Rich and Jay Talk About The Boys Season 2
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Wolfdoggie Tenkaistar: weekly release made me sad. my friend I wanted to watch it with didn't want to till all episodes were out.Написать
Pazhuzhu: Rich is slimming down, looking good my man!
Catobleppa: Rick Evans describing his own character arc within the red letter mediaverse at 11:47
BarrellRofl: Behind Jay it seems to say 'Empathy'. Seems applicable to Jay.
evillink1: Leagues and bounds above Watchmen HBO still.
WDCain: Adam Warren's _Empowered_ comic has character named Thug Boy who was once a hero-hunter. The last volume gave him an entire chapter detailing numerous ways to take down supers depending on their powers. He even goes on a four-page spread over how effective fire is in almost every situation.
TheAntiEggroll: Someone on this show HAS to talk about Hard Kill best worst movie ive seen in a while
Name of The Game: It's actually pronounced "Anus." The E is said like it is in Spanish.
GeronimoJak: Everyone complaining about the Boys weekly release, meanwhile Mandolorian just sipping tea made from pure gold on the side.
desireealicea: 2:18 Yet ANOTHER Jay reference to Twin Peaks: Season Three. For the love of Christ, Re:View it already!
Nicholas Mullen: Do a discussion on the movie Threads. Its not well known but it's the british version and better version of the day after. You'd probably only want to watch it once in your life so make it a good one.
PassWiseP1: fun fact: the writers of the shows, which rlm made accurate predictions for, all watched this channel and changed their scripts because they couldn't come up with a better idea
Hector Vargas: At the end Jay should have said: " I don't read the credits Rich, I write them".
Dustin Von Allmen: Rich mis pronouncing something? That's weird...
Patrick Guilfoyle: Does Homelander have a weakness beyond being a sex weirdo? If he were to just go full evil villain how/who would they even stop him?!
Juan Canales: You guy's should do the best of the worst and do Adam Sandler' movies @redlettermedia
j mcburney: couple a nostradumbasses
gboybama: Couldn't get through the season. Nothing but reprehensible characters acting gross. I enjoyed the level of parody in season one, but watching this was like laying down in the mud with swine. Felt like I needed a bath after every episode. Guess I wasn't the target audience.
Sam School: Honestly I lost interest in the show.. second season had a really slow start for the 6 first episodes
Ennio444: Fuckin' review Discovery S3. The last episode was kinda decent.
Trav Pots: Good job
mcglubski STUDIOS: Steaming services should release them in 2 or 3 episode segments. Meet the fans halfway
Razzy1312: If you've looked up what the comics did it's pretty easy to "predict" that the series will end with Homelander trying to take over the U.S. government. That seriously takes a 5 minute google search.
billy zane: Love the show but i dislike kimeko and frenchie with the stupid sign language bs
Dylan: All I want for Christmas is a Re:View for Twin Peaks the Return
Space P0ny95: Did Rich read the comic and use his knowledge of the ending to make a "guess" at the end because holy shit
Hayley Vetsch: Jay, for the love of God, hold the handle of the mug when you take a drink. Otherwise, what's the damn point!?
Jason Jackson: Awful review you guys were so lazy going off memory and not really going deep with the episodes.
Shauka Hodan: I'm very disappointed that the credits weren't all spelled wrong.
Non Specific: Quick tip: Double consonants shorten the preceding vowel sound.
Extrados: I am waiting the STD re:view. It will be better than the actual serie.
Johnny Kotletti: why is drinking human mothers milk considered disgusting while drinking mothers milk of animals is not ? think about it ...
Agnessa McConagal: The mug is normal. Jay's hands are tiny.
Saeba Ryo: Fap at the moon. Ozzy, make it happen!
נתי חסיד Nati Hassid: Y’all should review “Hunters”
Tariq: Rich feels quite nervous somehow? Like a little bit too eager to laugh at everything cause he's uncomfortable? Rich, you're cool, we like you! Relax and just be you, please!
Daniel Beales: Thanos was a meme Lord
James Hart: Whoa, Jay said esoteric. I haven't heard that word in a long time.
Deconverted Man: the deep just keeps getting shit on and I love it! :D XD
Dick Jones: Would've liked a little more depth to the commentary. Seemed kinda short and thrown together...
