LOOT PREVIEW, Future Subclass Tuning, & Eververse (FINAL TWAB) | Destiny 2 Season of the Splicer

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Aztecross: TIMESTAMPS: 00:00 Intro 00:57 Roadmap Recap 01:23 Reward Preview (armor) 02:11 Rewards Preview (weapons) 04:48 Perk Hints 05:48 Patchwork (subclass tuning & future) 08:48 Nav Mode (UI update) 10:00 Crucible, Gambit, & Strike Changes 11:47 Eververse, Glows, & General Updates 14:18 TWAB Outro

mythilicar: mmm yes. i love my old fashioned rock without built in internet capabilities.

Taniks, The Abomination: That’s not the light beware it’s the plug-1

Anthony Albano: Hung Jury, First In, Last Out, and Xenophage is gonna be my new PvE loadout for anything not grandmaster even for VoG.

william ryder: I bet hung rolls with meganeura and slap it with a dragonfly soec mod baby. Rapid hit and maganeura. Let's go baby.

NINA ROBES: I really want to see a Lincoln Green with random rolls. Trace Rifle armor mods got me moist. 🥲

Brennen Walker: I think the fusion rifle is actually PLUG ONE.1, not LIGHT/Beware

Link Exe: i love how the title says "LOOT PREVIEW" (preVIEW) and he only shows TWAB text and reading it! looks like quality content cant be delivered anymore on this channel... obligatory clickbait title, simply reading a TWAB selling it as content and lately funny face thumbnails XD and people wonder why destiny went downhill and will keep going this direction, if people already celebrate this kind of quality for content for their game XDDD there are many gaming communities! some are toxic, some are friendly, some dont have a huge social aspect, BUT destiny takes the cake of the dumbest community by far :D want proof? look at this channel!

Ropies: Sadly I was literally under the no internet rock for 4 days 😑

TheRedHood: because of that lord of wolves comment, about using it all weekend, i will be disliking this video. However, the rest of the video was fine

J C: so if im interpreting this right, it just got even harder to get to legend for a casual player. nice.....fml

Ghost Echo1-1: Honestly I have not used any of my suppers in pvp Everytime I use my code of juggernaut ever freezes me so I said since day one screw it no supper call of duty this shit 😂😂

Official Trash Meme Account: so I use Ace of Spades all the time on my hunter rather it be pvp or pve. Now my hunter is black and red so I've always wanted the forsaken pre-order ornament for it but I had no way to play video games until last year around this time. I've heard people get that ornament from eververse engrams so what do you think the odds are that tess is kind to me and puts that ornament in the archive tab since the rng has not blessed me?

kwerk: Honestly, I'd rather receive the Seasonal Exotic weapon through the season vendor. Like I'd rather go up to Ikora and have her say "yo bitch mithrax made this sidearm for using stasis splinters, have fun" rather than go to season pass, *click*

Monkey: They could make new maps for crucible or they could just use the like 10 that are in the game but aren't being used, that confuses me more than them not adding new maps.

SwordBreaker925: Please God holy hell, no more pinnacles. Pinnacles were the entire reason sunsetting happened to begin with...

SwordBreaker925: Really hate that they're removing the current nightfall loot

Alexander Rego: I disagree strongly with the stasis take. If they wanted stasis to be broken to sell more copies of beyond light. Then they wouldnt constantly nerf it

Tree Funk Jones: Wait stand-alone? Does that mean those will be the only things dropping in bright engrams?

Akuma Imayaruk: The change to tracked quests/bounties kinda bug me. I like that they have it so all can be seen normally though I would have liked it if we could still have a tracked section to highlight certain quests/bounties to make it easier to keep track of those we want to focus on first

jesuslikedpie: Horse voice, there are horses now?

Heleff123: I think its been said that Vex can't simulate paracausal entities, i.e. the Light/dark and guardians, which is why they have so much trouble killing us. If the epilogue takes place in the simulation, its possible that the Traveler isn't there, and the live event will probably be the Traveler reappearing as the simulation ends.

Eric G: My God, LIGHT/BEWARE terrorized the Crucible back in D1 Year 1

DLAROC: Cool, Infinite Forest is returning again

J. S.: Still pissed I can't actually collect the podium quest for guardian games....Bungie can suck a fat one.

dennylafoss: 7 years into destiny and they still are working on menus and bounty screens, no wonder why all the content is stale and recycled

G Haus: Reusing unwraps is great, you don’t even have to like them, but resting all the game system the build every season was killing us, in terms of learning curve, utility and wasted coding time. Bungie, please do more of this, introduce game systems we can use for years, and if like umbrage they have quality of life improvements, even better! I’d just like to see the artefact be much less limiting each season. Only having limited weapon types, and just as annoying limited unlock slots (why? It’s already limited as hell by subclass or weapon type).

