Bring me his dead - Game of Thrones (Season 1)

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Squatzoatz: uhh...where was tywin?

Nathan Whiting: One does not simply survive in the game of thrones.

Reece Selby: Head*

The Stain: Joffrey failed to realize the bigger picture this day, starting a civil war when he beheaded ned stark, the most powerful man in the largest part of the seven kingdoms. Even pycelle and cersei knew it, he was just too much of an obnoxious twat to realize how reckless this decision was and it eventually caused his death

Ronnel Covers: Gago ka Joffrey! Makita lang kita sa kanto hayop ka

lyfza meme: when it's Sean Bean you know the character is going to die

Santiago D.: And I wonder if I too may leave this world like this, seeing the mad crowds screaming everywhere, as always has been.

Gessprach M: Y pensar que ningún Stark tuvo venganza vs los Lannister

optimus prime: The only shock which was intolerable in the whole series

Borsuq: Gods Cersei is stupid here. Yes she tries to stop Joffrey, make him see reason... but she's the REGENT! She could have just ordered everybody to stop and ignore king's command. Yes it would make him look weak, but better that than having war with the North on top of dealing with Robert's brothers.

atharva Salvi: Ned Stark was honorable and brave a but he wasn't fit for the Game.

J W: When Ser Illian put his mask on and took the sword from the sheath.. Intense. Shit got real. Oh it's happening!

Lee sOo: I never noticed even Cersei tried to stop him

MADMAN AU: This is the moment Ned Stark became Hot Pie

cptmactavish3: It’s actually hard to imagine that this and season 8 are from the same show

Steve L: Ned "WAIT! I Demand a Trial by Combat!" Joffrey "OK! You vs Ilyn. Fight starts now"

THE CYBER WARRIOR: and this ladies and gentlemen is where we first learned there are no truly happy endings in game of thrones....

Guillermo Romero: This was back when you could not make a mistake or you would die

Stefan Makara: And then in season 7 Arya's ass goes "I saw you there smiling" bruh Sansa looked ready to weep the whole time and had just offered her dad one weak smile of encouragement to try and show support lmao. And then in next scene she fucking fainted. They fucking forgot their own show while writing seasons 7 and 8 I swear.

FinnelAT: After rewatching this made me think little finger's death was so deserving. That ass thought he's so smart!

Matt2205: Sean Bean holds the record for the most deaths in TV History

m.95: After seeing this: Joffrey death scene on replay

Salty Basket: This is the moment Ned Stark became Heisenberg

GALACTUS: Cersei didn't try to stop she had already planned this

THE REAL DUTCH VAN DER LINDE: Jus wen you recover from this red wedding happens

Darby Alvarado: sean bean just doesn't get to live till the end credits does he!?....maybe silent hill?

I am not a Cat: There was silence. Complete silence

Lucas F: Uma ótima lição para aqueles que vão contra seus ideais para salvar a própria pele ou ficar ao lado do poder. São traidos e morrem como tolos.

Toni-One Kenobi: Joffrey went from ☺ to 👿 in seconds

TOMMY KELVIN GOMEZ JIMENEZ: After this I'm watching Geoffrey die.

Star Ath13: Joeffrey bitches ass... 😡...

KingChitas: The North Remembers

laiba khan: And we all think ned stark is the only main character.

Diego SK: This was in the books?

chogloonamjil tergel: this is my fathers sword

Tallgeese3: Even Cersei knew the consequences for killing Ned Stark

Jesus Murillo: Even Maester Pycelle was shook

Flying Angel: bring me his dead?

Vatian: Ned should have called it out. He should have screamed the truth at the top of his lungs. Honorable fool indeed.

Manish J Singh: People enjoyed the Ned stark death, Drogon burn them all.

Matthew Tomasek: He moment Arya turned into Heisenberg

Dharmanshu Dave: Now go and watch the clip where Joffrey dies. Totally satisfying!

Guyver Jay: Even Cersie knew executing Ned Stark was folly. Joffrey was an idiot

theLegolist Me: I know two trials by combat per season would be boring, but... Iirc The Mountain is currently leveling the riverlands, so who would stand up to Ned if he demanded it?

brandon gates: Man something that never changed in me personally. Eddard Stark was always my favorite character throughout all 7 seasons of pure perfect cinema(not including the dogshit season 8 of course) and he was only around for one season to make such an impact. Sean Bean is an amazing actor

JediNxf7 Strikes Back: jack Gleeson is such an incredible actor. it is impossible not to utterly despise this kid.