MK: Jay mentioned TP David Lynch again, when is the 5 hour long ReView of TP season 3 with Josh coming? It is your destiny Jay you cannot deny it any longer! Embrace the cherry pie and stare into the dark coffee abyss!
V J: "(...)Breast milk is the best"
Travis Baker: 4:00 As usual, RedLetterMedia is quite off-base with talking about how television works. I get the desire to want to watch it all at once, but as Jay pointed out, releasing it all at once and people talk about it FOR A WEEKEND. When you put it out weekly, you get people talking about it longer and longer and longer. The buzz keeps going for longer. In television speak, these are called "water-cooler conversations". And that seems to be the strategy with keeping streaming shows going on for a long time. Same with CBS and Star Trek (especially this season). Same with Disney+ and The Mandalorian. On the flipside, you have Netflix where your show is lucky if it ever gets third season because they have so much content, people will just watch one show and forget about it later. I also feel what Jay and Rich about how episodes don't stand out enough to be watched weekly is a criticism regardless of watching it weekly or binging because it shows that the writing wasn't sharp enough or paced well enough to stand out. The story is separated into the episodes that they are because each one contributes something unique to the narrative IN THEORY. If the show was meant to be watched as a movie, it would just be a movie. But it's in serial format instead. Therefore each serialized installment has to matter and if they don't, that's a problem with the storytelling.
Hieronymous Lex: This show is noooot good.
Alan Pennie: The Supe Terrorist (which I kept hearing as soup terrorist) was a memorable tag.
hoiy vinosa: Rich is begging for voicemail that doesn't consist of Mike drunkenly calling him.
al17777: Sorry to say but The Boys are going downhill. And unfortunately I don't mean just the TV show.
lance lindqvist: Very cool
Not Sure: Another show ruined by “woke” agenda pushing sickos.
King-ish 4eva: 13:40 Wow. I see u guys havent read the graphic novel. 😜
Kabissz: Story structure wise the whole season felt a bit like one long episode. Not in a bad way though.
DerFreiegedanke: I only watched the show because i want to see both of you talk about it. Have a nice Day.
Cyro-Nydd: I hate the audience-insertion character Huey. He really annoyed me. The actor himself doesn't bug me, but the way he's written isn't fun for me, so I usually skip through long dialog bits with him in it. I really watch the show for the caped psychos that really drive the plot along.
ZLEAP: Girth Anus is gonna be maaaad...
Kelson Kugler: Does anyone else think season 2 was significantly weaker than season 1?
Makli: This show went from an interesting and awesome new take on super hero crap... To blatant cringe worthy propaganda... ... Politics is so fucking awesome am I right?!?! _(face-palm)_
poiupu425: when you guys learn how to read brandon sanderson had a series of books which is about a world controlled by not so good superheroes and how humans fought back.
SecretCommie: Glad I’m not alone on thinking the first half of the season was really weak. The plot was aimless and hopped around too much.
KOBA and6: I'd like to see a program like this but instead of Jay, Mike and instead of the boys, star trek.
Daniel Mead: why is jay drinking from a huge mug?
mikea hiooi: Rich is begging for voicemail that doesn't consist of Mike drunkenly calling him.
Tyler Fireeagle: What on earth is the boys?
Thomas Krul: "Jay, quit lookin' at the camera"
Cobalt Jester: I might go back and watch the last few episodes of this now. I DID give up after a handful of episodes. I can't even remember where I got up to. Season 2 just didn't click with me. But I guess I gave up too early... lol
Petre Florin: Not much review this episode has...
Andrew Ledwith: You guys missed an opportunity in the credits to say, "Credits by Mike Stoklasa."
David Bagshaw: I hope the guys get around to looking at "His Dark Materials" some time as well....
Alex Ervin: The blind guy scene was my favorite for homelander stuff of the season
Fuzzira: I was rooting more for Homelander and Stormfront by the end because everyone else felt like two dimensional cardboard cutouts halfway through this season.
Fuzzira: Rich, the P is silent in Garth Ennis... Get it right, for fuck sake.
