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WhosImmortal: Season 4 is changing a TON in WARZONE! New tuning, new gameplay changes, & more! Thanks for watching!

Gunz Garcia: cronus?

Verlind Rudaj: What about CW multiplayer?Is it free now?

NotSilverBronze: What editing software do you use?

Matt .C: Did they purposely mess up the graphic

Andre Manago: Anybody else still being randomly kicked out of war zone?

Kayd. J: We'll put together vid detailing the patch and making it simply put❤️good job

QUEBEC: There's a door in Lumber which killed me immediately after I touched it. Also I played some plunder to test out the new season and out of 25 common loot caches, I found 15 specialist tokens (and that was just ithin Lumber and Farm)

Sean evans: What about fov support for Xbox and ps5

Joseph Huckabaa: When is the best time to buy the battle pass? Should I buy it at the start of the season or should I complete all the tiers first? How does that work? Does it matter when?

Sprauder: Nobody cares. BF 2042 > COD R.I.P

Cmull569: I almost cried when you said they nerfed melee. I've been asking this for so long. I'm so happy for that but it needs to be nerfed on on weapons that are not melee weapons.

Remington Haynes: You can still get the specialist park in rebirth island if you complete the Easter egg

Craig Eazy: Again they fuck with our settings... Smh.

Pinny Schwerd: I just started playing again so just to make sure is there still those specific challenges in order to rank up in battle pass

Hotshot Coolz: IMPORTANT: I picked up specialist in plunder while upgrading the new guns... It was a random drop in a legendary chest in storage town. they were not joking when they said we might see specialist return sooner then we'd expect xD.

Mr Maybe: What is specialist token bc i think i found it in plunder

0de1l RBLX: Can someone tell me if the buffs are also for me

TheLostWarrior: Immortal: I don't know who'd be using the Ballistic Knife All melee mains: **Visible Anger**

Dom Higinbotham: Wonder if they added a super straight flag lmao

Elias Und Rowert: it seems like they turned down the fire rate on the finn lmg adverse barrels or maybe its a bug

Jason Reitz: I know a guy who goes off with that ballistic knife he's gonna like this update

Just4Knives: Got a new sub from me bud thanks a lot amax getting another nerf

sactownmobin 420: Instead of doing all this shit they need to worry about the hackers and stop them

Deathlok-L17: I got specialist a hour ago was so cool in gold chest in military

john lim: raven stop nerfing mw guns

Orange Juice: Activision is setting people up with that pride calling card

MortalKombatMW3: Bruh I just shredded someone with my Syoner gun set up on Warzone!!

Oscar Olley: The dmr is still insane so a buff is just completely stupid

Vynx: Can they just leave the amax alone

Legendary Skinman: 120 fps, does anyone know if xbox is 120 with hdr on still? You have to turn hdr off to play 120 on ps5 🙄

Swish: TKO can finally use the ballistic knife without stress 😂

That_GingerKidHD: Been using the scar since day one... it’s finally getting the limelight it deserves!

MafiaLavi103: This man is literally my go to for all my cod info yo immortal what’s yo twitch I jus started one tryna follow you ASAP

Most Wanted: They don’t test any guns before putting them in

Red Hunnid: They have a picture of the Scar but still didn’t give it a 50rd increase buff and nerfed the Amax again???

D M: You know what's good about Zac and this channel? He not only reads all the notes but also explains the impact along with giving scenarios on the subject.

Maverick Main26: Boi. Just waiting for the blackout map remastered

Santiago Campos: Why my man Ask how we're doing now our turn to ask how u doin

MX Jordan: Requires hdmi 2.1?? Are those even out yet???

Joshua Caspillo: if they buff the bizon and the aug they should buff the fennec! It needs a bullet velocity buff and a ammo buff

Tristan-James Lemon: Honestly was hyped for this season for a long time, and great info again appreciate you putting in the time and effort. Thank you again. 🤘🏻😁

Žonatan Rivera: Yessss more SCAR love That's my highlight :)

Bully Maguire: Finally added 120hz for my PS5 god damn dude

Yenzuko: i have a monitor and it runs 120 hz but for some reason it won’t let me have 120 fov and i have a ps5, but idk if my monitor has 2.1 hdmi what is it exactly suppose to mean?

Alex P: TKO 😔 when you said “I wonder who uses the ballistic knife”

andrew lees: still using that cronus I see ahahahahaha flange

TY800N: Very awesome as always, you’re the best man 🙏

PistOn1313: I see a Scar in the thumbnail and I click!

