New Season of the Splicer Opening Mission - "The Lost Splicer" & Cutscene [Destiny 2]

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Sir Chewy: 9:36 He is here...

Kinson Cheung: it's been a long time ikora... almost can't tell that's your voice... insert "Jeremy Clarkson suspicious look" did she got a different va tho?

codafett: Ikora's been recast

Germanic hams: Lol that false exit was the Destiny equivalent of the football gag from Charlie Brown.

메이: *honeydew"

zamasis ese: 9:36 that hydra doesnt look normal!!


TnT420: 6:16 Snap into that, Kit. Kat. Bar.

Jordan Cherepanov: 9:36 has a Taken Hydra

Tylor Mobley: I bet bungie waited for this man and said, "your private server is awaiting, Guardian."

Ebexna02: 9:35 Quira spotted

Switch: 9:36 taken Hydra !! QURIA ?

I_Am_ SuperB: Did anyone notice a Taken Vex Mind before he was teleported out?

Daniel Edwards: 9:36 you can see Quria

leon4christ: Anyone else spot that taken looking hydra spawn in? 9:34

FastAdventure Gamer: First did the mission, I saw baby fallens, I just went "BABY FALLEN!!!" *happy noises becuz theyre so cute*

adam edward: Season Of I'm So Sorry Eliksni. Eliksni babies can't sleep because they're afraid of us.

Dankerbell, Ruriko's Chosen: 9:34 quria????

Ninth_ ExE: 9:36 The big Vex in the center looks taken?

Joaquin: 9:35 what a funky looking hydra heh, one might even say its name starts with Q.

Warthunder vids: 9:36 That's Quria??

Alpha Throne: 9:36 A big ass Taken Hydra.... is that Quaria???

Doc: 6:16 another happy landing

Edward portalati: 6:12- 6:17 made me laugh so much lol

Dragons Gaming Unite: I have full trials gear and weapons on all characters should I change up the weapons or what I need advice please

joel o: anyone know what the track playing at the start is called? from around 0:48

ForsythJC: 6:16 - how I get into bed every day after work . . .

Joenar DelaCruz: What if we get an fallen guardian

F3LGR4ND: 9:36 That looks like a taken hydra right? Quria?

Zach Buerger: 9:36 Is...that a Taken Hydra? Oh good God it’s Quira...

Nick Hemingway!: Ikora be like - kept you waiting huh?!

Rouan Bouwer: Spoiler shield I suspect that the Future War Cult might be an internal threat this season. Hear me out. The npc (cant remember her name) says her simulations show the city in chaos and the fallen house (which we saved) right in the middle. Now she’s hell bent on warching them because she also foresaw the red war. But in doing so, isn’t she CREATING the very fate she seeks to avoid? She is so focussed on finding something wrong shat she’s biased and will see what she WANTS to see.

Echo the Lombax: Omg that was Quria, Blade Transform at the end there!

CoopaTroopa 06: Just noticed the taken hydra in the last part of the mission, more then likely a hint into the witch queen

Coury Gaffney: Quria at 9:35. Big taken hydra

Luke Lisi: 9:36 ummmm I guess Quria is in this season

Brett Chase Bruggeman: Mithrax is a good Christian Dad

Benjamin Davis: 9:36, Quria.

Aymen DZ: You can see Quria at the end just before getting teleported out

Guest_89: Destiny 2 has gone full blown matrix mode

Thaddeus Marner: 9:35-9:37 does anyone else see the big taken hydra that shows up just before you get taken out of the vex network????? QURIA?!!?

LaserDarkDX: Destiny 2 meets Tron!

That Blue Bot Boy Of DOOM: Nice landing, love the pose 6:12

N-ergize: The man was ready for the overwhelming amount of vex hydras! 9:32

Jace McLaughlin: So we got fallen civilian in the city now. Cool

The Kirā Rabbit of Caerbannog: I love how you shake head when he said "You move freely within space none but our most skilled Splicers can even percieve."

Jupiter: Hi Quiria... 9:30

Jack Mack: I love mithrax’s voice It has that balance of power, wisdom and kindness

Harbinger: 9:36 IS THAT FRICKING QURIA?!?!

