BEST Controller Fortnite CUSTOM BINDS + SETTINGS! (Fortnite Season 11 - PS4 + Xbox)

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Jvccobb: I use code Gronky12 can i get a pin

Danny Salih: Soo bad settings

Danny Salih: Not sprint by default

EliteMcrr: Does gronky play claw

OPS torch and OPS renzo: I use

PUMPKIN: Should i switch from edit on realese to LT confirm?

Pedro Bucio: What’s the place trap keybind?

One Nice Alex: Anyone else edit with Left Bumper?

qloading: whats the point of pick axe on left stick

FIFO DelToro: What you think about the scuf vantage 2 trying to figure out the best binds for the 2 sax buttons

Vamp: Idk if it’s just me but I can’t reset my custom settings can someone help

Luis Davila: I use R3 click to edit and L2 to confirm and reset and rotate

KeyLime Punk: So I bought a Strike Pack Dominator a few days ago. It took some time to get used to, but it has helped a great deal. I moved the jump back to the A button and edit to L3. I still have that habit of hitting L3 to jump, but it has gotten better. It’s just a matter of retraining your muscle memory. But claw is just not an option for me. My hands are too small and it’s very uncomfortable to me.

KeyLime Punk: I’m a non claw, non paddle Xbox One S player. I tried using L3 as the edit button and returned my jump back to the A button, but I have gotten so used to jumping with L3, I struggled the entire time. I’m considering getting an elite controller or an PowerA Fusion controller so I can use a paddle for jumping. Anyone else using their left thumb stick for jump?

Zanity Tm: I NEED HELP ! How can I sprint without clicking L3 while using L3 to edit 😭😭😭

IxKingz: switch crouch and jump

SML: U know whats funny Gronky:what U showing us these settings but not using them

Chauncey Food Reviews: I’m having trouble with the claw binds can anyone help ? It’s extremely hard to edit , jump and pull out my builds with the same finger .

S DUBG: I'm using these binds but I always find myself editing out of nowhere cause I'm always using L stick. Thoughts?

xd Crusader: Claw is for boomers

ReqazyXxX YT: What about traps?

Flash R6: I don’t play claw maybe I should switch

Alfred Abdou: U talk too much just get to the point and show us u don’t have to explain everything

max Danila: Bro your so fucking annoying

Gunga Pig: I play on xbox, and I use LS edit, RS jump, A as switch mode and B as crouch and yes rb reset and lb confirm

Fyrfn.: I wish this was for actually helping to actually bind the paddles to the jump button

chaotic Clout: I edit wit L3 and confirm wit L3

Master gamer: Gronky if you see this post can I play with you please my Xbox name is RRMGYT or my epic name is RajaDaBoy please play with me I’m bad and I need help

Master gamer: I use code Gronky12

Megan Crittenden: I use code Gromy12 in the ittom shop

Tyler Bothwell: What's your x and y, ads, and scope?

Sbeve: I use L3 jump and top left paddle to edit on the new elite controller. Is that right?

S-_-Mistirius: No claw/paddles I use r3 to jump x to crouch l3 to edit r1 to reset and r2 select ( I use edit on release )

Zilla On Top: What is goin onn guuys

philip8989: im new on controll and i still dont understand what bindings i should use after see this video, why is there no video that just show som nice settings without talking so much shit?

Crypto's op: What about left stick toggle pickaxe and y edit is that good? I don't feel comfortable with L edit

VonTooNasty: Sensitivity?

Monica Fleshood: Gronky I used L3 for editing and R3 for jump and A for crosscut and I can honestly tell you it makes your 90’s are better my movements are and it’s just all around more comfortable

Silent Plays: Im a claw player who just converted to scuf and man its rough I have to think what buttons i have to press

Dummy Ex: Sens?

CallMeBlaze: Can anyone tell me how to make an intro like that???

qckdxter: Hey mate, do you know how to fix my launcher doing tricks on me for eg: I have a 3 GB file to download, once it reaches 3 GB , it goes to 6GB to download and so fourth. Please help me im losing my sanity

Zak Zim: Deadzones?

AlevistonS: Just a normal controller and nothing on it?

