Delete Apex Season 9.exe

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Exodus: Ayy So How Is Season 9 So Far?

Syrptoh: Chill out 🔥🔥🔥

Syrptoh: Hahaha that’s how it is soo far

Henok Torizzo: this guy is like the better grumbea but for apex

Hector Ramirez: it aint bad

Spencearian: People that didn't play on launch day years from now will not believe how jank it was

Naillyk: "perfectly balanced"

MOGUTSY: Actually dropped the like at 1:52, you got the meme! Very good job 🔥

Game Addict3391: rip r99 wing :c welcome r99 mozam :D

g4mes: The 20second commercial that u cant skip ruined the video for me

monke: I dare you to pin this comment but if you don’t you will miss all of your bow shoots

Artist Kami: Love the deltarune music and your yt

The NSFmist: Wait hold up

Danylo Rangga: awesome edit with the b0ChEk scene... top global

Diyan A: In some case.. i find a player using eva, but he's fire speed like bug Sentinel.. you think he using macro on mouse or cheating ? Aiming perfect too.. if that console, are we can do use macro too ?

Brad: Why are so many of the enemies just the legend name followed by a number

ToGxLegend: Never EVER changed your intro😂😂😂😂

ImNotArian: epik vid

Plank 1: As someone who is terrible at the game and plays in matches with similar skill the bow is fun and balanced

David Gomez: Big Brain time 8:22

Koala Karity: Hahah, the launch was so bad, but so good in a way, so much bs to make fun about.. 😂 Also, your bow skills, god, do you chill sometimes?? 🤔😁

Malrulk: Spitfires still the same from season 8 it just has 5 less bullets

Maverick Gunner: love the video

Hyuzu: U may not hit for 9 or 11 with the peacekeeper but i hit for 14 4 times in a row point blank cut to the meme of guy throwing computer away

TheLittleVans: at the end , we know he stop the memes because they don't deserve it :')

Leonardo Esparza: F in comments for EXO playing with that almost 200ms ping

ClockWise: Thumbnail: *octane has a real hand*

MW Gameplay: I clicked faster then Valk can fly

ZeusKabooze: So satisfying seeing you slap those spitfire users in arena's.

craftas: lol delay is so long

Dark Relagator: The fact that the bow was timed to the music is making me feel some kinda way

Dr PapiPegLeg: Where did the funny go?

이우바: apex sever = shit the fuXXing trash

Talk_In _Silence: The hell's wrong with you were is Mozambique e.x.e bro com on we need Mozambique

Chirag Nepali: Last clip 1000 IQ 💥💯

Christopher Diaz: My only gripe is loba and bangalore being a fuckn thing

Terence Ip: rip server s9. exe

Benz Jeasther Fabroa: 5:59 LOL it looks like PS1 graphics to me! 😂😂😂

DJHeero69: 9 seasons in and they STILL haven't nerfed Exo... 69/10 Reinstalling even tho it's installed

Reshma Mohamed: Ok can we appreciate the fact that he managed to make all of the bow shots in sync with the background music

PathfinderOHRIP YT: The wraith wished she carried a spitfire on last clip

Kyle Eldridge: Arenas, worlds edge, and Valk are just so fun that I can sometimes ignore the ridiculous issues so far

T O N Y S A M A: May I ask? What server you are playing XD

Eduardo Severo: I'm still having packet loss even though the stats say 0 and the ping is stable

Samuel Galicia: I love your humor 😂😂🤣🤣

кек кекович: So basically exodus is doomer?

El Jero: what a great edit work in here. The kind of stupid genius shit

son quang: this is absolutely banger

KAZUNO RPX: Me: finally, Mozambique buff XD

IamProj3ct: When the spitfire be more balanced than before the nerf KEKW

StrangerOman: Tis but a good meme.

uG_- Native: Exodus look like he tryna cosplay valkyarie

Duncan Beville: The only thing bad about the bow is it is going to get at least 30 nerds before s10

Chocolo: Bruh

man guy: the bow NEEDS a nerf.

darth hazen the conqueror: Yeah guys the bow is perfectly balanced in 5 years

Ezra Romo: Does snoop play apex I'm not joking I'm confused

Banbîkeuh: ref

Anass: Good

Faurecastt: Bocek perfectly balanced😂

imbalancEr: ~200 ping. lol.

Mack Rankin: If you think spitfire is broken in apex, you should have seen in tin titanfall 2 with 96 rounds in it

RtGun: F in the chat for all the wraith mains after the nerf

KRONIUM_ SHADOW: 4:01 that name fits her

Twolol: i dont see any balance problems here

Green: 👍

Никита Тарасов: imagine playing on 200 ping

James Terry: love the pokemon vast poni canyon music

Onlastar: 8:14 this is big brain time.

elad blaier: tbh I expected an Amogus meme bcs of the dead crewmate on the Icarus

Rekka Kien: as a Wattson main, i couldn't agree more with the mobility rant. eventually legends that can't leave the ground are gonna be completely obsolete.

Jalen Clay: Surprising when you don't realise her missiles you implied justice rains from above

Mathew Dupont: When u were using the bow I thought of old that punch kid

Austin Pannell: Real talk though I've been absolutely loving Arenas. It's nice to think of Apex as more than just a battle royale these days.

Octane: I like how “Balanced” season 9 is I played one ranked match (im a bronze 4 lmao) and i was matched with all preds

Danielo Umel: Exodus - the Master of delayed kills

brumby sandwhich: Water got him just getting off Scott free n people believe that " I didnt know I was cheating while I was cheating" excuse but tufi getting jail time.

Oliver Ekiituno: Yoooo, snoop plays apex?

Fajile: They are gonna nerf the bow hard theres like no reason not to take it at this point dps is insane and the accuracy is like heat seeking arrows.

Magician of Darkness: That armour swap though XD poor guy got messed up

Mike Hawk is huge: Why you bully my boy Rick

get real: Wait your telling me snoop plays apex legends

Shuri: B-but they nerfed the spitfire again! Now it takes .5 more seconds to kill enemies!

632 Mohd Yusuf Khan: I thought .Exe videos are supposed to be funny ...

Master of manipulation: Surprised you didn’t show any footage of how Bangalore’s smoke is now fuckin useless


BOOMTOWN 30: There biggest season yet and there servers didn’t work great job respawn

OASIS _VENOM_: ayy TPK i am happy to se him

light819: I miss you triple take

superAaron gaming: You gotwatergothiminthevideo Man deserves it

micheilsgrey: Dfuq is that haircut bro ?

True King Icy: Was that snoop dogg clip real?

Саша Субханкулов: mozambique.exe season 9

Ace of aces 1: bro i fucking LOST IT when you put water on lmfaooo

lil: i was waiting for the Hanzo memes

Shaviy: Bocek RIP.....

Matthew Smith: I had a squad that did that with armor, we had the high ground and brought armor to our position for back ups

Scarlet Yeehaw: I'm very confused as to how the spitfire is broken. Can someone explain this to me? It feels like it's been the same for many seasons and only now are people complaining about it


Gíbran: My man olly got into an exodus video

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