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Zac Campbell: I can't understand why they don't just give us a chronicles 2 while they make new rnd based maps, it would be bare effort.

Matthew Mooney: Idk if anyone else noticed but looks like we’re going to start getting more special guns looks like a nail gun @1:58

Tomato Soldier: I want a normal zombies map...not another outbreak map

Captain Custard: No mention of Berlin map

WolfZ123: Ever sense the nerfs in zombies ive been playing multiplayer, multiplayer has more maps, more content and it's more interesting then zombies right now. As a zombies fan that's sad to say.

WolfZ123: They made warzone a stand alone game, they should really do that with zombies. It's like were getting less and less content for zombies, we are looking at season 4 with possibly 3 round based maps.

Anthony Taylor: She needs to stop with the new operator crap. The operators are mad boring imo. During game play all you get is, ''im reloaded'' or '' watch my six'' no ''David bowie must've been.... big.'' Or no, 'come here jugga girl''... you get my point... like all the comedy has been sapped out of zombies

WolfZ123: If they're big faces they're definitely ain't that big because i dont know any of them. Then again warzone is cod fortnite. Id rather see more zombies and multiplayer content. They say cod is growing, i dont see it. I see it running in circles and less and less content.

Anthony Taylor: I really hope that last clip was a new upgraded transit like map since these new consoles can actually handle that map without the Need of the pesky fog to show us down skirting the map to render everything in but imo the foggy part didn't bother me.

A Strong Dose: I love your videos, but there was no zombies content in this. Why was this even a video? Where is the content? Why do they hate their zombies players?

xBlazi: They train from the trailer looks exactly like the one from warzone. Big L

Angel Valle: The zombies duo mode was so much fun. Only lasted like a day but hope they bring it back. Dying immediately and stalking campers for my teammate was alot fun

James Caldwell: Hope everyone is good and you can’t wait for life to be easy for you to be happy hope use are all happy 😃

Papa Muffinz: I like to imagine that deviation will come out with a awesome new zombies game and Call of Duty would still have their regular zombies experience within the next games so technically speaking we would be having twice the amount of zombies experience😁

Ozz C-b: That was fucked. Zombies content is going nowhere. I’m so pissed. Transit 2.0 looks good tho, Atleast the 3 milliseconds we got

Edwin Galvan: Soo like no one is going to talk about the nail gun looking weapon

BlazingIce987: I really appreciate Treyarch’s consistent neglect for zombies.

Jonathan Tyler: I really hope these people actually play their game. Not half the staff, all the staff should be gamers. No one there should just be an employee. I say this because she did not seem like anyone who is even remotely interested in a game she just wants a check

TeeJay315 CuseDTW: Outbreak so bad I went back playing BO3 Der Eisendrache

Trey Erwin: Bet that VIKKSTAR going to be on the podium of the warzone thing.

MR DAN THE PAN: i wish for dubule tap

HANG_DOWN_STANKY: Not enough of zombie content

inkpup197: She is FINE. 😍😍

MASON banhart: Why havent they added alex mason😤

LET'S GOLF: Milo, I'm sure I speak for the entire Zombies community as well as fans of yours from all over the world when I say, "Thank you for coming back bro." If you appreciate Milo's content, gameplay, humor & news LEAVE A LIKE!

LingLing: Can't wait for zombies content!

Myriad Truths Go Brrr: If we don't get another round based map I'm gonna commit BO4, I'm really tired of outbreak by now

Winona Bowser: I'm gonna be honest, the fact that we're six games Treyarch games into Zombies and its still treated like a secondary leftover mode just makes me want to not play the game anymore.