JHC BLAZE: I can't use the new lmg in warzone cuz every time I try I get dev error 5573. This really sucks not be able to use it

Ramen N00dles: Day something of saying hi to Zac

xjdj Matthews: Could anyone pls buy me the Battle pass it's That-kid_anton69

Vanessa Nusreen x: Defo need a new weapon setups now Zac, thank you again for explaining all of that lol so overwhelming. X

Nicholas Wigchert: Sad no AMR buff 😤

usmc82vol: Dark Aether?

Mike Gateley: Hi Zac , this is the last ever PS game I'm ever buying ! What with all the cheating going on ! Not only warzone but previous ps consoles and games ! This new season 4 is broken ! Even in season 3 daily challenges don't track properly , and still don't in season 4 ! Now I know its not your fault , but I know you know these people who make the games ! Just let them know it's only kids who are buying this crap ! 🤬🤬🤬🤬

rf200774: The on-demand texture streaming is huge for ps4! Noticed a significant difference in my first game when i was able to be more competitive!

Cam Bloodx999: still no reflective construction jacket for great vid zac

Stoo Hue [aka DISKOSTOO]: I’m feeling like I’m waiting for season 5 then for that FoV slider 🤣

atkinsn2000: Was hoping for more weapon buffs on MW weapons so game isn’t as dominated by CW guns

ggtheganer: Still no CX9 this makes me sad

BlueDream: No FOV slider for console? Lol.

INDOOR SMORE: Thank God they buffed the scar one of my favorite guns in mp

Nicolas Ferlaino: hi pt. 72

daniel Jones: 120 htz only ps5 not xbox sx?

Ethanwinter96: Sickkkkkkk video fam! Really hope the meta will be changing even more with the new adjustments! Absolutely smashing it out the park as usual my brother!

MutzNutz: Cheers for the update @WhosImmortal 🔥👊🔥

Luis Anjel: Bro I’ve subbed like 8 times since warzone came out. Don’t know why it keeps saying that I’m not

A: Lets goooo 🔥 🔥 🔥

Tanker: Cant wait for the update to download starred playing yesterday and i subscribed to stay up for the news and all the other stuff hope you get 1M you deservit

Tanker: Started playing cod warzone yasterday cant wat for the update to download will be playing the whole day 😆

Owen Richardson: Ready to give up on zombies camos being released in wz

Jonathan Britton: Hey hi how you doing I have nothing to say but ''wawww'


Stupid Humans: Guess what, the update reset ur settings on PS4/5...... AGAIN

Swastik Das: another 22 gb gone

Roxas 101100: The Scar is still cucked, unless this buff causes 4 hit downs? Then any cold war weapon can run right through you using the scar like wet toilet paper.

Ciide: Lets gooo baby!

3LOI RDSA: Down the TTK is a very bad idea. In all other game it as destroy them. Trust me this is bad


IamNoClout: An yet nothing to deal with hackers smh

Viorel Nicolae Strimturean: I’m waiting for the “select to play only with pc players in warzone” update. When is that? :>

Dede Hazziez: Dude I just love your channel

Unknownn: Day 51 of typing:Hey hi how ya doin immortal?

Glockk Holliday: Us-give us anti cheat Cod- did you mean antifa flag calling cards?

Glockk Holliday: Im dropping anybody with those goof ass calling cards 😂

Abstrakt: I AM KUMMEN

JTizzle Killa: Do the choppers have mini guns?

xxx_420: The game is running WAY better on my PC as well. Lots of optimizations and with the same settings I’m pushing 115-138 FPS when before I was getting 80-100

Syaen: seen the scar is stoopid haha

Et Wall: Joo looks sick

Ginger and Broke: A 120hz is nothing without a FOV slider.

Donovan Frutos: Ngl I kinda wish the cod battle passes would both have content from both mw and Cold War. IMO it would just feel better to have a little more mw content in the game

Steve Thomas: Could somebody tell me what they mean by" we love the cr-56 amax and will likely see it return in the future when the massive overhaul takes place”like what do they mean by it will return in the future?

Callum Rooney: Game barely runs on 60fps on Ps5 and Raven out here adding 120. Nah

Clayton Odom: Can anyone explain to me why I’m on Xbox one and my update is 46 gigs?

Skys: Will we get a loadout change soon?

Jamie Thompson: Add the fucking zombie camos ffs

Brainhorn: Fixed on dev error and introduced another.

SLRR JP: Still no CX-9 or RAAL :(

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