Married at First Sight: Paige's EMOTIONAL Final Decision (Season 12, Episode 17) | Lifetime

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Jessceka Parrish: Girl by he told u he wasn't attractive to u he then told u he still in love with his baby mom n u still won't him smh that's why he treating her like that because she his fall back gril smh she seem desperate

Marie Benovil: Good Choice!

J A: She is such a desperate fool. She deserves everything he's put her theough

Bri Bing: It sure did look like they were leaving together.

Ernestine Torain: I'm SICKKA OF BOFFEM!

You've Got Mel: Lol he’s a great actor up here acting like he wanted to stay married his sorry tale!

Seven Chaney: What happened to the tears???

Dianka D: I know women in my family who accepted worse than this. The key to understanding their enigma is "low self esteem". The feeling that you cannot do better must be a terrible one. I don't know that feeling. Thank god.

Betsy Shider: God didn’t put them together, the experts did, & Dr V. was the only one that had enough guts to call him out✝️♥️✝️

Betsy Shider: I just hope that Paige watch this from beginning to end & see exactly how she was treated, & ask herself if she had a daughter, what would she tell her. ✝️♥️✝️

Lauren N: This is why it is SOOOO important to love yourself BEFORE getting married! This man has shown that he is NOT fully invested and that SHOULD be the dealbreaker for Paige. I really hope that she heals from this.

Patricia Monroe: Paige just did that because that's what they wanted to hear!!! I bet you her and Chris is still together!!!

Betsy Shider: I think Paige set a bad example for young ladies everywhere. With all of her education, he failed at self-esteem. He made it perfectly clear from day one that he was not at all interested in her. He even told her to her face more than one time that he wasn’t interested in her, but she kept running behind him & using God as her excuse for them to be together. At some point in everyone’s life, rejection happens. I would never want to be with someone who didn’t want to be with me. And he’s not a catch at all, money or no money. I hope that she will wake up and know that she is a very beautiful woman who should be second to none, & stop trying to get him to like her. When she’s ready to completely let him go, I do believe the God will send the right man in her life who will be everything & more to her. Let Go & Let God✝️♥️✝️

Glam Glam: Better late than never I guess...

Jasmine Prince: I’m glad she made the decision to choose herself.

Cameo P: She really needed to think about this??smh girl bye..u clearly love the toxicity. I'm mad he said he's leaving alone, dont u have ur ex who u bought a benz for?

Njoki Ndung'u: I'm sick of paige...girl where is your self esteem and respect?🙄The man embarrassed you and treated you like trash and yet it's hard for you to make a decision for your own good? I just can't 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Purrfect Nails: This is sickening. Chris needs to grow up.

Brittney Barnett: She's STUPID. And that's all there is to it. If she's content to let him play w her, then fine. That is NOT the last man on Earth. Glad she made the right decision in the end, but even that felt disingenuous. More like a "look at me" moment rather than an actual change.

Tradia Vereen: Chris was doing all that crying with NO tears! Like girl, a blind person could see his ex was NEVER preggo. He saw you, freaked you and then said I want and boom she is preggo. Chris is trash and Paige's self esteem is trash!

ASMR bümblebE: Chris is such a liar, he didn’t expect that ..he wanted to control Paige to get that result..what shook me is him engaging in physical activity with her then saying the attraction isn’t there. Any woman’s mental health would be put a stake! I wish the best for them both and I’m proud of Paige for picking herself ..Chris disappointed me with his reaction, “would this be the first?” Like stfu and save your marriage!

Sarah t: The camera is the third person in these marriages.

NickyF2001: He is so disrespectful and self-centered. She allowed him to walk all over her and then acted like that there was something to salvage and save. Prayers for her self confidence esteem and worth. This whole season sucked and was triggering to watch!!

S Carter: This man is toxic

Nadia Lynelle: He look like he put his hands on women. When they was walking out. He made a fist. He don't know how to control his temper. I didn't even watch the show just clips after it went viral. Smh

Shante Chavis: Thanku Viviana for doing what Paige could not.

Shante Chavis: Chris is thee worst. Paige just LET GO! Pls babygirl, move on🙏🏽

Shante Chavis: Why is it emotional at aLL?!? It shd be so cLear cut.

Patrick: I think Paige needs some therapy. I get being married and all, but at the same time this is a complete stranger, who disrespected and humiliated her beyond reconciliation. This should’ve been a VERY easy decision.

Monica Daley: Paige run cause his best interest is for him not you he's just seeing how much he can get away with. He never liked the idea of you from the start. Cut your losses and wait for somebody who is great for you! You're beautiful and smart, dont buy into arrogance and deceit. You will kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince! Pass on this fool's azz! The next bus will arrive!

NICOLE SAWYER: I’ve been trying to “put my finger on it” and I finally figured it out... dude looks like Terry McMillan ex-husband she brought over from Jamaica or some Caribbean island... and look at how that turned out... MESSY JUST LIKE THIS!!! Neither one is ready to be in a committed relationship.

