Apex Legends Season 10 New Game Mode + Returning LTM

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Llama The White: Tbh I feel like arena shows who actually can fight. I’m master not quite pred on Xbox and I can’t count how many are there because they camped

mcgremi: Kind of a stretch to call arena a flop lol

Gallent Game Time: i hope i win one of those giveaways, ive been wanting that voices from the past skin since season 6

Railgun Dog: garrett leaks holding it down 💯

Myth _: Don't think arenas is a flop but it's matchmaking sucks.

Wambo: Why won't apex just fix the battle royal instead of making new games based on valorant/csgo/overwatch hope it doesn't kill the main game

beam grim: dont listen to them haters your awesome garret

DaniSewerBoi: Please be solos please be solos please be solos Edit: fuck

Anxiety Plague: I only play arena to practice my wingman and Bow shots

Anxiety Plague: Apex always reminded me of a halo oddly for some reason Titanfall didn't

Haki _n8: Hello hope u have good day bye bye

itsneocool: Yo Garret whats your highest damage my is 4199 whats yours.

Jo P: I hope it's a bomb planting mode. An objective based gamemode would be fucking terrible. The characters aren't designed to support it. You'd have all defense legends either side with a lifeline Characters in a game like this aren't designed to take space outside of Gibby and Caustic

Dude apex legends Be sick: How do I enter the giveaway? I’d love some apex coins!

Xingyu Zhao: Control point enabled! Move!

ɤ̞: How was arenas a flop? 30% of the playerbase is playing it

Because_snickers: Thordans a halo fan 👀👀

GMB PHACE: Can we just get a 5v5 Deathmatch already!? 🙄 Create bigger maps specially made for Deathmatch big enough to have 10 ults go off at the same time! I'm sure this would be a game changer!!

Guilty Vibes: What’s the progress on cross progression

chicken_nuggetz44: that poor octane got slaughtered when he was trying to make a boxing match

Robbie Madness 90: Question in the Arenas ranked information are they going to be giving the rewards out like they do for normal ranked. With drive trials .

Sound Cloud: Garret gives 90% of comments a like, and yet 10% of people give his video a like 🥲 pin this for awareness 🙌

Sound Cloud: Nah stop bringing game modes, Oceana doesn’t have enough players as it is.

Sadique Newaz Swarnil: Feels good when you're making vids of your own mining content! Rather than someone else! So you're able to make it to versatile/Understandable for everyone! Keep it up! Love your vids🤍

Basic Alien: ive been playing halo since i was 5

Joker the Cat: No fox today? >:(

zzzmicrowave: I wonder what happened to the tropical island map in the files

RoleWeird: the only reason arenas feels like a flop is because the matchmaking is once again, absolute ass crack. Classic apex LULW

SCI: HAlo ?its more Unreal Tournament Old school gamer will RULE this .you kiddies will RUN in Fear

KommsGG: I don’t think arena is a flop, main problem is that there’s no ranked for it

Fresh P: F for octane

Harpotos: Arena's was a flop? What!?

Brian: I want solid gold baaaaaaaaaack it was so unique

Mainak Roy: 0:41 Lifeline moonwalking

M: I also think Battlefield Players will like this mode!

Sirena: hey garret, how u doin? about the new legends lootbox, it only sell with a skin or does it sells separately?

DeathCodePK _: Listen if control comes my practice games would be wonderful

Yojansel Cuevas: Lol, the leakers were telling us about the big spots for that LTM on Olympus long time ago and now I found it close to Carrier

Scout: Please give second chance… well…

MasterAl: Wasnt ranked arena supposed to be out already? Any news on what happened?

Doc: I think they should add a setting where you can have it on 3th person in the gameplay section of settings and you can only turn it off and on in the lobby screen idk why but I thought it shouldn't be turned off during middle game but then respawn would take thete time doing it but idk if they would actually do I mean they already got 3th person mode already so they could just add it like that

Charles J: Love the info you gather. Keep it up! Any NEW game mode is always exciting.

ankith saranjit: tf now we'll see rampart caustic and Wattson building a fortress

BuLLeTx87: I don’t believe Arenas was a flopped. BR simply just can’t be beat. Maybe just add extra incentive like more xp/rewards for it. It’s like SND from cod, they balanced it by having each kill reward a lot more XP

Day 11 LH: Anyone getting the code leaf and code wheel errors? I'm getting them in the middle of every match for the past few days..

