How to Farm Ethereals - Fastest Farming for Transmog (Diablo 3 Season 24)

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Pavel Pikat: That's not how probability works.. You can't just multiple 45 minutes by 20 duh!

Pete W: Season 24 and ethereals will be the most disappointing thing since my son. How can folks by hyped for this?

Liofa: Can’t be arsed to do all this just for some cosmetic transmog crap in the future. I don’t even own the necromancer, didn’t buy it because I’m not into pet classes. I’d rather Blizzard look at other games and have you accumulate points over a number of weeks to buy/unlock rewards.

Georgi Slavov: I am one of the nine Eleven deniers :P PS. what happened to oneteen?

MrGruxLike: But why does it matter what other legendaries you get if Ethereals have different drop chance? Doesn't it put Ethereals in a whole different loot table?

cdawg0616: Plot twist: Patch notes come out and Blizz is like "Ethereals have been changed to only drop at level 70".

Spencer Kaufman: Is this the drop rate now? Like every item dropping for you seems legendary lmao?

CAMIKAZE: These transmogs look very similar to the existing ones... I think our weapons will just have a blue glow moving forward.

Peter Dzomlija: Thanks, this is a great guide. But what do players such as myself do who almost exclusively play solo? How do we "lock" the game to level 11?,

Vi XiphiqiX: Ethereal level nerf incoming

gordon009: Is it even worth it to farm all the ethereals just to get the transmog when said transmog themselves are using pre-exiting art assets of currently existing legendries. =/

Jay K: So do you have to get every class to lvl 70 in order to do this?

Vasiliy Smirnov: I think the way with 70 level items made 1st level is better, cos it is at least some adventure to make, something different. I`m a little tired of playing every season like 2-3 days before I get to Top500 and drop the game again. Want something new to do.

MrMoroes: Ok i get it, so this is the most optimal strategy for the achievement. But if i don't care about remaking level 11 games and just want to have fun on level 70 chars while still getting the achievement, what's the optimal way then? Bounties are never efficient, so i guess it falls down to GR vs Nephalem Rift. Does GR win then?

Igor Berezin: So basically youre waisting time out of already short life you cant get back to then later in years show that youre freaking old outdated with old gear looks because you have no life. good job.

Glitchface: I played the PTR solo for hours and didn't get a single ethereal even with the MF boost. I won't hold my breath for any in prod.

Pixel Ranger Studio: i farmed the shit out of this game :D ofcourse im gonna farm all the ethereals :)))

Victor: Honestly, the amount of work to collect transmorgs in a game very few people still play, dunno I'm very Meh about it

Patrice Guezello: Ty @Rhykker.

OlenParas: LOL what a bait.. same way on lvl 11 you dont get any legendary, so this whole formula is just in theory.

BronyBear: Ah good ol' levelling gear becoming useful for something else other than hardcore re-levelling

daffkuh: If the ethereal drop chance is roughly 1% how would decreasing the loot pool help?

Alexandre Laporte: It's so easy to get a killing machine way over than this that I don't see the point.

Josh Taylor: What build is this that I’m watching, want to try it out.

Moon Tone: Do they drop from kadala, can I farm bloods on main then spam kadala on alts

SirCorrupt: If you find an ethereal while leveling, will it be a lvl 70 item?

DragonKingX78: Is this for the PC version only or is it an update for console games?

Darkphase: What about the ancient puzzle ring method I heard about the other day?

Theus One: Another season i wont give a fuck… what a shame, lets just let it die peacefully and unlock offline (isolated) so we can have fun without the lag and the servers making you rubberband…

Zarkazm / kazzar831: inb4 Blizzard changes the Ethereal loot table when the patch goes live.

Carlos Alvarez: Almost got interested in this... Almost.

Shane Mc Grath: Once again not much love for solo players, I sure hope they focus more on solo for D4, Getting sick of all this group crap.

K'fay Hindson: Raxx showed farming The Vault with very low lvl characters without having to kill Greed even as a single player. Of course you need puzzle rings but this seemed to go very quickly.

Chico Manara: Well, normally I play solo. Seems hard to keep the gama at lvl 11 long enought to farm these. I might come back this season, might do my standard wizzard and stop playing after a week.

Skaxx: “100 legendaries to 1 ethereal” “1-2 legendaries per rift, 2’minutes per rift, 11 runs per ethereal” I think you really murdered the math here, and it’s going to skew people’s gameplay. That’s roughly 75 runs per ethereal at 1-2 legendaries per run.

Fernando Nietto: I want d4 im tired of d3

zipobob 1: I don't play D3 anymore for years yet still enjoy watching your videos. But man what a grind, if I were still playing I wouldn't bother with this at all.

Pasquale Rappa: Fuck.... play season 24 and push or play The ascent.

Danny: d3 suck, I give you props for playing for so long.

RaimaNd: Always drink a shot when he says "level eleven" :x

Dad of War: On PTR the first 3 ethereals I got farming were for other classes lol

xPistols4Pandasx: I reckon this would be a good method to include till you run out of puzzle rings: -> Level a character from 1 to 70 -> Save puzzle rings while leveling -> Upgrade a gem of ease to 25 and transmune into a 70 legendary weapon (depending on next class you'll level) -> Transfer transmuned legendary weapon to newly created character -> level new character to 11-15... till legendaries can start dropping -> Use saved puzzle rings to open Greed's lair on highest difficulty available

Fullgore: boting

ivan ivanovich: whens s24

Tang Tang: Does this mean that at lvl 11, the ethereal-to-legendary ratio become higher than 1:100?

