Old Man Wilkins The Serial Killer! (The Derp Crew: Town of Salem - Part 47)

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Risinika: "Define fuck up" I can't laugh I have to read Romeo and Juliet

Jenkins Jenkins: Years late but Smarty’s inability to cognitive correctly hurts

Devin Symonds: Chilled's audio and facecam weren't synced. You can tell because his mouth isn't matching with what he's saying.

Joel Bravo: Galm pronouncing culo wrong everytime is funny asf

Joshua Hodson: the fact that chilleds voice didnt match his face cam this video was fucking with me the entire time

Random Twig: Ok so I know this is a 4 year old video, and no one’s going to reply to this comment, but is anyone else pissed about how chilled died. Grapefruit was saying chilled attacked him and provided evidence, then that other guy backed him up. It’s not like chilled was getting framed because the framed died awhile ago so where were these people getting this information, I wouldn’t be as mad if it was just grapefruit accusing him but why in the absolute f@ck did that other guy back him up

Leo T: lol I absolutely lost it when Chilled said “define fuck up” to Siri XD

M-a-t-t: Hy chilly willy your a beast love your vids my man Great job. :-l

Lavonne Greene: Smarty- you bring a gun to a knife fight Me- you idiot

ByeHai: Chilled could’ve ended the game when he attacked snowflake and she was immune. He found the next godfather.

Mr Natas: Chilled attacked snowflake immune doesn't think anything of it

Chaotic Neutral: This is 2 years ago so chilled will probably not answer and nobody will probably read this but why didn't you defend yourself by saying you voted guilty on the gf, which you did?

jeonsflowers: Lol culo is ass galmy

William Davis: Dat a fake gun lol

EvilStorm101: Oh god the sync was off with Chilleds voice and his face cam

Storm Firestar: @CriousGamers (Chilled Chaos) You and the Derp crew really need to revisit Town of Salem there have been changes you all will enjoy. Play Custom or all Any for lots of the new stuff.

Roguekriger: I feel like Chilled fucks himself over by making unnecessary lies like it could have gone so much smoother if he didn't just blurt out he was doctor.

OhShizle_ FTW: I like the warriors reference (tigerstar)

Daddy's Lil' Psycho: Hey chilled okay i just noticed that your voice is off when your lips are moving. XD. But the rest of the guys are in sinc.

Purple SkyLover: Okay. So I played a game as an escort and twice in a row I escorted mafia but the town wouldn't kill them! the second day I was black mailed and by the third night I was turned vamp. stupid town

AuraMaster: So why didn't Chilled put in his will that Snowflake was immune?

Sapphire SGM: I like to belive the escort is a hooker which is why she role blocks

Job Ligthart: They should make a ghost class that can kill or protect

Linoge Z: TSo the chat called him a mafia, and the guy on the right was cheating by saying he was SK. bann him please

Ash TillJoy: "Define fuck up" I'M DEAD

The Fun Night Fern: Was Chilled's movement and the sound off and the sound was after he looked like he was talking.

Jeffrey Meister: poor tiger star I loved those books may you catch lots of pray with starch an

Pυмρкιη: _"Siri, define Fuck up"_ *_The answer to your question is TehSmarticus_

RaKooby: Honestly that was a stupid town they all just banded together made bullshit excuses to lynch chilled

Alex: Somebody said they hunted with starclan now as in from the warrior cats series of books

Rax Milan: How do they get tons of money??

Phoenix Rio: I eat chulo, Galm? His name was I eat culo, meaning he eats ass. Lmfao

The Writer: Chilled:''Define Fuck Up'' Me:Absolutely Lost It

TheBlackCrafter: 1:33 4:00 ; 6:20 - 7:20 12:15 15:00

Ryan Kreissler: Chilled... Anthony buddy... why do you have a gun on your desk?

Caroline Kruk: That game could've been over a long time ago if Chilled would have spoken up about Snowflake's immunity...

Sabrina Bigelow: I like how who got him killed was a guy who fucking lied and chilled never said he was framed


whivvy: I want them to play one night ultimate werewolf. It would be freaking great.

Rachael Cttarre: Anyone else get the Tigerstar and Star Clan reference? No, just me? Ok.

Elementdash: mouthes out of synch

Rubenick: Smarty should really just stop trying to be funny... That "gun to a knife fight" part was cringe worthy...

Chris Hero: It's not pronounced (choo-low) It's (coo-low) it means ass in spanish

Jordan Williams: Where does he get these shit

TheIylysemcgee: What's been your favorite time that you played ToS? I just played a game where I was the sk and someone suspected me and asked me my role. I was like "maybe I'm sk maybe I'm mafia maybe I'm innocent " and the town still kept me alive xD. I only died because there was 2 mafia left so they wanted to win.

