The Ultimate Apex: Season 10 Wishlist! - Apex Legends

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Tommy Egal: ..with octane you don't need any big medikits :-)

Shadow: Make it so teammates can’t loot your death box and battle pass finishers.

Michael Cardona: Wattson buffs: • More poles • Higher damage on fences • Longer pole to pole connection • Auto Shield regeneration • Doesn’t take damage from other Wattson fences • Supercharged Arc Stars • Lowered cool down on ultimate

Meditation doc: They should add the softball from titanfall2

Kyle Schneider: I'd like to see a slightly easier way to get Heirlooms, like Heirloom challenges that are tailored to the Legends. Make the challenges take a while to complete, and when you finally finish all of them for 1 of the Legends, you get that Legend's Heirloom. Challenges like that would be super cool.

Kyle Schneider: A bigger character like Gibby who can hold 3 guns and gets 2 extra inventory slots with each bag type. Name him Mule. Ultimate could be called Mule Kick where he'll get increased punching damage and movement speed. His tactical could be like a 3D printer or something that spits out ammo for you and your squad mates.

glory1krc _: they shouldf add kbm support for xbox so pc and kbm console have diffrent servers

n/a n/a: I miss the disruptor rounds

n/a n/a: A energy burst pistol would be really cool!

Todd Griffiths: i like the regen idea but only if you get a kill then you would get 50 or 75 damage and if you have full health then it gives 2 shield , and it gives a positive to finish someone who is knocked

jeremy chambers: Let us pick which map we want to play.... I hate Olympus

MrAliLonghorn: Remove Skilled Based Mach Making!!!!!

Steele BTW: Arena badges?? Like the damage and kill badges

Tatyana Turner: Why does everyone automatically poop on console players. Maybe they are actually good

Kiriu Xeosa: I would love to see less suicidal teammates but I have a better chance at winning the lottery

Looxny Toons: they need to give pathy 100% accuracy when he's on ziplines that would be a nice buff for him

Ezekiel Shaw: i want crypto to open a special ping wheel when he opens his drone so he can do things like hold on to the drone to jump higher and further, melee with it, or throw it farther for a certain distance.

Best Hands: They really need to add Ranked Duos

Barkur Surturson: A fun little buff for Watson would be the following: You need shield cells to AMP-UP the sentinal right. I really like the Sentinal and I do play Wattson every now and than. But why does she need to use shield cells to power up the sentinal? She has a Huge capacity of electricity available. Just plug the damn thing in and AMP-UP!

DC-GAMER-202: I've been wanting and energy pistol for sooo long! I NEEED disruptor rounds back! I think a legend with 3 weapon slots could work as long as they regulate what the 3rd weapon is. Like the 3rd weapon can only be a pistol, or more specifically, maybe only a P20 or mazam. Or they limit how often you have access to the weapon. Like only be able to use it when your 1st 2 weapons are empty. They could even make it where your loaded in with said weapon say pistol of some sort, but only have limited ammo for and you cant drop the weapon out of that slot. They could even go as far as making a special pistol or gun SOLEY for that legend that only he access to via his 3rd slot automatically on drop.

R: Wish list: 1.Buff “here’s a pick me up” 🙃 2.Prowler SMG on the ground please. Thank you 3. X3 sight on R99 4. Multiple grenades on a single spot (at least 2)

datruth3702: Intro a list of base passives specific to accounts to ease switching between characters

Niko Bambiko: Please collect ark stars all game and spam the last team one game

Ace 101: I know I'm a little late but I got to be honest I hope they don't add the health regeneration because that would ruin octane's passive and turn it into something like Pathfinder's passive.

KxrisxTallsx: I want a loba hierloom, i’d love to knock someone out with her staff

Toad sama: how old these clips

The White Lotus: they need to make heirlooms more common it is so hard to get then

Mr. Solo Dolo: I’ve been saying we need a finisher for our heirlooms for a while

MarioFPS SHOW: What a fun throwback 🤩

Tay Kaunda: Fix sbmm

Abdullah Mahd: Day 52 of asking rich to use colorblind mode

HeyItsMeTrousers !: You can see why he only chooses a few comments, some of the ideas are absolutely trash 😂 just odd! Just fix matchmaking already

Steezin Bruh: Nerf fuse

Fahad Saeedi: I want a crypto Heirloom

Silensus: Honestly, going from the idea of natural health regen for all legends, I think that a better take on that would be for health to regen only up to a max of 50. They could make medkits and syringes a bit more scarce this way (even though I already feel like all I find is syringes anymore). Atleast a limited time mode that made this change would be interesting to test out

Christian Eldridge: Please change your r301 skin

Julian Derbyshire: Is it just me who wants this game to reset back to season 1 just start over again!

