LaMelo Ball Wins #KIAROY Rookie of The Year! | 2020-21 NBA Season

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Neoag: hay q ser retrasado mental para ser comentarista hoy dia?

YUKI KURAMOTO: The worthless ink exceptionally release because sky unlikely program afore a erratic division. deep, understood age

Galaxy Opal Kawhi Leonard: Mj must be so proud

P SYOP: I'm glad I don't have to put up with that Hornets commentator when I watch my team! Lord have mercy!

Ari Tchaparian: there should be a commentator of the year award

versacegotblocked: Funny how ppl see these highlights and still don't think he deserves roty

emoney mn: If blind men voted on awards the hornets commentators would have Lamelo winning MVP

Black Mamba: should zion williamson get ROTY not ja morant

zulfyby: He defenitly got the dimer badge

Angelo Dico: Lol. Where is julian newman now?

Aaron Noonan: Edwards was ROBBED!!!! No way in hell ball deserved it over Ant!! How you gonna miss a quarter of the season and still win ROY!?!? and his team won without him while he was out!! The award really doesn't mean shit, but if there gonna give to someone they should give it to the guy that earned it which is definitely EDWARDS!!!

Mosbey T: Sorry not Sorry…Not hating but Lamelo is the most skilled of the Ball Bros…Not the best….Lavar said it himself that Gelo the best..and the league Knows it …the truth is the truth💯

TEAM ARRIBA TV: deserved

DogeAlerts com: Easy choice and not surprised. I am a warriors fan and wanted Wiseman to win earlier on, but seeing Melo play in short spans...i couldn't help but think if he was given quality playing time..he would easily be the best and that's what happened.

BeastModeXXII: If the Hornets learn each other as a team... They will be the most deadly team next year. 🏀🏆

Dan Mendoza: This goes to show you. Nba is rigged. There is no way. He doesn’t deserve this. Snubbed. Like if you agree. Lavar pumped this and faked it for more votes to his kid

RScarecrow Gaming: He's like a mixture of Jason Kidd and Magic Johnson. A good combo, to be sure.

Gary Sidhu: This kid made so many people watch hornets games just cause of him. First cause everyone wanted to see if he’d be overhyped but then because he was just so good to watch play.

Mustafa Khan: Bruh i really love the commentator men

TavoGoCrazy: Booooooo!!!Rigged tit str8 from Edwards

JCA A: Bruh his finishing is so much better than Lonzo's during Zo's rookie year! Y'all remember when he used to airball layups cuz they were too strong? 😂

Elann Chaisaklert: Eric "How did he do that?!" Collins.

Dangelo Washington: And they missed sooo many more highlights lol that’s crazy.

John Albert Simangan: told y'all!! since day1

⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻: 04:45 wtf???

2REAL TV: I think 5 bitches in the 704 owe me good head in celebration of this achievement

YyuyU: Damn, Lamelo giving his teammates highlight plays with those beautiful passes.

Chris Sherlock: His flashy pass really looked like J.Kidd bruh

gastone nortini: Should have be Ben tho...

MOST HATED: Lamelo got Break Starter on Hall of Fame.

n40798: Why the hell is Husqvarna advertising in the NBA‽

K Got It: Tbh he was gonna win it whether he wanted to or not

Mason Quaintance: I wasn't on the LaMelo bandwagon, but I will say that for this being his first year in the NBA? He's playing like he's just having fun. And makes it look so effortless too

Alejandro Bolívar: he already do more than his brother on the league

GreekSneakCollector: Well done young fella! Well deserved!

Miles Davis: Did the hornets commentator win “commentator of the year” award?

James Harden: When your youngest child is better than your older son

Dan Gould: That's bullshit should have been Edward's

Joshua Dabalos: mannn if theres a commentator of the year it would be on the hornets commentator lmao

KANYE: kanye likes lamelo ball

1-800-Wavy: Man's yells way too much

Trishu choudhary: anthony edwards got robbed

PoMan 727: the lamelo and bridges duo looks dangerous

Zion Durham: This dude is a 6’6 Jason Kidd he really got goat passing potential

Philip The Husky: Guyy is special tbh.. can’t wait to see him play mext season

Vino Chamberlain: Only pro two win rookie of the year twice 💯

duuh winning: Why is Lamelo, not on team Jordan !?