Zaku Zeon: Why does everything about this game always have to be such BS.

zero hour: This could just be me but my mind is kinda fixed on d2 now if they are just in the game for one season I don't really think I care to much....I have d2 on pre order I think I may just give all this a miss

ainumahtar: So in advance I was thinking I would farm these, but being lucky to farm them together in minimum 20 hours, idk. Sounds like I'll be there for a few hundred hours which is a whole heck of a lot more effort than I want to put in for a game I don't even play that much anymore

QiHe: first ethereal drop is lv 8....

SIKU the shrink: But I don't have friends :(

The Splitter: When does this season start?

Rob: so if were only doing lvl 11 could we do a trial account on a 2nd pc to make the game to make this accomplishable solo?

Zen Surfer: What about the vast majority of us that play solo??

Rob: Fastest way.... but certainly doesnt sound fun

TVTinman: I dont own necro am I just boned

Nick: This sounds so tedious, boring, repetitive and annoying and I do not care about playing every classes. I guess some 1 to 10% of players will enjoy wasting their time reaching this achievement. Just cannot wait for D4. D3 ran out of imagination. That being said, your guide is pretty awesome as always!

Q N: Guess I won’t be getting transmogs. Because I refuse to buy that stupid necromancer expansion 🤷‍♂️

Locutos: You don't need necromancer's ethereals for the achiev, right?

derbudz: "There's normally no reason you wanna do this, unless you're pulling of some loot table shenanigans" - Yeah, that's called cheating.

Lucas Peggau: Can you drop these in a group? Like if I find an ethereal can I drop it for someone else and have it count towards achievements for both people?

Kraglord: Why is the gidbinn an ethereal? It wasnt even a weapon that anyone used or ever equipped for more than 5 seconds...

Dave Morrison: "So what if you want to do this solo...... well, first get someone to cheat the game for you." Ummmmm....

Earthling-Z3R0: Great video! Tbh though I can't be arsed to spend time grinding for this achievement 🙄

Nostromo: So we have to get over 2000 legendaries to drop in season on all classes to get the 21 ethereals on average...? Hard pass.

Stanley Clark: Lv 11 barb lfg.

dickobrazz01: had a nostalgia about good old times playing D3 when i saw this video... just kidding..

Philippe Martin: how can u Free level?

Dr Dingo: any clue on what the next season builds will be at all?

beasthunt: Fantastic, bud!

xlMantislx: One console does a 2nd controller (player) work for this trick?

Francois Labrosse: When the next season starts already?

Lambros Georgakopoulos: Hey, can i get the achievement if i havent bought the necromancer dlc ?

Angel: Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure this doesn't work on console. On consoles, it migrates the rest of the party to a new game if the party leader leaves. Meaning the reinstancing would almost certainly reset the game level as well.

Bloggersniffle: I thought primals were 1/100 and ancients were 1/10. Was that ever the case or am I just crazy?

WingBeatZ: Levellevelevelelevenlevel

itzLCD: "Forever" just means until D4 comes out haha.

Dunstan: This will be bad for the ones of us that don't have the dlc...

olesideburns: is there a link for the Discord?!?

bubu mic: I'm sick and tired of d3

Dogmassa: Question , is giving your own ethereal to a party member lets say WD to monk also counts for the other player? or does the player itself need to have it dropped?

Krishna Moorthy: What is a “Level 11 T6” rift ? Edit: Never-mind it’s explained. The strat is cringe I hope they fix it lol.

raahkaa: I don't think I will bother. Feels boring and grindy, I'd rather play something else than D3 right now, or wait for D2R.

Web Death: This feels like cheating... Loot table.. Shenanigans..

LegendaryOutcast: The 400/1 to Primal ratio has to be wrong or is different for Console because im only getting one every 2-4thousand on console version. yes i actually counted

Sachin Jungade: Guys i havnt played D3 yet. Can any one tell me is D3 sub based or buy to play game?

aoe tje: more of the meta BS

puixel: So that mean that i need delete some characters and buy the necro pack... i guess i will not have this achievement...

tj: Power Leveling requests is going to be insane this Season!!

Surge: All these years later, this game still looks like shit. Chinese MMO graphics and gameplay

pure angel: Man the diablo community is lucky to have you

Moonface00z: dear lord another farming season

AlexLk: How does level 11 join tournament 6?

malataur: I only have 3 slots available for seasonal toons, so I'm gonna have to be deleting chars as soon as they get all 3 transmogs in order to make room for the next class. I don't think blizzard thought this out too well.

84Xeros: Not a fun of this method. Sounds boring.

Shaw Meck: It sounds like it would be easier to just level up a lvl 70 toon and join a level 11 game to prevent the game from leveling up from 11.

A non: I hope blizzard considers changing how it's done. I'd much rather the weapons drop for any class, and let us decide if it's good enough to try another class. Also, how would these transmogs work between hardcore and softcore?

Ace mvp: Uh yea im not doing all that lol

Wesley: The most important question though. are the ethereals even good looking? Would I even give a fuck about having their transmog?

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