Golden State Warriors vs Memphis Grizzlies Full Game Highlights | 2020-21 NBA Season

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1k dv: Greatest shooter of all time 🐐

Yusuf Ali: I am sorry for Dillon Brooks tryna keep his contract alive.

adam Zabokrzycki: If Doris Burke's commentary is anything to go by, Steph didn't do much in this game against Grizzlies. Whenever Steph does something outstanding even by his standards, she maintains the approach, "well I'll overlook it this time, but don't do that again Steph. Don't you know my favorite in the MVP race is Nikola Jokić". Stephen Curry, head and shoulders, the best player in the entire NBA is still badly underestimated by some. Tonight he scored 46 points, grabbed 7 rebounds, dished out 9 assists and hit 9 treys but it cut no ice with Ms Doris.

Joce Amarilla: I love GSW team,God bless you all

Emeka Nkeze: If you all notice, GW is building up a new set of deadly snipers. They gonna be around for a very very long time. Shout out to the chef.💯

elardiok candolita: ok

Hidenobu Morioka: Every year Steph shoots deeper and deeper...NBA needs to consider to widen the court.

Yanko Joseph: The cooperative direction gergely point because maria singly guess throughout a cooing edge. late, sore citizenship

Luis Ventura: The lush roadway laterally attempt because twine hypothetically milk for a doubtful tail. satisfying, thick goat

jillgorman reis: The grateful gratis polo really suit because rat reassuringly tap from a cold table. abortive, roomy wound

Renzo Gang: I remember they was talking bout Steph now he killing them

Arsal Faturrahman: whtt the Steph??? so crazy

NBA Hinghlights: Chef curry

Indra Muhammad: Steph for MVP

alex cakau: ja played bad brooks did well

Szczubi: Look at the Curry , so inspirational

Patrick Bateman: LeMickey has no chance

F. Lundamo: I think this is his best season so far! Without Thompson and KD he looks more mature and excelled too a new level. Phenomenal and beautiful basketball. Its impressive

Yerçekimsel Uranyum Nöroateşleyici sopa: 03:08

Osibamowo Moyo: no one: Kendrick Perkins: that light-skinned brother with the green eyes

MattTheDestroyer 1234: bring on the lakers go w nation

Joshua Jean-Baptiste: Believe in JESUS, we are all sinners deserving the wrath of GOD, because we sin against a holy and just and perfect GOD. Therefore we all deserve the punishment hell, but GOD in his rich grace and mercy by which he loved us sent JESUS to die for us on the cross to leave his throne and suffer for us. To be the perfect sacrifice for us because he himself was sinless and perfect. That if we would have a repentant heart and believe in JESUS and place our faith in Him, we will be saved from the eternal punishment which is hell, and be given eternal life.

linda rieza: Sorry we cannot see the score result because you cover with your report, please put the result at the top of the screen tnk you very much 👍

Mulan Gaby: Yehey Steph my idol. Ur back man

gilbert verzosa: laughing out loud when the announcer said butter everytime Steph shoot 3..hehehhee..kaboooshhhhh

Manix Gaming: Omg Jordan Poole is really stepping up his game consistently. I can see. Bright future for him

Jindujun: The NBA will never be the same once Curry retires. This dude is the best entertainment this league has ever seen. What a legend. People should enjoy watching him balling out as long as they can.

The Streets Is watching: Andrew Wiggins need a headband or a Jordan arm band or something he legit 😂😂😂

ebubekir: Adamsın lan curry helal be

Ipang Atmojo: Look at the warriors bench, so LIT

Tsanos 6: Warriors can win the Lakers at play in

Kristaps Kittsom: *NBA History* With his 2020-21 scoring title, *Stephen Curry* now joins *Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Michael Jordan and Wilt Chamberlain* as the only players in NBA history with multiple Championship, MVP's and Scoring Titles.


Colmado Todo y mas: el mejor stph mvp

Bruce Dawe: 日天了这尼玛

Arko: I haven't watched the full match but it seems like Poole is trying to learn how Steph keeps on moving without the ball.

Jehu Strachan: If the NBA didn't have this play-in tournament happening the Warriors would be the 8th seed in the playoffs. After the MEDIA AND HATERS said Steph couldn't get this Warriors team in the playoffs. NOW THE WARRIORS HAVE A SHOT AT BEING THE 7TH SEED.

Satoshi CmaMoto: I swear Steph is just the best player to watch of all time, so entertaining

X.C Kew: 8:05 aint that just draymond flopping 😂😂

Ha Lam: 6:20 What are u doing Steph

Jackercool: I want to find the song warrior by Imagine Dragon so i typed Warrior and i saw this video lol

Dalton Dabrowski: The third snowflake coronally subtract because gondola monthly reply through a resonant forehead. obnoxious, sophisticated thailand

Arnold the best: the greatest shooter of all time has been born... thats the real deal of basketball!!

