GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- Season Pass 1 Playable Character #1 Trailer

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Ryan Dartez: Commissioner Gordon got tired of Gotham and became an anime character.

SasquatchDad: Fat Elvis and the alien that took him away.

KYM: What's that? You wanna know what's inside this coffin?


Pika Pika: I really hope they bring back Dizzy

Andrea Btt: Name of the song I background?

Godfist314: What did I just watch?! The sheer awesomeness is blinding

Stefano Bianchini: What about broken Sol fix?


J. Doe: Character concepts for Guilty Gear never seem to amaze me! They're team really think outside the box for fighting games!

Noland Smith III: Is it just me or does he remind anyone else of Travis Touchdown from no more heroes?

mimgrim Memo: That first riff of his theme in the trailer reminded me of Pantera, I need that full them lmao

Black Wolf: damn, I just wanna play for the music.

Boss Coffee: Literally half the cast is now comprised of heads of state, cabinet members and security/intelligence agents, all of whom can throw down with Sol, the man who beat the thing that turned Japan into a giant hole in the ocean with a single attack. Talk about expansion of executive powers.

Loup Errant H.C.: me encanta como la musica y el diseño es como el estereotipo del gringo xD esta muy genial el personaje

Whoops, I make memes now.: A new husbando joins the Twitter NSFW bara roster.

Chels The Game Ruiner: This character is more American than me

Pixel Nugget: This man singlehandedly stopped the fortnite dancing, naruto running people who tried getting into area 51 *OH GOD, WHAT IF HE PUT THEM IN THE COFFIN*

Gamer Bruh: Goatlewis

SuusReverse4 -_-: Now we can have stand fights with Zato

Skizzenhaft: Friend: *accidently spills a cup* sorry dude Me: 0:24

Pixel Nugget: This guy looks *DEAD serious, it'd be a GRAVE* mistake to fight him

Ripples: As the Secretary of Absolute Defense, the man should have a frame 3 normal and an invincible DP requested by Not the Secretary of Absolute Defense Sol Badguy

SinisterGrapefruit: -Its the big show- ITS NOT A BIG DEAL

Justin Lawrence: When hank hill masters propane and propane accessories and Peggy's soul is in the coffin

Edison Araujo: Amazing

FightedMeAlready: Got a love how he says 51 seconds is a good number at 51 seconds in the video

Steve120361: He looks like an upgrade version of Bob from Tekken but new haircut lol

Seventh Paradox: So THIS is what happened to the Heavy update, huh.

Dragulamp3: Hmm ok I guess!?

Fendi Setyawan: That name tho !

Burritozi11a: Remember the Engineer from Team Fortress 2? This is him now. Feel old yet?

heehee: dickinson

Mike Oakes Hart: Japanese make American character more accurate than American itself.

Red Robin: Him running behind chipp seems like a reference to the meme about breaking into area 51 with the naruto run

Deljon Finister: this game on Xbox?

Christian Boustani: "So how do we compress the entirety of America into one character?"

KoX-kill Z Cymerii: After he drop online will be full of coffins

KoX-kill Z Cymerii: You all going to coffin!

popcorn82b: This character NEEDED a southern drawl. He'd have been perfect.

Goji: Looks awesome, just wish the English voice felt stronger.

RUSTED GEARBOX: This man has better Voice acting is one minute trailer than the entire rest of the English dub has in the game lmao

kap1618: Daddy!

Super Amazatron: I've watched this trailer like 12 times he looks like he's so much fun to play

GraveX: NO SLAYER, NO BUY !!! 🔥🔥🔥

Hotkuk Miami: Completely "meh", empty character with no story, better bring us characters from past

OG 2Scalez: Nice! Hopefully Zappa, Dizzy & Bridget makes it in!

Roy Taroshi: If America was a guilty gear character

Date Masamune: Bara hentai artists are gonna have a field day with this bear.

Just Some Guy With Half A Beard: The music is legendary already

Gesus elsaviour: Terrible music once again. Would rather have it without the vocals.

Marche: Why is everything on July 27th!?

Ether101 Prime: I don't see the point in putting out a trailer then throwing up another window on top of the informative part of it.