Victor Franklin II: These puns and jokes are really burning me up...

Dan Hales: gold barrel stabilizer = silencer

Jeremy Figueira: Hey just a quick question. Why would you spray bullets instead of looking down sight? I mean I get it when your super close but why from medium range?

CazStriker: Is it just me or has thee increased thy fov

Carwyn Weller: Wattsons fences are whack as they are id suggest they are changed into mini electric sentry turret things so a single fence when deployed will zap any enemy that enters a radius of say 5m for 20 damage and the slow effect i think this would catch way more people as a single fence is waaaay more subtle than two that are connected

Garrett Smith: i would ask for a rework on shotgun bullet spread. Shotguns are fun but theyre far too inconsistent in the game, Ive seen people hit 7's up close and 90's for long range

Paddy oleary: You forgot semi ban for people who quit early

Jaelen Velazquez Carbajal: If they made a legend that could have 3 guns or weapons that would be a great support character because you could drop a re-spawned teammate a gun off drop

Bruder vom Turm: I would like to be able to craft ammunition for heirloom waepons. Like 80-100 crafting material for a full stack maybe. Would be very much appreciated after missing all your kraber shots. Id like to be able to get heirlooms in a more secure way than random in packs or by buying a whole lot of skins i dont necessarily need. Im playing since season 0 and got none.. So if you have the chance to get than for the red legend coins that would be great. I ld like to pay and enormous price like 50 or 100000 coins per heirloom and would be fine with it. They are pretty much useless anyways. Maybe switch up the care package rotation again. Prowlers out maybe volt or apitfire in. Also i miss my hammer Mozambique.. Other than that i am actually pretty happy with the state of the game and excited for the new season

QuantumLeaper21: With the mobility of valk and octane, I’d like pathfinders grapple cool down lowered 5 seconds. Also, hammer points for the p2020. Fuse, wattson, and rampart buffs. And the 30-30 adjusted. And the bow moved back closer to what it was before the nerf. Oh and fixed servers.

St Leviticus: wattson mains crying ......... i am crying

bluyster3: Bring the prowler back!!!!

Colton Joyner: I want them to beef up these battle passes and make them more exciting! COD is giving like 2 ultras and a couple legendarys a battle pass! With apex it’s like every skin is no good till you get the very last Weapon!

Zac Grautski: I just wish I could get my skins and badges from my ps4 account on to my PC account. That’s my biggest wish

Egg Jeezus Brayden: How does your syringe finish while there's still a whole second left? 7:34

BeatCommission: Why is the regular respawn beacon so much bigger than the mobile? I think that players respawned with a mobile should only respawn with 75% health, because they're obviously lesser beacons.

Keith M: Are we not going to talk about the guy who had 80 shotgun rounds???

Chase Bohannon: I think Watson needs to get rid of the Fence concept and only use the little mine thing at the base of the posts. When you do 2 on the ground it's a very low to the ground trip wire. But you could also stick it on walls. So you could make it taller and more zig zagged than the fences by webbing up the doors by the walls instead of the fence on the floor. And the ability would be based in being able to place 15 - 20 wires. And not based on the mines themselves but the actual lazers you place down. This still takes 3 to make a triangle or 4 for a square. But when you make a single wire it will only use one ability slot. Instead of using 2 saying that it's using 2 mines.

Nidge Morphie: Nerf the eva 8 every fucker has it now, its a noob tube

v1v1d_wraith: Wait you hate me then😭

Savio 7: They should rework Watson's ult, make it able to completely refill the shield in a second and then it should work as a projectile denial, as intended.