Cosmic: Call of duty made the worst reveal trailer ever that literally told us nothing about zombies

Cosmic: MrRoflWaffles has to be my favourite person who covers the last eat call of duty news, you allow it to be followed along easier and help me understand

Dougie XxTRILLMONIUMxX: The whole point of rd base survival games has nothing to do with some EE or main objective. Hell, the main objective is to survive as long as you can. Never cared for any EE on any map. Just takes away the main premises of survival. It just a shame that for CW your main objective is to survive til you get disconnected.🤣🤣🤣

Stefano Zayas: Idk how I feel about Cold War. The Easter eggs are really boring but I like how easy it is to do them. They don’t even tell you the story unless u find notes, the characters are pretty boring especially maxis. She looks bad ass but we barely see her in action. The maps don’t have much effort as much as we did back in bo3. The maps don’t have any zombie atmospheric vibe just feels like multiplayer/campaign areas. And then you have the perk system which is by far the best thing I’ve ever seen. Upgrading weapons is amazing, however they nerfed most of the weapons and only buffed a few weapons which really sucks. But at the same time I play it a lot. I tried beating the Easter egg for outbreak almost ten times but failed because of how chaotic and broken the game is for me. Outbreak is by far the most boring experience I’ve ever had in zombies. I like a lot of the ideas of outbreak but the maps are so boring and there’s not much to do within the maps. The progression is way to slow and again not enough content for you to do. It takes me 4 hours to do the Easter egg yet only 1 hour is me actually doing it and the rest is grinding and luck. Idk I do have fun within these games it’s just really hard to enjoy it and to love it like I did with bo3,bo2, and bo1.

MrAwsomeNoddle: I swear to god if it’s outbreak

Nathan Guember: Being that Firebase Z and Outbreak came out quite a while ago now, along with the recent and very small addition of the main quest for Outbreak... I would say the replayability for such things expired. It was cool for all of one week that Outbreak could be solved, but this was long after Outbreak had released when all of us had a chance to be thourough in that game mode exploration. It's time for a new Zombies DLC. The Dark Aether Story is long overdue for continuation. 😤

The Axtonian: We definitely need more info, I really don’t like how they downplay zombies when they show new content. MP and Warzone always take center stage and Zombies got like 6ish seconds of footage and not a lot else

Eradicate 13: I think the zombie map at the end is already a face off 6v6 map

Slicy V2: “Growth” you mean “killing our game and we rely on warzone and skins”

Eternally Frost: …..Constantly updating cold war right….every 3 months with the bare minimum

Krazy Kevin: Super excited when a new season starts, super disappointed when the season ends because the season sucked

Alexandros Tatianidis: Can we get the 'Give Us More' section into a gif? xD

caum barry: Dog the ending was literally just the campaign area. The new zombies map IS A RECYCLED CAMPAIGN MISSION AREA! ARE YOU FOR REAL!?!

George Markham: I think she was stoked

ian hopkins: looks like zoo from the ural mountains for outbreaak

That One guy: I want a new round based map please don’t be outbreak I really don’t care about outbreak

KP: The zombies at the end looks like 3v3 map

The Red Tip Falcons: not alot info on zombies so that's a shame but let's hope its a great map and maybe they reveal more of it in the past days

Daniel Harding: Sad to see how little attention Treyarch put into this generation of zombies. Black ops 3 zombies was amazing every map trailer gave me goos bumps and I couldn’t wait to learn more of the zombies universe, but Cold War just doesn’t cut the mustard like the others. Even if I dare say it ( infinite warfare zombies ) had more character than this junkie mess we have today😔 P.S been loving the videos since bo2 keep up the good work.👍

Eris Papakonstantionou: That little Zombies snippet at the end of the trailer was obviously the map U-Bahn, and that’s set in West Berlin I’m pretty sure

burninphoenix86: Where is our new round-based-zombie-map?!!!!!!

caum barry: Yall do know this next maps gonna suck right? I'll gladly eat my words if I end up wrong but this games mechanics does not allow for interesting maps. We're just gonna get Die Firebase again after 6 months of God forsaken outbreak. Cold War be dead in the water boys. Enjoy getting your hopes up again and again and again just because the game has some decent mechanics so you for some reason think it can still be redeemed.

Colm O'Sullivan: Oh yes let's give no zombies details, but organise a competitive competition riddled with hackers that they do nothing about good job Activision you are soooooo smart

MikeyStark: Not enough shit there basically they don't give any shits about content anymore it's just Skins and new guns that's it COD is dead and it's because of WarZone, and the Devs not giving a shit about there players.

TinyShac: No more outbreak PLEASE, i need a round-based map

Archie B: I'm excited for season 4 but as per usual they are way to skeptic hoping they build the Hype up but little do they know the more info given the more exciting it would be.

