ULTIMATE Season 11 Jungle Tier List - Every Champion EXPLAINED!
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Mahziyar Tavakoli: Shaco sunfire goes BrrrrНаписать
alex dimos: yea but where is kindred
João Pedro Corrêa de Abreu e Silva: amumu already nerfed lol. still can abuse sun cape, but once it also gets nerfet i feel like he will drop to almost unviability in the jungle.
FeelsFine: what about jax tho
Bruno Gama: what about diana and gragas?
Oh Yeah Yeah: Lillia is S tier, simple as that. Her potential for dps late game is absolutely ridiculous
Oh Yeah Yeah: Taliyah. (Aka if the Taliyah on the other team is good, good fucking luck.)
Joshua Chua: Urgot jg?
André Pires: Sucks Nida, anda lee are not good picks, hope riot fix this. Mastering dificult champs shoud be rewarded not the other way around.
Vanity: wheres gregas?
David Mullins: pronounced AY-jis
YebuYk: where is lux
Christian Myler: Is that FF9 I hear in the background?? <3
Antonio Vera: Im a romantic karthus main in the jg. Those nerf fucked me. The new season items fucked me. But im still making new builds to climb in diamond . Lets see if i make it :)
Amro Hossam: Yea guys jax isnt a jungler or anything right guys? https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=Zzool
exenderlloyd: After s11, my win rate with Lee went from 47% to 70%
Jared Fantasia: Kayn busted? Shocker 🤪
Hunter Meadows: I mean why not talk about karthus night harvester?
Patrick Thacker: i enjoyed the sonic reference. escape from the city man.
i eat paint chips: you gotta have a list people can look at
Deadshouri[沖田]: Where's Kindred?
Al LO: What about kindred ? I have not seen her in the list 😢
sela _: every champ he plays is S+, obvioiusly.
Alexis Trépanier: Wow, I did not expect to hear Spiral Mountain from Banjo-Kazooie in this video.. I just got hit hard with nostalgia
Hishiron: Does riftmaker work on Evelynn or luden is just better for her?
Joshua Bennett: juggernaut meta has returned
Hunter Gaming: Wukong ;(
Overshare: in sum, Sunfire is broken build it in your ap support.
naz five: this man made this video on the fly, also for fiddle just build a-sol build
Clarence Fernandez: true about eve luden is better. also as an ap main jngler. 200 lp hardstuck i believe elise luden is better as well coz ur there to end game early and a late game elise is nothing more but a cocoon throwing minion. i guess rockets are also good to her but most of the time that ms isnt a factor since u need to one shot combo a squishy before ur cocoon stun runs out.
thanh nhan nguyen: When tank junglers can microwave baron 20 min
Jhin The 4th: ‘every jungler that is a jungler’ RIP TALIYAH
The Brass God: Will say 100% thats the wrong item on Warwick
Random Person: I’m thinking of changing role I always play early game junglers and 80 % of the cases win early-mid game If the game goes to late game always lose 😅 I guess I should quit the role ? I main Lee btw
Défine: Kindred Mains ):
MossyElder: Yo Pants thanks for using the clip haha Winnipeg boys represent
Junior Ilka: I am sorry, but shaclone is playing sunfire shaco :D
Dovid Zadykian: this is kinda boring tho:)
Doopliss Kindred: kindred lookin pretty fire rn
Dave: Why is Kingstix's tier list so much different? It's like they are playing different games.
Chris Kilik: They just need to overall nerf the items, everything is too strong, 1 item powerspikes on everything just makes high diamond+ cancer it's all reliant on lvl 1 plays. They actually determine the game now
Maxwell McKinnon: A table i could look at in 5 seconds would be nice
Fink Gaming: I feel like he didnt think about few champs and what items to build on them, eclipse is op for rek, but u prefer that item who tp's u under enemy champ :d
mustangsonstage: The Ivern player in this video is Mossyelder btw. He is an Ivern main who regularly uploads to youtube and streams on twitch. If you are interested in Ivern then DEFINITELY check him out.
Gabriel Vanegas Arias: I've played many evelynn builds, it's surprising what she can actually do now. Build night harvester to outdamage other assassins or to focus on snowballing from fights. Build luden's to improve clear. Build protobelt when the enemy groups up too much and get flashy protobelt + r combos. Build everfrost to help one shot slightly tankier champs. Go conqueror and ravenous hunter with riftmaker, cosmic drive, demonic embrace into op tank comps. She heals so much but she's weaker against assassins and adcs.
Lucas: I have had some really good shaco games in season 11. Eclipse defently works on him, and the collector is really good on him too. On every single game, I would 2 shot the ADC in the mid-game. He is not the best against tanks though, but you can build lord dominics erly since it also gives crit now.
Mert K.: WTF so soraka isnt a jungler or what?!?
