Star Wars The Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 4 - TOP 10 WTF and Movies Easter Eggs

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Emergency Awesome: Here's my new Star Wars The Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 4 video and Easter Eggs. Let me know how many you spotted! Here's my new Mandalorian Ahsoka Tano video too!

Abdulellah M: 3

derrickb27: I'm wondering was Kamino and the Kaminoans destroyed? The reason i ask is because it seems like Palpatine, the former Empire and it's acolytes have trouble cloning even after have a massive army of clone troopers created by the Kaminoans in the past.

Kun-Szabó Levente: First the Gozanti and now the a arquitens cruiser. I love to see these videogame/cartoon ships in live action star wars they are so cool

Big Chungus: Is it just me or did they give cara dune cleavage? No complaints tho haha

Greg Stonehocker: The empire base in this episode reminded me of the same base design of Rouge One where Galen Erso died.

Montana Mike: No, a little weasel creature is not a nod to rocket. Quit saying random similarities are Easter eggs n shit. That's annoying.

The Skurj: Don't think the squad at the end of the episode was the result of the experiments, I think they are one of the versions of dark troopers.

Alex Kowalczyk: Hey Charlie, Easter egg you missed: "There they are, blast them!'

Bridget Doherty: F

tattoo u: I've watched and re-watched this episode, they must have edited the extra dude out already cause I couldn't find him anywhere lol.

Darth Nihilus: You know how Clone Wars and Rebels fixed the prequels? Well just like how people now appreciate the prequels because of those shows my guess is that Mandalorian is going to connect all the missing dots of the sequels and people will begin to appreciate them

Diane Gigante: love it

Lottie Weatherley: Apparently the little creature that Cara ‘saved’ was a Lava meerkat. It was referenced in the lava scene in at the end of season 1. They supposedly spit fire at their victims. :)

Allan Koester: I thought I heard one of the stormtroopers say the number for the stormtrooper who and when han and luke and chewbacca go to the death star to rescue Leia they shoot the two troopers tk421 was I hearing things

STILL: One doesn’t experience self-transcendence, the illusion of self only dissipates⭕️

David Earnest: The whole episode was 37 minutes long and this vid is almost 15 minutes. Need coffee.

J Wong: Episode 4 similar to E4. A New Hope: the tie fighter trench scene, Mando racing back to get baby yoga was like Luke going back to Uncle Owen and Aunt Peru, Mando and BY coming to rescue at the end similar to Han and Chewy coming to blow up the tie fighters at the end of E4 ANH.

sirt3z: The planet in episode 4 the Widow that Mando met who he wanted to actually stay with ,,, when it's all said and done with after the big war he'll go back to that planet to her and he'll take off his helmet in front of her

Kringle1: Also the scientists were similar to those who worked with/for Galen Erso. i also got Cap America/Cap America 2: Winter Soldier vibes. for some reason this episode w/ the armored suits at the end & the body’s in the Tanks etc. Anither great episode. There’s not one thing i dislike about this whole series!

Nico Risse: My favourite detail is the symbol on the shoulders of those guys at 10:21 (those who got shot) That is the same symbol of the kaminoan clone facility Seen in episode 2 on kamino

Ricky Now: The ship moff Gideon was on was a light cruiser not a star destroyer

Lance Moran: Love anytime they use the imperial transport in an episode. Played with that toy constantly as a kid. So cool to see it in live action now.

Minoverody: Im getting KOTOR vibes for some reason but we can only hope

Laxbroflow1!: I want to see courusant

Gregory T. Fliearman: And maybe Ashoka's "lost years" in the unknown region are where we get to be introduced to the Chiss and Thrawn, maybe even setting up a stand alone Thrawn backstory movie like Obi-Wan...

pags409: The tank, the launch.... Sooooo original Star Tours beginning!!! How can it be missed?!!!

Fluffy G: 14:09 Its easy to see the showdown at the ok corral thats coming between the mandos & these dark troopers over the mandos home world. Id probably bet good money that gideon, seeing how effective the mandos armor & weapons are, will no doubt kit out his dark troopers in jet packs & flame throwers & beskar. Hes probably using the beskar he stole from the mandos coven.

