*NEW* Fortnite Starter Pack.! (Yellowjacket Skin) Chapter 2 Season 3

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I'm Jo: Shoups I buy it? :v

UrAFlatPancake: it’s still not out

justine pascua: When is the realest date

Dark: Dont steal other people's content😠 Its from FNBR Leakers

Honeybee123: It’s season 3 it’s not her

killer toty: It sucks

RealGTZ: Why no guys like wtf

Teeferz: I can confirm

Ocean Hall: How much is it in canada

Safari: There’s a channel that stole your content without crediting you his name is fnbrleakers he didn’t credit you

Lord Approximitus The Great: I think the pickaxe goes with the peely skin

Legumatu_profesional 1: 22 RON or 25 RON?

Honeybee123: I would reat this skin 9 because the shorts are to short

Monstre Gaming: Guys if someone's answer my easy question I'll give them the battle pass Question:is the emotes comes with it Comment your in-game name if your the first one to answer

yah: It comes with a glider too

Shoto Todoroki: She will be sweaty but noobs will buy it because its cheap

Mr. Misty: does it say introduced in Chapter 2 season 3 or Chapter 2 season 2

Minsh: That will be a awsome starter pack

BPE_ MIDNIGHT: I don’t know if I should get the iris pack or wait for this one

Meeri Tapiola: H

Ziad Hussien: I want to now how much it will be 5 dollars and how much of cents plz anyone tell me

LR: This bitch looks like kylie jenner💀

Ian: I wish this was a battlepass skin

Kattz Channel: To all of you asking when is it gonna come out... Well its a starter pack, so next season...

KyleHere: Is it confirmed that its coming to chapter 2 season 3?

Robbie Chan: Why don't I have it like I haven't bought it buts ig isn't there

Rin.: Hey do u guys driver picaxe would look good with this skin or the iris skin

The Riddler: Why are the pickaxe and the skin from two different sets? And the symbol on her arm could be a third faction, besides Ghost or Shadow, maybe even "Team Toxic" as the name of the set implies.

Salma Alqurashi: I love ittt!!💛💛💛I'll buy it but when it will come out ?

Hello Noob: This skin is supposed to represent a wasp?

Licky Toes: Does it come with the backbling?

Enimenty: Why always female skins

MewNew: Woah what are those emotes 💀

Owen Fenech: When is it gonna come out?

Luiz Pedro: This looks like Camila Mendes

Script Brad: What is better iris or yellowjacket SHOULD I BUY YELLOW JACKET

adam: When is it out

Batu Alkan: Os the backbling also in the pack

Nationalwolf: Can we gift it?

Wixren: I’m sooo getting yellow jacket😍 idk why I j love skins with heels, I just bought rue the other day bc of the so😶 and I’m gonna get phone wave, I would get sit, but I already have have a seat

Jeffy Playz: When coming

Panda Z Gaming: Best by far

swaggy c0www: How many v bucks does it give u?.

Grantise: when is it coming out?

Yisus Craist: Wait, it's for season 3 or for this one

zxv: fortnite

laX vibes: I have enough let’s gooo 😇

Jay X: Awesome skin

Nolante Brown: So clean....

zytx XPX: When is it out

Kyuk: So cute

i K: When it vome

MTB Shredds: Can you show the butterfly knife pickaxe

ASAPWRAy: Love it

ITZ_ZAIAH K: This 5 dollar starter pack is 🔥

OfficialAshtonPlays: I buy it 100%

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