Friends: Emily Finds Out Rachel Has Been With Ross (Season 5 Clip) | TBS

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Joe: His first mistake was disrupting his entire life for a woman.

Cheryl Lisa Bullock: i hate her,,, thats controlling, abusive negative bitch

Shahir Abdullah: I don't wanna say the b word, but wish Ross was a huge bitch to this Emily

Barbie Wallace: DATE ME ➡️ !💖🖤❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高! #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです! #この日のライブ配信は、 #かならりやばかったですね! #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん( #笑) #やっぱり人参最高! #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾

Lebanas Sujas: The outstanding speedboat neuroanatomically cause because weeder phylogenitically fold onto a voracious insurance. expensive, kaput physician

Betti Lopez: In retrospect, Ross should've lied, Emily would have come around eventually.

Dee: Emily & Ross had a sweet relationship. It's too bad they couldn't just recast the role. Rachel & Ross had a strong history & slept together "298 times" lol....I think most people would feel a bit uncomfortable with that friendship & kind of history, so I didn't blame Emily.

Mindy: If Helen (Emily) had decided to stay (Ross & Emily were supposed to be long term) on the show, I wonder if the writers would have still made R&R end game? DS & JA had hot chemistry, but I thought Emily & Ross were cute.

Mindy: You know Rachel was low key happy about this!

freaker126: i just realized my ex-gf was like Emily. she doesn't trust me and even picked a fight with one of the gals i know. well, she had to return to her own country and end up marrying someone else. :p

sinkwater6789: ross and emily were actually supposed to be endgame but the actor who played emily didn't want to raise her baby in the states so they had to find a way to cut her off the show so even tho i hate emily I love the person who played her

Ron C (chRONos): The theme song playing in the outro really matches the mood of this scene. Sadly.

Cee Smith: Emily is the WORST

Eron Silva: Rachel: "Ross, is there anything I can do?" Me: "No, Rachel! You have done enough!"

Shomitra Palit: Everyone in their trendy classic look

luna jack: I mean this relationship wasn’t going to work in the first place , I mean after saying someone else’s name in altar there is no going back from that , and she was never gonna trust him again after that , also how did she expect him not to see Rachel if she lives with his sister , that means they had to cut either Rachel or Ross if they’re hanging out and I think that’s not fair cus it’s not only effecting Ross and Rachel’s friendship but all of them , that’s why I didn’t like her at all , i mean I understand her frustration but she have to be realistic, did she really think their relationship was gonna work out after that , she should’ve said no and ended it there

Val Gracias: I watched the entire series and honestly Ross and Rachel never made sense. Rachel suddenly realises she loves Ross only once he's going to tie the knot. After that she forgets about him and moves on to dating other men. It's like she loved sabotaging his relationships. The other time Ross was moving on with Mona but he ended up allowing Rachel to live with him. Again that sent him down the drain. Idk how after the Emily incident they kinda forgot about Ross and Rachel. Ross and Rachel even married in Las Viegas yet she never felt love towards him that time. Than why the sudden feelings when he was about to marry Emily?. They even had a baby together but she still had nothing towards him n moved on to Joey in between. So this scene never made sense!

Wade: 2:00 WELL thank you internet and smartphones for fkn that up

Elisa Arévalo: 2:55 Joey being a mess to break tension

Elisa Arévalo: 1:25 Chandler always being funny to break awkward moments

Maria Alejandra Rincon: I get that it’s just tv show and while I do agree that Emily could have called off the wedding and shouldn’t have went overboard and trusted Ross, if I was in her situation, I’m not gonna lie, I would feel a little bit weird about Rachel. She is his ex, he said her name at the altar, he hangs out with her everyday, he even tried to go on their honeymoon with Rachel right when Emily was gonna forgive Ross and go with him. Emily liked Rachel at first. I can understand why Emily felt the way she did. If I was Ross, I wouldn’t have stopped seeing Rachel but for the time being, maybe try limiting my time with Rachel (I don’t see why he couldn’t just not hang out with her alone and with the group of friends and her instead) and explained everything to Emily. Then again, Ross and Emily did rush into their marriage. Idk. These are just my personal opinions.

V Vibing: i want friends like them...i just want ....something real and true....😢💙

야옹선생: He looks so handsome

Patrick Jammet: ... 1994, Friends...15 ans... France... Torn'... Natalie Umbruglia... Schwimmer... NSA, Intelligence ?... New-York, média'mat', 2001, World Trade Center; Time (Brit'ney Spear/France)... "Psychological War" ?... Disjoncté... 1997 le Film Contact , Jodie Foster, Festival de Cannes... Parallèle, Cat'herine Boum'an... Comté Jack... Wilhelm... De sa Corderie Royale de France... Lol !... Blackhole ^^... Métaphysique...