Chase Bohannon: All I wanna be able to do is lock Cryptos Drone in with himself like Mirrage does with his decoys. And just run around with your drone over your shoulder like a pokemon

jordan delosangeles: I want to see a version of arena where there's 6 teams

red666: 1. Fix audio issues 2. Spitfire care package 3. Redo Crypto (particularly is Seer is another combat recon legend) 4. Redo Fuse 5. Heirloom finishers 6. More artworked trackers 7. New intro’s for when selecting legends 8. Rework the victory screen in some way coz it’s kinda tired now

Tony Nunez: i have an idea for a fuse buff when doing his ult he can have a X pattern, so you hit the opposing team or a line pattern like a big termite or like a scatter pattern like valks missiles I think it would be pretty cool.

esk8pe: a ban option for players that are on playstation

esk8pe: employ a full team that would take care of hackers

esk8pe: fix the foostep and gunfire audio

esk8pe: remove footstep sound from mirages decoys

Alexander Pennington: With the three weapon legend they should have 2 or 3 extra ammo slots

esk8pe: nerf mirage ult cooldown

esk8pe: loot movement on controller

esk8pe: need graphics settings on console, old gen can't keep up with all these updates, new legends, new textures etc... it's just a lag fest

gsantos294: Give her automatic heal like octane

peter snedeker: Gold loot. A gold shield battery for a 1 time quick heal. Instead of a high tier loot location make it a rotating low gravity area. When in that specific town everyone gets double jump. Would definitely motivate new hot drop locations.

spyros anninos: We need sbm fixed in season 10

Charles Colvin: Battle Pass stars after level 110 should give small amounts of crafting materials

Team TM: 2:07 U miss a downed guy with a shoy


Naughty Noodle: what a bad call of sooxfar "hes on console"

Eric Smith: No Skill base matchmaking I hate that

Eric Smith: Move events that rewards players grind and not only reward for players that pay

Eric Smith: More game modes gun solos squads shotguns only snipers only pistols only the ability to have a custom match against your friends

flexible man: in season 10 I want see the battle pass more fun than last seasons why they just add more things like emotes, special intros ,new finishers.

SuperSilverJnr: My season 10 wishlist is still - Legends specific Keybinds!

Ibad Ur Rehman: The game play looks like jankz gameplay Octane Same skin Kraber

reck1essV2: I would like to see old maps again ik it came back in recent event and I want old batte pass back who didn’t completed like me i couldn’t complete ss2 battle pass and in ss10 it should come back for only who’d purchase and couldn’t complete. What do guys think?

sam abdallah: My Wishlist is for them to fix up the stupid sound, never works. Also multiplayer servers

MrHoarses: I'd like to see pathfinders zip speed increased and his ult made breakable like jump pads and rampart walls etc...also his grapple should do 10 dmg when it hits enemy.

AG: I wish we had the option to choose which map we want to play in. instead of waiting 1 season to play again same map. Like season 8 which we couldnt play in worlds edge. That is stupid.

Roronoa Taylor: Larger server size would be good I think. More teams dropping equals more fun

Ariana Potaka-Dewes: I would like the possibility of completing past badges 😂😂 obviously can't so maybe remove them if I can't unlock cause I have ocd of wanting them all unlocked

Thevinu Thisath: Wattson to make the energy weapons have a turbocharger ability, or the sentinel to have it charged All the time

NLMB NESKI: He dissed console in this video😡

GangOrca King: I wanna see the R301get put into carepackage n see what weapons 99% of the player base finna use

Big Tasty: I forgot the Kraber (and other airdrop weapons) used to be yellow

Ali Kingslayer: Back to tho old days / the ps4 days=only og

Sean Davis: Still want SBMM to calm the hell down.

Noel Reyes: Just make lmgs care package weapons or have all of them overheat after a certain amount of rapid fire im sick of getting shot at for like 20-30 seconds straight by some guy with a spitfire

jess: Day 6 of me asking Rich to play Wattson and Soofar to play Caustic

Emmanuel Miril: I say they should add solos

reubxn: Fix skill based matchmaking my stats are horrible but i still get put into a mixture of pred and lvl 50 lobbys

C C: I hope to see you in chris edgerly's channel.. pathfinder gets to chat with pathfinder 😁

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