Bigbangslam: yoooooooooooooooo the song though

Acrasia: I paid $150 for this? 😂


FightedMeAlready: Have been waiting for this man and his somg is a banger

Rickbane: I'm hyped for new song.

silvergunner101: This dude is basically the obese version of Beyond the Grave and I'm all here for it!

Lucas Nicol: Plus frames for a plus sized lad.

Vulcano Rosso: necesito ese juego!!

Fyuira: Waiting for his full theme.

I Am Speed: I watch this trailer for the music

According To Abe: this is dope but im still hoping for answer.

Chris G: Now introducing Sci-Fi Sanders

dylanmalone14: Move over Guile, there's a new American in town

85futureshock: God I love this game.

Giovi Aciares Ulloa: wait guilty gear strive complete edition soon after the final season pass

SK: I keep replaying just for the theme alone I NEED IT

Don't Ask Productions: U.M.A. 🤔 So Uma Thurman is in that coffin? I always felt she was a bit alien

Kusanagikaiser999: I...still waiting for Jam...or Elphelt.....arcsys you let me know when my girls are in so I can buy your game.

Final fantasy player1837: Kernel i have found a wierd place called guilty gear

Limey: Of course he looks op, he is the Thiccest character and thus the strongest.

GOOMBA GAMER: Now I’m still waiting for Jack o

Sir Orkenstein: The man who makes it doesn't want it. The man who buys it will never use it. The man who uses it will never know he has it. Unless you're this guy. Then you'll just beat the stuffing out of people with it.

Kurohell UwU: Cool

GetAway100: Dude fights with a cryptid nice.

thePizzaZebra: ‘Merica

CJLebon1928: Gotta admit wasn't too hyped about this UNTIL I came to the realization that this is obviously Walter (John Goodman Big Lebowski). God I hope he says "STFU Donny!"

Q17: 2 last characters in 2022. That's wack.

Diogo Fernandes: Ok... I really thought we would have Happy Chaos as the first DLC... but I like this dude as well( I pray for Asuka to be playable in the future, a man can dream right?)

Prototype9871: Gold Lewis> guilty gear cast Gold Lewis< Naruto runners, Karen’s, and Kyles fueled by monster energy drinks. *Show us them Aliens*

biohazard737: Oh daddy!

Chris Nalepa: In the 1st half of the trailer hes swinging the coffin Holding it away from the screen. The 2nd half when hes throwing out the probe/grenade , using the laser eye, and the gatlin gun hes holding the coffin towards the screen and witj the side that doesnt have the stickers showing. I'm guessing that's either a stance he has to build meter for, or maybe they're gonna be like summons for Zappa for example and if he uses enough he'll pull the alien out like sappa pulled out the large demon. They did not show either character's meter on screen.

Conclusion: the most metal shit i've ever seen

Person X: Bro I feel like this character would appear in a kidnapper truck with free candy written on the the side with the way he was chasing Chipp

Nick Jaime: Was a bit disappointed he didn't make the starting roster but the first DLC character is sorta making up for leaving him out of the launch.

D THE CHEMIST: hes basically Birdie from SF series lol..... But with a coffin to buss yo ass with

Baby Rain: So if Big boss retired.....I see now

Hideharu-XIII: I’m so happy Goldlewis is playable. Ever since I saw him in story mode I loved how ridiculous his design and weapon is. USA! USA! USA! Also good lord THAT INTRO GUITAR RIFF GOES IN


Diego Bustos: I have a theory about the order of the rest of the characters: first one is new, next old, then new, then old and finally new 😅

TRSM: Idk who this guy is, but I already know I'm maining him.

NamePending: can't wait for the big chungus mod

Steel: :dolphin: TOTSUGEKI :dolphin:

Lucas Fraczek: "Ya' fixin' to start a war there, hoss?" When the embodiment of America says that to you, prepare for an ass whooping of the enth degree.

TimBagels: Stand user: Goldlewis Dickinson Stand: 「Z I G G Y S T A R D U S T」

Hero of Mobius: I want Johnny and dizzy.

Tony Redgrave: Brandon Heat, you let yourself go after not being in any game in years @_@

The NightStir: Gonna wait for the Walter big lebowski skin

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