Latisha Harris: He dont want her, and shouldn’t want him. What little I saw of them he was terrible to her!

Nicole Edwards: The lady in yellow stood up to Chris better than anyone has on this show...Girl you know that man dont want you, what else does he need to show you???

De K: Paige is a smart girl but not love-smart at all. How did the “experts” not catch this earlier? I can’t believe there are women out there who think like this. Religion can really f up your thinking quite a bit.

QweenBee: Actor's! Get y'all money. This season was super boring with out y'all.

Ashley Moses: Paige please remember your beautiful you deserve to be loved properly and not be treated as an option hunni

Iam4ever mimi: He playing her like a yo-yo and all the doctors see that. Paige wake up. Paige is holding on to hope but there is none with Chris!

No Reason At All: Maybe Chris can get advice from Derick Jaxn and they can sail away together... ⛵️ trick each other until the edge of the flat earth 🌏 live on ...

No Reason At All: I hope production learned their lesson about the screening process. This wasn’t entertaining at all. It was mental and emotional abuse.

LaWanna Jones: She keeps saying, "I'm tired and I can't do this". THAT'S YOUR DECISION!!

terri trowbridge: He's got so much ego with no morality or sense of reality. Then again anyone on a reality show is narcissistic. He's a full on jerk

Lara On Youtube: Paige has absolutely it's painful to watch her. She's been manipulated and used by men clearly in the past and now by Chris. She needs counseling to work on her esteem issues, the fact that she doesn't even love herself enough not to be treated like trash and humiliated on a nationwide TV Show. Shame on Lifetime and experts for picking such a clearly vulnerable, impressionable young woman who is desperate, so desperate to be married and also for picking an emotional abuser like Chris, who was on the show for clout and to garner 15 minutes of fame. I am sick and tired of seeing genuine people season after season, desperate to find true love, be paired with people who don't want the same. Look at the actual record of success on this show, it's not that great at all.

Karon Hamilton: Piage has no self esteem! Its so sad! Chris is a sociopath& has issues!

FancyA: Paige got a wagon on her!!! I’m still praying for girl 🙏🏾

Caterina T: Good for Paige to leave Chris, on her terms!

Anayah Ferris: Paige is probably undecided because she knows if she leaves him she will probably just pick a next or worse him. I think she knows that at this moment she doesn’t have what it takes to choose a better man. Atleast she knows what to expect from Chris 🥴

Morakane Rateele: Paige is beautiful..she deserve better..wish HER all the best in life... true love will find her one day.

T L .: Paige is a weak human 🙄🙄😳😳🙄🙄🙄🥴 mshwwww Chris is the most disgusting human

Toni Valez: He was going to play this game until the very end. He even said he didn't have an answer to give but was utterly shocked when Paige said she wanted a divorce. He wanted the perks of being wanted but didn't really want who the attention was coming from. The whole season he played and showed the up most disrespect. Hopefully Paige will work on herself and her own healing.

Samantha Davis: Man this was so painful to watch sidenote she was looking so beautiful how could you not treat her like a queen I don't know where he got ugly from but he was only talking about himself because he's ugly inside she will find happiness one day and hopefully that man treats her the way she wants to be treated I've been through a lot myself and hate to see men treat women like this it's the worst thing possible and also I've been with people that I wasn't 100% attracted to but it was their personality that captured me then everything else became attractive but even if you weren't you came there for marriage and so it's the heart that matters and the way he went about it was totally beyond disrespectful why should skin or physical attraction matter in the long run I know you have to be attracted to something with the person he clearly was physically makes no sense to say what he sad then he definitely is a narcissist fit all qualities they usually put some kind of spells on people I understand why she was conflicted but there is a limit he went past but I'm glad the lady stood up for her and she opened her eyes....

P M: It's a soul tie for real.

saudia moses: Paige I understand you trying to save your marriage but he never cared for you at all. Your a beautiful woman who deserves someone who will love you the way you DESERVE!!!

Armandy's Way: Girl finally 👏🏽👏🏽that guy was no good.

Just me: I'm inclined to believe Paige is acting as well at this point, no tears and the "I'm in limbo complex"after being treated like a mustard, jelly and tadpole sandwich 🥪I cannot take "reality tv"

Cedric Frazier: Let him go he not right at all

Kamie K: People understand that even women who are physically abused stay. This language surrounding Paige's indecisiveness is why women stay quiet. Do better.

Jojo: Sorry Paige has really low self esteem. Hope she gets the help she needs and starts seeing herself with more value. She’s beautiful I feel bad for her

AllThingsKIA: Paige is the dumbest b in America

Regina Brown: Wtf is to much baby girl leave him bro that all you gotta do tf she getting on my nerves now 🙄🙄

Regina Brown: Chris be on go he my boy he makes the show better 😂😂😂

Tina Swagsby: This woman has some of the lowest self esteem Ive ever seen in my life!

