Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout - Official Season 4.5 Gameplay Trailer

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dougfax: They had to support the griefer Anita Sarkeezian...

Zaka10pro: Fall Guys Mobile?

MC Apple: 0:44 now roll on is my favourite round coz no one will stay on finish line


Gabriel: Dead Game

Dennis Duran: This game is deader than my parents’ marriage

1.21 Gigawatts: Such a meteoric rise this game had.... and fall...

Maria Painefilo: Una de las actualizaciones más desafiantes en general

blackxgun: Crossplay with friends and local multiplayer please❤️❤️

NoeJesusTM Ultimate Brainz: dead game

Diego Garcia: DeAD gaME hAhHa I’m FuNNi

NetRunner: Fall out: Sarkesian

Cerrome CEO: I'm bout to pick up this game now

Jonathan Reyes: Why this is still a thing lmao

Joey: Someone please tell the editor here that rapidly changing the camera angle doesnt make the update any more excited. Just gave me a seizure instead

Zackattack: They need to make this game f2p I’m telling u it would save the franchise... I’m sure it could survive off making a payable battle pass and cosmetic store

JAY DIVINE: Gang beast is way better

Tumelo gaming: Dead game lol

A D: when is this game coming to xbox

Matthew Rowe: Whoa, this looks super interesting, is this why the season was extended?

Zrdzilla: Drop it for xbox

Adam animation: Nice video IGN

John C.: It looks fun but it's a shame they didn't keep the hype alive by just letting it sit there without any updates at first.

Jon Carter: It should've been f2p. dead game

lan lily: Sick update

Destroyer Titan: Ohh yeah let’s do it

MaccaPlays: You all say this game is dead but it’s hella fun sometimes haha

2D OS Games: Fall guys ~ <3

neo: Dead game

Varp16: So is this game as always? The same 5 people winning all the matches?

U Cleam: Thumbnail : Nezuko pose 🗿

Kazukiyo Meyer: This is irrelevant, but I'm currently eating a frozen baguette.

Lalhruaitluanga Pachuau: Rageing Time Again🤣

GIOVANNI DE LOS SANTOS: Bien tieso que esta ese juego

Wigadama: *_Life will always put you in front of obstacles, but don't throw yourself away!! You're amazing, and only you know how much effort you're doing to walk your path of life._*

GothicBump: This game is the shortest lived most popular game ever

Fea4rles Maaz: Common IGN its dead

Warnakulasuriya Jayasinghr: My eyes gonna hurt but it's okay 😅😅

bob snow: Oh dear

Player 1: no one plays this game anymore

Kyle King: this was a great game

Aloy: its a funny game.

Sam Fisher: 🤩

Blixer Playz: Thats sick, new minigames!

Beebo: If the game would’ve been free on all platforms, it would have had a longer lifespan.

Muhamad Rifan: Ded gem

Camron Keeney: no one cares that your first you wanna cookie or sum

Brandon: no one plays this game anymore

Abraham G.: More updated than Among Us

Joaquin Escudero: Hyped

Arad Eyal: FIRST

DarkMatter VSV: First....?

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