What Epic NEEDS To Do in Fortnite Season 5...
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SypherPK: Hope you guys enjoy this :D
Some of you have pointed out that the bus hasnt changed yet but it was recorded just 2 days ago right before they changed it 😅Написать
TheR3alMatty: But at the same time in my opinion everyone is dead in the first circle bc there is way to much open space
Isaac Cherek: Yeah the mythics are fun especially when you get endlessly sprayed by that one. So much fun and realistic
WTD Stings: I agree with everything except the thing where you can come back into the game
It’s Versity: I have biggest Fortnite Theory For Chapter 2. When the black hole event happened, it seems a lot like the 0.00000000000000000000000000000001% chance, of two black holes merging and creating new life. I think that "these people", found out a way to create this event, that is most important to life, and risk it all, to gamble a new life for everyone. Leaving the past in the past, making the past of Fortnite impossible to know of in chapter 2. That is why when at the start of the chapter, everything felt new. Like the style of fortnite completely changed. Only people from the previous chapter that got eaten by the black hole can remember everything about the past of Fortnite. This made me lead to believe that Midas is just a person who overheard about what happened in the past, and tries over and over again to unravel it. For the first event taking place for him, that was attempt 1 for creating a new universe of fortnite. This is basically resetting from chapter 1 of fortnite, and how all the events that happened, was just another attempt of creating great technology. I feel like Midas, or someone else who had the same knowledge as Midas, made the Nephilim orb again. They only did this to get Galactus to travel into their dimension, and hopefully create the new chapter. They might have thought that Galactus is just a living black hole, because of how he just sucks up planets and stars. Maybe the Nephilim orb is just a failed version of two black holes merging over and over again. Maybe Galactus is a black hole and can increase the chances of the black hole event happening again.
Hacker Turtle: They should add like a system to give 2 weapons to exchange for a better rarity one
Valtryek Gaming: What needs to change is fortnite split screen they probaly won’t listen to me but if u do edit split screen remove the big profile things on the right for both sides the bottom and top. Last give it the other game modes it has like creative team rumble marvel knockout et cetera
F4NTiZ3: i want wins to be easier. i suck and i spend all my time getting better but nothing improves.
Daniel Sabogal: all I don't want in season 5 is the renegade skin i want t to stay og skin
Meeperz - Science & More: Being able to add attachments like suppressors to certain guns at upgrade stations.
Gabeations: How many people want tilted back ⬇️
Hades様: dang its on December 3rd thats on my bday i am turning 12
Ryan willo: Please Sypher check the 350 th comment on your comment on this video and please consider thinking about it
Kahlique Siddiqui: Wouldnt It Be Cool If They Add A Gulag To Fortnite??
Fortnite Eventos: Epic needs to give sypherpk his own skin on season 5
Frans Mierenneuker: Am I the obly one who hated the mythic weapons?
earaik33: I like the gun mythical not the power up mythica
Yaaf Yaaf: Don’t talk like shit We don’t interest on your this type of topic
Lila Efstathiou: Every thing you say is sooooooo true I love you just subd and did notifications
Šim3: It will be a fall season
Sam Capistran: I agree with sypher of all he said because the map changes he’s thinking about are good! Maybe not to you guys but to me.
Amrita singh: They should add vending machine
eoan oneill: Syphet: bring mythics Me fuck this shit I’m out
Just Dubs: Sypher should be in epic
O P H I X I L S M: ughh i hated this season
immortal light: the new battle bus looks so good
Nick 1: Bro all I want is a new Star Wars cross over but for the ACTUAL GOOD characters
Z pg3d: This video is actually very good
I play fortnite and amung us Salazar: Who thinks we should get the og burst back if u k u k
Alyssa Alyssa: Continuously annihilates people: Ah, where was I?
ZeGamerWolf: So what im getting is make all locations have mythics make them broken and have good loot?
Jacorn Squirrels: greasy :(
Thazion Arden: Go to Android plzzz
The man behind the monitor: I like the thumbnail map
Brendon Adams: 8:55 Sypher was holding a grenade in his hand when he threw the shockwave Also Sypher is so damn good at this game it blows my mind
stephanyjuarez: Among us in fortnite like if you agree
Fdzns: give this man the job
123 321: No way in hell we’re going to remember this as one of the best seasons
Deano: Sypher *speaks with sense and logic, also comes up with the best ideas* Epic “hmmmmm nah we need AI’s with overpowered weapons and 100% strength aimbot”
yesofcourse: This is going to be a pretty unpopular opinion but, I think that the tactical smg should be vaulted for the tactical ar.
CJ Fisher: Sypher i think that skill based match making should come back to like I hate getting like controller and pc players bc im on mobile its harder for me to play bc of those sweats
Saurab Gautam: I think having 1 hot spot is really good way to go. This way pros can find themselves enjoying in pops as well and someone average can go to less populated areas like dooms domain, salty springs and other can land at less populated. This way everyone can enjoy they game even they die quickly, they. Can always kill pros and just be happy about it.. Map hot spots are really balanced now i guess. This is only thing I didn’t agreed on. Others are.. Put this man In epic, he will make game lot better. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Aheuueiwheje: 🐴🐛🐉
Funny Streamer Clips: I think the robot bear thing is gonna fight galactus who has recruited the mandalorian and all the star wars people, so then galactus wins, but agent jonsey comes and saves fortnite. He gets rid of galactus but galactus 's crew survives, so jonsey takes them to the chapter 1 map with tilted and dusty and all the OG places. But unfortunately galactus' s crew makes it to the island, and they become the battle pass. No mythics, no bosses and also a game modes called bot lobbies where every lobby is a litteral bot. This is how you fix fortnite
TTH Snipez: I know what you mean when you say the black panther is week,I did not even know how to use it. And when you say to bring Tilted Towers back, I agree to that. AND SUBSCRIBE TO SYPHERPK!!!!!!!! And by the way sypher if you want to add me my epic name is TTH Snipez and I play on xbox.
