How to Find & Open Cosmic Chests in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 7 (Quick Guide)

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Perfect Score: This is also a way to collect Alien Artifacts! Feel free to leave a like and subscribe if you enjoyed the video! My *Support a Creator Code: PerfectScore* (#ad)

Jai -: poor gay, had two use two accounts by himself for vid, i will like the video for that

Physco Viber: I hate when u have to share lol

Ray Kan: Anyone wanna hunt cosmic with me I also need to find them to get the alien artifacts it would be huge help

Vincent Farias: Rest in peace chicken

Matt Murphy: Cosmic chest is not available in solos Me: ight imma head out

NeoViny: All this effort for 2 rare weapons... Oh my.. I think this was included so snipers have some easy dumb targets, trying to pic axe in open area

PAKISTAN GAMER: Can we do it in solos mode if we found any cosmic chest in solos?

ansharchit: I open this chest with no guide first I was cufuse what that when I open that I got 3 rocket luncher with my all teamed took we win that match

królik: #nerfaimasist

MAFIA GAMING: 'ᴵ'ᵐ ˢᵘᵇˢᶜʳᶦᵇᶦⁿᵍ ᵗᵒ ᵉᵛᵉʳʸᵒⁿᵉ ʷʰᵒ ˢᵘᵇˢᶜʳᶦᵇᵉ ᵐʸ ᶜʰᵃⁿⁿᵉˡ ᵃⁿᵈ ˡᶦᵏᵉ ᵗʰᶦˢ ᶜᵒᵐᵐᵉⁿᵗ '

Abd Fil: Jdyeudj

hamza elmourabet: thank you

Alochya Bora: Thanks for helping ❤️

brice brillo: can you do it in one person only

Ma Ster: Awesome, another thing I will avoid messing with

Minecraft Sakurai: Can you still open it if no fill is on

SWiffter Soarax: You can't open the cosmic chest in solo?

Legodev: Me and my friend usually just get incredibly lucky when we first land

Kevin Gatrell: Thanks, now I know that I can’t just do it on my own, and rely on people literally dumber than me (shooting at the target marks, hitting random corners, stalling so long that either A: An enemy team attacks, or B: The storm comes) handle it

Arylm DaKing: Can anyone help me with this

blue flash: One thing I don't like about the cosmic chest is if you're in squads if one person leaves no one in your squad can open the chest

carlos yat: Are ther still bunker chests

Litwolf9: The thing is when I do this in squads people are braindead and just smacks it So whenever my team finds one amd they wont help open it or fail I leave the match :/

Ezekiel: Me who doesn't have a friend😆

TurnedCreeper TNT: 1:27 OG music lol

glennthe gamerx: Is their a cap to how many alien artifacts you can get through these chests? My friend and I found a bunch of these chests today but only got alien artifacts in the first five we opened. Now we only get bullets, xp, and gold bars

Jayden Berardi: It doesn’t work for me and my friend

Tragger The dragon: if anyone wants to grind cosmic chest for the battle pass skin styles my fortnite name is tragger444 no spaces no caps ill be on almost everyday

TheGr8Ethan Boi: It doesnt work in the same spot

Mike Peters: how tf you already got a Rick skin?

Bacon Ocean: This reminds me so much of that game Destroy all Humans

Serena Purswani: what location is this

DRAGO X gaming: How can give me a battle bass I'd parlell_time4

lightning 13 Clair: I dont get why they felt the need to bring battle stars back the way we level to get battle pass rewards was fine the way it was now there forcing us to buy the rewards with stars really was not worth the change hell i rather have the punch card system back from season 3 than battle stars but it is what it is the season is good so far looking forward to the updates soon

L3G0: You need to have friends to do this!?

Lucy The heee dog: I don’t need to find them they find me

Grim Sunshine: My teammate and I spent almost the entire match trying to open this in duo's , we eventually gave up just before the second last circle closed 😑

Its Kingz: I got a legendary pump on my first try

Brandonplays702: I hate that they restrict things from solos. They do this with challenges too. Not everyone likes playing with others

clipz_sunny: me and my friend were playing the season when it first came out and we found this chest 3 times

iiOPG_HWD2: Thank you

Stealth Gaming: I love the ufo

Jason Chavez: All that for that? 🤨

Mannat Singh: is no one looking at their level? and how the season started a couple of hours ago. how many vbucks do you have?!?


Sean Hua: did anyone notice this guy has freakin good aim? He's like a human aimbot lol

Nicole Kendrick: Why did perfect now dedicate his channel to fortnite now?

Eugene D Varley: How are you lvl 172 already

SoleGitter 35: I’m fringing this for the customisation. I have the red amor peice with the orange glow

Tiger Master: It’s there for me

💣Whitty💣: Yo @brezat Do you want to do this later?

💣Whitty💣: Yo #brezat do you want to do this

Daxy: First

Ice_Wallow_Coon_Fire: This looks like a pain. It doens't give anything cosmetic does It? I really dont wanna do It.

Yiğit Aşık: Says It Will Drop Epic/Legendary Items, Drops Rare Items

Pranav geer: P

Mad_Jack: That's so not worth it, it the fact it needs everyone present to function makes this a pain in the ass in squad fills, the fact it can drop blue gear makes this absolutely not worth the time you're spending to crack it open, they need to make it drop Epic and Legendary rarities to make people even acknowledging its existence

hatetheorcs5: The best Fortniter along with MikeBiceps

Alex Gaming: If only the game would get passed the loading screen for me😐


Jonsey YT: Thx ❤ u so much I used ur code ❤

Çağkan Kılıçoğlu: This is OG Lobby music..... 😓

Blazing Bolt: I bet both of them is played by Perfect Score

Brooks Burson: You can hear the og lobby music when breaking it.

yijun wang: What if you set don’t fill in duos? Does it still spawn

yijun wang: What if you set don’t fill in duos? Does it still spawn

waluigie 000000000000: Going 2 be lots of people camping these 4 kills

Matei Ioniță: This is a amazing video!!!😚😚😚

Aaden B: You is so good thank you

GL1TCH: All that effort for 2 artifacts ? Jesus they gotta buff that to 4-6

Potote Chico: 800 vistas wow llegue temprano

Mikayel Melkonyan: I wonder if we have to use these chests sometimes to get a max kymera, or will the alien artefacts that spawn around the map will be enough?

Mehar Partap Singh Cheema: Second

spider Pro player: Nice 3rd


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