The Full Story of Season 4 (Black Ops Cold War Story)

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AverageJohn live: What happened to bowman's son?..ya know the whole "know your history " ciphers?

Kyle Little: How Wraith said “Our man in Africa is standing bye” maybe she’s talking about Adler? Makes sense

tamsyn row: As a south African I was so surprised and shocked that they even mentioned SA

Aiden Viera: Adler is the new perseus member I just know it

Bhayu 77: I will dislike every video with cold war with it, sorry about it bro but i hate cold war so much...

SmokeySancheZ: Imagine price has to clean up this mess... -_-

Lunar Uchiha: Wraith: they don’t know what we’re doing. Us: actually we kinda do

The Dark Knight: Introducing Salem from Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel.

ZE GAMER: I just realized that mace is a mercenary in the faction Jackals, coincidence?

Spookity Spooky: That dude in the metal mask next to Salah has gotta be Bulldozer, right

Eduard Berisha: Bro majen e karit na hangre

n m: So basically adler has what happened to bell happen to him

DailyKhids: I made a funnier version on my channel with some added audio

Rdizzle 095 Niko: It’s finna be a movie

Josh_: Honestly jackal is my favorite operator in the game, he is cunning, brutal, and seems to be staying for a while. (Also a badass mask)

Francisco Magallon: Great another weirdo with a mask and a cape.. tf call of duty?

Adam Helsing: Talk about the guy in the mask that looks like the new operator

SOH Zwicky: 2:48, who is that in the silver mask

Big Bird: Bro Adler got karma for killing bell lmao

Onion Woods: I love my man alder but... I get the feeling he's more fucked in the head then in Vietnam.

Frostbyte 79: i think Adler took the data recording because he has a job to do

NIMA THE BAD MAN: He tries to wake up the sleepers agents dose who are live amoung us he use those words and numbers to prodcast it in international tv to wake them all please read this.

Sevvie 13: I hope that Inkslasher make a video about Jackal the new South African Operator he's like the counterpart of Mace but in Cold war

Silver Spectre: I’m assuming the guy talking to Adler at the end is Salah but who is the guy to the left of him is it a Bulldozer skin? And if getting data recording is going to become a game mode my only guess would be in that Sat Link mode

SS Gh0st The Gamer: Watch the big bad be bell from the story lol

Lily Nawi: Deagle with 10X scope 1:14

Jack Rose: I only met Adler once but I could tell he was up to no good.

KittenPyroNao: I really dont like jackal's mask. Its the nose that is off putting for me

Chris: What's up with the fuckin masks dude, it's getting annoying at this point.

syed naderi: The strorys are so good

Aiden Clark: That middle eastern guy cracks me up for some reason

Clone Trooper: Full ??? Tf is he on season 4 isn’t even out

sohel khaled: poor lister...... he was working on a heist

The Butler YT: I have to get the operator cause he is from South Africa

GadaffyDuck: 80s desert eagel

Rey Ramos: is the whole brain washing thing that stitch is doing the reason why armistice was fighting against their own people? Like how Ghost and Price were trying to figure out why they were fighting against their own people.. Still unsure who Mr. Z is from Season 0 and 1 of Modern Warfare

myth editz: Adler's brainwashed

Jersey P. Frank: Adler reminds me of Nikto…the way Adler cleanses his balde is similar to Nikto. Too bad Nikto is also a triple agent that never lets the Ultra-Nationalist obtain chlorine gas. It’s almost like Sgt. Kamarov has morals in line with Fara’s…

Brycen Gilje: I think that the data recorder recorded what they were doing in one way or another, if not, why would they just go and take it?

Asher Young: The new guy looks completely insane.

Goaliemonkey07 31: Adler is probably trying to get shit done before stitch can broadcast the numbers

Jimmy Ramsey Ramsey: I have a feeling Mason is gonna be a operator next season.

Barry Allen: That new operators is just better than all of them!

chris vera: When Adler lies about the data recorder I see Woods behind the guy in a silver mask, and I see A woman next to Woods. Could that be Park???

Ayesha Aqeel: And all saw almost three days before

Ayesha Aqeel: Today this man saw

Evilest Spore: I like the villain squad this cod game

Emmanuel Ciprian: I’m starting to feel like warzone In general is just another version of blackout which would explain why we have mw and cw operators available to use on the same game mode since project blackout cloned past characters in the black ops series

Roze: Pog

Ranes Zennagui: Why Algeria tho!!! Why did they chose Algeria, i have to know!

Hazza: Bit of a yes man

Sam Torres: It be cool if they would make a warzone event that Stitch’s signal is broadcasted across verdansk and the it could be you or other members of your squad that are actually sleeper agents. When the signal is live the screen of the sleeper agent starts showing the red numbers like Mason would see and at the same time hear them being read to you in Russian. Stitch then commands you to kill your squad that isn’t an agent or die trying. Now i don’t know what the objective would be after you successfully kill the non agents or they kill you but Im sure you would need to find away to momentarily block the signal Just an idea I had and it’s not fully thought out either 🤔

SandStinger 345: ok my theory adler is trying to gain stitch"s trust by doing his bidding as a means to get closer to him and to try and find his exact location.

