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BR0WN DAD: Would you say lobas new skin is better than self reflection? Where would you place it on your loba skin tier list?Написать
Nick Dahlin: Wdym the trailer sucked lol
Stormer19: does anyone know when this event comes out
Jellemulck: What do the trackers look like
DiegoPro: They really out did themselves with the Rev heirloom wow
Paulky Altidor: You mean to tell me I saved up to 7000 crafting metals for another wraith skin and she doesn’t even get a skin 😭🤦🏾♂️
Deepak Charan: zilke its not too late to join the murderbot cult, the revenant club will still receive you
JosGNG187: Collection sucks
Vcxvcc: I like how bangalore’s skin is a Grunt from Titanfall 2 cool as fuck can’t wait to cop hopefully it has a cool intro like Pathfinders or bloodhounds skins
Lorenzo: LOBA SKINNNNNN POGPOG sooo happy, thanks apex. Zilke pogpog
NeXgen: That Bangalore Skin something about it I dont know what it is but its Freaking epic to me
Marc Santos: Lol " ugh i need more money" HAHA Horizon said im a power ranger
Noah Corriveau: Rev heirloom is amazing but wraith looks better in my opinion
Mugetsu Rain: Literally freaked tf out over that Rev skin and heirloom 😤😤😤😱😱😱
elly: aw no lifeline skin?? but the rev skin looks super cool
Rated-R SuperStar: I'm happy maining revenant and having a 2nd set of heirloom shards waiting for it : )
TTV Adil: Will there be a cheaper way to get the loba skin I can’t pay 5k lol
pengchimm: 2:32 first time i heard him show emotion lol
Kelvin Veizaga: Are you kidding me!!! Why are they bringing back the Watson Skin from The Iron Crown Event!! I thought it was exclusive!!!
Colin: I find it weird that gibbys skin from last event fits this event better than the one he got for this event
Anime Review: Yay I was right about the cirkles getting red
Gowrish Reddy: bangalore is finally getting some new good skins
Poloqui: Wait so is the Bangalore skin free or is it a 20$ pack
Needlols: I should've mained rev when he came out Godd damm that heirloom is crispy!
Arya: that horizon skin is totally a nod to Voltron.
Static Defender Akame: Since they keep outgoing themselves with every heirloom. I'm hoping Wattson's somehow tops Revenant's, although unlikely impossible because it's epic asf
XxAngel-29xX: Let's be honest, this is becoming more and more Fortnite .... I'll stick with the old skins because they still look the best to me ..... and they should finally make the server decent so that it no longer lags and breaks off and the cheaters disappear
FahadPlays: So exited!
Gergő Bárdos: I am so excited, I am a revenant main since season 4 and now the revenant heirloom is here! Oh wait, I don't have heirloom shards nvm
Akela W: Wtf warrior empress return....damn what a shame
FBI: I think there’s a legendary Flatline because you could see it on Horizons back at 0:21 in the CE trailer Nvm I think it’s just a common skin
FBI: Can’t wait to get that IMC Bangalore and Plastic Fantastic skin! 😎😎😎
samurai iarumas: i need.. more money😂
scaimp: Thanks for info bro :)
Fuzzy Wuzzy: Yesss a Loba skin!!!! But I’m broke lmaooo
King Kai: I only want three things from from this event the horizon skin, the fun in the sun r301 skin and horizons legend tracker imma look crispy I’m so excited Hopefully they make a variant with the mask down that’ll be EPIC
P H: This has to be one of the best CE's ever
Vibez 01: I noticed that they only showed off 7 legendaries for legends, usually there are 8 legendary skins for each legend which means they are keeping one a surprise judging from banner frames I’d imagine it is for caustic unless the rare quality one is for him but I hope not cuz the BP banner had a robotic Oni mask hidden in the gas that are probably hinting at his skin
CraZee Daunte: No lifeline🥺
DEFAULT: I now say "zilke here" when intro comes it has quite a ring to it
Sconez2006: Zilke your growth is rapid!
Wu-Liang: Are some of the skins craftable tho?
ghost man: I hope that Respawn will drop the modified china town skins soon..
lyndal: i’m new to the datamining scene but i thought they weren’t able to bring the exact skins back such as xlr8 octane and the r301 skin? how come those are coming back?
