Fortnite Season 5 Battle Pass

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Nerpah: Who is HYPED for Fortnite Season 5?

Blake: Necrozma099

ninja an: My epic is proking_ninjaanz


Jed Lomani: November 31st😂😂😂

Rinelle W: done my epic name is rinnie.pooh

Collective Encounters: albieblaster

DREE LOW Pro: Elias_kader

Jenna Brucker: Bbrucker25

Im2bassco :D: This hurts me

Not Hazzi: TTV_Hazzi08

Starsprodigy PlayzYT: I want the ginger raider

Starsprodigy PlayzYT: Nerpah can you add Starsprodigy2k?

Leon Valdez: My epic is TheNextHokage20

Dano 5: Andra e tank

William Turner: owen1973

Area: Literally to the 1% whos reading this,God bless you, stay safe and have wonderful days 💖(my dream is to become a famous youtube) Thanks

Jackson Daren: Epic: Jackson Daren

James Russell: Hi

Hall Family: haloexpert1000

duaa alsyouf: mkrc_11

it's Qayyim wz: I heard that battle pass is Star Wars theme but still not 100%

Tori Fjeldstad: My epic user name is liloopy22

Jade Dyer: My username is DOGABLE

kdan: Kinda disappointed they released all marvel stuff in the battle pass this year without putting any Halloween themed items in it.

Tyler Scurto: Please add me Tee_Bones04

SHADOW KNIGHT: I sub and liked you vidos epic name:YT_SHADOW_KNIGHT

MemeDude: Yesterday we went back my head a little to get a little better to get together to work in the ender to help with my intake of a modded adventure

Ghanhs Playz: Let's fucking go nerpeh

Lu Dun: james24354088

It's Emmantality: Done everything my epic is Euugeo. More power in your channel my G!

LJ Gameing: Done username Lillarry9867

LJ Gameing: Username Lillarry9867

Hey zilla: I havent watched you since season x

Alex Khayat: my epic is sooamazin

Itsome_guy: November 31???🤔🤨🤨

Nolan Tomko: I have been subcribed to you for 1 year

Little Sergeant: LitllesergeantYT plzz add me i have been watching you since last year

Jeremiah Allen: Jaking3150 please I rlly need a skin

ISIS Orion: season 7 was myy favorite

CertiIcey13: Great content you keep me up to date, thanks man. I also have liked, subscribed, notifications are on and I used your code. EPIC: YT_Certiicey13

Chris V: Epic: fearme077 EVERYONE USE CODE Nerpah

Scorpion_ king Konopka: Nerpah, if you are reading this, I have never been featured in a video and I have never bought a skin from the item shop because I don't have enough. It would really mean a lot to me if you at least friend me. User is: Batzcorps222

Gaming brothers: My user name is Elfluu

JonnyPhillipsIsGod: My Epic: Sam_The_Man229

Zachary Rodriguez: i think teir 100 should be ice queen

VALENTINO . SALAZAR GRAELL: My name is evofuzion in fortnite

Dylan Bach: My yurser name is Bane2525

Monika Grove: Ive liked and subscribed my epic is Itz.Drina

Alexander Richmond: chapter 2 season two

Ali Asghar: Done my epic tughanomsking24

Oskar Klemenčič: My name is SuperOSKAR42.

Caroline Moyo: King techno

angela martinez: DominicG2009

yassin tarek: can you gift me the battle pass or any skin my epic is Ttv_ninja_usa

Johnese Murray: Me

Phantom Noodle: I did everything! User: Phantom Noodle

MONICA RITTERS: my epic is clapped_drop

MONICA RITTERS: im a no skin

Dodo Randi: I really want the Mogul Master (CAN) my user is Smelllllllls Me. It has 8 L’s :)

Joe Oliver: My name in fortnite is KingNINJOE

Cérebro Gamer: Me and my dad went fishing, but we forgot the bait. Then we used the title and thumb of this video.

VengE: do you know if apple and fortnite are done fighting

Irina Harghel: Epic is DanielBTW.

_beat boy _: '' done ''. :epic Ninjamandarijn

Adriana Meyers: I use your code and my username is Floppy Yago

Gaming all Time: My epic is Spyte gun

Allie Moir-Porteous: He dint say you will be the richest player in fortnite he ment do you want to be

Lisi Perry: I did everything my name is ElbowFungus500

Zero Point: My epic is jones1efc I watch you everyday

Money Mustafa: My user is moneyboyy305 i liked vid and subed

DRMINTY 10: Me I’m Lachydacky10

Cody hagler: ROGUE_SNIPER77

Hillol Biswas: Need Some players and gift Skull Crusher v2

Shelly Henderson: toxiclollipop_ I subed and turned on notifications and supported you

Amber Taylor: My fortnight accountIs Lelando5

NL- GAMING: SoarXmental or staafie08

Andrew Pendered: Gbomb pls I just started with no skins

RJFM Infinity fox: Infinity fox495

The Fornite King: xRomoCop

Jacob Wiley: Toxic_Fritos

borivoj bakic: My epic is lukamistic

Pedro Cruz: i liked nd subscribed my epic is mariobroscool

Djayden Kentgens: Epic speedy591planet

Hollow Rose: So it was chapter 2 season 8?!

Square Bucke: I’m SquareBucke but u won’t add me after 7 months

2D Yeet: Unbracedwalk798

Kent Kendrick: Thanks for reminding me why I unsubscribed complete trash

Summer ϟ: Sees poki *clicks*

Dashing Laser: My user name is DashingLasrr

José Santiago Núñez Navarro: Can you please gift me a skin

Matthew Sawyer: BOJO_vybez I have one skin and one pickaxe please add me


Shabnam Kadir: Raven92512 I used your code😊

Lucas Rivera: How you get bot lobby's

Kiera Young: Demonslayeryoung capital D please add me and gift me


Radhitya Elnino: its so cool bro gg

Kodant Gwinn: Xx_OrAnGe-JaM4

Parul Maheshwari: I did all the things and I like all ur videos whenever they come out please could u gift me bro I am ur biggest fan🥺 my epic is, VanshAlHabibi

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