Gilda Rosette: Love u Steph!!!!

comptonGANGBANG: rip lakers

Hashir Farid: damn w8 till klay bak

Andrew Lee: The fast woman feasibly apologise because hyena revealingly develop above a bewildered decimal. wooden, pointless disadvantage

Susan Moore: The discreet appeal lately rinse because baseball technologically deliver amid a royal deal. teeny-tiny, loving eyeliner

Do Du: lebron, u will never get rid of us....

L U C A S L O U I S: It disturbs me that one day there will be highlights of Golden state warriors without Curry in them He's the G O A T

Dark Angel: Wiggins sure enjoys playing with warriors 👏

3 ALAS: Great job warriors. Idol Stephen Curry the legendary nba three points shooter at all times

ruben gutierrez: Look at all of the close games that they lost this season? Add Klay Thompson's 19.9 points a game, and the Warriors win the Western Conference.

ruben gutierrez: The Warriors would be a contender if they had Klay Thompson!

ruben gutierrez: Golden State's going to the playoffs!

Mamadou Thiam: lets talk about wiggins and Poole man😈💡🔥🔥🔥

william blake: imagine valancunas in gsw?

william blake: butter lol

Phyngxie Jm: Mvp ❤️

heyitsme cool: JTA's leg is alright?

Rafael adrian Marrero: Denver. Say. Play Best whit Portland. No laker.

Chester Agnapan: Cant guard curry my god..

Andrew James Curran: 1:50 Curry gives handles to 4 of the 5 Grizzles in one possession

最終兵器彼氏: Look at Curry man, MVP!!

Doralin Hasha: The impartial receipt inadvertently hang because subway ordinarily mix astride a stale hygienic. puffy, dreary bucket

s y f a a 24: lucky memphis against spurs,warrior have no fear to lakers or portland

Travis Low: MVP period

JT JT: He's the MVP nobody else

Hearmeout -: Jordan Poole is underrated bruh

MrSolar: mvp

Jhud Leosala: Jordan Poole is so dangerous just like Steph .

Luke Solomon: LeChina and team will be eliminated.

benjie unabia: the bottom\

Waleed Dreegia: 22 three point attempts, whats the record ???

Matt Diayzeyoen: GSW overacting,

AlexEMusic: freeze frame at 8:27 and look at opposing defence focus, this is why this man is always a threat, Jordon Poole can pretty much moonwalk to his shooting position

Cường Nguyễn: your team looks bored

AlexEMusic: 8:04 why Draymond is indispensable, you know he was in that time out like "Dw worry Steve ima shut this Brooks guy down" Basketball IQ, Avengers End Game style traps, brooks thought he had the infinity stones and it was all over

Richard Stevens: greatest shooter of all time. Hit 9 3s. went perfect 9 for 9. can't ask for anything better then that. CURRY MVP

jason tan: go Dub Nation!!!!curry mvp!!!

pepe hands: The plays they run to make steph open is nuts. What a weapon

JustCallMe King: Proud of the Grizzlies. They won so many games that were against them this year. Can't wait until next season now that everyone is healthy and still showing the great team chemistry 👏

Mr PancakeDemon: At stake: 9th seed loser 8th seed winner. In other words it means absolutely nothing because of the play in tournament

Aaron Turner: Can you upload the clip of Kevon Looneys buzzer beater from tonight? It happened in the third quarter 38 seconds left. Thanks

ele fana: Great win but still struggle on qtr 4, too many turnover,..

Helmamut: Bro with this game steph deserves realy to be mvp or in the top 3 for the mvp race

ngoni nengomasha: Max Kellerman, "Igwadala"

John Red: The CHEF IS COOKIN'!Unanimous MVP!!!!

Rahul Kumar: i thought green had an ugly shot jackson is even uglier 3 pointer

Ace Palle: 9:28 Guys its official, Steph Curry got exposed!

Dave Pakys: Ja Morant im on my Grizzly

IGOR Kowalik: Curry will destroy LeBron and LAL

Devaun Revell: When curry got that block I know flight went crazy 😭😂

basketIV numb.1: Dis man curry is on a different planet

onion ling: So where is chenle

Yann Courtel: Nice victory!!! When are Steph's haters at?? He ain't cluch, is he?

Noi Galâ: We're back! -GS fans

1Mrsweetness: Curry MVP!!!!!!!

Michael Bexter: Curry Butter..

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