The Too Hot To Handle Season 2 Reunion | Extra Hot Ep3

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Khushbu Mehta: Is Emily pregnant??

Isaura K: I'm so happy for Larissa🙂☺️

Success Akanni: I love Chloe 😍❤️

Abby Opina: Marvin will always be the undeserving winner of this series. The winner should've been Cam tbfh

Lars: All I wanna see is a Emily face reveal

Kay Cole: You can't just all of a sudden change in one night, Marvin all of a sudden switched up in one little workshop... just made no sense

Kay Cole: Cam or Emily deserved it. He turned down a fit girl and they didn't even smash. SO DUMB

Alice: Marvin is a skam. In France, he made a lot of tvshow and 2 were about Love. He know what to do or what to say to be seen on screen. He was there only to be known at the international, nothing more. In fact, he was with a girl juste atfer he broke up with Mel. Cam is the True winner.

lousyloesie: cam looks like newt scamander

Schredder: So dumb

Lien Gumban: Am i the only one that ships Chloe and Nathan so bad? Ahahaaha

Cascade L: Marvin is a clown… literally a complete man-child.

briceyda martinez: who else is happy add for em and cam omg😍

Gurke Tomate: Are Marvin and Melinda still together ?


hashtagmate: I could tell Marvin's "proposal" to be a couple was sooo fake he only wanted to win and he succeeded... he is still the same ol' fuckboy. I didn't like Cam at first but he and Em do seem like a genuine couple... who knows what's the truth but it sure seems like it


Tuk tuk: Shit show!!!!

Mssm Shkn: Tbh neither Marvin nor Cam deserved the money. Carly deserved it from the 3. But i would have put Em or Melinda in the top 3

Ajm3120: Is this not going to be on Netflix in the US?

Tudor Ramona: I think all the men were FAKE, FAKE, FAKE. Not only do they know that they were fake but they even take pride in it. Alana must be an Alan since she considered that the men did progress. A human being is seeing through the fakeness, Alana can't.

Hanniee Areey: MARVIN IS A CON ARTIST!!!!!!!!!

Акерке Садуакасова: Hate Marvin💩

M Waves music: Is it me larissa looks like Aussie kylie Jenner 😳😂😂

Bethlehem Mekonnen: Am I the only on that want Elle and Nathan to be together? Just me ok🙂

danica jaydeen pillay: Also I love CHLOE 😂☀️

Hello Hart: I KNEW Marvin was just acting to get that money because when he switched up to a "good man" you can tell he was laying it on THICK. He used Melinda

danica jaydeen pillay: Robert lowkey looks like a South African 😂

Maja Niemiec: carly should win

Arturo Hernández: Robert and Christina are still together 💞 I can’t be more happy for them. Guess Lana isn’t a relationship expert after all 🤷🏻‍♂️

just Diana: Reading all these comments,,, Marvin, I’m so disappointed in you 🤧

me me: Lana lost the plot. Too hot to handle is supposed to encourage building a connection over the physical YET it rewards the only guy who had sex in the house. What’s the point of the show again? You know what I think the answer is? PANDERING. Due to the ongoing racism crisis, the show wanted a person of color winner and unfortunately the persons of color didn’t keep to the rules and Lana had to turn a blind eye in order to pander. Shame!

Mummy Cee: Sorry but why did they choose chloe as the host of this show? I don’t really like her vibes, even before. 😜

Bethlehem Mekonnen: Cam should’ve won smh🙄 marvins reason about him changing was bullshit, cam was more genuine and you can see him struggling and knowing that his parents would always get divorces and the effects that had on him makes you understand more about him and why he had troubles with relationships and seeing he developed at the end and him preserving the temptations he had says a lot and shows he deserved that win, plus knowing he’s still with em after all these months shows that he definitely learned and changed from the retreat, I hope he’s at least doing promotions and sponsorships to get the bag👏🏿

Sahar Nabi: wish we got to hear from kayla

Soleil Felvettt: I’m so happy for Cam and Emily my fav, along with Christina and Rob!!! I’m having so much hope for Carly and Joey because they re just cutiesss together. And not forget to mention it, I’m very happy too for my beautiful Melinda and Peter, you guys are perfect for each other! Marvin, omg I just don’t believe the Mexico story… so childish. But anyway I know from the first time that you never sincerely appreciate Mel. Congratulations for winning the show.

Dajana Samardzija: Why you didn't mention Robert and Christina still being together??

Christian Andonovsky: When Larissa came on I nearly shut this off

Angelica Lee: Honestly Marvin is MUGGY AF

Dara Temple: Hey guys its me miranda

Krystal D: Yall everyone can see the trash, Marvin really is.... Carly wasn't the only one to tell him..... but chase was trash too. Lmao.

mads hunter: the emily and cam part is so cute aw i love them

Nate B: For Tabitha, if her favorite moment was arriving on the jet ski, that means it was all downhill after showing up

sandytt: glad to see everyone thinks cam should win

Lenka Klapalová: I think Chloe is just the bonding agent!!! She was so adorable on THTH season 1 and I loved her, simply loved her on Circle <3 Great that she is doing this!

toads: Don't hate the player hate the game

Dhriti: i feel like lots of people deserved to win but Marvin just didn't... He acted so changed in the retreat and as soon as he got out he was the same guy again... I like cam and Emily the most but still unbiased opinion : Marvin didn't deserve it

Zhane Alliyah: Marvin is a womanizer, Cam was robbed. He was the one that genuinely changed. I feel like Marvin knows he’s super attractive so he used that to continue to manipulate Melinda who was trusting. He really scammed them all.

