Chapter 2 Season 7 - Battle Stars and the New Battle Pass

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Mihail Manasijev: My fortnite name is mihail1309

Mihail Manasijev: I'm a kid my name is Mihail

Mihail Manasijev: I don't have v bucks

Mihail Manasijev: Please 🥺🙏

Mihail Manasijev: Please 🙏

Mihail Manasijev: For me please

Mihail Manasijev: Can you please make the battle pass free

Sponge Bro!!: F in the comments for the mobile players watching this. Me: yeah I do wish I played on PC.

Sergio Mo3a4: Game die

Beau Broome: 🤣🤣 who even plays this anymore 💀

Jun HeiplaysZ: fortnite please give 950 v-bucks to everyone please i never buy the battle pass before god please

LINDA WEERTS: Is There a free pass as always?

I love braking things: Bruhhhh where's picked rick

Austin Menya: All I’m really happy about is that that dwight train Guy ain’t here no more

Noah Jahnsen: Ok here's some problems: the prerequisite factor COMPLETELY negates the purpose of this new system, I don't want Slone but I have to get her to get the Robot dude under her, I don't want Rick but I have to get him in order to buy all new styles for the characters I actually want, if you're going to change it in this manner AT LEAST LET ME PICK WHAT I WANT INSTEAD OF HAVING TO BUY STUPID SKINS OR ITEMS I NEVER WANTED!!!


dutoiu hour: "I'm ˢᵘᵇˢᶜʳᶦᵇᶦⁿᵍ ᵗᵒ ᵉᵛᵉʳʸᵒⁿᵉ ʷʰᵒ ˢᵘᵇˢᶜʳᶦᵇᵉ ᵃⁿᵈ ˡᶦᵏᵉˢ ᵗʰᶦˢ ᶜᵒᵐᵐᵉⁿᵗ"...........

Suchan: Was excited to choose my own rewards. Disappointed to know you have to unlock them to go to the next page or level up really far away where there is no point in not unlokcing them?

cesar toribio: Best trailer ive ever seen

ديكور سعيد أحمد Decorator Said Ahmed: Believe me that I do not have the price of the price of food in my channel, the situation is difficult and it is difficult to reach YouTube conditions

Rubys logbook: Battle stars??? NANI?!?!?!

JordanKrew: Me be Like: OMG i hope i get the chomp chomp picaxe! i cried bc it was not one handed :(

Muggthebean: NICE battle stars are back but will everything cost battle stars exept the custom aalien Cause all I want to know is will superman cost battle stars 🤔


Epic games: Nice

Armed: Can you unban me pls

Adnan Charif: So they copied MCC's seasonal ranking system. Interesting.

David H: This is by far the worst season I’ve seen as far as skins, coming from a season 2 chapter 1 player

misuyy fong: level 100 but then you will have all the battle stars anyway

Phoebe: How do you get vbucks from the battle pass if you don't have the battle pass?

SMK Karanvir: This season is SICK


Julia Red: “Language is the blood of the soul into which thoughts run and out of which they grow.”

kids zone : Hi , How many times have you watched this?

Muhannad Almatar: I wish I get some v-bucks from you fortnight like a present 🎁


Biagio Ciarmoli: This is the ugliest season Epic Games has ever done

Achilles Account: The fact that they said any battlepass reward you want and order you want them but in game you need to claim all of reward in at 1 page to get a freaking skin dude like c'mon bro spray and Other things is like useful but I want them to collect but Epic games nice games and this is my fav season so far we love you

أشرقت إبراهيم: @

June Stewart: Battle Stars... I thought I'd never see you again...

June Stewart: Dr Sloane is on my list for first to unlock

ام عبدو العمر: العاب معجون

ActOfLove *: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me” (John 14:6) -Jesus

bahamutzervn12: Dr Sloane is on my list for first to unlock

Cihloun: see ya in four years

I AM ALIGNED AND FOCUSED: 2802 angel number

ItZback2Lobby Ugo: Checkout my recent fortnite clip

mesiroy1234: Three n weekly challenges like kills ectectra. Come-on fortnite

Shaikha Khalid: I LOVE FORTNITE

serdy ximi: level 100 but then you will have all the battle stars anyway

Ved Patel: I can’t get them I can only get fishy

11: After Ch.1 Season 5, the game went downhill 😔

طُمأنينة Quran: هل اجد احد هنا يدعم اهل القران الكريم ؟ 🇵🇸

Aaron: *Hey, to you reading* ..... you are loved in this moment, just as you are, here's how we know: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

Cat man Drew: When will you bring split screen to switch

PTR Alien: Lesss gooo

T-Virus Terrance: Hello, Humans. The original Star Wars premiered on just 32 screens across the U.S. in 1977. This was to produce buzz as the release widened to more theaters. TERRANCE OUT

Watermelon: 👾👽👾👽😘

Saule Kopbayeva: Просто круть!!

William K: DEAD GAME

Finn Flips: if fortnite brings back the old map the game will be sso much better


Domfrm302: Bro wtf is this I miss the old fortnite

Camaron Schattel: So you unvaulted a lot of the og weapon's. Just hurry up and make up some plot that brings us back to the first map!