Benjamin Graham: Yeah not enough zombie stuff my mates losing interest and so am I but I hope they can make a comeback and just release that survival map!?!?!!!!! PLEASE?

Liam Lester: The tranzit bus gave me goosebumps bro

Poopy Peepy: 🥱 me knowing that outbreak is going to get more updates for news ways of the zombies community to be bored and that all the content on the survival map (if they feel like we deserve one) will be completed within 30 minutes.

InfinityDLX Dylan: I think at the end of the trailer the train I think it was Berlin map

DifferentWorlds: Next dlc won’t be for a few weeks at least, but you can count on at least 20 cosmetic bundles coming out in that time between then and now. All 25 bucks a pop.

PrettyMuchEverything: It’s a train everyone... literally looked up Berlin train and the front looks exactly the same. But it could still be a “new” tranzit. TEDD was a robot so there’s no reason he doesn’t exist in multiple areas. Only factor against is this is the past.

PrettyMuchEverything: Could the “zoo” map be the round based and the bus/train bit be a new tranzit for outbreak? I could swear I saw T.E.D.D. In the window.

jaz97: That was a "Meh" for me... Not a Outbreak fan so hopefully Berlin is start of season 4.

Haven_ 101: Berlin subway??


Jake Taylor: This girl has not used an intervention on high rise once How does she become in charge of cod

PioneerGaming: As a long time Zombies fan, I actually have been having fun with Outbreak, it was a nice break from the same ole, I enjoyed Die Maschine, but Firebase Z was lacking for me

The Homie: Maybe in S4 they’ll fix the fact that a sniper, rocket launcher, or Grenade Launcher can hit marker point blank while a pistol is shooting across Nuketown and killing 💀 Glad they’re bringing back Hijacked though. One of the best maps in COD

swoozy: That gun at 1:56

swoozy: That gun at 1:54

mckdar01: "oh boy" - you thinking tranzit?

Jesse Owens: They toot their own horn like cold war isn't the best zombies game that they just don't support. What a waste.

Grape fruit: POV your watching this because you play call of duty...... right...

engine: the end looked like tranzit

Brooks Eckland: just boring now

scrim: Such an amazing time for call of duty *Cap*

ChaoticMartian: CoD is dead, al hail DEVIATION GAMES.

Lil Cody Gaming Network: Let's go for nadeshot fr

Third Eye Guy: Your stale af

Stoned Narwhal: That train scene at the end reminds me of that campaign mission where you sneak trough a subway station which I believe was in Berlin. It's possible that the last scene wasn't an outbreak map

Roilty: With the way cold war is headed, This makes me more excited for Deviation Games tbh

Kdeuce8: Address the horrible servers...I love the game but the servers are horrible.. fix those so we can really enjoy the game and stop being so cheap!

Isaias Zuñiga: Where is the Zombies!?

Kdeuce8: How about updating those servers?

Christopher Hamilton: Train at the end is from new Berlin map! It's the underground tunnel from the Berlin mission in the campaign. Also Zoo coming to Outbreak!

Dokter Jones: Whatever was at the end there was interesting. That TRAIN running over the zombies🤔

dvddy_gel: We need a round based map,we are desperate for the Aether Storyline.. :(

Elijah Munoz: outbreak is sooooooo boring stick to round base zombie maps

ouciu: shoalin shuffle 🥲

Averageheight Male: After all that time they "poured into zombies" you'd think it's be a big selling point but ig not. They kinda just shrugged their shoulders at it and said "oh yea we have that too"

Seth Willis: The double tap perk + pack a punched m16 = 12 bullets👀

Moon Pie-420: Outbreak sucks

FA: L vikkstar not a captain for the warzone tournament

justicerevenge777: I am VERY excited to be back on hijacked

DeathsXgod: Be intresting to have team face off in zombies make its alittle more competitive which I'd hope would bring more content back to zombies modes


Drew Mexidepp: I NEED MORE

The governor: Explains a lot since they let women work on cod. I’m still playing a mans game which world at war and black ops 1

m55uds: you need to sort out all the hackers first.................................................................................Bring on Battlefield....

Kwad dawK: Zombies is dying one slow breath at a time. Its probably about time we all moved on anyway.

forsakenspirits: Was that a fuckin nailgun I seen?!?

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