GlOrIoUs DeAdDx: When i saw that they're adding trace rifle mods i gotta think theres gonna be a new exotic stasis trace rifle coming

Alec Nardone: *sees hung jury* *cries tears of happiness*

Tex Lingon: That was not LIGHT/BEWARE but Plug.one fusion lol

ZERO COOL: That hunters tornado 🌪last forever it needs to be nerf ASAP

Mike Mercer: So Bumgo sunsets great weapons, just to bring stuff back from D1. That's why I quit D2 and I went back to D1. Not paying for this stupid shit anymore.

sack943: That's why I love cross lmao I have the ability to review a weapon with it's catalyst and forget about it 🤣

Daniel Boll: “Traveler said fuck work”

Josue Rivera: Awesome! I really enjoy how you inform us about the TWAB and your commentaries. Good job!

DJIsher1: The fusion is Plug One.1

Noble Wolfe: Super nerf is because of Crucible Guardians crying.

That Cup: I’m pretty sure mythoclast will be a burst fire high damage trace rifle

DjAlvarez 001: Grasp of malok?👀

Lord TouchMe: I knew you forgot about that catalyst wasn't gonna say anything though it happens 😂 can't wait for that LoW Trials video

Ecalleros323 Ecalleros323: The hung has the dead orbit sign does that mean those fuckers are coming back?

Domingo Vargas: Reskins 😴 .......

truly a wonderful bush to behold: Shocking!!!!! They're selling you more shit you already paid for

flawIess: PLEASE BUNGO and only og d1 players will know what im going to say next, bring back shoot to loot 🥺

Chris Estrada: Revenant is useless now.....

Kenneth Masters: Crying about stasis is getting ridiculous at this point. It is not that bad and can be countered (high resilience) avoided. Like just fucking adapt to the game. Sheesh

ALMIGHTY ACE: Is it just me or is anyone else sick if stasis nerfs because of it being beyond lights main thing n now it's nothing in comparison to how it was when it first came I just want them to bring up the light classes like for instance the name escapes me but there is a YouTuber that has great ideas to make them on par with stasis n they are fantastic ideas it just feels like ya it's strong so make the rest good as well so it doesn't feel so bad expecially in pve it weak compared to at first

Snow Viper: Man, Hunter stasis sure is getting nerfed into the ground isn't it? Two ranged melee attacks don't even freeze, but yet titan and warlock get instant freeze melee, Warlock and Titan Stasis supers are still incredibly strong, but here we are, titan and warlock stasis untouched but hunter super gets a range nerf of almost 1/3, lol.


Dgtldead: Cerberus+1's ornament has only shown up in eververse like once and that was years ago lol I'll be glad when I can buy it


SaintGeekdom: Looking forward to the new (& returning) seasonal Exotic & Legendary weapons this upcoming season. Especially Hung Jury as I got to use it before. Also, since Trace Rifles are getting armor mods I better get that catalyst for one of the exotic Trace Rifles I own fully maxed soon. PVE & Gambit is about to become very toasty soon...

xXdjslacksXx: Scout related thing happens = Scout buff is on the way

Calibrumm: so they addressed stupid ass ranks but not the fact that it take FIFTEEN FUCKING THOUSAND infamy to reset. its fucking ridiculous.

Colby Craig: Your dog shit camping in trials with your super

Taylor Van Weelde: I used to snipe the hobgoblins during Oracles in VoG in D1 vanilla with my Light/BEWARE. That thing was a monster back then.

smoke smoke: Soon as the word clever dragon was spoken i got excited and liked the video

Christian Colt: Pretty sure that’s PLUG ONE.1

W Braveheart W: that cryptic "fire quick with a little kick" makes me think theyll have a pulse that can roll with kickstart or something like that

Hayden: Yo, Aztecross. Where's your video on hunters winning guardian games? Lol, jk dude. Love your content man. ❤

MrHollowLively: Was so glad to hear about the solstice armors, like literally more glad than any other changes, the shadebinder fragment change was really nice too but dude that solstice shit is so good. Was cleaning out my vault yesterday and just remembered the fact that they never unsunset the solstice "gifted" version of the updated armor from armor 3.0, nor gave it an extra mod slot, but the fact that it also had a glow slot but they couldn't do that for the old versions... like.. breh what. -.-