Anonimous: It doesn't really matter if Ross said the wrong name or not.Their marriage won't work anyway. Emily will still eventually ask Ross to cut Rachel out of his life and we all know that's not gonna happen.

Anonimous: I understand where Emily is coming from but how can she be upset that Rachel is on her OWN apartment? Ridiculous.

Ameen: Anyone else realize Joey sitting on the green ottoman, where Monica didn’t like it

dannimajig: I love Ross and when they all hug him at the end ❤️

november132: The truth is once you get married you shouldn't be spending time alone with the opposite gender. You are starting a new life with someone else so of course life isn't going to be the same as it used to be. If you can't let certain friendships go then you are with the wrong person.

Raghav: Emily was so good at start suddenly they made her character so cruel

elnuisance: But I think Emily was right in being paranaoid about Rachel

devilpupbear09: It would've never have worked out anyways 😂

Victor Mariscal (X-Factor): If your husband-to-be said another woman’s name during his vows and you saw him about to take that same woman on your honeymoon trip, you’d be upset too. Yet, Emily lost a lot of sympathy when she made all those unreasonable demands to Ross. Rachel was one thing, but she was separating him from all his friends, his family.

Rinter 215 (Reflex): Smile…frown…

RAP: yeah you can help me get my friendship back from Gunther🤣🤣🤣

kayla zarfani: But that meg girl was right tho, he is still in love with rachel cause if he's not he would just let rachel go to her room and let emily be relieved

Jem Adriano: Ross is a screwup... he never should’ve made that list and he should’ve just accepted Rachel’s simple terms....Rachel should’ve just moved on and left Ross to be happy...she just used Ross as a cork in a hole to not feel sad about being single therefore always tempted to go back to him

Qarcon: This bitch calls Rachel apartment and expects Rachel to not be there?

Claire E.: So I don’t blame Emily for being pissed at Ross (she was humiliated in front of all of her loved ones at her own wedding, why wouldn’t she be mad) and I thought she was in the right for awhile. However, when she started the whole “isolate him from his friend” emotional abuse thing, she lost all of my respect. He made a dumb mistake, not to mention the fact that Rachel should not have been punished like this.

Little Professor Luke: If Joey did those faces as I was waking up in the morning, I wouldn’t be frightened lol

LOLchickerz: Listen I’m not blaming emily for not liking Rachel and I could understand her saying they shouldn’t hang out one on one. But Rachel lives with Ross’s sister. He quite literally can’t just kick her out of her own apartment because she doesn’t like them seeing each other. That’s his sister and it’s unfair for her to expect him to not see Rachel sometimes when that’s the situation

Nissi Vlogs: If you Believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins then Resurrected three days later and is our Lord and Savior you will be saved ! He who is sinless died on the cross for our sins just so we could be here. He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords from generation to generation! Read your bible daily please and Repent!! God bless you and your family!💜 ( Not trying to force upon anyone who doesn’t agree

Marley Hampton: I mean, Emily. . .you called Monica's apartment. You know that Rachel is Monica's roommate. Is it REALLY that big a shock that she happens to be in her own apartment?

Candis: I get it, but Emily was a bit looney tunes. No one was ever going to be able to come into that group of six and make drastic demands.

Jay Mak: So I'm the only one that felt bad for Rachel when she got up to leave? I would have felt sooo bad if I wasn't welcome to hang out with my friends in my own apartment and his girlfriend says that on speaker to the rest of my friends. Joey's face when she gets up too is like come on now...😭😭😭.

PROFESSOR G-SMOOTH: Emily at her worse. How can he not see Rachel when she lives with his sister. This moment brakes my heart everytime. I was genuinely rooting for them. Rachel definitely succeeded in sabotaging his relationship and marriage.

Sharon Cato: Did not like Emily the show isn't the same without Rachel. She was not nice like the boss of Ross she acted like a control system

Nobara Kugisaki: Kinda feel bad for ross, but you know that's what you get for saying the wrong name

Bahma Siva: The irony of it all. Emily decides to marry someone else. Calls Ross on the eve of her wedding and tells him of her misgivings of her wedding. What do you call this then? Monica deletes the message but Rachel wants to tell Ross. So stop feeling sorry for Emily.

Bahma Siva: Why couldn't Ross tell Emily it is Rachel's apartment? OK moot - or shall I say moo - point. 😆 🤣

CrazyTracey 2: Forget about saying the wrong name at the wedding, Ross was about to take Rachel to his and Emily's honeymoon! I would have dropped his ass instantly, but she still gave him a chance, and what did he do? He went for the toxic girl... Ross and Rachel truly deserve each other.

