RIP BOCEK BOW (Season 9 - Apex Legends)

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kandyrew: tried out the bow in some pubs last night... it's still pretty nasty, and I think a lot of it has to do with the easy of use due to how fast the projectile is. TBH - i wouldn't want it nerfed any more, not because I think it's "balanced" necessarily, but because I love the damn weapon so much!! If respawn wants to reduce the projectile speed in a future patch, I hope they buff the stack size slightly to compensate for the arrows being harder to land. Also - I got a new shelf for my backdrop!! I still need to get more lights and items to put on to display, but I think it looks so good

SouthrnYankees: I think these nerfs make it pretty balanced. It's a bow, you have to expect it to do solid damage. Maybe having slower projectiles would work, but I still think it doesn't really need that.

Jack Hatcher: I had a dream that i got an heirloom last night, i woke up so dissapointed.

Morten v: i think the satisfying part is the most important one around the Bow. The other snipers are just tooooo slooooooow.

Bjonik: 70 140 210 280 60 120 180 240 I thinks its a HUGE nerf - Killing full Health Purp on 3 or 4 makes a different. But i want to see pro league to see if anybody or everybody use it. And i mean that - There is no middle. Everybody or noone xD

Lucas Gerken: this man actually cancelled tf outta tonys 4k badge low key O.o

Blade Darkness: Bow is op for minecraft veterans

SupremeX 420: .54 to .56 , 4ms more. and they say asians are good at maths.

NKexe: 0.54>0.56 "that is like 0.04 more" 0:34

En: As it should be, Valk next pls.

Lestus Mitchell: Everything about that bow is broken I think in the future it should only drop in care packages.

brian dent: It’s unusable now

B3TA: What they need to change is the damn projectile speed

Senior Choppa: Does anybody know what earbuds he uses?

Tim de Jong: I guess math doesn't come easy to you

Mr Unchaine: I really need to figure out which sight is my favorite on the bow so I can just stick with it, also NOOOOOO MY FAVORITE RAMPART WEAPON😭 guess I gotta use lstar again...

iPRO Wafflez: The charge up time Is legitimately nothing lol

JOSE MTF TELLO: They need to nerf the p2020 I've gotten so much downs and damage just off first round of arenas

Nick T: thank god

Sky_ trippin: Hey kandy you look like karate guy from a movie

Pyromaniac 096: I actually really like the longbow. I know its weird

Rufraeh: nooooooooooooooooooooo

Mark R: Tony: I'm so close to 4K!! Kandy: Yeaaah im going for the dub.

Alonso H: I figured it was gonna happen after using only a few times. That thing was nasty as hell.

DR_GOOFENSHMIRTZ: The arrow stack nerf was pretty big in br, but obviously did nothing in arenas. If they want to actually nerf it, they should add some sort of reload function to it cuz being able to spam arrows with no consequences is kinda broken.

beloved: "im so close to 4k" *continues to shoot him* "My bad i didn't know" LMAO

BASKET - MUSIC: The bow was op. It is still a bit too strong. Respawn should put the first version of the bow in care packages instead of the triple take

Shinra: Did a casual pub game post nerf for some daily challanges with Loba. Pulled an easy 3k damage almost using the bow exclusively. It still needs to be nerfed, or the entire season will be nothing but bows bows bows. Just the fact that Kandy compares it to the snipers shows that it's still way too strong. It's not a sniper, it's not meant to outmatch or even match a sniper. It's a bow and arrow..

Samurai Chicken: Are you a valk main now?

Thor Beerson: RIP, they just made the bow useless in comparison

Randy schuyler: Bow still broke

Declan Schiller: I don't know if you have done a video using a controller but I think it would make a pretty good video.

Jenks: They should just make it a care package weapon if they want to keep the weapon fun. If its gonna stay on the floor it needs a nerf to its projectile speed and considerable arrow drop in long range.

Sander kirs: thank god they nerfed that overpowerd bow

Elijah Cedillo: Val is broken, she needs a nerf bad

BloodyGaming: 0.54 -> 0.56, so 4 milliseconds more :D Oh Kandy It is 20 Cause 1 second = 1000 milliseconds 0.540 -> 0.560 = 20 ms more :)

D D S S R R: Bow is still awesome. Nerf needed to happen.

RTHatchet: There's no RIP. It was overpowered and still feels SUPER fast and solid. The nerf is a joke lol

That Tricky Trickster: They coulda kept the damage at 70 but nerfed the arrow speed. It’s way too good at long range.

CJR: I just want to say that watching these videos It seems like these lobbies are easy and that kandy isn’t great (coming from someone with less then 200 hrs). well the other day I got in a game with kandy and pwner on my team and Jesus Christ I did not belong in that sweaty ass lobby at my skill level 😂 they did great and attempted to grab my banner etc. although it was short lived, I have a lot of respect for them now.

Adtomskio: F to that almost 4k

Avitus Rix: if they continue like this the bow will end up like the charge rifle, a filler weapon that no one uses because there are better options🥱

J4n1X: It's still too strong.

