Overwatch League 2021 Season | Summer Showdown Qualifiers | Week 3 Day 1 — East

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Navy: Molanran actually best boi

8lackyj: Whynot thrower of the century

Eli Mayer: where was develop and whoru

Fleta C: The last ult of Ameng was absolutely god

Demone Dante: Jinmu is the best jack of all trades

Icehamjello: SPOILER: Carpe Sombra

Austin Pack: crowd sounds so good

Austin Pack: pog

DLT: 3:42:43 Bruh

Danny G.: These commentators don't understand how to play ball😅

TRON: Valiant games became unwatchable, highbee and silver3 just int over and over and over and over and over.

Senyu Kou: Fusion’s coaching decisions on the last 3 maps are atrocious and they don’t deserve to win because of that

Ryan: Ameng actually the mvp on kings row, he pushed that thing so far

General kenobi: 3rd reverse sweep of the season. Nicely done Chengdu

re 哀: We joke about it but Philadelphia Fusion might actually be cursed

Alvincia: Ah the classic fusion choke

Cooper Bouman: Fusion choked so hard

Anon Anon: Fusion with the classic anti-clutch curse yet again

Bin Dao: Is Philly out of the summer showdown now?

Eat Pant: Ara Ara

That Anime Guy: La valiant is washed

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