Airox BDL: I now play with edit on release. Before my binds where "L" edit, "Rt" Confirm and "RB" Reset. I've switched back to "L" Edit and confirm and "Rb" reset

im icee lol: What is swich mode

Zaru: I'm sorry but I hate the way u talk

Clapzy: Fucking Kermit talking

qloutlol: Where does he show settings

Lalitowapo: My settings are jumping with l3 and editing with thouch pad and confirming with x and reset with square I myself really enjoy these settings because I dont play claw

Ely Chavez: @gronky when I place a wall my gun goes off. Do you or anyone here know how to fix this ?

toki wartooth: Disliked cuz 6 ads in 10 mins :)

Viki13: Why is he not on Ghost anymore

HeartlessSZN YT: I need some feedback I’m thinking of switching my jump to right stick because I want to keep leftstick

Krolixy Official: What is Better basic or legacy settings

Real Guru: What do you think about confirm on release

TraumaFN: The non claw non paddle is bh reloads bind I think I'll try it but I've been using the old binds you said in your last vid thanks can you make a vid on edit on release and how to get better with it

Arctic Breeze: I play right hand claw and use left stick edit Y/triangle as comfirm and and rb/r1 as reset

Michael Sholtz: L3, to start edit Rt, to pick edit (Rt release) to confirm edit L3, to reset edit R3, second confirm for a reset edit

Mxnsuki: 1:36 non claw non paddle + paddle

Legazy 99: Has anyone else experienced this, when firing through the windows of houses there is noticeably less aim assist? Or at least, it feels that way.

: I used code gronky12

Joseph D: Is there a downside to using the right stick to reset rather than the bumper? It seems quicker to me beacuse your thumb is already there, vs having to hit right trigger then the bumper with the same finger.

Cronus Banks: Can I turn shadows off?

dd GO: Hopefully you are working on a setting video on season 2 for us Gronky..

Oliver B: Is claw better?

scarzoo005: I cant understand anything from this video honestly because idk what claw/non claw or paddles even mean. Also the image of the xbox controller throws me off so bad, would appreciate and explanation to what those are and ps4 controller image of the binds because im lazy.

Viktor arnberg: Do you use legacy settings or the new ones

3lement2010: Does using paddles actually improve gameplay??

EliteCody: If you dislike you hater we destroy you haters FOR REALLLLL

EliteCody: This YouTuber made me so good OH YEA I think I made the old players who's boss

jeshua caro: I mean I play claw and use paddles both at the same time hehe😳

Wari: Gronky you should put the settings in the description

YG BLAYZ: chapter 2 Season 1 🤦‍♂️ Not 11

Ethitlan: Why don't you have ghost on your name anymore?

wowshiii!!!!!!!!!!: How funny I just moved to keyboard and mouse

Wari: Could you remake this soon?

Daniel Naiman: I’m just saying, right on d-pad for edit works rly well on xbox controllers if you get used to it, but still keep confirm on B

Thoughts Oneout: He says anectations Me: big words for big brain

Spencer Keene: It surprises me that after everyone switched back to edit mode aim assist on Fortnite releases new controversial sensitivity settings with no edit mode aim assist but nobody says anything about that part

KehloSZN: Did you get released from ghost

EXABYTE: is it just me or did not hear him talk about paddles

AdamPaulStone: Fortnite chapter 2 season 1 dumbass

Amy Moores: Everytime I played fortnite , and everytime I walk so I have double click L controller which is the most annoying so pls help ( SORRY I KNOW IT NOT MAKES SENSE AT ALL)

Gavin Grant: i’m back

Dark Zoed: Gronky your the best I use your code u deserve it

Deonanddevon: God bro you don’t even show your settings all you show is dead zone like it’s annoying

matija leva: I have L1 edit, L3 jump, R3 previus wepon, X crouch. I have R3 for my coun. Its very complicated, but i got used to it.

DoitforyourMindset: Good Video Gronky!! The only time you need to move your right thumb is to pick the Traps and yea you have to press something different than R3, if you want to Edit on it.. But that‘s done in no Time! Really helped with this Video :)

Animated Moomoo: WTH is claw and peddle I’m a noob plz help not roast

Caleb !: You didn’t show sensitivity

ShiverFN: Handcam if this vid gets 10 k likes plz

Ehday: You literally pulled your name OUT your ass.

leinadstein -: I have jump on crouch to L3, jump to R3, edit to x, pick axe to right dpad

gijs wiersema: But now we have confirm on release we no longer use confirm more then reset. So still reset r1 and reset r2?

Lane: Question: I use LS to edit but when chapter 2 came out my binds reset and when I went to reset my bind to LS it still says “edit B” on the floor/ramp/wall and sometimes when I press b to pull my weapons out after a build or edit it’ll start editing with B. It’s like I have two edit binds and I’m not sure how to fix it. Can anyone help me out?

Ollie S: Please can u do sensitivity

NIFR clan: Is anyone experiencing a rendering glitch of each structure? Tuesday the drop of fornite part 2 Is when I started to see my structures appear as mobile textures the second I place them or edit them. Ps4 btw

Highest: This is Xbox only

Jose Trevino: What are your build controls? You didn’t show them in the video

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