Will Crabtree: gg
DOMIN8TION: I would like a respawn mechanic in fortnitemares in chapter two but once you get a elimination you get a revive
Dhydrated Monkee: MFGA make fortnite great again
Dhydrated Monkee: He gon make fortnite good again
Dhairya Khanna: rip pleasent park
Dhairya Khanna: sypher:streamers have returned to the game me:thats exactly what you did he listed all the streamers that he brought back.
Top 9: This is a little off-topic but... who else noticed that this video is exactly 10 minutes? 😌
Gaurav Bharwani: im thinking like the ant man house but a gingerbread house that would be cool
Joshs Mobile Gameplay! Channel: I think I’m chapter 2 season 5 they should kinda make the map a little snaller
Daniel Price: They also need to bring back the damn 100% chest spawns cause it's beyond a joke now
Op Savageツ: What happened to 100% chest spawns 😭
The Royal dude: remember when he did this in season 3 for season 4?
Sylvie Mpanzu: Too far tilted
Bloncket: so obvious this guy abuses adderall. get him canceled
Case Lawson: Siphon needs to be back where you get some health or shield from killing somebody
Nindroid47: Not going to lie but this is the worst season. So many broken mythic weapons. If they want to put broken mythics in the game bring back the sword.
Don't believe Lies: I love how this guy actually appreciates his job and appreciates how good of a game fortnite actually is . Nothing worse than those spoiled brat players who act like they got bored . Fortnite is the best game. Pk u a g
TSAsquid: 0:22 LLAMA
LB_GoattaX: Fortnite needa add gun attachment like longer clips, laser sights, scopes attachment that would decrease recoil and a launcher that launchers smoke bomb or grenade that u can attach to the bottom of the m16 that would be insane
X J: Time
X J: But same idea I agree and have been thinking of this for a long
X J: I don't think you should be able to turn in weapons I think you should be able to downgrade
Noah Dorsey: Have a gulag after you die so you can battle other dead people to come back
IceLexHunter: I feel like if you get eliminated and your team doesn’t get your reboot card in time you are sent to a place where everyone else has been eliminated you fight them to get back into the game
M_the_ gamer: am i the only one chillin here with no win since season 7 lol 😂
The Great Walrus: The black winter is an entity tho..
_ Clips: Don’t bring renegade raider back
Spartacuss: This season was shit top 5😭😭😭
sonicfan: Bro where do i began, lets talk about you saying continuing mythics. Your reason is "its fun" thats not why you should keep that in the game. You know what kills the pacing of the game sypher? Mythic pois. Thats statistically proven. So your praise for the mythics is subjective praise while my critisim is objective critisim. Do you see the issue there? You didn't talk much about what they should do for gameplay. You just said continue continue and continue. I'll give you the elevation critisim. I agree that that should go away. But why aren't you talking about things that NEED to change. Sbmm, siphon in pubs, removal of mythics and putting them in ltms only. What are you talking about? Your talking about item shop skins and chrismas when epic loves money. You think they won't DO THAT? Talk about things that there likely not too do that you think they should do. Overall i saw bad takes in this such as this is a top 5 season. You never backed up that claim except with variety of weapons and mythics (which as i said are objectively bad for the game). And wdym updates? I've seen updates with mythic items. Thats it. Besides stark update this season still hasn't been good on updates. Wheres a new item at? Wheres a new basic gun at? We haven't seen any. They did one major map change and mythc updates. Thats still nothing to there hay day and i would't consider that to be good. In terms of ltms being added that should be a normal thing. Not a rare occurrence. If epic continues that then bravo.
Knox Hardin: did any one see the lama
ImAshraf: I agree with sypher, playing fortnite during winter is such a good feeling ❄️
Buggyツ: Maybe you know when you die in call of duty warzone you get to the 1v1 arena and if you win you will get 1 one more respawn this is need to be in fortnite Sry for my english is bad i know 😙
Divinqs: I hope they bring polor peak back, that was my go to spot in season 7 💯
Mando Hernandez: I would like to see loot drones hot spots coming back
Big Blueberry: That thumbnail though
Renegade Taco: T A K E A W A Y U N I B E A M P L E A S E
Shelli Romero: I’d love to see tracks in the snow letting you know if someone passed by recently
Mr_. SKE: He deserves A skin and a cup dont know when Epics gonna bring it in🌟🤩...love you Sypher!
SleeperReaperTV: It would be cool if they add some weapon station that if u have like 2 blue pump you put them together to make a purple pump
Xdgerothy .: Tilted towers and shifty shafts returns or of map if not this will be gay
Heat Fc: I well like that they got updates every week or 2 and put some voting thing that what gun they bring back
Kenny Wilson: Yes cause we want help from cheap no balls sypher nah lol
Shabani_nyc i: @fortnite
clone man 77: I hope there will be sa severs next season
clone man 77: And sa severs
Sweatz -w- Fn: Matnboxes so you can open boxes similar to the fruit ones and can hold up to 50 or a rare mat box that can get up to 75 or 100
Pix3lproof: 5:59 I want fatal fields back so bad you have no idea
fasemore: U want the infinite balde back
Noah Bailey: When you kill someone you should be able to edit their walls and place traps etc
Sweatz -w- Fn: A galactus mythic POI with some sort of mythics
Dawson Curtis: Hol up I was the dude in the box in the water at the ruins
Noah Bailey: Season 3 was by far the best season of chapter 2
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