Phoenix: You missed kindred
pablouvedoble: 29:12 Kindred 29:27 Gragas
EgL Gaming: no more wukong jungle ? :)
Logan Donovan: sunfire aegis gragas might be worth a try, throwback to season 8 when tank grag was meta
Enforced Equilibrium: What about shen jungle? He feels pretty good right now with full tank sunfire You can basically 1v5 if you have sunfire, spirit visage and full stacked ravenous hunter
Joseph N: Have you even played fiddle sticks with liandys yet? With demon embrace its giga broken. Try and then say he's A tier. Smh
Tongaz _: malphite jg is a thing kek, you farm till 6 then you go for a gank when ur ult is up, u can go either tank with sunfire or imperial mandate or you can go burst with night harvester
nfzeta: I think a few of those lower tiered ap champs should be building rift maker in this tank jg meta if they want more success.
melovepeas: sunfire "eggis"
Keegan Williamson: cant rek si satke one of the dash mythics, get a free knock up and be op?
Nuttapong Mogkarat: Trust me Rengar is s tier ¡
Sean omoruyi: Should’ve just made the highest tier say “Amumu tier”
Thomas Pryle: @foxdroplol 8:00
TheHadG: talon jungle pog
Gill Lu: Before i finish the video im going to guess every jungler that throw on that sweet sweet sunfire i see it every game lol starting the mumu the sady mummy but he a dummy
Anthony Faiell: 22:46... "so luden's echo might be a better choice than night harvester." . Me: looking at a 19/0/4 Evenlyn with 103 farm at 16 minutes that built Night harvester.
Ivan Škojo: I remember when this was on PBE everyone was saying that tanks are going to suck.
Jezuz: Where is Twitch?
scienz0220: Yummi jungle or I riot
ApeWatchingTV: WTF was that Karthus clip???
JORDI RECASENS: I'm main lee sin and i think he is A+
Ammar Motez: how dare u put my rengo in E tear :(
First Last: how bout tank rengar with sunfire aegis?
xXCringyLetsPlayChannelHDXx: sunfire egg jizz
Quim Freecss: Mario Kart Double Dash music at the begining. Nice!
Common Sense: Gragas is just not in the game anymore
Jelto Coorevits: That Diddy Kong Racing music tho
NoOnesFault: Where is Gnar, Darius, Urgot?
Shacolin: Phaze Rush Sunfire Shaco is the way to go, yes. Also, Rek'sai is going prowler's claw I heard. Gives her the extra mobility she needs to be useful without flash.
Christian de place: Can't use Sunfire F tier
Razgriz Reborn: I always build sunfire, demonic embrace.
Ejodai: It's nice to see other content creator's footage into this. It makes the explanation credible (even if the items mentioned aren't into play).
Jakub Kúdela: Pants where is KINDRED how could u :/ (snif) :(
Sebastiano Zaramella: Why, exept for amumu, no top Rank jungler Is playing tanks? At least in EU since they are so strong?
Nalyd: It’s “Turbo Chemtank” not turbo chemtech.. I’m convinced Pants is on the autism spectrum
Toth Stefan: where's kindred?!
Nalyd: Aggis 🤦🏻♂️
Nalyd: Your pronunciation of Aegis (Ayy-jiss) is so triggering
Forgen: 1:14 amumu 3:02 nunu 4:19 rammus 5:08 mundo 6:01 skarner 7:28 hecarim 8:55 sejuani 9:45 khazix 11:10 vi 12:07 udyr 12:39 zac 13:36 kayn 15:30 volibear 16:02 graves 17:17 olaf 18:25 trundle 18:56 elise 19:54 warwick 20:24 fiddlesticks 22:30 evelynn 23:15 jarvan 23:38 master yi 24:27 xin zhao 25:13 reksai 25:52 shyvana 26:19 ekko 26:56 shaco 27:27 lilia 28:13 nocturne 28:48 ivern 29:14 kindred 29:27 Gragas 30:01 rengar 30:35 nidalee 31:11 karthus 31:52 lee sin
Nikita Litvin: 0:14 virtual-chat-girls.online
Jason Wood: Eggis.
Joseph Taylor: 0:10 girlsofyourcity.online
xRemy: sunfire is broken xD
Derek Edgar: I want to see season 1 league vs season 11 league on summoners rift.
Pan Brzoza: "Every jungler" Me seeing 10 junglers: like
Brandon Nguyen: SonFarire Eggis
Forgen: so best champions are who can abuse sunfire aegis, got it
Matías Gonzalez Virgili: Everything os fucken broken
IUSTIN Diaconu: Yoo this tier list is dog shit
Riceball: Pants respond to me
Dampierre: Sunfire Eggis
PutOnAFlannel: Aegis is "E-Jiss" ējis
dead by gaming: second :(
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