MeToo84: Marvin and Melinda are toxic in love. Annoying AF

Laura :: I knew that Marvin changing way too fast was a little sus but thats sucks because it just shows cam deserved the money way more and didn't get it

Panther Music: Nice Contet Creation 👍🥳😎 Nice Music 💯🔥😅

camelpissflavour: where do i know Tabatha from ?

tishelle francois: Marvin and Malinda turned into Harry Francesca

Mob: Her accent 😂🤣

Ædan L·ee: i love you Chloe, it was nice to see you again! Also, congrats to Cam and Emily (I was rooting for these two) and the surprise couple Rob and Christina!

Shanteen Manzanet: Cheers to Cam and Em for still being together!! My fav couple on the show. Yay 😁

Brittany Tishar: Peter is better for Melinda anyway. Should've dumped Marvin from the start.

Joselin Garcia: marvin just did it for the money

Alex Martinez: Marvin certainly shouldn’tve won smh 🤦 Cam deserved it much more he made more growth and progress and isn’t as big of a con artist as Marvin smh

Katelyn LeBlanc: I been saying Cam shoulda won and this just proved that for me

Mr. Mitch: I love Chloe. She's rad.

idgaf okay: chloe is so cuteeee

Muzakkir NF: Wait where are Christina and Robert?!

Brayan Mazzi: Parece que Marvin no quiere compartir el dinero. Lo de mexico me parece extraño. Hace pensar que solo uso a Melinda para ganar. pobre melinda es una linda chica ojala conozca alguien mejor.

Remy Le-bridge: You guys didn’t even bring up christina and that guy dating!!! Like cmon tha ya the real story

She fw The drip: Why is everyone in the comments hating on Marvin 😂

charlene Kabongo: Let’s be honest Marvin from the get wasn’t into her. Even after he asked her to be his girlfriend. Too bad he won

LovPwr11: This is the second time on this show where the Black guy was playing games with the Black woman and then BM acts all lovey dovey because he sees a white guy interested in the BW. Black women then goes back to BM even though WM is really into her and then after the show ends, BM breaks BW’s heart. Thank goodness this time Melinda and Peter live in the same place so they could get back together. Marvin was always fickle. Peter’s the right guy!

Reese Porterfield: the fact that this is #1 on trending lmao

magdic2803: I find Marvin very manipulative. He did a 180 just to try to win in my opinion. Cam should have won

God Guy: I did not, whatsoever like Melinda and Marvins relationship. She was super toxic and didnt change at all throughout the course of the show.

magdic2803: I love Chloe

Tajweed Quran: “O Allah, let Your Blessings come upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have blessed Ibrahim and his family. Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious. Allah, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have blessed Ibrahim and his family. Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious”...

Isaiah Hall: OMG CHLOE WAS MY FAVORITE😭shes the perfect host for the reunions😭

Natalia R Muñoz: Chloe is probably my favourite realitys person ever 😭

Candace x: Cam definitely deserves the prize. I am so happy that Cam and Emily are still together even though in the show they were the couple that struggled the most.

Journey Martin: That’s why Melinda’s happy with Peter! Marvins a loser and clown 🤡

XoIvonne _: Marvin didn't deserve to win in my opinion.

Gladeon Lily: Honestly I'd rather seen Melinda/Carly win than Marvin or Cam

Kay: Please Netflix, never stop employing Chloe. I can’t get enough of her 🤣🤣🤣

mohd syahmeer: What a horny dumb bunch of crowd.

Christie Weber: Melinda and Peter finally got they Happy Ending 😌

Anne Peters: I knew it … Marvin is toxic af!! Such an undeserved win! I‘m so proud of cam tho , becoming a decent human being ! He should’ve won . Also wth what is wrong with you Mel ? Realize that the guy doesn’t like you pls

Mirry Criel: Chloe should present love island legit

017 Sai Sidda: Does anyone 16:00 soundtrack

anaya gonzalez: Cam and Emily are literally my favorite 😁😁

Rosy Rose: Cam deserves to win.His struggle with wanting spacing and fighting against temptation was SO REAL, So happy to see that he and Emily are together.

zMarshello: damn after this i learned that cam really deserved the 50 k

haydendito: i need more chloe content she’s the best

Alondra H: On a side note Elle is so gorgeous 😍 I like her personality too I think she shouldve been one of the OGs.

AphroSpiritual Love: Damn, I honestly think Marvin is a piece of shit. I liked him at first, but he showed his true colors. I am so annoyed by this. I wanted them to still be together. But, I hope Melinda moves on. She deserves someone who gives her the same energy she gives. I am pissed off. He acts like a child. But, whatever. I think he only tried to get his act together in order to have a better chance at winning the money. And, then to go with Chase instead of Melinda? That's not a good way to start a long-term relationship. He clearly was more into the women who didn't look like her, to be honest. I think he wanted one of the lighter women. Every time a new one came, he wanted to dive in but would get pissed if Melinda did the same thing. Which really pissed me off. I hate that she wasted a true connection on that piece of shit.

André Veronez: I'm just here for Chloe of course

Tin: Cam should have won!!!!!

belen hereth: not shocked marvin and mel broke it off its not like bad its just that they were both very aggressive

Akira Davis: Chloe is an amazing host

Aarya Mundhra: Cam and Emily deserved to win……….. but damn Chloe is a really good host! You go GIRL

Alli Burgess: Chloe is a GREAT host

Samuelo: Cam is the real winner

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