Black Ops Cold War: Everything Coming In Season 4! (Warzone S4)
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Mamed57: I have a theory that I have been thinking for a while (I am so sorry if it has been said before I am not stealing I am just not aware if someone said before me)
I love to think that Jackal is Zane’s father
Because both of them is African and they both are linked with the name Jackal. I think Jackal tought the ropes to his son and later Zane made a private military under his father’s name. I think it makes sense with the timeline.Написать
Michelle Cook: DATE ME ➡️ !💖🖤❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高! #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです! #この日のライブ配信は、 #かならりやばかったですね! #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん( #笑) #やっぱり人参最高! #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾
chris Washington: Whats that outro song
Tarun Maity: You can ride with a person on that bike I guess
Brandon Hook: Do people know that weavers uniform is the one where him woods and Mason went undercover in black ops 1 hence the fresh eye wound
Shadow knight gaming: Yes because 380 acp has good stopping power
DeluxeV2: Yo jackal is fire
Venemous: Who else is too poor to afford these overly expensive packs?
Adham Mohamed El Said: Who else is only getting weaver lmao?
KroNick_Abundance Nikolaos: Oh they should so add rush into verdansk! That would fit great next to maybe idk a building near super store or making downtown more interesting with nakatomi plaza and they can make a new building like it just got built or over by stadium since I find it only ay the storage and crash planes where every game now every one lands since the Rambo event ended so that would be cool to have rush in war zone
KroNick_Abundance Nikolaos: When does it drop or go live? In 4 days when the pass ends? Or are we going to have another week or 2 between the next season n last where we're waiting n aren't progressing. They should at least let us keep up our prestige master grind cuz that sucks when we get nothing else to grind so why not let us keeo working toward prestige
KroNick_Abundance Nikolaos: Hijacked. Maybe it sounds familiar cuz the map name idk. But the other thing is interesting like the cod4mw map training for wet work they had a wooden shot house style trainer version of the lay out that's what they've done with the gulags cool. It's also nice how they made the story so that itd fit in the campaign but im so confused now as to how these events all play out these short cut scenes we get are missing a lot of context and other details like who what when where how e.t.c that we never got filled in with mw also I noticed the Intel missions are gone since cold war and I missed those really thought they'd consider i.t since they had put stories into it in the last 1. But like how tf is price in 84? Howd we get to 84 time travel? Like wth is even going on they've gotta explain some more! And man they've gotta make the next game better than mw2019 was or something cuz if not then cod will get left I thr dust if they think they can squeeze yet another year of its engine n not use the mw2019 engine which is superior in every way! Why they didn't use it in cw is beyond me bjt they don't have covid to blame this time so they'd no excuse if it's back on Same damn engine I wont be buying it! Battlefield is back that trailer was hype af! If they can fix the issues they had and make bf fun again then cod is in trouble cuz they'll have actual competition again! They've not had in yrs now so idk if they even can hope to compete with it unless they use the new engine and add the wing suit tio br and they use the new engine n graphics not this dated old cw engine that looks fake everything looks like a toy n just it feels ridiculous cartoonish and they made zombies into fkn destiny which was boring as is bullet sponge enemies aren't fun to die in 1 hit from and deal with not real difficulty but artificially by just making them damage sponge that kill u in 1 hit or 2 n itd just dumb idk why ppl haven't realized yet and demand they make it actually fun! Not mindless can't stand what the looter shooter genres have done to thr rest of gaming
C0L_Bread: I guess the tower is now canon
Rogue Apache: Red door is a reference to Bell's mission which is awesome but I really wanted to see Richthofen cause there was hints from the very beginning that there was some references to him in the beginning of cold war's trailer for zombies
Ali Kurd: Wow that's so cool
potato: I can't what to see a mg3
Cameron Milhouse: Mid season for a new zombies map, how long we gotta wait for something new on zombies💀
Ranjela: I hope they made hazmat skin for weaver, like the hazmat from BO1 Rebirth Mission
Matt Hay: I was originally hesitant about this season but it actually looks pretty good. Nicely done Treyarch.