Everest 999: Basically everything is a reminder of the Star Wars movies, Jesus

Mario Rodriguez: There is a difference between macaroons and macarons. The child has something that resembles a macaron. Macaroons have coconut shavings on the outside. I date a baker and we looked it up. Cheers!

Adam Riekert: Video about 8 minutes too long. Detail good, but we all watched it, don't see point in play-by-play

Laura N.: OMG!!! When Baby Yoda does the roller coaster motion and then pukes afterwards....was THE DAMN CUTEST THING I'VE SEEN❤❤☺☺

Kevin Rosales: my favorite moments are how easily storm troopers go down and how awful their aim is lol

12chapin: Hello Charlie. I didn’t think we’ll see Horatio again🤫. Crossover with Marvel.

12chapin: Los Pollos Imperiales, is back.

Adam Bryant: my favorite episode is episode 4 of season 2

bbargo: Any chance they link The Mandalorian series to the main movies? Because they could be trying to harvest the midichlorian to keep Palpatine alive or something and, later on, come up with a sort of explanation on why did they need to make Rey his direct relative. Something like "he could pass on to her, bringing the strengh of the Sith, because of a blood compatibilite along with the high midichlorian count".

Sky Barker: Could’ve been me, but did anyone else hear the palpatine laugh when they’re above the lava overloading the reactor?

RUBBER BULLET: Wild guess, the super duper stormtroopers will ultimately be as ineffective as their regular counterparts.

Robert: Is thay Rey in the school scene?

vbddfy euuyt: My favourite Easter Egg is that of the "Blind Left Eye" after that guy exited the carbonate, referencing Han Solo's line.

Big Virgil: Am I the only one who’s never watched a Star Wars movie but loves the mandolorian

Friederike Anderton: I couldn't stop laughing at the first scene, the moment you see the child with the two wires you can see where its heading. I like that Mando is getting more parental and lifting his helmet slightly in front of the child. IGs statue in the background was a nice touch after all he did blow up for them. Is the marauder the same craft from the Rebels episode when Sabine is rescuing her father and we learn the "Duchess" has been reassembled?

Hayden Greenfield: Cara dune wears that New republic insignia on her belt.

Jesse Cumba: It's crazy how much better the mandalorian is than all the other star wars movies that Disney has released so far! I even think this show is better than George Lucas' prequels.

brageritu: Maybe they are Force Troopers.

Chris Harris: One you missed was one of the school girls had Rey's triple bun hairstyle from The Force Awakens

ilikm low: *VISUAL* effects

Robert Damasco: Coms officer.... Iden Verso???.... maybe??

Stephan Todd: Anyone notice how Jeans guy stood there in the back and didn't even need to be a part of the action! Total badass! 👕👖

Manny Ribera: Love the video!!! Shout out to the Dark Side

Samuel Ling: Ok

Ed Towel: Damn, Gina is starting to look like a dude.

WIDZPLAYS: Take it no ones about star wars Dark Troopers. Phase zero to three. The Arc Hammer. How the Moff council still had squads left over just not the research to make more. Moff Gideon's plan seems to be using them and restarting the projects creating a Sith Dark Trooper

Wade: Snoke is a Baby Yoda clone hahaha...

cersei69: I suspect won’t be the Child providing the Midichlorians but Ashoka.

americandesign: I have rewatched the whole Mandalorian s02 from e01- to 04 . And I tell you guys, there are no filler episodes if you consider the whole 4 parts we've seen (so far). It has the "waving" right, so one episode is giving us hints and slower pace, but bulding to the "explosion" of the next chapter. I feels like a whole movie. A moovie that's whole better than the sequels together! (RIP Reylo-Nobody-Palpatine-Skywalker!) I strongly suggest to do the same! (C'mon you have the chapeters already on your winchester downloaded, dont you?) - And BTW the music is AMAZING, Thanx to Göran Ludvigsson for the whole stuff! So try it... I have spoken. THIS IS THE WAY!

