COLD WAR: SEASON 4 REVEAL TRAILER!! (CountDown + Watch) Call of Duty: Cold War Zombies
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Justin Y The Robber: Why is everyone so hateful against this cod, anything ive missed? Cus im not dissapointed for what coldwar is rnowНаписать
Pak Funny Shorts: Best COD gameplay must watch
Andrew BaKe: I swear if we don't get a round based map at season 4 start imma delete this game
Coach Steve: So no new zombies map? No one wants outbreak maps
Chickengenius420: You should not have been hyped. It’s over bro
MrBeftackel: Im wondering which kind of games deviation is gonna make. Lets hope for a stand alone zombies game lol!😊😋
Kringle Pringle: trazit remake but with a train? hijacked returns, zombies seems to be in the new york zoo?
Zombie_BATMAN420: DAMN!!! I had tears in my eyes for that whole JC thing. That was so amazing!!! So proud of him :)
Zachary Ortopan: Honestly this games zombie mod is a huge flop and kinda sucks out and creative new maps and slaps on re used assets
Robert Edwin House: Transit is back!!!
DaJoker 935: I think I'm more excited for deviation games with Jason Blundell and JcBackfire and what they can be working on more than I am for season 4 cold war
DaJoker 935: Wow so much zombies hype ... NOT what a fail this cod is
Man Like Az: Big up chops and pizza 🍕 and don’t forgot the one and only Bailey
Anime lover HAVEN: I was watching it live it was mad good
TopSuperKicker: Cold War Season 4 Trailer: 4:24:53 Deviation Games: 5:25:35
fryz 935: Raygun
Shady specter XD gaming: Why are you guys disappointed. They literally showed part of the zombies Berlin map
MONKEYfromHELL7: Who else was extremely disappointed?
SuperFly: Cold War is officially the most disappointing CoD game.
cookiekidonfire: that was sucks
Nova Albert: First
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