Hast_Gekillt: no difference i’m still dead in 1 sec lol

poppa k: Guess it’s back to flat with anvils :(

Badger: Opinion: Revert the bow and put it in the care package. Revert the Triple Take and take it out. The Triple Take has no place in the care package, anyway

Uku Kalle: Nice new shelfs

themain flow: No one: Kandy: *changed from 0.54 to 0.56 which is a difference of 4*

ItsJackaufman YT: Have you tried the 1x2 on the bow?

Josh Richards: Kinda happy but kinda not

Claw: Wtf apex

Stanchestslim: Hey kandy I would love to play with u but I’m a PS4 player

Alphamikee: Just curious, who's tony that was on your team? His voice sounds like a warm hug

Joel Conolly: Yeah I knew it was a bit too OP in the beginning. But the 60 damage is in line with what I expect for the weapon meta. Can't wait to see how they gonna bring this up a notch.

Asta108: The bow is still strong so don't fret over it yourll can still 2 shot people with it or 3

Keith Foreshee: Kandy: Maybe I’m not so bad at Apex Legends. Me: I’d kill to be as ‘bad’ as you.

Fariko Wishless: "I'm so close to 4K" Kandy heard that and Deliberately ignored him until after the kill. That was honestly fucked up considering how much everyone else helps him get badges and he doesn't return the favor.

A D: i’m praying to the lords they don’t need valk at all..

Vasu Tyagi: This was so satisfying to watch

GLI1CHED DRAGON: What is this nerf with the bocek and the spit. I used the bow today and I got a 83 dmg on a body shot and the spit is now a baby r301 that has more ammo and higher damge.

The big Cheese: Worst weapon to come up against in ranked

Goated Saint: Everyone says “the bow is so fun” obviously it’s still broken

NateTheGreat: This is what I like to refer as a twitch moment

- jake: those stats that last game though...

Serena Ramirez: The bow honestly feels like it has the projectile speed that the Longbow DMR should have

Dylan: Favorite part about the bow is how it turned the snipers into memes by comparison. Triple Take in the care package now makes it even worse. Such a weird move IMO. Now if I hit a care package and its a T-Take and not a Kraber I'm just going to be disappointed.

Cameron Culross: They need to nerf it more. The PC over console advantage has never been stronger

Yung Peasant: I am trash at apex but when I use the bow I am insane

Jameel T: bro you got the lowest ping ever. You should be pred no 1

Ignacio Tovar: RIP Disruptor rounds part 2

Syn3: Love the vids bro.

Ash Ketchup: The bow is still insane after a nerf and the sentinel has been useless since it came out.

Depresso: The bow still needs to be nerfed, damage should be 55 or 50 damage

XLrLNoOdLE: That title though, RIP to a weapon that makes the snipers nearly useless? Methinks not, its changed the dynamic of so many fights, and not for the better

vahid Aria: Still strong they should make it like wingman 45 damage

Jerry Holden: Honestly it's still really good. A nerf was needed, hopefully this is enough, but I wouldn't be surprised if we see another one down the road.

stormcaller101: Gun vs nerfed bow = gun wins(season 9 about to be so fun)

samlio325: Seassom 12, spitfire purple mag 35 Seasson 15 , spitfire purple mag 20 Seasson 17...

stormcaller101: 0:00 soon as people start getting bodied and clapped because there bad (cough community starts complaining "needs nerf") and next min you know it really happens like.... I feel like I'm play destiny 2 now with all the nerfing 🤦🏾‍♂️

CrJediKnight: We all knew the nerf was coming

Nathan Courtright: dude the bow nerf kinda makes me mad. because its a weapon that requires skill which makes the trashcans mad. just like the wingman. :(

TriggerzGaming: Why do you even use bocek? Just use wingman, its good.

Alex Frank: lol it’s still insanely good

john scott: I just think the arrows that come out should fall at a certain range though.

Karlito312: Despite the nerfs, it's still a weapon I would totally pick up

Fell0wD3GEN3RATE: finally it got finally nerfed for beingg too op at the first place lmao kekw

Jay Chea: Are you feeling it know Mr krabs lmfao these names man

IIXIXI Boy: Bow will be removed until further notice

Kristián Futera: before all hate, triple take now Bow, humans soo weird I love Valk, 1st character what don't need nerf or only I think so

TheGRG: Personally bow has been the easiest weapon to 1v3 with

Kyle Pasqualetti: The 60 dmg is really no different then the 70 cmg if you do the math per armor. This is why I've been saying a bow nerf wouldn't do much.

Déan: Yea getting downed in 2 shots with purple armor wasn't fun. Nerf was much needed👌

Jonathan Mabika: R99 or altenator ??

Ibm Cool: I just need caustic buff

Anni Koci: We need more content kendy...

aqn01: the nerfed bow by milliseconds and spitfire by one dmg and 2 bullets . bruh

Sky Firez: It'll still need a slight tweak or two to make since I think, but a good step in the right direction.

The corellian Scoundrel: I don’t get why they make these guns broken and barely nerf it to balance the guns

supermcspotty: Gonna have a similar problem to snipers with barely any ammo.

The corellian Scoundrel: Still broken

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