Pawn Stars: OUT OF THE PARK Price for Joe Jackson's Bat (Season 5) | History

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Pawn Stars: Watch all new episodes of Pawn Stars, returning soon, and stay up to date on all of your favorite The HISTORY Channel shows at

Deeson Jame: I think $500 would've been a fairer price.

Danny Burleigh: New 6 minute VIDEO is up! I am starting to share my genius level Utopian Political ideas with people now. **Have a Happy 4th of July!!**

Ricc Cliff: The seller got snaked.

Gaius Baltar: Is there a single clip where one side isn't trying to rip off the other? The seller was trying to generous and agreeable and he still got fd. Wow.

Joe Kramer: That dudes a terrible negotiator

Busted Knuckle Garage: Every time Corey makes a deal here comes he weird hand shake 😂

Patrick H: Vote all demoRat left wingnuts out! ASAP! Vote all demoRat left wingnuts out! ASAP! Veteran-U.S. NAVY SEABEE!

likehistorypolitics 9: Jesus Christ loves everyone and be saved 😊✝️❤️

speedy 1456: I was in the store like 5 days ago lmao

George: Worst negotiator. At $800 appraised, he should have asked for $500. He could have gotten at least $400.

John Cloois: Immediately the customer had a bad attitude.

tas tiger: I wonder how much the seller originally paid for it?

simulated reality: This program seems scripted and well organised for a random shop 🏪

The Real Gordon Ramsay: Corey 🤦‍♂️

The DocMack Car Channel: I would have definitely asked for more money .

Cole Lacey: He would have paid at least five

Hilmar Thor Bjarnason: Somebody give Corey lessons on how to shake hands.

TheAntiEggroll: Michael Phelps learned his stroke from watching Corey shake hands

poperaymond: “I’m really glad the expert showed up cause I walked out with more money” *Bruh it’s worth $500 more than what you were asking and you only got $50 more lmaoo*

ZackTheMuffinMan: :D

G G: He would have paid $400

houcine aloui: Corey is the worst,user

Seth A: “I got a buddy...” oh god

Todd Richardson: Corey needs to have that spot by his nose removed!

Da Sloth: lola bahahahahah crackup....was $ u said u offered me ?? $400 is that correct...hmmmmmmmm...n with that look lolz crackup wasnt expecting that

Alexander Richardson: Coreys handshake makes me irrationally mad

Richard Haithcox: Need to get a new crew running your shop showed up with priceless art and meteorites and they wouldn't even call you

bmayaa: 375 and it's yours is what he should said

Gabriel Leon: Bunch of crooks I tell ya

Guitarist Cam: Everybody gangsta till one of the pawn star guys say “I got a buddy of mine………..”

space migration: shoulda said 600 not 400. corey woulda gone on to offer 400 and been happy to do so at 50% its probable resale value.

Gumboot Zone: 2:19 "So... at do you want to do with it?" "I want to wrap it around your arrogant head!"

Pixelated: I think he was pretty reasonable at asking 400 for that bat knowing it's worth 800 possibly so me I would ask 500 and then he Jews them down to 350.


Lucid Dreamer: "Let me call my buddy who is an expert on being shoeless." - A homeless drug addict stumbles in.

Budster70: I'd stand firm @ $400

Pandamonium0_0: I hate how wide Corey goes in for a handshake

DONNY: Shoeless Joe was actually mentally incompetent and dyslexic. But at the same time he was very talented.

Janu Anant: That dude could have easily got atleast $450.

IrkMcSpamtroll: I knew a guy that actually paid money for a Jose Canseco bat!

E C: Why on earth would you go to sell this type of stuff at the pawn shop?its mind boggling! Just take it an an auction. It EBay

Metaldog 7: Wow the suspense 350 dollars . My girlfriend makes that in ten minutes at the strip club.

enyakicat: I know this is reality TV and all, so maybe not totally on the level (none the less fun though) but what I fail to understand are all these folk waltzing into a pawn shop with some priceless artifact and expecting top dollar. In the real world I'd assume that they would normally be heading for a specialist auction house rather than a pawn shop, even one as classy as Rick's. Addictive show though, a definite must visit next time in Vegas.