CaSh_ 33: wait we are getting the old pathfinder skin back please tell me this is true
Smooth Criminal: Been waiting for OCtane XLR8 and the R301 skin. Definitely getting it this time!
captain Xperia: As an octane main im looking forward to this event because of xlr8 is returning and without hesitation im gonna straight away
Kostas Biker: Jesus Christ somebody fire the skin design team.
PhaseWalker 7: zilke changing to XXxAssasinxXX in the next few weeks
Pritheev R: bangalore skin sucks asusual
MinoPlayz: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH OCTANE XLR8 SKIN IS COMIN BAAAACK am soo hyped thnk u zilke sooo much ur da best😭😭
Thegamingbeast King: Bro are they actually bring back the xl-r8 octane skin back I will be so happy
ɢʀᴇᴇᴅʏ ᴄɪɴᴅᴇʀᴇʟʟᴀ: Yoooo, Horizon has a GoLion/Voltron, Megazord skin?!?!? DOPE.
Chikenwing 87: hi
Pink boi: Same bro 2:55
Shashannk Chenna: Waiting for crypto skin 🤘
ReidnReactn: No bloodhound content huh and theyre nerfing him well this even is already ass
Kevin Vu: Will there be free packs we can earn from playing the event tho aka challenges
Lard Ecky: No mirage skin?😥, guess I'll just be getting that sweet 301 skin from the season 4 collection event
Anime Fan: Yesssss my time had come crypto skin I’m coming for ya!
Hollow Naruto 63: Smh i been watching and never subbed
Andy Najera: Goddamn, there's a lot of good stuff. But all I want in apex is just Necrosis skin my heart's broken :(
Braxton Bloxham: As a revadent main I am very excited
Dubai Kay: As a revenant main i am definetly gona buy that hierloom
Funeral: >:)
Kodax: Will there be any chance for a bloodhound skin?
ThievesFPS: how much does it usually cost to unlock all the items to get the heriloom?
Rapid Vvcoy: oh ma gawd, that path skin coming back bois.
Utsuro: My wallet crying already
Joshua Reyes: Its my birthday on 29th, i wonder what will happen XD
Ali Walid: Will there be any crafting metals reward
kosish Ghale: i am crypto main but i wi ll buy revenant heirloom
IcarusPKr: if you haven't figure horizon is voltron
Rouge WRLD: Sheesh ima need some money…….
bestspykid: Please make video on how to get revenant heirloom cheaper! I have around 6k crafting materials how much apex coins i will be able to save?
パンダ: volttron horizon nice
bestspykid: 0:51 ItzTimmy
Jaquan Callins: And again wraith is left out........again
CaRLsON Lee: ea will free some pakage?
Stank_Mank_Demes: The rev skin is probably the weakest rev event skin it would be better if he didn’t have lil Wayne grills in his mouth also what’s your accent
Sai Kiran: Can we able to craft that octane and r301 skin?
justkidding: Wheres my wraith skin :(
SquaredThrone: Horizon look like an anime hero XD
Legendary Miku: Damm I might waste 100 dollars on that new event I really want a heirloom
xXSTYGIANXx: I'm guessing we have to pay apex coins for these?
Backup: Dropped the ball on that Caustic rare. They could've taken the Oni mask helmet from the BP frame but instead only took the little logo on the forehead. What a huge let down.
LsliKk: Ah yes 🥵🥵🥵 x apex best collab
Prestyn _cook: Since we didn’t see a bloodhound skin in the trailer you still think we might be getting a bloodhound skin?
Its Nostalgia: they clean af🙌🏽🔥
Dark Flame: Question the loba skin going to be by itself in the event or i am forced to buy it with the packs
storiedprism593: bangalore skin 🔥 🔥 🔥
Dark Flame: Sorry for late love the vid but j told my friend that why does it get sooo hot in my room when i see the Loba skin btw i am buying the octane and loba skin
Jose hernandez hermosillo: BEST SKINS IN AN EVENT YET
Baba Yaga: Loba and revenant those are the only two skins that's worth buying everything else look trash 🤣🤣
Corpito: wouldve been better if Loba's pigtails came out the from the front of her hoodie.
ThereHeGo: wraiths heirloom has more details in terms of looks but revenants is jus better
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