David Ho: Omg, mithrax's voice...

Dawson Granger: Did they change Ikoras voice?

omar locke: strong whamen!

Doubt: I like the way you just plopped dead

flatly: is that a new ikora VA

honeymilk1974: Nice 🙌🏻

Chris Sullivan: Ikora has been.... recast??

pixey191: Does Ikora have a new voice actor, or have I just not heard her in a while.

Ed D: That's funny ... it almost looked like Eso died during a mission when he thudded like a sack of wet sand on that platform 😁

Remington Summers: Is it just me or is that a giant, half-taken hydra? Now what kind of giant, half-taken hydra do we know who likes putting cities in looping simulations?

Venatria: What is Mithras doing in Europa

Kingjay814: All I've been getting is chickens

HydraliskKriegsMarine: 6:18 What a great start... ever


Tommy's Matchbook: Fallen subclasses?

Rushboard Technologies: Glad you made a video - I doubt many of us will be playing tonight.

Keron Stewart: what the hell happened at 6:15!?

Honky Honk: No veteran dialogue ?

Sad Boi Spare: Im glad i got to play this mission before the servers died

bruno CRJ: Bungie servers down: A Esoterickk: No

Catalyst375: Who else is here because they got booted in the middle of the mission?

JamFilledJars: 6:17 Esoterickk is powerful enough to resist the Honeydew error for a good few hours, but Destiny physics still defeat even the most powerful beings in one fell swoop.

Adam V: That baby fallen making them noises. SO FICKIN CUTE

Jamezzz 003: Literally every Guardian at 6:15

ThEy DID: Cant wait to slide that same ramp too

Roderick Uzumaki: I literally got kicked out of the game 😩

Gilbert Silvas: Respect for the ship

Cayde Six: [Indeed yes. [10:11 - 10:40]. this may be history before 'our' very eyes in small steps. 'Guardians are living histories' as Saladin says somewhere(?) back then.]

Lee Howling: Calm down every one. Its all under control. Smith the fat slug ate the server. Anyone staff monkey has gone to Walmart for a new one. Back up in a bit

Brody Bazzini: 6:20

Professor Cryogen: *1150 light level recommend mission* Eso: "Full Warmind cell build it is."

Omari Jamison: Good to see im not the only that got defeated by the Great Vex Death Slide! Tm

Sea Sheep: The Skiff looks like a lemon in the shadow of Europa

Cayde Six: And What of the 'white'-clothed *Wolves* among.... [Reminds with Ikora and a Few more others 02:29]

Gah Damn: It’s awesome having house light with us, i’ve always thought maybe one day humans,cabal,eliksni,awoken,human,and exo’s could all one day live peacefully in the last city under the traveler so maybe it in some capacity will come true. I hope it does.

Trevor Dillon: Hey, this doesn’t look like Error code: Honeydew

Ben Buckton: That's a taken vex mind, damn Bungie we really doing this?

空間人: I cant hold my laugh while you didnt even let the kell finish and fall to death inside the simulation lol

BURNT T0AST: Any one else notice the taken hydra at the end of the mission?

Shok: 9:36 I think it's quria

JIN_STAR: Baby fallen dodododo

Unico MPK: This man went and broke the game 😂

Davo: Is that a new voice actor for ikora

Last Perdition: You got the exact same roll on that kinetic grenade launcher as me 5/5 lol

NITECLUB2: 6:17… never thought I’d ever see this moment. Gods can bleed…

Lee Howling: How much silver do I have to pay to play right now.

Miloš: You are fuking developer at Bungie 100%

siah: i was able to do this mission i just can’t load into helm to complete the quest and get artifact, cant buy the pass either

Jeremy Farlin: That death at the end of the slide at 6:20 made this all worth it man. GG

superblahmanofdoom: 6:10 LOL

Shadow Paradox: 9:35 anyone want to explain the giant Taken Hydra? My mind immediately goes to Quria and that would be an easy/neat way to tie this random season back to Savathûn.

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