YEETMAN5656: Now bring back weekly loading screens where you have to find the battle stars

CopyrightedStore: I love this new apex season

Pickle Man: Bro I swear. THEY HAVE TO REMOVE SKILL BASED MATCHMAKING!!! It’s so annoying the first solo game I play has like 10 sweaty kids in it I mean I’m so done with playing solos I’ve stuck to creative cause it’s fun and it doesn’t have skill based matchmaking

Vlogger Man67: Bring back the shark island please do something with it

butti fdft: Okay, this is a system I can get behind! It's cool they're letting us pick whatever rewards we want in whatever order. Only question is, which skin do I unlock first?

Awrad: هل تعاني من فتور ومشاكل في علاقاتك او زواجك؟  هل آرهقك المرض ولاتعرف ماذا تفعل؟ هل تريد امرا بشدة وتظن انه من المستحيل الحصول عليه؟ هل تخاف كيف احدهم آو تعرضت للظلم؟ لا تعرف كيف تبر بوالديك؟ تريد ان تتزوج وتظن ان قطار الزواج فاتك؟هل كنت تدعي لسنوات والى الآن تنتظر البشارة؟ ماذا لو  اتتك البشرى من الله وحده؟؟ كلها تجدها بحسابي<<< آيات واذكار من الكتاب وبترديدها ان شاء الله تتقرب من ربك ويستجيب جميع دعواتك باذنه

have a goodnight: Man, I hope they just stop having 12 year olds steal there mom's credit cards to purchase all of this stuff.

The Light Of Life: God is the maker of heaven and earth. He gives breathe unto you as you speak and as you read this. He gives spirit to all them that walk upon the earth. God is a spirit and God fills heaven and earth. Many of you have been taught that God is liken unto his own creation. But God is not a man that he should lie; nor the son of man that he should repent. God is love and God commended his love toward us that while we were yet sinners, he sent his only begotten Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the curse of the law. For the law of God commands us not to steal or bear false witness or kill or commit adultery or have any gods before him. And if any man hates his neighbor in his heart he is a murderer at heart. And if any man looks upon a woman to lust after her he has committed adultery with her already in his heart. Jesus Christ is the way and the truth and the life. He is the Son of God. He was a man of sorrows and rejected of men. Neither is there any form nor comeliness he hath and when he was seen, there was no beauty that one should desire him. He is despised and rejected of men, acquainted with grief neither was he esteemed of men. But he was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we were healed. I am come to let you know a few important things. God is real and he it is which made heaven and earth. God is holy and righteous and just and man have chosen their own ways and their own righteousness. The wages of your sins is death, which, if you die therein, you shall descend into hell and ultimately cast into the lake of fire after the day of judgement. The unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God, including adulterers, fornicators (sexual relations between unmarried people), idolaters (worshippers of false gods or worshippers of themselves or of men or of anything you love in this world over God), thieves, covetous (greedy for gain or advancement/idolaters), extortioners (those who take from others through through force or threats), abusers of themselves with mankind (sodomites and lesbians), sorcerers (those who partake in witchcraft practices such as drugs, smoking, pharmaceutical drugs, etc.), drunkards, and all who loveth and maketh a lie shall not inherit the kingdom of God, but shall inherit hellfire. Jesus Christ was sent to save you from your sins by washing them away by his innocent blood which was poured out for you and to give you the power to live above it by his Spirit, the Holy Ghost, which he gives unto those that obey him. The only way to be saved from your sins is by his gospel which began to be preached in the world 50 days after his ressurection from the grave. Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Continue in his word and obey his commands and watch and pray, for you know not the day when the Son of man shall return to take those which are his and condemn those which are not his.

Waleed عولقي: لعبتكم صارت خرا

Brett Adams: Now they’ve copied master chief collections battle pass system, geez

Iker jesús Fuentes Hernández: WOW

Clutter funk YouTube: I don’t like this season because I have audio scroll on and I can’t turn it off so I can’t clam my reward I rath the regular battle pass

Derek Derek playmaker: Dead Game

Christian Manalo: imagine they bring back the fortbytes

Its Spooky Wolf YT: “No matter how isolated we are, There Is a Primal Force that blinds us all.”

Kenkuli: I havent played fortnite in 1.5 year and honestly this season they nailed it and i got back to it again

Andre: why is there blac announcer and blac lady as a main skin? why not whit :c

Lance Fancypants: I dont care get out of my recommended

Waveial: The battlepass page looks way too complicated to work with along with the menus inside of menus problem that’s been around since c2 s2. Also maybe think about changing that esrb rating. Please become more interesting.

Velvet Rope Glam VIP: I have the crew but didn’t get the battle pass why???

trap tracks: 😍😍😍

Nick Neary: Let’s gooooo


gavin gamer plus vlogs v2 v2: Can next Battle pass bee free??

Luka 999: Does anyone know if the alien artifacts found in the map will be enough to get ALL of the alien edit styles? Or do you have to search those cosmic chests?

JasonGreninja: bro the ships are so annoying just like the mechs needs no skill to use plus the battlepass if u dont own it you cant even make it to page 2 plz fix


سعود صاحب الفن: الوقت عقنط

alfa Hill: When they said "a special guest" i expect the "season 10 is here, and the world is destabilising FAST" guy

Tem flake: Battle stars? What, what are you doing here I thought you died?

Pranav Mullakkal: Now that we've gotten superman in Fortnite, its kinda confirmed that we wont be getting an all DC season. Who would be in the battlepass if there was?

Xxstar_loves_youxX: Sir I have a problem with my movement in fortnite. First, it’s like glitching the movement and when I try to kill someone , it lags me and i get killed instead so please tell me what I have to do to fix this and have a great day!

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