MFZB: I can't wait to check out the new maps. I'm glad they brought back hijacked and rush. I'm also ready to use that nail gun!
mirror thorns: The FAL type rifle was issued to British soldiers a long time ago I think but I know for a fact having that gun on full auto is almost unbearable you have to be very skilled to control it so I hope they add that into the game to balance the gun as it’s probably going to have high damage if they did it right
Quinones96: The ots9 is the scorpion😍
karos daliri: Wait 50GB with both cold war and warzone or eachone 50GB?
baked bandit: Yay hijacked
SandStinger 345: 2:10 i guess they are a replacement for the subway stations
The Joker Video Gamer: Good
Hadi Hadi: Guys does anyone agrees with me that activision should do some work on battle pass leveling , like seriously its so hard to max the battlepass nowadays
puppo and his person: I hate the cold war battle pass I want the modern warfare battle pass back
Say Parson: They need to fix there tucking servers
Anthony Chavez: How can I kill my self
ratsalad420: I have a feeling this might be one of the best seasons of Cw
MadCuzBad: Ink, the OTs9 is the OTs 2 Kiparis, or you can just say thw Kiparis from Black Ops 1
Cape Tommy: On the Zoo photo, there are 2 people on the bike
Moritz Pollich: 9:02 no you're say it right.
I’mLookingForTheFunny: I like Bo2 but can we seriously get like a bo1 or bo3 map remastered?
Becker Moore: Why is the hand cannon a scorestreak :(
blazin07: brodie i just want the CX9 already
Manas Somashekar: Did anyone else see that annhilator was inscribed on the new operator skill
Tyleryeet37 Objj: Maestro
dreamz: Glad there's new gulag
Pritam Gaming: Outro song?
Dex Dont Sk8: But when are zombie camos coming to verdansk
Steve Pelayo: can you use z league on playstation
Pepsi Sniffer: Cod is about to fall off when battlefield comes out lol
Joe M.: Dude i was literally talking to my friend a week ago about why they would never add the MG42 to a cod game again because it would have a fire rate too fast and here they go
RandoWarriorX 2.0: I’m happy but at the same time we are paying every season for reuse old maps.. I’m just not to excited about playing rush for the 1 million time and I want new maps and new things
Drunktopus: Mauer Der Toten translates to Wall of the Dead.
Dead Body: You say "Mauer der Toten" right
VADER 621: so is that Weaver cosmetic from the 1st black ops because if so that means cold war story is happening along side the original black ops timeline(if this is confirmed and obvious I haven't been keeping track of this stuff until now.)
Holden Skyhar: Anyone know if your cod point will reset after a season ends and you start a new season cause I brought a bunch of cod points for this battle pass
WhiskeyPete88: Rush Rush Rush Rush I been waiting for this map since black ops 2 god this is perfect👌🤤
Hampus Kjellin: The new gun just looks like a FAL... Isnt that already in warzone from MW?
Tito: NGL, Cold War just killed the Black ops Series when it first released.
Anime tv: Console fov 120 season 4 ?????????????
Charlie W: Just wanna know when the darn baseball bat will come to wz
Timmy2Time 865 Vineyard: It's headquarters not hardpoint it's way better
Kassemister: Hell yeah! finally an Egyptian soldier
Sam Koch: Hijacked returning... this is... gooooooood
Goro Migima: I wasn't a fan of the hand Cannon bc well i didn't much like the anilator from bo4 but now i say hell i like it hell season 4 seems like its gonna be lit im hyped for it
Rhys James Stewart: Was literally just talking about them adding an mg34 to the game so yay, kipiris yay, mauer means wall so assume the new map will take place at or around the Berlin Wall.
Sweet Cake9898: If weaver Ads will his left eye close? :D
ClonedGamer001: For those curious, here’s the new weapons IRL names: The MG-81 is the Spanish military designation for the CETME Ameli (yes, the same one from Ghosts) The C58 is the CETME Model C, not the G3 like people think (though they are very similar rifles) And the OTs-9 is the OTs-02 Kiparis, which you may remember as the ‘classified’ SMG in the original Black Ops. And lastly, the Hand Cannon is a Desert Eagle (but you knew that already.)