CodyTheDoggo: This disrespect of cutting him with his own sword

ZicoDuco: How ironic. He who lives by the sword dies by the sword.

Wavey Eli: Executioner sword dose not have a tip

Alan kimachi Wong: Jophrey reminds me of apartheid Israel

Ryan Dilling: Bring me his dead? Doesn’t sound like that to me 🤣

GraylyHen94: 3:13 Based Joffrey???

Mihnea Radu: Imagine if he actually said the truth

MostPassiveUser: And thus with all it's great faults was born the greatest television show in history.

Mason Stoijck: Everything ned and robert fought for Was lost when Robert died.

jc Rodriguez: It's always good to come back to this scene and then, go to the one where Daenerys burns Kingslanding

Doncroft1: Biggest mistake Joffrey ever made. Stupid purple bastard.

Truth: Um, the titles wrong

Artem: Sansa got Ned killed in my opinion. Joffrey was going to send him to the nights watch but when sansa smirked he felt like he needed to beat her so he gave the kill order

Lerxe: ''Bring me his HEAD'' not ''Bring me his DEAD'' lmao.

Lucifer Parker: Back when deaths made sense and no one had plot armor.

Sagar Tamang: 3:44 Lord Varys tried to stop this

TuffGong Don: did ned not have trial by combat because he admitted himself a traitor?

Cameron Fletcher: Joffrey: bring me his head Audience: what omg, some one is definitely gonna save ned (10 secs later) WTF!

heyysimone: Even Cersei tried to stop him but there was no stopping him

hallo9062: Thank you Dany for bringing these peasants the justice they deserved

Guitaristmalakian: 3:43 "Madness ? This. Is. Westeros !"

Black Orchid: Jeoffrey is smart. He waited till the second Ned confessed.

ELITE COCKFIGHTER: I feel if jon was here. He wouldnt even feel sorry for these damn people

Clone Commander Ghost: This was the first scene in GoT that truly left me in utter shock and disbelief, I really thought Ned would be spared but boy was I wrong.

Sabih Khan: Notice how varys tries to prevent this execution he honestly wanted to prevent the worse from happening

Angry Edward: He should say: the man who passed the sentence should swing the sword. just to piss off Jofrey.

Apocalypse_Later: Do not miss the subtext. He is known by all for always telling the truth, but gives in to evil and perpetuates what he knows to be lies to save himself. To continue to spread what you know to be the lies of evil people is to become complicit with evil yourself, which is how vicious dictatorships control otherwise normal people: fear of telling the truth. Stark's death is both a spiritual and a literal one.

Lifers Earth - David Seymour: Ned should have told the crowd the truth about Joffrey.

KDMN: Is this Monty python? “Bring out your dead! Ding! Bring out your dead!”

CHAD MASTER 4 LIV: As a upcoming African American game developer shout out #theINFINIVERSEsagaGameFranchiseImDesigningthatsBetterThanHollyFoolsCrapO💩

Krista: There is a typo in the title 😊

C. C. M: This is when, right after his death when we all thought he was going to be saved somehow miraculously, we understood no one was essential and everyone could die at some point

CommanderSanta: Makes you wonder how different the story would be if he was sent to the Night's Watch.

njoroge fred: Ned Stark was Man of Honor, didn't deserve to die like that.

Lucas Philly Fan: When Batman gave that device to Joffrey, in Batman Begins, he didn't know he was creating a monster.

Corvus _Faux: I wish he would have been allowed to take the black :(

Rodane: Back when the show was still something worth watching

Amir Tabassi: Those people deserved what Daenerys did to them...

Wally Spencer: 4:21 rightous man who fought fot these bastards sake now whitnessing them asking for his head to be sliced

Bobbles the Bob: You mean head ay

Getes Gil Gerald: I didn't even finish this scene, now I have the strength to watch it

TanukiJay: Never knew he said baelor so that his daughter could be saved

Richard Roberson: One of the best moments in tv history

Zifa Juggernaut: Should've know that Varys truly serve the realm by how he try to convince Jofrey here but i didn't notice

TeyrnLoghain: And finally a few years later, the peasants in King’s Landing got what they deserved. Destiny is all.

KawáiiSoul: Top funny moments in typos. LOL

Nick N.: *head

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