Collin Bentley: HEY BUD! The cookies are pronounced "ma ·kraan" not "ma·ka·roon". "Macaroons" are those cookies made out of shredded coconut - very different things. Love what you do - just had to mention this. It's important! xoxo

qopoy dnon: When Mando starting spinning to kill the last Outlander who else said "I'll try spinning, that's a good trick"?

Leo Martin: The older Giancarlo and CARL GETS. THE MORE WORK THEY GET.

Raindeer Projekt: That Hand shake looks REAL familiar....

Raindeer Projekt: The red and blue wires... Interesting from a certain point of view....Conspiracy minds activated!!!

Oğuzcan Aygün: F

Tim Hicks: By the looks of it Gina would fight at heavyweight

Anthony Johnson: Baby Yoda is terrible. He needs a spanking

william ventham: The mandalorian isnt part of deathwatch as you see he has a different animal skull on his pauldron to the deathwatch

JayStayHip: Episode Rank So Far 1. Ep 3 2. Ep 1 3. Ep 4 4 Ep 2

McB12329: The directing of this episode was garbage, worst one of the show.

Jon Taylor: Does anyone else think Thrawn will appear at all?

Jay Brown: Snook

Jay Fran: Did the season finish yet? I wanna know when I can start my free trial 😈

Bob Skewer: 13:34 I've heard more than one person refer to this as something like a badge, but I'm pretty sure that's a holographic communications device.

Phillip Evans: I saw multiple bad shots and actions in this episode. Actors pointing their guns at each other.

Andy: Products crew guy in frame is classic

stephanie Parker: Where’s Yoda during all this???

Roger Halt: 9:18 it’s already a Mando line toy fool. The lava referencing is not just for Mustafar. It’s just a planet.

Adrian Meredith: clone troopers = Dark forces?

Neri Hawks: Best Easter Egg - "There they are, BLAST THEM!!" lol straight outta episode IV, gotta love it!

Ali Shozab: Dude Iove this show but the acting of that buffed girl is soo bad in this

Shifty McGee462: I hope they make scout trooper fails a thing every time they're featured. Failed at the jump off the cliff and failed at the Halo style hijack.

Rick Kardol: My idea was that those clones are actually "Darth Sidious" clone tryouts. Why else would they be trying to use Baby Yoda's blood..

maricideva mega: 0:39 I just want to know when will OREO have that bluish version on the market? : )

OB1 kenOB: Hello there. I laughed when baby Yoda tossed his cookies.

Fred Green: F

Abhinav Shukla: Charlie, I believe the Jetpack is now the new equivalent of the Flamethrower 🤘🏼 Been used in every episode in season 2, I think 🤔 Nice video, tc bro 🙏🏼

Kevin: Well this is better than nothing

Giant Namekian Dende: I always just thought the code cylinders where pens 😏😏😏 my inner nerd is tingling

Tevya Smolka: I call them dark troopers

gizzz tv: The sound of the tye fighters was awesome

Dj Pro: Ahsoka Tano looks like Erykah Badu

jimmy Ryan: The murader toy has been around for dacades, the toy came first

Evan Stanek: Was there any intentional similarities to the classic WW2 movie "The Guns of Navarone"? The plot of a small commando unit destroying formidable fortress with the 2 large cannons (shown in the post episode art) along with the planet name made me wonder if it was a nod to that old classic?

dcoog anml: The theme of this season: look how much more money we’ve spent on everything XDD

Sam Wilson: The dark figures in the last scene remind me of the battle droids that Admiral Thrawn trained with through out Rebels... further bridges between the two series?🤷🏼‍♂️

Dylan Kulina: Hey Charlie! (Or anyone that can help me) I have almost the full set of those old actions figures from 4:17. They were my dads and while I love starwars, I don’t know much about them. They aren’t in mint condition but pretty decent, was wondering what I could get for them, or if I should save them or what. Thanks guys!

Myrdal Mya: It’s macaron 😝

D33pblu3: What about Gideons Vader-esque chest armour. Is nobody going to mention that?

Sooner Jon The Conservative: I like the Mado series but if it just drags on for ever, it will get old. Everyone wants to know who the baby Yoda is, giving us some clues.

Urban Potočnik: I kinda like marvel refrences

Aethelstan King: F

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