Keith Torio: The greatest basketball player in Ball family


Happy Smile: MY ROY

Brent Hamilton: Ant deserves it but congrats

Kentavios CalldwellPope: lonzo better

Plazma: Ben simmons should be the rookie of the year this is not fair

JR Smith: He was good but Edwards got snubbed

Jad Geagea: NBA talent has significantly got worse the past 5-8 years !

aldeine5: the Hornets have the best announcer in the league

Earth Pasagon: Nba suck

ebenezer kipkirui: Charlotte's commentator is making it more fun😂😂😂🔥🔥🔥

Eythan House: Lavar told us so

Verbal Kint: Announcer gotta go in the Hall Of Fame

Joshua Melo: Can we talk about Miles Bridges too tho

Phillip Lamb: I love that fucking commentator man lol!

Rodriquez Rose: That pass sealed it!

MR. ONEHUNDON: He was the best rookie but by him getting hurt he didn't deserve to win it

b0rge VIPER: Well deserved! Congrats, Melo!

God: Really really really excited to see his career play out. Crazy to think that me and him are the same age and he doing this

Glenn Brigham: I’m so happy to see Melo as ROTY he great for the league and he’s not in his prime yet!

rejjie_theking: Not gonna lie, seeing him not shoot from deep all the time is different. I hope he brings it back though. He was getting curry comparisons before younge.


0b3da: #1 would be nice

B3N Productions: Should’ve been shared smh

Greendro Tha Bro: Well deserved LaMelo I gotta say he is a great passer alright.

Isaiah lea: For God so loved the world, as to give his only begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in him, may not perish, but may have life everlasting. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believed in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Erik Amundson: Absolutely Anthony Edwards was snubbed!! Simply had a better season

Mekhi Yocum: “Hum-didly-dee!”😂😂

Mark the Shark: What Curry is with Shootin 3's, LaMelo is with Assists!!!

Stuck with a fat white bi itch: Calling it now, lamalo gonna be the goat.

Brendan: Hornets announcer needs a raise

2k. Disney: Yesssss

Chieferson Bieferson: My favorite PG!!!Been watching since he was a lil kid and now he hoopin like crazy I am so excited to see this kids career unfold.This gon be crazy!

Isaiah Gideon: *10 minutes of GOAT commentators*

David Dorbik: LaMelo and the Hornets commentator are the best duo since Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen. 🔥

Kevin Irungu: Man. So proud of this guy. Hope he doesn't turn in to Bitch N. Booker Kardashian.

MEANZWORLD TV: I hope they never split Lamelo and Bridges up.

Jbortega: That announcer sounds like Plankton...

TQ BP: Not if I enjoyed Lamelo or the announcer more.

KenTon Thompson: *"I'm doin alright, Gettin good grades... My future's so bright, I gotta wear shades"*

Don Cornelious: POPS CALLED.....LAVAR....👍🙏

Kevin Irungu: I just cannot believe this kid turned out to be a stud baller. Didn't see this one coming🙌

Gab Ramos: He's deserving this award

Don Cornelious: MELLLLLLLLLLLLO WAS 🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥ALL YEAR.....SHOOOOOOOOW HIM DA....💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💷💷💵💵💵💵 💵💵💴💴💵💵💷💷💷💷..BEST 🙏👍🤔

Stay Humbled Get Humbled: Ion run it

Jam Ramos Ratio: I don't know about y'all but the majority of his highlights are assists satisfies me. Because most highlights we see are scorers.

The Influence of Many: Who would have thought; loud mouth Papa Ball was right. 😬 Congrats LaMelo 👏 Well deserved!

Darcseid27: He just might be a better passer than Lebron James

NyX: Easily, even broke his hand and came back to take ROTY

Craig: Tbh, the hornets commentators won the award. Anything he did, they lost their voices.

JUSTIN ARCHER: Anyone that said lamelo can’t win ROTY. your wrong but everyone in the comments y’all right

NyX: People act like lebron hasn't been doing full court passes to AD all 2019-20 Season. Lol, like LaMelo the first to do it

RenZ ✔: Yooo anthony edwards got robbed 🤣😂 FUCK YOU RYAN SAUNDERS !!!

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