cruise. Cruise obviously wasn't a seriel killer but he was still partly the influence for Bale's character for American Psycho.

Gevorg1989: Considering murderer's identity in Psycho is plot twist, you shouldn't have mentioned his name when saying No. 1 but left it for seconds later, so those who didn't watch the film wouldn't be spoiled

David Martin: Dennis Rader BTK was in Kansas not Kentucky

matteo mariucci: a russian killer: is this a rostov butcher reference?

Just Some Guy with a Hood: Top 10 Fathers Vs Sons In Video Games Eg. Zeus vs Kratos (God of War 3), Haytham vs Connor (Assassin's Creed 3), Vergil vs Nero (DMC 5), Heihachi vs Kazuya or Kazuya vs Jin (Tekken), Batman vs Damian Wayne (Injustice 1 & 2), Kenshi vs Takeda (Mortal Kombat X), Jecht vs Tidus (Final Fantasy X)

SamoaVsEverybody_814: @1:27 Rader was from *Kansas, not Kentucky

Tommy Donny: Rebecca 😍😍😍

Eggy Evan: Concrete should have been on here the murder of juko furuta

Birdup4life: Love me some Patrick Bateman.

The Cooper Tech Kid: Wasn't it all in Bateman's mind and in fact he didn't kill anyone!?

Ebin Delgado: Guess I ain't sleeping tonight

mr.sushi22: Badlands is literally one of my favorite movies, Marin sheen is so likable yet evil

Sistik123: Rebecca always looking great.

wild onez: Ummm sorry but i live in kansas actually the town BTK was active in BTK was killing in kansas not Kentucky he was caught because his stupid ass sent that letter to news station in Park city kansas where he was living (idk if he still was at the time of his arrest the sheriff there or not) just had to let people know he was still alive may have gotten away with all those murders had he not sent that letter park city is not big and he was like the perfect citizen but maybe he still was killing and we just dont know about the new murders? I remember to this day how freaked out i was sleeping with knives under my pillow when they announced he had returned and warned women living alone i was 18 female living alone i stopped sitting on my balcony sipping wine made sure i was in before 11pm i was freaked my bff would stay the night with me man terror straight terror

S҉I҉S҉U҉* *G꙰I꙰R꙰L꙰: When I was younger, my family & I would go through Plainfield, WI. We always stopped for lunch at a small cafe there & fill up with gas. My sister would always ask the waitress if they had any fresh ladyfingers. I don’t think we ever left a good impression there. 😜 After the Military, I worked for the Wisconsin Department of Corrections for a year...not too long after Dahmer was whacked. Ed Gein & Jeff Dahmer were often discussed amongst inmates. 🧀 Welcome To Wisconsin(?) 🐮

DeathStroke: Why did I have to watch this before bed

Marilou Dagooc: What about the gainsyville ripper

why k: Rebecca, I love you. My ideal type.♡

DarkGaia 13: BTK is from Kansas

Jason Schaeffer: You know it would be great if maybe you did some research before doing one of these videos. Dennis Rader aka BTK was in Wichita, Kansas which is no where near Kentucky!

Peter Booth: Buffalo Bill also had a touch of Ted Bundy when he used the fake cast to lure his victims into his vehicle.

TwistedDonners: Snowtown is probably one of the most accurate movie depictions of a murder/murders i know of.

Frosty Clown: They forgot pennywise and John Wayne gacy

JDP1977: Thanks again for the movie recommendations.

Nicole Knight: I wonder what happened when they realized that they executed the wrong man? (10 Rellington Place)

JC JJ: 太子恆安樓157A 六樓 張潔珠

Ali Alii: Silent of 🐑

Diego Valdés: Ballí Treviño lived in Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico. A friend of mine lives like two houses apart from where he used to live, and his uncle and aunt actually knew and met Ballí.

Ali Alii: Texas vs Freddy

Ali Alii: Thanks Hollywood🎥

Ali Alii: Smart killer 💀☠️

Randy Gray: I wonder if Michael or Jason I based of anyone

Randy Gray: Chucky was based on 3 killers.

MK Productions 2.0: Henry Lee Lucas. Henry:Poratriat of a serial killer.

Jennifer Hawkins: Side note for WatchMojo, Dennis Rader was active in Kansas not Kentucky. His resurfacing in the 2000s freaked our community [where he committed his crimes] out until he was caught.

Ali Alii: Hollywood number one 1️⃣

Patrick Barcarse: That's nooot a knoife, THIS is a Knoife

Ali Alii: Citizen x x xxxxx

Ali Alii: Wolf Creek ok

Ali Alii: OMG Anthony hopeking 1️⃣

Wojtek Religa: In My opinion "Watchmojo" should create another list about "versus competition". That is my ideas: * "Which mobile game is better Time-killer: Tetris versus The Angry Birds? " * "Which Star Wars game is better: Knights of the Old Republic or Fallen Order"? * "Which game company is worse: Sega or Electronic Arts?" * "Which Sony game francise is the best: Jakc and Daxter, Sly Cooper or Ratchet&clank?" What do you think about them?

Daniel Holguin: I like to think as Ed Gein as a simple inspiration for Leatherface. Tobe Hooper made such a terrifying and memorable character with many, many differences between him and Gein.

Devin Crum: Jack from The House That Jack Built (Lars von Trier's newest 2018 film) also has a lot of traits based off of a handful of real life serial killers as well. For example: during Incident 4 he pretends to walk with a cane to seem less threatening to a woman he was targeting just like Ted Bundy would do. The film also takes place in the pacific northwest US in the 70's and 80's when there were a lot of the famous serial killers (bundy, gacy, dahmer, you get it). The House That Jack built will eventually become recognized for the genius it is in the next 10 years, just watch.

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