Damion Austen: Ennis? like in the episode where Fry sleeps with his grandma?
cap N.: Pretty sure it's pronounced "Garth Anus" bud.
Jimbo Jambo: “We should bleep this out as spoilers.” As they describe EXACTLY what happens in the comic.
Joseph Robinson: The "girls get it done" stuff seems to me to be specifically taking the piss out of that part in Avenger's Endgame where all the female characters line up perfectly in shot during a chaotic battle and say, "She's not alone" even though half of them have never met each other before. I cringed so hard during that part (and any time Captain Marvel was on screen). It's just so pandering and pathetic. I do want to see the Boys take down supes in more imaginative ways. I don't want a "monster of the week" style structure but I wish there'd been a bit longer of a revenge arc for Hughie before he "makes peace" with the fact Robin is dead. He grieved way too unrealistically quickly.
Allen Andrews: Must've fed Mike an Almond Joy and kicked his EpiPen away
Papa Lannister: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Rob Heaton: “Breastmilk is the best stuff” –Rich Evans
John Cunningham: Call me crazy but I actually prefer a weekly release schedule. Not only does it bring back feelings of nostalgia of old TV, but it gives you something to look forward to, and I actually like that I can't binge it. It's just less shameful that way.
nuclear inquisition: when rich evans someone how predicts the comics ending.
Antonio Lewis: "Is this the first time we've had a character who's used memes to manipulate the populace" As if on cue, in the first episode of the new Animaniacs that came out literally the day after this video did exactly that in the segment "of mice and memes".
Gianni Descalzo: Everyone needs to rumble hard about this weekly release bullshit, going ass backwards to the time when you had to schedule a day in your week to watch something is an awful thing and we mustn't allow it to trend. Fuck that noise.
Double-A: For all the reasons you love the Boys and more, you have to see Anthony Starr in Banshee. I'm still trying to get a grip on his transformation into Homelander. Great TV.
Melodramatic JerBear: Damn. This is the first time I've completely disagreed with you guys. This season was atrocious.
David Brown: The Boys is about family. That's what's so powerful about it.
Sean OBrien: Jay doesn't like comics he couldnt be bothered reading them
Gatorama Con Pe: I love how a normal size mug looks gigantic in Jay's hands
Patrick: RE: the release cadence, I think what they were thinking is they’d get as much free PR on a weekly basis as Mandalorian did where it was weekly and had articles all over the place every single week. This obviously doesn’t have the clout that Star Wars does, so...that didn’t happen.
LuisLEONFC73: The weekly release built up so much hype. I don't know what these guys are on about since the talks for the show went on for many weeks. Last year everyone forgot about the boys in two days.
David Palmacci: Season 2 is just a bunch of subplots I don't care about.
Samuel Pérez García: Rich just described almost exactly how the comics ended: Homelander stages a coup, and does attack the White House. But he uses most of the Supes to do it, not just him. I doubt that's the direction the show is going, though. They have changed several things in a way that it seems to go somewhere else. Either way, YOU GUYS DID IT AGAIN! xD
Soymaid: President Homelander would really be something, especially if he got elected. My big problem with Stormfront is that she's too dastardly -- nobody's going to reflect on their behavior because they see themselves in Stormfront. But if she became the Lady Macbeth... or rather the Stephen Miller... yikes. I'm not even sure how they could be stopped in-universe, except that Homelander would inevitably slip up.
MaximizedAction: “You guys predicted it!” “We’re not that smart...” Dunno about the Boys S3, but ya predicted real life.
Romance: being an anime fan, the first few minutes about them bitching over weekly releases was painful
nunatak123: Jay has finally had a haircut
Anduril: Rich: Homelander in the Oval Office. Spoilers!
Steven Schiro: Wait, this isn't another top 10 TNG Episodes?
jplayer073: I never did finish season 2 because of the weekly release schedule. Meh. It's 2020, there's too much media to consume, can't be bothered with this kind of pre-historic shit.
Waffenbaum: A lot of people suddenly realized we've come to a point in history where "Literally a Nazi" is a meaningless phrase because "literally" no longer means literally, and everyone who's even a little bit right of the far-left is routinely being called a Nazi.
Patrick Hanks: I think they are settings up do in season 3 they can start to take on supes like they did Translucent
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