The Ending Of HANDMAID's TALE Season 4 Explained

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Movie Addicts: What do you think about the ending?

M S: Revenge is normal!!! It is not normal to "forgive" and "let go" abusers! I really admire this series! It helped me to survive the hell…

Stephanie S: Mamma and I think June I don’t going back to gilead :( 💔 from reading the testaments, I know there are more big things coming (suggest reading if you wanted a sneak peak to whats gonna happen in the show)

Christina Anderson: Why exactly will June face any consequences for Fred's death? She is out of reach from Gilead. And from Canada's standpoint, Fred was released to Gilead's govt, and he is not within Canada. She won't face any consequences. Even if others told what happened, Canada won't acknowledge that they released a prisoner who was then killed by a mob. June is not and will not be labeled a criminal. In season 5 she will not be on the run, will not be imprisoned bc of Fred's death.

MollyMolotov666: I disagree with the narrative that June's actions were evil. She became the byproduct of the toxicity she was exposed to. A victim of those circumstances must find a way to live through, and sometimes, that means going hard. Sometimes that means forcing the hand of justice. It doesn't make her evil. In fact, I argue her actions in killing Fred were pure and absolute justice. Nobody was going to avenge June. Remember that. They were going to free him. She did what she had to do, no more, no less. Evil has nothing to do with it.

H: Serena isn't going to become a softer character, she is conniving and greedy. She helped build Gilead, she just got screwed over in the process. With Fred gone, she'll play the martyr and victim, I don't understand the sympathy people have for Serena after everything she's done

Adam Garner: For me this looks like an excellent segway if you look at the books the series is based on. In the Testaments, you learn that "Baby Nicole's Mother" hence "June" was a freedom fighter working against the tyranny of Gilead. With that work June has had 2 murder attempts that have failed, and by the end of the books she gets reunited with her children. I personally think, we will see the creation of SanctuCare and Mayday officially in Season 5. In Season 4, we saw Luke bringing people together for fundraising. Though most of it was for the support of the 87 kids, it could still be transformed into a cover agency for Mayday's true operations. We have already seen June work with Commander Lawrence and Nick to get her revenge on Fred, and in addition we have seen the co-operative relationship that Lawrence has with Aunt Lydia. With the concept that Lydia is beginning to develop a conscious for what she has done, and what is being done to the women of Gilead. As well as, all the crimes that the commanders are doing to live a privileged lifestyle...I could easily see Lydia working with either Lawrence or Nick to create the underground Mayday road for people getting out of Gilead and into the freedom of Canada.

Su Miller: Season 5 (final season) thoughts: 1. June is going back to Gilead (possibly some of the other escaped handmaids are going with her). She will look for Hannah, and also for Janine. 2. What will June find when she finds Hannah? Is Hannah going to become a handmaid? Will Hannah be an Aunt-in-training (I don't see this if her uterus is viable)? 3. Is Aunt Lydia secretly working for the underground? 4. Without a husband, would Serina go back to Gilead? She would have to give up reading and writing and all of the power she already has in Canada. I don't see her going back.

armygirl85 #FuckHitler: Best finale ever!!!! I cannot wait for season 5!!!

Katey Janson: The reason June is kissing the baby, is not because she’s a lovey mommy and they are trying to show a comparison, it’s because it’s a metaphor that she is a warrior changing the world for her daughter and all the future children. She is saying goodbye to her life as it is after her escape and going back to fight any way she can. She said much earlier that she knew she would die in Gilead. She was always planning to fight, which is why she went to Chicago. She wasn’t ready to give up, but Moira talked her into leaving. Killing Fred was the beginning of the reckoning she sees for Gilead, and hopefully the start of a real war.

kayybrid: Do you really think a woman who kills her abuser, even brutally, is evil?

Janet Siders: Good video!

Janet Fox: I think Nic is a double agent. spying on Gilliad for the Canadians

DataConAB: Aha, good video 😉

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