Bravo-Sierra Gaming: Red doors are a new fast travel system. It’s labeled as that in the roadmap
Edwin Gonzalez: Capture the flag!!!??? Finally!!! It's only been in every game. I for one, missed it so I'm glad it's finally coming back.
Jrm morrison: Has anyone tried to translate the name of the building in Mauer der toten? All I got was baskets 😂
BTJ 528: 9:39 is that David Vomdharhar
Devalish Mob: I spotted a good boi 🐕 in the corner
HeRo Co2: Rushhhh🔥🔥👀
Santiago Trevino: WE NEED KINO AS A MAP
JOHNNY_ACE: So payload is basically the safeguard game mode from bo3 but bigger
MarioMadness: Im kinda hyped for rush... remember the ramps ? RC car madness
Andres Leon-Jimenez: I miss original gulag.
BigBuckz601: Yes a new LMG bout damn time 🔥
Riddler Airsoft: Anyone else just want warzone to go back to modern warfare 😔
Player_Grimm: Idk if cod knew this or not but "Salah" Means bitch in hindi....
Agent piggles: If the ameli has the irl 900 rpm and low recoil I can already predict it’s gunna be good
Andrew Funaki: Can we save the ladies and gentlemen part for a new season and a huge cod announcement only please
Zenon: So is that “ in season” gun just a reworked Scorpion?
Sudantha Victoria: Do you do Battlefield video's? There's a new one coming out.
Jewls Is a qtシ: Is the guy in the red mask going to be in the battle pass
Captain Gigglesticks: Sooo... When the actual F%$K are we getting an explanation as to WHY and HOW the MW characters are running around in 1984?! For real, I’m getting real annoyed with Treyarch AND Activision over this shit.
skyler salzer: What happened to the perk
conner coakley: why does the trailer remind me of call of duty ghost in the first mison
Mystic Grizzly: funny how you did not notice or mention that Vondahar skin at the end.
Fred Durpst: Lmao they ripped off team fortress 2 how pathetic
dj coke is not real: The red doors could be like in the gta story mode where if you play as trevor and you do this one thing on his porch he will pass out and wake up some where in the desert or woods so the red doors could be like that but instead of them passing out do to most likely illegal stuff they might like wake up because they were kidnapped and experiment on like Adler
Taipan: 9:01 perfectly pronounced :D
Maryland_Kaustic: Still no zombie camos in warzone .. shit is pitiful.. I wish they didn’t even say they would do it .. It’s Season 4 FFS SMMFH
Kev Kev: Battlefield better
VVGplays: I feel like the MG81 is the Ameli from Ghosts, the C58 is the G3 from COD4 and the OTs-9 is the Kiparis from BO1
Cross2298: I'm still wondering when Mason will become a playable operator..
The Son Of Syn: What if adding the red doors is a way of telling us that we the players are being brainwashed by stitch to do his bidding...anyone else feel like we the players are being put into this story as the group being brainwashed. Like the Twist of treyarc that either none of this is happening or happened but we are made to think it is. Idk but the red doors give me that feeling that the narrative from here on out isnt real.
Ninjatrosity TV: What happened to the operators that were confirmed? Deathstalker, Komodo, and Quicksand? They all sound like they’d look cool af
2 Hands Da Reaper RGR: They better step they ish up because 2042 IS COMING AND MAN SHES MEAN...
King Flo: Stop giving us old shitty maps...its clear we're not getting our money's worth when yall pull this bullshit....
2 Hands Da Reaper RGR: Woooow satellites falling to the earth . Lmao adding new locations. Now that's original. Lol at least they're adding something new every season. Lol please try harder tho
A Spartan: Dang were gonna get a mace that's really cool
Joseph Wiley: love one in the chamber
Creeper Edge: Satlink? No no no... Uplink yes yes yes
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