Love & Hip Hop Atlanta Season 10 Episode 1 The New Normal (July 5, 2021) Full Episode HD

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Brave Soul: Why does this sound like this. It’s poor. What’s up with the editing

Just Philly: Safari is an asshole wowwww It’s not what was displayed in this particular video I have to side with Erica he definitely needs to grow up

Roxy Love: Ciara's ex's men is talking about that he is the one who's hurting and saying that Ciara is talking trash to him when he is also disrespecting her too they both are not getting their point across to one another they're just yelling screaming and acting immature like grown up both of you!💯 😒🙄

Siya Ndimphiwe: I dont like the sound 😭😭

Tarys Wilson: Seiera keeps calling bk eric🤣

Terry O: I like the beginning. Karlie fainting and hitting her head 3x over a fake ring is hilarious 😂

Hollywood Naee: Safaree acts like a female

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