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Jonathan Pakele Jr.: “We’re doing a sequel” is probably my favorite meme. XD

Julia Bacik: Finally I have my meme in a youtube compilation

Flamable Luke: Grian didn’t steal rens moss they looted the shipwreck first omggggg

Jacob Norton - JPTLN: Chaos resigns

MrBowser: Petition to call the Grian X Mumbo duo Fish and Chips forever

Yusif A.: 2:18 she bought an Xisuma headc from a wandering trader... At least I hope so...

Ruud: Cant be just me right? but s8 giving me some serious 3rd life vibes!


Destructofire198: WHO DISLIKED THIS

Axil Atienza: 2:30 - Typical Scar

Jen_Ten16: Lol but the Omega tree thing i thought of too lol. I love it!

Ernesto W: creepers: *climb laders * hermits: *surprised Pikachu *

Roye S.: 3:33 Grian did "your next line is" on Mumbo

MCPE Artist: 4:57 perfecto

ت V i n t a g e A k i ت: Idea for another meme lol: Grian: don’t touch the egg Scar: That sign won’t stop me because I can’t read

General Fat seal: I’m the banana

Nischal Pokharel: Scar touching Grian's egg Me : 👁️👄👁️

mona mody: I am proud to say that I am 007 😂

PeanutPlays: The ones that really got me: 1:55 4:47 6:17 7:23 7:50

Henry's Dragon: 0:22 the fact the Grian is represented as Flowey, an actual _flower,_ is just 👌🌠 *chef's kiss* wonderful Haha not me having never played or really interacted with Undertale (besides part of Ranboo's first subathon (and my love of Fallen Down)) and freaking out over the fact I don't know how to spell his name and worrying I'll get bullied by a cool kid that actually knows, ha ha *cry*

SPIDER VENOM64: Beautiful peace

Huh Neat: The new war is gonna be copper vs trees vs potatos or something just watch

joja roka: sarez: **omega tree at home meme** the real omega tree: **gets completed**

FrosBeeChill: POTATO MUMBO GLADOS WAS AMAZING... I'm such a dork, lol

Matteo Moro: Me seeing Grian and Mumbo both starting two wars!

Nima Master: That fish and chips was spot on!

Ukairo Enyinnaya: 1:00 You forgot about mining without beacons


Anonymous Misnomer: Me when I see a meme I submitted in the comments that somebody put on Reddit: “I raised that boy”

Matthew Minner: Like #800

Quest: Gem is great!

Mathew Havens: Ok...the Fish & Chips one got me good. Can we please god get a new Manga called "Chicken Man & Potato Boy"

PaladinGX: He turned him self into a potato, his name’s potato boy, funniest mash I’ve ever seen xD

Kiyuu 16: history repeat itself. Grian vs Doc is back again for some reasons

Clare Chaddon: Iskall: Omega Me: You keep using that word, but I don't think it means what you think it means ( The Princess Bride)

GGgamerr Realo: M

Akinako: When people learn that Doc is part of Scicraft and everything he does he already did and tried with some scicraft friends, they'll lose their trust in god

Wals J: the omega tree oh doom one tho

Brian Oliveira: 3:55 Starkid reference in a Sarez video? A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one

Fractal Axiom: This season’s war will be an Environmental war, Team Grian v.s. Team Mumbo

Alex Grey: The starter pack should include realization that creepers can climb ladders

BB479 HUN: 4:13 I would add "And mirrored half a mation."

IceKnight81: I am shocked there's no Stress vs Villagers in this one.

Sean Blackburn: I'm so glad i have someone to curate all these gems for me :D

Whiplash GG: Impulse: drowns Bdubs: oh no, anyway

AdmiralElectrifyingOwl: Mumbo in Hermitcraft: I will not harm anything Mumbo outside of Hermitcraft: "What's the fastest way to kill in Minecraft 1.17" please make this and submit it to the reddit ^w^

Raphael Alicarte: The best one is the 007 meme because that's literally me right now.

sparx0s: The first one cracked me up open

Jay Mac: No this Hermitcraft season’s war is gonna be Boatem vs Goatem. Back to Doc vs Grian

James Keeling: Why do these memes make me laugh so much? They're brilliant every time!

Ballooblue: that moment when u see theres 1 view and its 26 seconds in

Beauver: im sorry but none of you are first

barbaros bozkurt: Can somebody make Potato Mumbo a Portal 2 Meme?

Beldzinka: wow only 15 views

Noveth Traya: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=s1SbVlbSScg Brrruuh

AlvonAnimations: That first meme really got me lmaoo

KewlChris UwU: I am sped

Mistymantis: E Edit: I didn’t even realize I was first lol

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