Man Put on Oxygen After Rescue | Bondi Rescue - Season 2 Episode 2 (OFFICIAL UPLOAD)

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It's My Georgia Life: Drowning on land is called Dry drowning here in the USA

Shiela Aposaga: I love this show and you can learn something.wishing someday I visit bondi beach and meet this amazing lifeguards

T P: They are not weighed down enough to walk properly on the bottom

Urooj Fatima: Why am I so obsessed with this show? I'm English, I've never been to a beach and I would just end up drowning because I can't for the life of me swim

Carlos Gonzalez: We are rooting for you reidy 💪💪

Awebreeze 0353: If I took my kids to a huge beach like that , they'd have harnesses connected to me and life vests on. I can't imagine letting children run free without a parent at their sides. I love water but that much is too much.

Ali Mostafa: How are we in lockdown and they are at the beach😒😡


Leo: Go Brooke. Show the boys how to do it! :-)

Leo: Penrith yeah!

Mr. Roblox Kyle: Yo this show is addicting to watch. It should get on Netflix!

Reagan Equestrian: Man tropics, eh? Christmas at the beach in shorts? Y’all crazy.

bella xox: I would love to work on Bondi beach. I will be there someday :)

Christina L.: Whippet is so handsome😍

Christina L.: 4:40 that's 100% a German 😂😂

Emily-rose Harrison: He’s lost the hat

Eva Lopez: I from American I love video

Susan Anderson: The mouthy lifeguard in the tower at the end needs to show some respect. He is your team mate, help him or shut up. Keep trying Reedy, you'll get there.

Noor Gosselt: 4:18 what the hell is that guy on the left wearing

Kevin Donovan: Love from Ireland 🇮🇪 the best show 🙌

Courtney_ Paull_06: Wow! These Life Guards are so amazing and talented! 👏

Bondi rescue super fan: Who watched little clips and now can’t stop watching bondi rescue

M&A_Playz3: I want to buy your merch so bad but I’m broke 😭

Dante_lily: This show has AMAZINGLY brought me entertainment 😏✨


Maja Scott: swim between the yellow and red flags

Lyrical: Ah yes, back when they didn't have GoPros on their rescue boards.

HUNTER_0921 ttv: Wow cool video and I wish I can be a lifeguard like you guys❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙

Anemone: Whippet being done with Reidy is so hilarious

Eve Buchanan: I am like oh I thought u were not aloud alcohol on the beach lifeguards

Yuanjing Cai: Which year is it? Am I in the right century?

Frogo_27: If I ever drowned I would literally want them to save me lol

Gåçhå Årrøw: What happened to all the other ones?- (the old lifeguards or are they the new ones?)

Sonam Kalpoe: Omg thats scary like what love you guys by

Becky Mabbutt: Poor Reidy. Least he is trying c

Percy Plod: Is kerrbox Jessie’s dad

K Bell: This episode really displays Australia’s sexism

Stylianos Panagakos: When hoppo is with reidy it demonstrates why he is a good boss

Kiara Marielle Camasura: Legend says that until now Reidy is still waiting for that big wave. 😂😂😂

Pup Digit: Actually think you are far to hard on guys/gals taking on waves. Was shocked and disappointed at the put downs on camera

OCEfearX: I love Bondi rescue it makes my day better every night I go to bed I watch this then go to sleep 🌊

trae plays: i what to help pll but im only 9

WizardOfOz: It's not fair - seeing Bondi while we're on stay at home orders in lockdown :(

Jeremy swed: 🤩🤩🤩

Andy Contento: Sometimes I get confused thinking that an episode has been shown before, then remember that I watched it when it was on British TV. Keep up the excellent work guys, and that includes everyone from the lifeguards to all those who make it possible for us to see these videos. 👍👍👍👌👌👌😁😁😁

Alexander Bond: Lol, I always wonder which poor sap has the job of editing these very minor, instantly forgettable incidents into a dramatic narrative.

Mechanical Mike: Never been to Bondi but I’ve been to the CT coast beaches. One of them having a lot of rocks and shells in the water, uncomfortable to step on. Wonder how bondi is it looks pretty pure sand. Can’t swim either so I don’t like getting in the water

CH007EH: I personally don't think that Christmas has anything to do with drinking. 🤔 I also don't drink. 🤷🏼‍♀️

vSaucyGod: bro was zoomin on that quad

Tom RE Chambers: Its winter mates no one celebrates christmas in winter its in summer.

MISSY BEAUTY GLIMMER: I love this show

yeowart: Pray for England

Anida Phetcha: Ben has been one of my fav lifeguards, I’m glad to see him in these vids

Jaideep Nandha: Guys I have a prob, I can’t stop watching Bondi.😰

Lalabye Hailey: My brother is Deano

Samaya Hone: 5.5k views, 555 likes, 5 dislikes.. 'tis glorious!!!! Lol

Avery A.: I love Bondi rescue!

sandyc6569: 👍💞💞💞💖💞💞💞👍

Jenna Bowker: Honestly when small kids play with me it can get really distressing and Bondi Rescue is the only thing that always turns my entire day around ❤️

Ever Green: So glad you guys are uploading these old episodes! I love seeing Reidy, he is the coolest and most handsome lifeguard ever 🥰

Lisa James: Did I miss the 6 man rescue?

Emily Snyder: Ok but like how have I been addicted to this show since 2014

TheLife: This title had nothing to do with the video..

Lacey Bates: Early

Ruben Pieterse: God bless South Africa


Connie Zeng: Oh a nice surprise!

jakob buden: soo good video

claudia Hindy: I ❤️ Bondi Rescue

• Felarna •: It’s horrid how people gather around someone in such terrible state, they need to get a grip. Imagine almost drowning/dying and then people surrounding you

Lilly W: Olivia do u see this comment!

Reverse _Concept: Wait.. SIX?!

Michael Wood: These lifeguards are LEGENDS! Great personalities as well! I have seen every single one of their videos and will continue to be a loyal follower! GOD BLESS, BLOKES!!

NinjaMalti: 24th coment

Lilly W: I’m early!!!!!!!

Maja Leonow: 21 comment!

Phoebe Stanier: Noooo I deleted my comment with 4 likes😥

G Nelton Official: Love from scotland boys

PickleMip Gaming: No views 16 likes? I think YouTube is a bit drunk today. Does anyone else instantly think of bondirescue with any mention of beach, lifeguard, australia, bondi, ocean, swimming and surfing or is it just me? Love bondirescue so much

Cameron Scott: First

FrlutzRoro: I'm just addicted to this show😔🙏🏼

ARandomRider Kid: True

Aidan Fiore: Whoa I’m so early can bondie respond to me

Zoe Hoskins: I have an addiction to these

Alaa Eldahdohy: Omgggg

Ankai Mayer: 3

Lil Nas Burrito: no one cares if ur first

maria bocarro: FIRST and what happen I missed like 9 episodes

Brobolt44: Gd'day Bondi

Ita Lopez: Hi

Abdulla Aslam: Love your videos ❤️❤️❤️

Awfrickity: 2 views 27 likes, nice one yt

Remus Ailenei: Tonight on bondy beach

no one nothing here: Hello I love these vids

Hope Bongham: Hi

ItsJzke: What time is it in Australia

m.c: Hello☺☺

Noah donathan: Omg

Hope Bongham: Gii

Ellie Yates: Haha first

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