Brina V land: Something is seriously wrong with him...go girl go

Brina V land: He is not cute though so im lost!!!

Brina V land: Omg smh

Bella Noire: I really thought she would say yes and Chris would say no. It’s especially sick for Chris to want to keep her around knowing he’s just going to use and abuse her. But girl... “AdMiRaBlE qUaLiTiEs????” WHAT ADMIRABLE QUALITIES?!?!?! She needs years of intensive therapy and to not date during that time. She’s so damaged.

A. Green: Paige is beautiful, and he’s not even cute and the antics just make it worse.

trimma skipper: Paige is weak over a man she only knew for wks got herself looking like a fkn clown as one woman to another get some balls paige

brownlady007: I was routing for her until this moment. She's not well, this moment should've been easy for Paige.

trimma skipper: Wth she mean she thought about staying dam how u have to think about that thats weak of herself that goes to show she'll allow b.s in her life have a backbone dont allow no man to disrespect u yall both looked dum af on national tv u Paige dven more he proved to her over and over that he aint give af about her but yet she was still considering if love yourself hun right now u cant cause if u did u wouldnt allow b.s

Janney Swaray: Girl marry the man if you want to. Do what you want. If you see something in him you want then be with him. O well. Go ahead and do what you want.

ELANJDRIA ALI: He is going to contact her still And use tf out of her emotions... thats what narcs do . 🙄

Ashyvette: I just don’t get how she could stay with a man isn’t attracted her at all. Had made that very clear to her and on national tv at that. Then is blatantly disrespectful and personality is just trash. She has extreme low self esteem and it’s sad.


Madonna Reed: Why are ppl so mad. Women choice and men choose stuff like this all the time. Marriage is all she wanted. Almost at any cost. I understand

Kimberly Mayers: Hallelujah!!! She finally come to her senses. He can ride into the sunset in that new Benz he bought his "child" mother.

J.Antoinette: Where is Paige. I just wanna hug her and be her friend

Ndiks: With the little I have watched I'm happy with her decision.

Vicky Carswell: I was so upset with Paige. She is the whole package and that she let Chris talk and hold her hostage. I pray she doesn't give him a second chance. He has shown who he is and she needs to move on. This guy is a narcissist. He doesn't care about her and has been playing everybody from the beginning.

Isabel Ramirez-sandoval: Not sure what the shows "rules" are but the moment he left the after the first day they should of nulled the marriage and found her a second match....this is disturbing on every level.... the allowed the abuse to continue for ratings?

Chantal F: She couldn’t Bring her self to order the word divorce which is a scary thing like stand up for yourself Paige and drop that divorce card on him like Pow NEXT!

Ms. Malone: He’s A NUT!

Ms. Malone: Thee CAN control Chris! He signed a contract & accepted a very high wage for appearing on MAFS!!

Sweet Tea: They just might work out .... I’ve seen men fall in love with women they weren’t initially attracted to.

Ms. Malone: There’s something wrong with that fool! He’s crying for the cameras!

cuteyalexia: She just doesn’t love herself. She should have never signed up for this.

I Am Lake Sivad: I wouldn’t even cry over him. He doesn’t want to be with her

Kris Jackson: I just don’t understand. My whole soul is on fire and I just want her to realize what her worth is. Does she like going through this? Does she like being stressed? Does she like crying?

Abby More: Why Paige!?!? whyyyy? Is she getting paid to tolerate this?

Gail Marchan: She made the best decision she could.

Zaina A: I just can’t feel bad for her anymore. She knows he’s using her and she’s seems content with being used to stay in his life. So it’s on her now

Tess: Finally

herFLYness79: Finally! Sheesh! I hope they get counseling after this, as singles.

Mary Lawson: Very smart girl Chris really needs some kind of help, because he spent more time away from Paige than with her , Chris u wanted to play mind games with Paige, let him go back to his ex because he is still playing with her mind and heart also.

Mary Lawson: Congratulations Paige u made the right decision, Chris needs to grow up and Paige saw that he doesn't respect her at all Chris is telling Pastor Cal that he wasn't attracted to Paige and she has a ugly face thank goodness for the lady in the yellow dress for saying that Chris is playing with her heart and her mind.

London Emmy: I'm glad she decide to divorce u can see he was sad when they were hugging her n knew what he lost now he is just gonna true to be nice nice cause he can't stand the taught of her having another man who will do her better

Shanika Brown: Don't tell me this dummy still considering. I stopped feeling sorry for this girl months ago! 🙄🙄🙄

Stacey Culbertson: If zero self esteem was a person....Paige Paige Paige, what can I say other than praise be to God for Dr. Vianna standing in the gap for you. She stood up for you when yet again your not capable of seeing your own worth. Chris is a narcissistic little boy who only desired to see if he could humiliate and drag you further. He will come face to face with karma very soon. I hope and pray for your healing, mental health and growth.

Mel S: Chris thick 🥴

Becoming SS: Thank you Dr. V for speaking up

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