Subway Lover: Emily is annoying

April September: Emily was such a 🅱️❗T © ♓

Steven Cho: I truly wonder why Emily didn't call off the wedding immediately after Ross said, " I take thee Rachel". That would've saved him from getting divorced again.

Sara .65: She was so toxic omg 🙄

Cohort 3 PAS: Ross messed up his marriage by marrying Emily too fast. He was still not over Rachel obviously so it is not Emily's fault to mistrust him. He always makes decisions in a haste that includes sleeping around immediately after "breaking up" with Rachel. His current life is a consequence of his bad decisions unfortunately. Oh god I need help, this is just a TV show but I am so invested. LOL

dreAm wArrior: Emily was such an annoying character. She wasn't even one of those characters that you could love to hate. If she had just left Ross after he said Rachel's name, none of this would happen but you went ahead and now want him to uproot his entire life just to suit you. Nah

Rini Rin: Rachel wants to be „friends“ with a married man that she dated, was „cheated“ by and is still in love with. She went to London to ruin his wedding, almost went on a the couple honeymoon with the groom and Emily is unreasonable and a „control freak“ because she doesn’t want Ross to be with her. Ross not only said Rachel‘s name at the wedding, he asked her to go on his honeymoon with him. Emily was a victim in this whole history of a toxic circle that Ross and Rachel have created. How do you even plan on staying friends and see every single day with someone that you still have feelings for and at the same time want to date/marry other people?

Lefteris Kougioumoutzis: Friends reunion 2021: ugly naked guy shows up and we can finally see his face!!! That would be something

Netta Beatty: This is such a stupid request on Emily. How is he going to stay clear of Rachel if he is close to his sister not just a regular brother and sister relationship they are good friends too ans Rachel is Monica best friend so come girl get it together. If Emily wanted to make it work then she had to let go and move on from wanting to control Ross and who he can and can't not see and instead focus on your relationship with your husband. Cut that passive aggressive behavior out. Sorry I know saying Rachel name was wrong but who did he try his hardest to fix things Emily. Hello sis wake up. No man


GoldenYuri: 2:07 Honestly his true love for Rachel would never be overcome for someone else, and its the same for Rachel as well.

JAYKAYYY: Rachel: is there anything we can do? Me: Should’ve never intervene on ross’ relationships.

Nicholas E Miranda: 2:25 I thought that was the answer

Thabang Nkopane:

Ivan Z: Can i say one thing? Guys is not real life !!! I mean it’s only television!! In the real life a good father will stay more time with her son !! Ross just want a woman to marrige.I have 2 year old son and none lady can be more important than he.

ani samoht: Never liked Emily 😒

MajaQueenFan: Damn, I hated her

Nezekeh: Boycotting ugg due to degenerate pronoun advert

MusicJunkie 75: That chic was insecure he didn’t need her

Sheeba: I was so happy when Ross first started going out with Emily. Thought we'd finally see him move on and continue to have a healthy friendly relationship with Rachel. The sudden change in Emily & Ross mixing up names or even Rachel getting hung up about the wedding made no sense at the time.

Q Fason: honestly Emily is in the right

Evrim Tasagil: I always hated this Emily girl. Useless figure

Vdhhshs Hshskd: I am here

HerStory: Emily is not wrong here though. It's Ross's fault. Imagine the humiliation she felt when ross said Rachel's name at her wedding!! It's her way of punishing ross, it's overdone but we can't expect anyone to be sane after what happened.

Lili L: If the relationship had ended up the momment Ross said Rachel at the wedding ,then it would had been his fault, but she went with it and even considered taking him back, so, is not like she didn't know what she was getting into

Swarada Inamdar: One thing I really love about this scene is Rachel isn't all "oh I'm so sorry it's totally my fault" cause it damn well isn't! I love her confidence and that the series made sure to clear that it isn't the other girl's fault that the marriage fell apart

S: Dang, ya'll. How would you feel if your partner said their ex's name instead of yours at YOUR wedding in front of all your friends & family? Couple that with Rachel's awkward and obviously sad reaction to learning that Ross & Emily were engaged. Emily saw that, too, and knew Rachel still had feelings for Ross. Now imagine that your partner and that same ex hung out with each other practically every day. To my recollection, Emily was never jealous or insecure until she had reasons to be — and trying to trust someone who you don't trust is awful. I feel for her, truly, and I respect her for being able to say "No" when Ross asked her if she could trust him. Hopefully she found someone else whose hung-up exes weren't still in their lives.