SandStinger 345: 3:01 woa woa woa. very dark looking adler.................

Ben Mears: I thought this was Adler working with persius agents and taking the data card for the cia or am I being stupid n reading it wrong

Simon Ghost Riley: Plot twist:the masked guy is bell

Terran the Black: Question: who’s the president during MW2? Could Adler be the link of all of this?

John. F. Kennedy: You know I use it fight with cpt price’s grandpa in ww2...we also both kill many bears on way

2 Hands Da Reaper RGR: My man Ink a.c. must have went out or something BRO... my boy got that 5 on 5 full court kind of perspiration. Lol

Jackal: Looks sick🔥

bini 28: Why would Hudson, Woods or Mason let Adler back on the field, like they had to know Adler was brainwashed?

bini 28: We are gonna have to pull a Bell with Adler

Henry Lam: Umm the Dam on Verdansk was in the cutscene🤔

Erick Ortiz: it seems improbable that this fellow, probably umkhonto du siswe, would have access to a facility, like jumpstart,

Rhodesian CMNDO: Be a lot cooler if it was a White South African with an Afrikaans Accent a long the lines of Agent Kruger in Elysium.. Not some stereotypical black african sounding dude..

Troy Carter: That has to be the best looking trailer ove seen for BOCW graphicly speaking. Almost on par with MW 2019

TRIV: Bro my mans killed Lester 😔😔😂😂

ShadowDMG Daniel Davis: Seems like we're going to end up killing some people off before all is said and done

Oh well: Who cares

Maddox Vass: I think adler will get killed and this will lead to the reason why adlers not in bo2

flg angel: Ngl the satelite part of the trailer reminded me of call of duty ghosts

The Breeze: Yo. For real though.... this is some of the deepest lore and storytelling COD has ever told. I have been playing COD since the beginning, and the plots have never been this intriguing before.

PatriotsAreGarb: i personally feel that Adler wants to take Stitch/Perseus out himself for what he's done to him instead of doing his bidding

idrisIT5000: Come on bro where the HELL is Alex mason

Victor Bretas: I dont think they would let Adler go to combat that fast I think they would do what they did to Mason in BO1 because they new he was brainwashed

Kamreezy22: I get creepy vibes and mason vibes from Adler just getting brain washed and the numbers (what do they mean).

Penguin with a machete: The new guns look like a G3 and scorpion

YYZ TITAN GAMING: I’d like to see more Cold War videos. These really help me understand what’s going on! Thanks a lot!👍😁

Lavon Campbell: So no ones picking up Snakes(mgs) voice actor in the second scene?

Bobfrombestbuy 69: Where Mason!!!!!!!

Victor Bretas: I think the season 3 characters where all trash and now we have ANOTHER super secret and dark mask guy please no more secret mask guy and modern looking weapons it is a COLD WAR just make weapons that are from the same age as the game

Dex Flex01: Smash this mans like button Provo

Drolly Rancher: New Operator looks like a Batman villian lmao

Danny Narciso: I completely forgot about Adler's brainwashing, I thought he took it because he couldn't trust his team as if there was a mole but....HE IS THE MOLE

Gabriel Mendoza: Or the tech9

Gabriel Mendoza: Adler has the SKORPION IN HIS BACK

The Call Of Duty God: I think when Adler was brainwashed he was turned and is now working for Perseus and got the chip for them

William Brown: I can bench press 315 and max 335 I’m not sure I can snatch a dude up off his feet by his throat but makes a good cutscene

Blazing J: Wher can I find the background music

Joseph Potberg: Who is with team south africa 😳

G3tshot Heett: What if Adler the reason why woods was captured.

Mahdi 2m2: I hate how they are focusing on the bad guys every season and ignoring characters like mason , woods and hudson. Just look how MW doing with price and ghost and see the difference

A Nameless Channel: i got cod cold war for free

Assassin_Primus Gaming: I hope Alex mason will one day be operator I know this take place between bo1 and bo2 Alex mason left to take care of his son then gets recruited by Hudson thats when bo2 starts

Michael Andrei Abayon: When that soldier said "we're supposed to be a unit" i though adler was gonna reply "suck my unit" 😂

xue Daniel: Adler gonna be a double agent!

Logan Anderson: Wonder if the mystery operator was brainwashed by stitch too

Angel Figueroa: That’s basically karma from doing that to bell you sick human Adler !

Salty Gamer: The only reason im exited about this update are the new guns (the Ameli LMG and the G3/Cetme rifle and the Kiparis SMG, nail gun is for wierdos) other then that i think that black ops isnt a good game and warzone is full of try hards, the only fun part of the game is the zombies mode,

Pnmypool Does Stuff: I’m really scared that they are going to realease hijacked in the mid season

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