Jesus is Lord: Heaven and hell are two very real literal places. And we all deserve Hell because we all have sinned and fall short of God's glory (Romans 3:23.) Nobody is righteous, nobody is sinless, and God will justly give us what we deserve by casting us in Hell for eternity where there is no rest. But even though we deserve Hell, God is still gracious and loving to us. He sent his only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to give us another chance. Jesus lived a perfect sinless life, He was tempted in every way as we are yet He never sinned. He paid the price for our sins when He was crucified and died a horrible death. Isaiah 53 says His appearance was disfigured beyond that of any man and His form was marred beyond human likeness. Jesus suffered to take the punishment we rightly deserve. Then, He was buried for 3 days, but He conquered death and rose again on the 3rd day. Jesus offers you the free gift of Eternal Life. He wishes that all would come to Him, and He will never turn you away. If you simply believe that Jesus did die for your sins and rose again on the 3rd (1 Corinthians 15 1-4) , and if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart God raised Him from the dead (Romans 10:9-10) then you are saved. No matter what you have done, Jesus loves you, He wants you to accept His free gift of Eternal Life. Now, you're probably laughing at me right now and scoffing, but I only say this because even though I don't know you, I love and care for you. I don't want you to end up in Hell. You know in your heart that this is true, Jesus is Lord. Don't suppress the truth, your eternity is at stake. Please just think about it.   Revelation 3:20 "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him and he with me." Revelation 22:17 "Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life."

Anthony Martinez: Wait a minute, since when are BUGS SEXY? Also, how is removing armor from the season pass an upgrade? Come on man!

wood: I really hope they don’t gut stasis in PVE. I’m going to lose my mind if we go back to the same Ward of dawn titan Nightstalker and well of radiance for like the 100th year.

HdlpGHGtvYTpvpXD mcfna: What about royal entry? It gone? :'(

Zecrastez: So... does this mean the Battlegrounds activity is being removed next season? 🤔

Chrome Kronos: Lmaoooo glad you caught yourself on the LOW cat 😂😂😅

wazzupDoc: I can smell a TLALOC.

Patton Arnold: On stasis..... you have to make me stand completely still.... to kill me... its stupid... its a crutch... nerf it.

Jeff: I just want my Bygones and Autonomous Autumn back!

DBS Hamza 425: Kinda disappointed about what they brought back, they could’ve gave matador, party crasher, LDR, longbow

Shinato I: I miss Warden's Law

Charlliy: Whoever is making this armor needs to put their two weeks in. Because that amor is ugly and pathetic. The titans helmet is literally a ball with a spider face.

Troy Roberts: Season of smallen

Estevan Alejandro: Snipe with QuickDraw dragonfly .???? Praedeths

TheFirst Coyote: THANK GOD for color blind support on stasis holy shit

Joshua Hunt: Can we get a fix to Silence and Squall, every other super carries on after breaking out of Stasis but not S&S? Also we nerfed Glaive, but gave the other 2 classes the ability to instantly freeze using melee?

Auzzy4: No those nightfall weapons are not eirene and whatever you said those guns are as follows Scout - Hung Jury Fusion - Plug ONE.1 Sniper - uzume

Anthony Burke: Another season another Hunter nerf

sahil star: Does anyone knows how to fix error code broccoli?I literally can't play the game for more than 10 min,i crash over 20 times in like 1 hour,i got lock out of gambit and can't grind the hand cannon anymore,this started happeing since beyond light came out please someone help me

Well No: I'm like 99% sure thats PLUG ONE.1 not light beware

Empress Caiatl: I bet its a new 450 rpm pulse

CrushableDread: The build you’re using in the video is incredibly close to the one I’ve been rocking since Arrivals. Down to the void sidearm and Witherhoard with Nezarics Sin. As a tip, with witherhoard and devour, you can easily spam grenades and blight pools without worrying.

Josh Evans: Does bungie hate warlocks why do they make our ornaments so goddam ugly man I wanna be beautiful for once

Tina Tvedt: Way back then triple tap and fire fly was the god roll for hung jury

ICY.: Are we getting cross platform play next szn?

Joshua Snyder: Unpopular opinion I actually didn’t really like hung jury

Whistle: Eirene rr4 with luck in the chamber or final round?

tetsuo3k: That nav mode update looks slick. I've been tired of the three trackers only limit since I started playing D2. It's not the solution I would've proposed, but I can see it working for me.

Lentchunk234: I dismantled my Hung Jury for the Tlaloc quest. Glad to be able to use it once more!

J S: They are nailing it bungie , this is what we want , stop making us spent materials to switch mods we already own!!!!!!

Jacob Mally: "SubLcass Tuning" - Bungie

Arin: HEY CROSS! what sidearm are you using in this footage?

A D: bungie still innovating with reskinned D1 content it seems


Brody Hinspeter: Cross, Vex Mythoclast will be a linear fusion, it was a scout fusion baby

pearl3g87: Iiiis thaaaaat the hung jurrrrry

Bigby Wolf: read the twab 3 times and still couldnt wait for croses video xD

OsmiumQueen: Hunter here. Am happy about that.

Jason P: People still play this game?

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