Rhedogian: Hopefully this shuts up all the idiots who think the experts are all in Rick's back pocket or something

guardduck25: Corey got screwed twice and didn't even get an i'll call you later. Lol

Tiffani Toenail: he got lowballed

Marcelo Ferdinannd: Customer looks asks joe jackson is 350 ok

Khalid Bin waleed: I would have said 400 take it or leave it

Rives Doe: Whoever is writing these titles is just trying to get me to click on these videos

DeViiaTe: Honestly I'd love to buy that bat

Christopher Laszlo Bonis: “OUT OF THE PARK price.” 🤨

PS3GamerSyKe: 4:56 "i gotta pay gas... The wife wants half... I can get a few tee's from here for my little bro... Plus i can play some slots and maybe double my half back"

Rolls Royz: Some people in this world are so soft.... i wouldn't have taken less than 475 for it

Brown Green: I'd of countered $375.

Rowdy: Always like how the seller thinks their getting the better end of the deal in the pawn store. 😂😂😂

Niko P: Keep them coming

Truth Is Out There: Corey is so cheap it’s painful to watch. $800 bat they should give that guy about $600. They still make $200 and it’s is a FAIR PRICE!!!! Only chums lees is the only one who treats the people with kindness and pays then a fair price. That’s why chums lees is everyone favorite plus of course his dog dinky!!! Thank you pawn stars!!!

BatCaveOz: 02:15, Corey talks about "easy targets"... while the video focusses on he word "mark" 😱😱😱

john smeaton: Go and Get a black Betsy and stick it up ure jacksy!.

Shuey Fogel: lol someone would age the wood 😅

Samuel Luciano: Best I can do is a trade, I have an old vintage wiffle ball set

Truth Is Out There: I am comment 36!!!! 36 is an extremely lucky number and extremely rare!!! 36 additionally has magical powers because 3 is half of 6 however when you add them together you get 9 instead of 12!!!! Amazing!!!! I win every time!!!! Yes yes yessss!!!!! I am officially king of everything forever!!!! I WIN!!!!! Thank you pawn stars especially chums lees!!!!

Hilton Tynes III: This is when corey started losing weight.

martin edwards: this guys as sharp as a marble

Trayvon Gotwhathedeserved: Field of Dreams is one of the best movies ever even tho Kevin Costner is a dem


Lavenderflowers Fall: I'll never understand sports

Phet Tumbling: Corey: Sports memorabilia are commonly faked. Jeremy: This is an authentic sports memorabilia. Corey: 🙄

Luke Maczynski: Toaster lol.

sleep well: im one of the first one to right on this video

lolololol: 1

Scrooge McDuck: That's an excellent seller right there, doesn't get greedy and doesn't fight over money when offered $50 over his original asking price.

Dewey Oxburger: She’s from Birmingham, bamalam.

Bob Bobby: I'm 751 🥇

Eman: Nice bat!

Steve Guti: God will order his angels to protect you wherever you go praise God praying for everyone everyday God bless you all

Steve Guti: Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day praying for everyone everyday God bless you all

Real Illyrian: I’m 421 viewer ( if you don’t want to leave a like at least appreciate my honestly )

Steve Guti: Please join me in prayer for all those affected by the approaching hurricane they desperately need your prayers please pray for them praying for everyone everyday God bless you all

Bold Follower: Reminds me of that song Black Betty by Ram Jam Made famous by Kung Pow: Enter The Fist

Hitman Gaming: Hello

3rod3reel Gaming: No jackson

BandUp ENT: First r

Black Spensor: Black Betsy again 🤬🤬🤬

SVG DS_Null_Cordon: First

Hank Lank: Hi

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