Radiated Retr0: If Apex was like fortnite like the item shop, LTMs, apex would be fun again for most players


SnakeAndStuf: 0:30 thats csgo. t is terrorist and ct is counter terrorists. though respawn might be using that as a hint for the control mode.

The Outcast: Keep it up Garret 😊☺️👍🏼👍🏼

Matthew Dempsey: Yo Garret you shout let me ravage you, no homo tho

Javier Gee: Yoo how can we play ??

Scarce Missile: Yaaay ur voice

Luckyuu: Abusing silver players I see you Garret. Hahaha thx for the leaks, you're awesome !

Vedish gaming: Hey can i repost your video on my channel ? Because a lot of youtuber are using your info and human sas info to get views

Kabuto Yakushi: new mode nice but dang if i aint the most hyped for the summer sale.

Typical Wraith Main: Oh word, two new game modes in a row

Daniel: Will it be a permanent game mode?

Halo lover: It sounds interesting

Dru Id: Its gonna be just a Caustic Gibby Watson camp fest like Gibby can air strike them of the point and bubble while Caustic and Watson set up defences. But then again Cryptos ult can stop them.


Liam Malone: Have you found anything related to killcams.

Skippy: Leaks? I like leaks.

Rinzler Coloso: 30k subscribers lets go!

Prime: I hated second chance so I hope it doesn't come back. If solo queing with my skill level, fighting a team and being low just for them to land back on you 15 sec later with full health and reloaded weapons is difficult, especially when communication is inconsistent with randoms.

mildly_skilled53: When I saw the valkyrie pull out the peacekeeper I felt your pain and I have one thing to say. F

Eduardo Ruiz: That’s crazy apex is getting into a whole new level

FunkyFreshYT: That poor octane at the end, speed is life amigo

Denis Tobar: I think penalties for Arenas ruined the game. I was just starting to get into Arenas and then out of nowhere they made it unbearable. People cried for arenas penalties because of the win-streak badge, if it wasn’t for that, Arenas could have stayed casual.

Vapocino: Again 13x ( IM LATE AGAIN AHHHHHH) Garret is poggers :)

Rogue_Martin: Hello Garret, it's everybody

Vamp - Apex Legends News: Skyrocket subs

Alfie Lunn: 👉😐👈

jumbo Numbers: I'd love to see third person mode some can third party in third person and place third

Kremitontoast: Gaming

Vupic: Want the gamemode where u respawn after u die. That was so much fun and they took it away and never put it back cause of a bug

vsb.leiland: I love how consistent you are with youtube. It’s nice to look forward to watching something everyday :)

Jamison Perry: any news on respawn adding more favorites? i have so many skins i need more then just eight

Aeriul: Sounds fun but I just pray this isn't a Rampart/Caustic campfest

biribiri: Papa garret on the upload grind

Lukas M: As an all time Battlefield veteran and conquest mode lover, this aroused me a little.

Nev Poyster: Lol that Valkyrie has no life when she killed that octane

Jay X: Really random question but do you use he/him, they/them, or she/her for bloodhound?

Helicarrot: Exciting!

Learn2Gramrs: Is the "Control" Game mode that's being found now the same as the "Domination" Game mode that's been discovered over the last few months?

John Gilchrist: I like arenas 😕

Lizzy Giggles: I couldn’t focus on anything at the end other than the heart breaking stab in the back to that random I just witnessed. 😱

Spencer Lunn: Ok

RedVIII: I mean ok, but I have to say I'm afraid Respawn might neglect BR more and more. As someone who enjoys BR more than any other mode, this kinda sucks. If there was no Arenas, we might have gotten a completely new BR map in season 10, considering we got one in season 3 and season 7. But with them focusing more and more on other modes, BR will have to get in line more and more, and that's really disappointing, at least for me.

Oath: NEWWW LEAK 🗣🗣🗣🗣

hadiisaboss: Our lord and saviour is back

Deepak Charan: how many of y'all bet that this mode would just be a snooze fest of caustics/wattsons camping points?

Angela Merkel: Garrter you're my favorite British Apex news youtuber

KingBobb826: When are the winners announced

DMN_dizzy 27: I am the 100th like

H A: Love da Content and speed

Stray: Legend

Shravan Sharma: Dude these daily uploads are insane

Taha Mehmood: When is the giveaway?

Josh: they said it before that bringing back old parts of maps isnt happening bc it would mean that the whole map not just the parts of it need to be in the files or something like that

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