Esta Subtitulado: I like how Ross stood his ground

OnTheLow: Ive randomly seen numerous episodes and clips due to friends or family liking this show. I can tell you right now I have not laughed not even remotely once at this show. Why is this show funny?????

no name: Really felt bad for Emily. She was good.

Eva Ciaro: And I can't believe how anyone can like Emily. Ross tried to move on from Rachel and did everything for Emily, what she asked for, but the fact he still, deep down, loved Rachel isn't his fault - we don't choose who we love; What more she wanted? She wanted him to abandon all his old life - like throw away all his things Rachel touched etc - it was absurd and stupid, and toxic, period!

Dương Nguyên Nguyễn: I don't get it when people still blame Emily or hate her because of this. I totally agree with her in this situation. Just imagine it when you're likely to get married, in front of ALL your best friends and family, and his friends, and that stupid girl! Okay, why not other circumstances? Why it has to be that time when he is about to give you the ring? It would feel better to hear that when you have sex rather than at the altar. Just PUT YOURSELF in that case. I still can't understand why Ross could say the wrong name. It's ridiculous. I mean yeah it's might be a little bit too much when she forced ross not to see his friend anymore but come on, what's that kind of "friends"? It's no more than a toxic relationship. They were even likely to go on the honeymoon together, just after when Rachel screw the wedding up!

Yuriel Cundangan: Ugly Naked Guy: Back at it Matt: Could not Care Less

Yuriel Cundangan: Ugly Naked Guy: Back at it Matt: Could not Care Less!

e-JuMP Shamsudin: emily is a crazy bitch..

Alessia Mancia: Joey in @0:39 that looks at Rachel and touch her arm 🥺

it's steven: "How could you dou this tou mei, I tot I'd made my feelings abot rachel perfectlei cleirrr"

Keeping up with the Halsteads: I'm a girl and I didn't like Emily either - she was just there to keep Ross and Rachel apart more, it's obvious, and in the end, Ross said ''Rachel'' at the altar, because that was his subconscious - he always loved Rachel and she was always on his mind, it was stronger than him.

Keeping up with the Halsteads: @INDIA oh, so for her it an excuse - because she ''loved Ross'' yet for Ross coz he loved Rachel, it isn't - the hypocrisy

NIDIA C: Everyone blames Emily, but she was right... Rachel flew to London to stop her wedding, Ross said her name at the altar, and then found him at the airport taking her honeymoon trip WITH HER, not to mention she later told him she still loved him... Do you honestly expected her to be ok with them hanging out together all the time???

Sneha Joshy: "GOD. I REALLY MISS THAT fat Bustard

Gray Mid: Emily was a tyrant, jealous and very stiff person. Never liked her and so happy she was gone soon.

Stephen Williams: @Russel amen, like Joey said in one episode ''we all hate Emily!''

Russel Conor: Always hated Emily, always will. The hypocrisy of some is hilarious here - they complain about Ross's jealousy when he loved Rachel yet they come up with every excuse for Emily because she "loved" Ross. No, Emily was possessive, jealous and insecure, and that she had the nerve to emotionally blackmail Ross into breaking all contact with his best friend Rachel and with his old life in general - Emily was a toxic, terrible person to me.

harshckuk: Joey expressions made my day 😁😁

maryam: Ross got funnier after he and Rachel broke up. To me he was hella boring in the first two seasons. I did like him in season 3 but after he and Rachel broke up. He became fun and when Emily came around he was funnier. I loved the Emily episodes. She was cool in the beginning but then they made her bitchy I was like nope. Bye bye lol

Julie Queen: I'm so sick and tired of dumb ppl writing that Ross and Rachel were 'toxic'. Stop forcing your irrelevant opinion on others. No, they weren't. "Toxic" and “manipulative” are thrown around too easily, nowadays. Time and time again I see these words used to describe entire human beings. Nuanced, complex, flawed individuals. I don’t think it’s fair to paint people with such broad brushes... and it’s even less fair to seek validation regarding these judgments by posting biased, one-sided descriptions of situations and people on the internet. Life is complicated. Ross and Rachel was a passionate and emotional relationship, full of ups and downs, but a great love, no doubt. They just both tried to move on after they broke up, and they never succeeded because they had always loved each other. And in fact, they always did everything for each other - Ross took care of Emily at Rachel's request so that Rachel could go to a party with Joshua, and Rachel, although she flew to Ross' wedding with the intention of confessing her love, stopped herself and wished him congratulations - and in fact, it was like that, throughout the entire show - they did everything for each other. They always loved each other, but they had to mature, in order to be in this relationship. Hence, they weren't toxic, they were the most realistic couple on the show.

Alannah Pagan Cintron: I love friends and that why I am suscribe to TBS

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