OG vs NIGMA - BIG MATCH! - DPC 2021 EU SEASON 2 Dota 2 Highlights

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Born Without Talent: The real problem nigma before is W33..

Soksan Ses: Topson before the game: Guys, pick me Draw Ranger cuz i will dominate the game and spam anyone with Amature just like i did to Secret. Topson After the game: Fucking Nigma ruined my plan

Alperen O: DOGSON

gwynbleidd: Nigmang Bilat

Ye Boi: MC transitioned from being a bullied tide to a chad NP

Elwen Lie: This was my hope and question since TI9, why did Kuro never picked the (in my opinion) OP Tiny ? If you see, OG picked Tiny all the game at the finals of TI9, not to mention many many other games that Liquid/Nigma had lost against because of the enemy picked Tiny.. Now see, it brings good results if you pick Tiny.. I dont play dota anymore but i watched most of the pro tournament games and when i see Tiny, that team has higher chance to win.. I know there are many heroes to counter Tiny, but i just think Tiny is just one of the OP mid heroes..

Russ L: oh dontcha worry guys OG just trying line ups for TI .😂😂😂

Gobo Gibi: ez fountain kid

LoneWoLF FireZaX: I find it funny, y kick matubaman in the first place when miracle back to mid again...

Nadjeeb Baldoza: Its just a rough draft for OG. NIGMA above having a good draft and played perfect this series. Its DOTA. Kudos to both team for giving a wonderful series. NIGMA hope they can be constant in this fast pace game style and draft pool. OG too playful on their draft and catches up to them.

Jin Furīkusu: OG will never be the same without Jerax the savior!

Md: There's a reason he's called Miracle. But all played well, especially gh and mc. 👻

Levan Zest: not so humble now, huh? :)

JooYoung Kim: MVP is GH tbh

Zeroes and Ones: wait... spec has pure damage now? wtf?

tyo pras: 16:00 ILTW fountain dive.. Game-2 CEB: papi pls type "GG"... Don't let them fountain dive again like game 1. It's embrassing us... Especially our humbleDog

Denrix Camile: 2-0 xd

2barts L: comment section is hating on OG. you can't TT a team that has won 2 TIs. noone has ever done that, noone has ever DONE THAT IN THE HISTORY OF DOTA.

ZAC moments: Useless ceb.

Kenny Harkristanto: MC's np is second to none 👏

Abraham Bugas: ggwp

ExterminateCCP !!: Hoodwik and Drow mid? Never seen those before.. weird

Doubt A Lot: finally Nigma changed their playstyle

Crisjohn Moises: NIGMA is scary when they play like this.

John Snow: OG might not attend the next major. Again

Deng Manuel: too many haters but when third title get, tooooooo quiet

오늘은 지겹다: Ana is now Anal

Kirs 2rrico: This sick line up! Sacrificial mid for miracle my ass! W22 is just a chocker, That's why! Ana and topson is just like a normal pub player in this game.

ajm64sc2: too greedy draft in 2nd game for OG

This For What: I love this match

Juan Pedro: CRY HumbleLULW & topLULW

BeauGaming TV: nigma looking strong miracle back to his original form/role.. W33 was the torn of this team.. w33 vs iLTW safelane core iLTW 100x better.. w33 vs miracle midrole miracle 1000000x better.. me vs w33 as a player pr0bably we tie coz we both noob/archons wahahahaa

Gemorikk Vallarta: Buti nga

aprilio wicaksono: I watch this video 5 times, it mean topson trashed 10 times 😂

Iftekharul Islam: tactical losses for OG. Miracle G.O.A.T

Dhruv Rawat: Lets Go Liquid ( the orignal liquid vibe in these games !)

Noside Yanup: Dr and hoodwink mid more topson dog

Grafian Aufar P: I see OG lose, i simply press like

Kael Spicula: Outright obliteration.

Jeff Sadeghi: MidOne

Manuel Johnny: I don't know why but I'm subconsciously rooting for NIGMA. I think this is because of TI9. Sorry OG. CONGRATS NIGMA!

along ranjer: Draft loss from og

along ranjer: Draft loss from og

muhd ikhwan: Outdraf

Richardo Anastasius: Hahahaha 31:10 idiot clockwerk by saksa , is he mvp last match ? Look how he aimed ass of that creep

Mohammad Yunus: thanks salsa for playing for sigma

zentum aisle: OG lose so Nigma must be cheater now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO OG cry babies should stay on twitter..... pick more mid hoodwink and drow scrubs :)

Frank Lampard: Og team when facing secret - ana,topson,notail,ceb,saksa Og team vs nigma- Anal,Dogson,Dogtail,Sucker,Sad

MiKuTo . PH: Nice dive ana 😂

Manvendra Singh: good job

Barışcan Topal: easy

karl alexis: 29:07 ana and topson tilted

عمر عرقسوسي: Miracle Tiny 😘😘😙😙😚😚

BURLEIGH Joy: This - is - Nigmaaaa !!!