Seth X: write me off not right me off

Brenna Short: play hatred


Plyplex: My last names Jenkins

Calista: Am I the only one who laughed at the way Smarty and a Chilled read: "Lookout he dead."

Noelle: Wtf tigerstar never hunted in starclan he was a tratior

GrandOmega Gaming: 'Define "fuck up"' Smarty's face needs to appear. 16:20 'I escorted Kyxa and nothing happened' he says after Suave lil Steve gets killed by the lone mafia, and then proceeds to blame Kyxa.

Lea Miller: Got halfway done ep and knew it was snowflake because when u went to kill him it said he was immune so he had to be the new godfather

M Y: My name was Old Man Wilkins one round after I watched this and I was the serial killer and I died also pretending to be jester *sigh*

shadowsniper134: it amazes me how stupid smarty is at this game

elidor495: Tigerstar you fuck, you don't get Star Clan. You get to kill poor apprentices in the Dark Forest. God that series was so good, up until the Power of Three.

Whiptail Rock: Atleast you told them but you cheated

Whiptail Rock: Wtf chilled you found the last mafia and you let him live you attacked him the night before you died, why did you not tell the town

The Diabolical Traitor: Town: OOLLLD MAAAN WILKINS BE MAFIA. *Chilled gets lynched, turns out to be Serial Killer* Town: Uhm.. YEAH, GOT 'IM, uhm, GOOD CALL, GOOD CALL.

ArcticCitadel: Tigerstar. . . . . WARRIOR CATS REFERENCE!   Ahhh thats funny.

Jessica Alyssa: Cam and audio were off but otherwise great video.

Gala Gun: tigerstar had died in the 6th book because of a rouge

ohmylastarra: TEH SMARTICUS IS BACK !!!!!!!!! ILY SMARTS

a 9: Fuck yaas tos

John Smith: Chilled just did meta-gaming! Where's the ban?

Werespazz: Ze's facial expressions are the best

Jay Lopez: your the master

Ryszard: "i eat culo" guess he likes eating ass

Zephyr M.: "Define fuck up" I lost it xD

The Analmazing TighterMan: Smarty with a Lyle McDouchebag refrence nice.

Tara Holte: has anyone else realized that Chilled's Mouth doesn't line up with the audio? o3o Or is that just me? 

Melissa N: Btw chilled culo means ass in Spanish. So that guy eats ass xD

Trevor Ross: Smarty you have a butterfly knife you sexy beast at 10:31

Fideriti: This is somewhat bullshit, I mean I love the Derp Crew. But honestly, their voting choices are quite biased. I miss the beginnings of TOS

Timsonfire: Umm chilled your facecam was ahead of your audio.

Anonymously Untitled: And it has happened. Ran into someone last night using Chilled "flash" method in the Mafia Chat. e ne;; Bewaaaare.

Cherubsteeth: Hey Chilled if you would let me, I would love to play with you........as the sk >:)

ninjaderp1: i forgot how fucking retarded smarty is

Pepperoni Secrets: Wait, did Chilled change the channel name from Curious Gamer to CriousGamers? Or has he always had that name?

Ada Lajara: lol smartys pedo stash

Smith Reese: Chilled why

Doom Whale: Did Smarty always have that mustache?

wes brown: Moar

ebanker1: my video stoped loading at 39 seconds oh my god z's face

soul1d: I hate when someone dies in a skype call and then starts making bullshit proclamations to help their team out even if there team is for all intensive purposes dead and said person is just being a twat

Gavin: culo is ass in spanish im pretty sure

Clarke England: Chilled your face cam is like 5 years behind

Ishtaara: is that a rat sleeping on smarys lip?

Josh Milhofer: Webcam unsynced

KitKat5: And how is the titel difert

aceholeas: Define fuck up? Buying an iPhone

Mackenzie Fleming: couldve left smarty out of this game.. liked the triple face time allot better... JS

Dawid Giel: Smarty is so dumb, it annoys me so much omg

Thief Eyes: Wilkins is my last name :D

Greatfox 64: @***** Chilled can i ask one question? How have you not broken you're keyboard from all the typing? :P Regardless you're town of salem videos are hilarious!!! :)

Joel Lee: Heheh, @*****  Another mindflop u've caused in T.o.S Cracked up at town lieing bout roles esp. u healing @***** even though u SK Nice gameplay indeed Do cont. play more of tis & C.A.H Cheers, Derp Krew ;)

Lil’ Chef: He was so out of sync with the facecam/video chat

DjDanee87: Yeey, smarty is back!!

Jollycow: Wow the town was really fucking dumb... they all just started accussing chilled of being mafia with no proof or anything, they just went ''oh he must be bad''

Gikame: Smarty has a mustache! Damn that looks good o.o

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