Mrcl: MCboss

karl alexis: 23:10 ana died to dispersion haha

bongotoi: ana fountain farming again....oh wait :D

Yutaki Koh: Obviously midone is the problem.

javi the nomad: ilTW and Saksa just caught up in the feud from TI9 feelsgoodman Kuro got some revenge

bongotoi: someone got a taste of their own medicine at fountain farming :D

moon: Great game

naberal gamma: nigma win i liked well played nigma.. for og? dont give up you have one more chance you must win against liquid if you lose.... bye bye OG

nodnerd. Bren: Nice fountain dive nigma❤️

Mukankei-kun: See Kuro? This is why you SHOULD pick Tiny!!

K. K: OG want all fans to dislike them.. few more games and done

Dandan Pantinople: Kuro: let's get revenge *First pick tiny

Dandan Pantinople: "He sees the support, he sees blood"

Bambi Sabido: Ez OG

Dirty Franku Jr.: I see so much negativity in this comment section. Can u guys stfu and just enjoy good dota? Every team has their ups and downs deal with it u sad 2k scrubs Edit: I think most of u here can't even steal an aegis. Trash ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

CastleKingSide: I think this is actually good for OG. Let the same 4 as season 1 qualify for major, hope that Nigma and Liquid score more points (secret and alliance are probably at ti already with their 850 and 800 points) so as to be invited, then in the regional qualifiers, there would be nobody left to challenge them...i mean sure maybe viking or tundra can make them work for their meal, but upset them completely...not unless they over-clown. And they could use the extra games played together. Granted whichever one of Liquid/Nigma doesn't get 2nd, has a long road ahead to score enough points for the invite, but hey, at least there would be some suspense regarding the last EU West representative. Why I think it's possible is because if I look at dpc standings, and S2 standings...Thunder Predator finished 5-2, and need Beastcoast to lose vs No-ping to force tiebreaks. But that means one of them is stuck with the regional points regardless. So out of the current top 12, one is likely out already. Then, neon is more likely to tiebreak for relegation than for the major, and even if they place 3rd after tiebreaks, well, in the wildcards they likely won't beat 2/4 EU west and china. So that's 2 out. It's also possible that LGD doesn't qualify, so again, a possible free slot. That being said, the only reason I want all 5 at TI is because i see TI as the best 18 worldwide, and all 5 are arguably there. I mean, 5 China, 5 EU west, 2 from the rest to me is the optimal distribution for TI.

Agree Cntn: GH solo kill topson on triangle is wrap boys

AJAY CABRERA: ILTW the perfect carry for nigma

FY D: Dogson ft humbledog

Empty Blank: GH the beast!

SoftMist ML: Where is Godson now??

Chda Chhangte: Too one sided, not entertaining

Gilbert: love seeing og lose

Devendra Shirodkar: " Introduction boyzzz " - mc

Greed Isgood: Notail: NIGMA CHEATED

Lio GTR: When w33 leaved. Nigma just comeback

Em Dyam: Gh showing saksa how to clockwork

Darwin Louis Peraz: That's the TI plays from nigma. Nice game

Benz Vidal: Miracle mid is too good for topson

Muhammad Faris Azaman: I thought when ana comes back OG gonna destroy everyone lmao

Jason Yap: Another blame teammate from OG, Saksa will be the target.

Ardi Fernando: after game 1, og fans : wE nEed JerAx bAck

Sigsevduh: I see og lose i click like

Wai Yan Lynn: Miracle mid is nightmare...sidelane are suppressed by him...Well Played Miracle

Wirangga: nikobaby>>>ana. dont cry og fans whos hype on ana

HarshMellow: Truesight is getting more views

jian huang: After watching this game, I think w33 will get benched until June 2221.

aniket sontakke: No more fountain farm for og?

Hamid Hashemi: Actually w33 was good they had no kuroky at that time, now Iltw is very bad tho, w33 way better, on the other hand ana still not in good shape.

食蜂操祈: ILTW using OG voice to annoy the living shit out of OG is the best thing i see today

Dave M: why don't u post psg.lgd games? you realize they are TI winners and chinese dota is great to watch. saying as a non-chinese.

Rommel Manuel: miracle true lane is mid.

coolhirako: Ceb offended. Lets watch true sight

muammar shiddiq: Nice role for nigma

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